
Oui Chef!

Alexander Weaver 'WAS' a Prodigy in the Food World. Known for his Pastry and South East Asia Cuisine. Good looking, charming, and have a well-proportioned body.An Ikemen He Becomes a Professional Chef at the age of 11 and the Head Chef of Brasserie Les Halles in his 15. It's all good until he cooked at the UN conference, it's a disaster! Peoples are poisoned but luckily no one's dead. Did the prodigy make a mistake? sabotaged? or simply because he's not a 'Prodigy' anymore?. Then suddenly he's vanished without any explanation. Is he dead? did the Presidents kill him, he quickly becomes one of the most wanted men in the world. People dubbed him as the greatest shame of the Cooking World. As more Prodigies come and go, people started to forget him. And 3 Years later, there's a report that someone saw him in a Rural County in Indonesia?. Where was he in this 3 years' time? Isekai?.What? it seems he's gone crazy. I didn't know why I decided to write this shit. Maybe because of watching too much MasterChef/Hells Kitchen? LUL

NotYourTypicalMan · Realista
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2 Chs

Chapter 1_Where Am I?

"Owaahhhh" I'm falling from the sky.


"Ow ow ow" I scratched my cheek "That old man! why he always makes the entrance up above. Did he have a fetish seeing someone suffered!" I grumbled. It's just like the first I was summoned, and it brings back some memories.

While scratching my cheek, I checked my surroundings and found myself in a lakeside. And there are some trees that only grow in the Tropical region. Having seeing and experiencing almost every plant in Eden, I can almost identify all plants in the world. For example, there're some Mango trees there and a Durian tree that grow up so tall.

"So it seems I'm in Khatulistiwa Country?" I pondered. "Is it Middle America? no no no, If it's America, the biomes should be a Jungle, and a lake is so rare there. So it's likely Asia, probably South East Asia." I draw a conclusion.

I found myself getting thirsty and luckily there's natural water here. I walked up to the lake and squatted down to get some water in my hands. Even it's not clean nor sterile, it still a water. I even had to drink some mudhole water in the past so this amount is nothing.

But when I saw my reflection in the water, I shocked.

I saw an attractive white-haired man, or rather the past me. There are no Beards or wrinkles, there're no scars from the battles. My face is so smooth like jade, with plump cheek and brown pupils.

Did I just regressed? or there's something I don't know about? .

But I just held my thought from wandering too far. What I know is that I'm young and I'm somewhere in Asia. The calmness quickly comes back to me, Patience and clear-headed is something that every chef must-have. And I'm one of the best chefs In the world.

"Glup glup....ahh...It's tasted strange" I furrowed my brows "a bit salty and spicy? There's no way a water could taste spicy. Well, it's isn't too bad" I drink the water and organized my thought. Normal water is an extravagant wish for me now.

Right now what I should do is to find someone or a settlement, either a city or a village. And settlement usually builds near the water sources, so following the coast of the lake should take me to a settlement.

I stand up and clean some dust on my body.

"Alright! let's go!!!"

Plak Plak Plak

Right when I want to go, I heard some rustling sounds. Sound of someone cutting a bush. I walked to the source quietly and found a middle-aged man cutting some grass with an axe on his hands.

'A man!' I'm a little bit surprised. I thought that was an animal.

Should I approach him? or no?. But he likely knew the road to the nearest settlement. I pondered a bit. Seeing another human in this forest could alarm him and make him hostile. And he has an axe too...Ahh!! what am I thinking! I can even disarm some Ogres and Orcs in the past with a bare hand what could an old man do.

I choose to come over and say hi to him.

I walked and approached him but just when I go out from the bush I'm hiding, he already glance me with a sharp look. I halted my steps and spoke with a stuttered voice

"H-h-hello can you show me the nearest settlement please"

"..." but he just glanced me and silenced.

Why did he not responded?-

Then a realization comes after me. I'm in a rural forest so they can't speak English? .

"Err... Do you know where's the nearest city is? err..." What're Asian words for house...Shit! I realized that I don't know any of the Asian Language."Err.. haus? hous?? where is the house near? " I spoke in a fucked up English grammar that's worse than the Author of this novel. While moving my hand into the triangle and square sign depicting a front house sign.


"... You look like a monkey. I know what you're saying, I'm an English teacher myself. I just surprised to see a foreigner here. Are you lost?" He finally spoke

'YOU ARE THE ONE THAT LOOKED LIKE A MONKEY DAMMIT! Don't you see how perfect and handsome my face is! .You cunt!.' but alas I can only curse him in my thought because now I really need his help.

"Y-yes? I think I'm lost, I went fishing and search some worms but suddenly I don't know where am I" I make up a lie."So can you please show me the nearest city?".

"Oh, that's normal here. Tourists just get lost one another." he spoke with a flat tone " The nearest City would be Parapat City just 2km from here. I can take you there, just wait for me to collect the grasses.".

What Country is this!!! even a lost tourist is a normal Occasion?. I got goosebumps.

And he finally collected all the grasses around.

"Alright follow me, I park my motorcycle in the side road above." He then walked while carrying the grasses that had been tied up.


We finally reached the road above and I saw him went to the motorcycle. You can't even say it's a motorcycle because the outside part that protects the engines already gone. Are you sure this is safe?.

"Here hold this first, I want to starter the motorcycle" he spoke while handing the grasses to me. I took it and it feels a little itchy.

He went to the motorcycle and starts to turn on it up by pushing the crank down.


The motorcylce still not turned up.

"Cmon bro!" he shows an annoyed face "THIS STUPID SHIT!" and kicked the motorcycle.


The motorcycle turned up

WHAT The-... this must be a crazy country, even the citizens can be turned up a motorcycle with only a kick. Even in Aksara, the magicians need to chant the spells to make electric current. Did real world also have magician?.

He raised his legs and sit on the seat.

"Alright put the grass on the backside"

I do as he says and put it on the back. But then I realized, where would I sit.

"Ehmm...where did I sit?" I spoke with an uncertain tone.

"Of course above it! Just do it! It's already 3 a clock." he raised his brows and hurried me

"W-what? did you mean to sit on the grass?"

"Yeah?" he glanced me questioningly. And seems serious about it.

'Really???? Whatever!' I thought and jumped up to the grasses and sit on it.

"Oh yeah, have you drank? " he asked while pulling a bottle from the side of the motorcycles and gulped it.

"Yes, I have some lake water just now"

"Pfffff" He spatted the water out. "You mean the water on the side of the lake?"

"Yeah?" I make a confused face.

"...." he silenced for a second and make an uncertain face. "W-ww-well, truth to be told...I just take a poop somewhere over there." he stammered.


It takes me a few seconds to realize his words meaning and "Blrrrggggghhhhhh" I vomited. SO that's why the water tastes strange, and there's some spiciness on it!. "FUCK YOU!...blerghhhh" I cursed and slap his head.

"Hehe" But he just smiling all over and scratch his head.