
Our Girl

Life for the Durelos and the Amids is a lot more happy and chaotic than any normal family. Theirs isn't a normal family because breaking the norms is fated for them. The kids and their parents have lots of surprises in store for us all if only we'll be patient. Do read and enjoy, comment(please, I need your comments) and vote too. Xo xo Zee P.S - This is my first book on Webnovel, be patient with me. I'm breaking the norms too.

zeewealth12 · Realista
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10 Chs

A calm? More like a bubble before the storm

Jamal! Jamil! Out now!! Amid shouted, storming into the housing obviously furious.

The boys quickly scrambled down from their room. It's already been a month and some days after their vacation to the Bahamas. Jamal with a bloodied nose which is still obvious after treatment and Jamil had some injuries on both arms and some scratches on the neck. Jamal looked like someone in pain but refused to give in to it, a bit remorseful too unlike Jamil who has already mastered the act of masking his facial expression too well, he didn't look happy or sad.

"The principal of your school called while I was at the office, he said you fought in school", he said looked from one boy to the other.

" I'd like to hear your side of the story though", he said while they still weren't even looking him in the eye like they usually did even when in trouble. He figured it is more serious than the Principal was letting on. The kids tend to close up when faced with intimidating or frightening situations. Both maintain their silence while shuffling in their shoes. Kam who was in the kitchen was overhearing the whole conversation attentively. When she saw them alight the school bus with torn uniforms, not all smiley and giggly , no naughty remarks after greeting, she knew something was up and she did ask them, they didn't say anything. Hoping Amid would get them to talk when he got back, plus she knew someone from the school would have called him, to now hear it was the principal, it is serious.

Did you boys suddenly turn mutes? Amid asked still trying to keep his cool. They both didn't say anything still.

" The principal said you fought with three boys who were your seniors", he said incredulously raising his voice a bit.

Kam on hearing this, decided to press harder on them and join the conversation.

You did what? Kam asked , her voice pitches higher than her husband's as she stepped out of the kitchen, which made their demeanor change a bit. They both looked at each other and as if telepathically, agreed not to talk still.

"Fine! No video games for three months", Kam said sitting on the sofa with her husband looking at them. Jamal suddenly looked like he wanted to shed tears but still didn't, Jamil's invisible stance already has cracks and Kam could see it.

" Granny's place, throughout your holidays", she said; "Paternal", she added standing to leave knowing fully well that would make them talk.

" Mummy nooo", Jamal begged crying holding her so she won't leave. Jamil too looked like he has given up the act, his lips trembling but still holding the tears.

Amid looked so surprised that the mere thought of spending the holidays with his mother could get this reaction from them.

"OK then, just tell me and daddy what happened", Kam said wiping the tears off Jamal's face, pulling the both of them to sit on the couch in between them. Jamal decided to talk at last.

" OK mummy, what happened was that.....

Earlier that day in school....

"Now, we'll call on the Jam Jam twins to come forward and give us a speech on the topic 'Mother' ", the class four teacher announced which was followed by a round of applause to cheer them on.

Shining Crescent Academy, SCA as most people called the school is a school of good repute. They have a curriculum that beats the imagination people for the primary school students in their care and they always produce overall best student of the state yearly. One particular tradition of the school was teaching the students how to speak publicly and dealing with impromptu topics. This , they start at class three. This particular day happens to be the second time the twins were performing and they both stepped up the podium with no fright in their strides. They have been partners since their first day in school and the teachers tried separating them but to no avail.

"Good day ladies and gentlemen, I am Jamal Amid and this is my brother Jamil Amid and we're known as the Jam Jam twins" Jamal started in a singsong manner making the audience laugh.

"A mother is so many things to different people, but we will tell you who our mother is" he continued.

" From our perspective like Miss Lara taught us last week" Jamil added, giving a thumbs up to the teacher in question.

"Our mommy's name is Kamila Amid. She is beautiful and she's kindhearted, mommy makes us eat on time so we can have flat stomach and abs like daddy", he continued smiling faintly.

"Our mommy makes sure we're always clean. She washes and irons our clothes , even those we play with though she's always saying she is tired when daddy is around so he'll do the laundry", Jamal said.

"She also acts like the characters in our video games and cartoons with daddy so we don't get bored when the light is out", Jamil said nodding his head like he has been trying hard to remember which made some people laugh.

"Mommy cooks the best dishes too, Mr Jones can testify, he came to our house on New Year's eve", Jamal said which made everybody laugh, those who didn't hear what he said were eagerly asking others while the said teacher was laughing too albert shyly.

" In short, our mommy is beautiful, kind, honest, the best chef and actor the the whole wide world", Jamal contently said stretching his arms for emphasis.

" With all this, we have described who a mother is in our perspective, thank you all", he concluded winking at his brother and the both started laughing while the whole assembly gave them a resounding applause.

"Plus , plus….., our mommy makes the most beautiful kids in the whole world, see", Jamil said pulling Jamal who was already stepping down the podium back.

"With daddy's help of course" he added and they both ran off the stage leaving a trail of laughter behind them.

After the funny situation, the principal came out and praised them, encouraging the other kids to be as confident as them. It really wasn't about discussing a topic, but creating a formidable stage presence .

The students marched to their classes after this and as per school directives, they were allocated twenty minutes to settle down before their first classes. This is the time the bullies in the school get to work. Jamal and Jamil were never bullied, their duo is a strong one, but their friend JJ was. They have always protected him but today's event turned out to be more serious than it was in the past.