
End of Year

Harry groaned, squinting against the early morning light filtering through the dormitory window. His head was pounding—a dull, relentless ache—and he immediately regretted the ungodly amount of butterbeer he'd consumed last night at the victory party. He got up slowly, still dressed in yesterday's clothes. Back in his past life, a run had been the perfect cure for a hangover, although a weird one. 

He glanced at the clock 6:30. Perfect.

With slow steps, he padded out of Gryffindor Tower and onto the grounds. The cool morning air clearing his mind as he started to jog. After a few moments of jogging, his headache started to subside. By the time he returned to the dormitory, his headache was nearly gone. After a quick shower, he dressed and checked the time—7:20 AM.

He made his way down to the Great Hall for breakfast. As he entered, he noticed that the the Gryffindor table was almost empty. Well considering the party last night, Harry was not surprised at all. He glanced at the teachers table as he took a seat. Dumbledore and the professors seemed tense. Professor McGonagall and Snape seemed to be talking about something, their expressions grim. Even Dumbledore himself looked pensive. Quirrell was absent, and Harry figured that he was either dead or at St. Mungo's. It seems everyone found out that the Sorcerer Stone had been switched.

Well Harry had no intention of telling them anything, but he did need to talk to Dumbledore regarding a class he intended to create from next year. He would be using the Sorcerer Stone and he had no intention of telling the Professors where it went. He helped himself to the breakfast, as he thought about tomorrow, when everyone would be heading home. 

As Harry helped himself to some sandwiches, a voice called out from behind. He turned to see Cedric Diggory standing there with a shy smile. 

"Hey, Harry," Cedric greeted. "Congrats on winning the Quidditch Cup! That was some game yesterday."

Harry returned the smile, "Thanks, Cedric. I've got to admit, I'm still surprised we managed to pull it off. Ravenclaw was putting up quite the fight."

Cedric chuckled, but he hesitated for a moment before continuing. "About that crash... I, uh, couldn't tell if it was intentional or not. Was that planned, or—?"

Harry laughed, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "Oh, definitely not planned. My broom malfunctioned, and the braking charm decided to quit on me at the worst possible moment."

Cedric raised his eyebrows, nodding in understanding. "Blimey, that's rough. Well, I guess it just added to the drama, right?" With a friendly wave, he headed back to his table.

As Cedric left, Harry returned to his meal, thinking briefly about the unexpected conversation. He had not spoked to him at all, and a conversation out of the blue was definitely not something Harry was comfortable with. 

Just then, a small piece of parchment floated down in front of him. Harry caught it easily. It was a note from Dumbledore. 

Harry, if you have a moment after breakfast, I'd like to have a word with you in my office. - Albus Dumbledore.

Harry glanced up towards the staff table and caught Dumbledore's eye. The Headmaster gave him a nod and a smile as he went out through the small door behind the table. Harry nodded back, tucking the note into his pocket. It was perfect timing really, since he needed to speak with Dumbledore about his idea for the new class on magical fundamentals.

As he finished the last of his sandwich, he just hoped that Dumbledore didn't get to know that the Stone was with him. 

As Harry got up from his seat, he noticed a group of weary Gryffindors stumbling into the Great Hall, their faces showing every ounce of exhaustion from the previous night's festivities. He smirked, memories of the common room still fresh in his mind—Fred and George had turned it into a mini-carnival of pranks, and with Harry's help, they'd had quite the eventful night.

Heading through the quiet corridors, Harry's thoughts turned to the class he would propose. Teaching the basics of magic sounded simple, but he knew that he wouldn't be able to teach everyone himself since his methods were very different from other people and they might not work for them. But Dumbledore could help, and even Ron and Hermione could considering that they have learnt those books and now understood them. And involving Dumbledore is bound to get the attention of everyone. 

Lost in thought, he soon found himself at the stone gargoyle. "Lemon Drops," he muttered. The gargoyle sprang aside, and he climbed the spiral staircase to Dumbledore's office. At the top, he knocked on the small door. 

"Come in," Dumbledore's voice called warmly from inside. 

Harry stepped into the familiar office. Dumbledore was seated behind his large desk, quill poised as he finished writing something on a long roll of parchment. The usual odd assortment of magical artifacts cluttered the office.

