
our badass parent

little Tyler suffered a traumatic experience that scared her for life witnessing the assassination of both her parents by a man noted to be victor blaine.Although she was adopted by her best friend parent, their was a part of Tyler who existed only to get revenge on her parents killer, which drove her into joining a secret agency called bloody justice bureau, an agency that kill those that deserve death but one day when she was a mission Tyler found herself in the company of Alan she has never seen before after a one night stand her life changed completely she had two devilish genius who put a little smile back to her face though she tired to get revenge for her parent and never thinks of love what will she do at the confortation of the Lukas the man she had a one night stand with?

umukoro · Urbano
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1 Chs

first encounter

[At night in jann city]

"damn it how could I let myself be drugged by those asshole"[pull the syringe of her arm] xxx, hears sounds of footsteps and heavy breathing xxx,"search everywhere he won't be able to go that far"xxx, "fuck these piece of shit are still on my trail", yeah I shot their commanders ball off in turn killing him and two other of their guys but who can blame me, xxx run along time but slows down xxx"lets see, where the hell can I hid"xxx surveys the surrounding and notice light eliminating from a corner xxx smiles xxx bingo.

The tall titanium alloy gate xxx"sigh" and staggers out of dizziness xxx"mmph!" Places hand on the gate and it slightly opens "guess today is my lucky day"xxx enter in and notice the key card lock xxx "it would be rather impossible for someone to get pass the gate without a key card well other than scale through the twenty six foot tall wall oops! xxx door locks xxx that takes care of those fool's so what do we have here xxx walk's briskly over to the door jiggles the handle xxx lock, hmph let check over there

"Front door locked, backdoor, side door, garage door they're all locked so it's safe to say I have 99.9% chance of sleeping outside " xxx looks up and see's a open window xxx looks like the universe is on my side tonight "xxx scales the wall and passes through the window she drop her bag on the ground trying to cool herself down which was burning cause of the drug that was injected into her by those idiot chases her, she remember she was still in her disguise which makes her look like a man she decided to change into more feminine cloth. So when she leave the house the people after her will not recognize her, then someone open the bathroom door staring dumbfounded on how a guy entered his house and above all stripping himself in his room . Lukas who was still shocked was about to react when he saw the man large jacket on the ground followed by a hat revealing his long black hair Lukas who was still trying to analyze all that was happening notice the pair of boobs on the man"wait a sec that's.... That...that-he-h-he is a she"he was in awe by the beauty that stood in front of him"I Lukas bartel a man of high standard and morals so I can't be seduced by a woman " "I better get her out before thing get out of hand"he advanced towards her and just about when he was to grab her she turned around and hurdle a punch toward his face but he deflected it, then he saw her leg going toward his groin but he stop it, then the girl that looked like she was about to beat the fuck out of him, fell on the ground mumbling "hot, so hot". Lukas decided to seize the opportunity to throw the girl out he grab her and carried her bride style she then nestled her self in his arm as he was about to take the first step she kiss him, at first he thought of pulling away but she deepened The kiss and at that point desire cloud his better judgment making him return the kiss