

This book revolves round the lives of students and teenagers. Welcome to our diary. Welcome to Zeal highschool.

HeartzDiary · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 2

Quote 1:Death is inevitable.

Rule 1: Do not trust anyone.


"How is it possible...?"

"Missing...and confirmed dead?"


Gasps and fears filled the mouths and faces of each students after the terrifying announcement laid by the principal,Mr Dowell about the death of one of their popular and promising student Miss Jade McNeil the captain of the cheerleaders and the Queen Goddess of this school.

"I can't still seem to believe it" Kema looked at the notice pasted on the notice board regarding the death of Miss Jade McNeil.

"She was here...then gone like a flash" Matt shaked his pitifully as he stared at her picture on the board.

"They should better take down the picture as soon as possible...it creeps the students " A voice trooped in sending,  scaring Kema and Matt. The figure stood in front of them unfazed,her wavy hair lazily clinging at her shoulder . She stood with her hands crossed around her .

"Ariel!!" They blurted out

"What..." She slowly walked away.

"Where are you going... don't you find the news shocking?" Kema said as they ran up to her.

"I never liked her anyways ."Ariel said walking away.

"Don't let people hear that from you... bumble head" Matt nudged her at the shoulder.

"So what uhn?... people will think I killed her, like I have the time to do so" Ariel blurted out indifferently as the three best friends approached the noisy class.

"You cold hearted girl!" Kema said hitting her on her back.




"I love you so much..."

" You don't!"

"it was a mistake...I didn't mean to"

"You cheated on me and you will pay... you bitch!!"

He puffed out the smoke out of his mouth as he held his cigarette between his two fingers. He sat at a corner to avoid being seen because smoking was really against the rules of the school.

Humming the tune of the song he was listening on his headphones with sadness looming in his eyes.

"You're here" A voice suddenly said .He removed his headphones turning his head slightly with a frown on his face.

"I knew I would see you here"She smiled widely at him.

"What do you want, Darby" He frowned at her while puffing his cigarette.

"Making sure you were okay... you shouldn't have come-"

"It's none of your business"

"Still cold towards me uhn?"she sat beside him taking a stick of cigarette from his pack.

He looked at her with a raised brow. "I didn't ask you too"

Ignoring what he said, She took a lighter and litted it.

"I miss her already" Darby said slowly.

"Don't start..."He looked her annoyed.

Darby faced him. "Nate... you're hurt...you miss her too"

"I don't..."

"Fine...you broke up with her but you loved her right?" Darby looked at Nate worriedly and curiously.

"I never loved her,we never did, it was all for fun and you know it!"he glared at Darby angrily with mixed expression.

"I don't! You loved her and you still...and...I know she hurt you because am I am her sister you know."Darby stood up angrily almost in tears.

Nate turned his eyes away from her guilty.

He didn't...did he?


"The school will be arranging a silent moment and prayers for her on Friday at St Dean's Cementry...her friends will be coming and students who cared for her, I will " She paused. "And you will" With that she threw the cigarette walking away.

"I won't-"


He looked at the direction she went sighing deeply in confusion and sadness.

He put back his headphones and slowly singing the song with eyes closed....


       I need somebody heal... somebody to Know

Somebody to hug

Somebody to hold..

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