Dumbledore looked up, smiling over his half-moon glasses. "Good morning, Harry or should I say Master Potter?"

Harry smiled, "I'd rather not get called Master Potter by you, sir."

Dumbledore chuckled, "Very well, Harry. I trust you enjoyed the celebration last night?" he asked, a hint of amusement in his eyes. 

Harry gave a sheepish grin. "More than I probably should've, if I'm being honest."

Dumbledore chuckled again. "Well, once in a while, it's good to celebrate one's accomplishments. It keeps us... grounded." he said. "But what I wanted to discuss with you today is different."

Harry nodded slightly afraid that Dumbledore had found out about the Stone. 

"Harry, I wanted to ask you about the Moonsbane Elixir. I understand from Professor Snape that you've made it for Professor Lupin." Dumbledore said with a smile.

Harry nodded, "Yes sir, I found the recipe in an old book and considering that it was an advanced version of Wolfsbane Potion, I tried it for Professor Lupin."

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled. "And what was the name of this book, if I may ask?"

"It was called the Alchemist Almanac," Harry answered. 

Dumbledore's brows furrowed as he had never heard of this book before. "I see. Well it was quite a shock for me, since there has been no true progress made in the field of lycanthropy management." He regarded Harry with a look of deep respect. "What do you intend to do with this knowledge, Harry? You could register this and earn a lot of money from it."

Harry smiled, "Yes, I could but I don't think that would be beneficial for the society sir. After all, if the potion costs a lot, hardly any werewolves would be able to get the potion considering that they are not allowed jobs normally within the magical world."

Dumbledore looked quite shook by Harry's clear thinking. 

Harry continued, "I will be setting up a program with which I will be making the potion available to every werewolf out there for free or some affordable price."

Dumbledore couldn't help but smile, his blue eyes glinting with grandfatherly pride. "A noble goal, indeed, Harry. You continue to surprise me in the best ways." He paused before adding. "I'm truly proud to see how thoughtfully you approach the power you hold."

"Now if you don't mind, our Professors want a word with the youngest Potion Master ever," Dumbledore said with a smile. 

One by one, Professors McGonagall, Snape, Flitwick, Madam Pomfrey and Lupin entered the room. Everyone seemed eager to talk to Harry. Snape offered him a curt nod which Harry returned. Harry had asked the news of his Potion Mastery remain private for now while he was at school, but it seemed that Dumbledore and Snape had already shared it with the faculty. 

Professor McGonagall was first to step forward. "Mr. Potter," she began, "Dumbledore and Severus informed us of your recent mastery in Potions. I must say, I have seen many talented students pass through Hogwarts, but none could claim a mastery of a subject, let alone Potions, at your age."

Flitwick gave a nod of enthusiastic agreement. "It's almost unheard of! The dedication and focus it takes to complete a Mastery. Let alone in Potions—especially for a first-year! It's a true marvel."

Lupin, looking at Harry with both gratitude and awe, added, "You've accomplished something extraordinary, Harry. Most wizards wouldn't dare attempt their Mastery until much later in life."

Harry smiled, "Well, I wanted to get my Mastery in Potion, because of the Moonsbane Elixir. Since no one will believe an ordinary eleven year old when he announces that he had an advanced version of the Wolfsbane Potion, which would render a werewolf completely harmless even in their transformed state."

Lupin's eyes softened. "And for that, I'll forever be grateful, Harry," he said. "You didn't just make the potion. You've given hope to those of us who thought we'd be bound to our fate forever. You've done something incredible—for me, and for so many others who'll never know how to thank you.

Harry shifted slightly, "It's not just about helping you or any one person," he replied earnestly. "I thought, if there's a way to make life easier for people—especially those like you who've done nothing to deserve this burden—then it's something worth fighting for." He glanced around at the other professors, who were listening intently. "That's why I wanted the Mastery. This program... I want it to be something that's recognized and accessible. Every werewolf should have a chance to live without fearing what they'll do under the full moon."

Pomfrey looked moved, her stern expression softening. "And you believe this elixir could be the answer?"

Before Harry could answer, Lupin spoke up. "If I may," he began, "this potion isn't just another version of Wolfsbane. