
Otsutsuki King

After Kawaki replaces everyone's memories of Boruto, the Hokage's son and Sasuke leave the village

Damin_Typie · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs


One year later...

While Boruto and Sasuke were traveling, Code suddenly appeared in front of them with his army

"Hello Boruto"

"Code, what do you want?"

"I came for revenge"

Suddenly, one of the mini Juubis appeared behind Boruto

"Boruto!"  Sasuke appeared behind his student and activated Susanno's skeleton

He then grabbed one of the Juubi's copies  "Amaterasu!"

Boruto activated Karma and created several clones of himself  "Kage Bushin No Jutsu!"

Code immediately appeared above Boruto, the blonde covered himself with one of his clones.  When Code hit the clone, it disappeared, creating a smokescreen. Another clone tried to attack, but Code blocked the blow, the real Boruto grabbed a kunai and tried to use the smoke to attack Code, Kara's member sensed it and dodged it, but Boruto managed to scratch him eye


Sasuke activated the next level of Susanno and shot an arrow covered with black flame into the sky  "Enton: Susanoo Kagutsuchi!"


A moment later, one arrow turned into a dozen, arrows fell from the sky, hitting a large part of the Juubis and then exploded.

 "It's time to present my new attack"  said Boruto, creating Rasengan in one hand and Chidori in the other, then combined both techniques  "Chiradoserigan!"  a powerful chakra beam shot out

When the attack hit one Juubi, it caused a massive explosion that completely destroyed it.

Even Code was surprised by the power of Boruto's new jutsu  "What power"

Boruto began breathing heavily. "In the current situation, I will only be able to use this attack once more."


 Half a year earlier...

 "Okay, do it Boruto!"

Boruto nodded, creating a Rasengan in one hand and a Chidori in the other, when he combined the techniques, he added shape manipulation, thanks to which he fired a chakra beam at the top of the mountain.  The attack was so powerful that it destroyed the top of the mountain.  Even Sasuke was surprised by the power of Boruto's new jutsu.

 "I did it," Boruto said before he lost consciousness

 [End Flashback]

Sasuke created a Chidori in his hands by setting them on fire with Amaterasu, and then pierced the Juubi attacking him

 "Code, you divided the Juubi into smaller parts without realizing something"  said Sasuke

 "What did you say Uchiha?"

 "Each copy of the Juubi has a weak point, and that is the core that you had to put in them to control them.  Also Rinnengans, it reminds me of the Edo Jinchuuriki that Obito resurrected"

Code merged the remaining Juubi into one large one, Sasuke seeing this, activated Perfect Susanno.  The Juubi fired a Bijuudama towards Sasuke.  Sasuke grabbed his Susanoo sword, surrounding it with lightning nature and igniting Amterasu, then cut the chakra ball in half, causing both halves to explode behind him.