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Bookworm_luvislife · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Chapter 1: Prologue/Characters



~~~~~~~~~~~ START ~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sometimes we can feel the love which makes us happy but cant find it because its somewhere around us but disguised. And once we found it we don't want to let go.

Pure love is the one which joins the two hearts and makes them one neither my nor her/his Heart, It becomes OUR HEART to be called.

John Rogers, who misses his long lost bff, Mia Smith. He doesn't realize the love he felt all these years was near him, disguised as a close friend, Sally Anderson.

Until one day he finally finds the Pure love and as expected, he didn't want to let go but it was already too late for it.

Will he forget Sally after he finally meets his childhood sweetheart, Mia?

Will Sally still continue to love John or move on?

Whom will he choose, Sally OR Mia?

Their hearts were already joint by the Pure love they shared which made their hearts one. And now John won't let go of her heart which was already his.

You can always imagine someone else or yourself as the characters of the story for better reading experience.


1. John Rogers: Because his childhood sweetheart left him, he started creating walls around himself. He became very introverted and silent, shut out people from his life, until a girl came in his life. She is the only person who can make him smile :) but what he doesn't realize yet is that deep inside he has feelings for her.

"I need you girl, Why did you leave me?"

"I promised to love you and Ill always do. Ill live to keep your-OUR HEART💕 and LOVE alive inside me."

2. Sally Anderson: She is a perfect definition of lovely, kind and caring. As soon as she transfered to the new school, she made alot of friends. Everyone liked her, even the cold hearted boy who never talked to anyone or smiled at anyone became her friend immediately.

"He is my everything, I just want him to be happy😊."

3. Mia Smith: She was very happy with her dearest best friend until her family shifted their house to a different city. Saying that she missed her best friend was an understatement. After staying away from him she realized that she loves him, her first best friend but she had almost lost hope in having him back. She was very willing to go back to his arms, all she needed was him.

"This world is too cold and only you warm my heart 💖. I miss you😢"

4. Aron George: He is the school's heart throb. Handsome, Quick-witted, Smart, Funny and amazing at everything, he was perfect for an ideal boyfriend. That's the reason why every girl loved him. He was a very friendly and kind person but the only girl who caught his attention was Sally. She was just different from others. But he couldn't approach her because she already liked someone else.

"I could have gave you my warmth but you only wanted him. You only wanted him to be happy."

Feel free to comment everything in your mind. 


It motivates me to write more seeing active readers, if you are reading the book after it is completed, I will still appreciate it if you vote and comment!


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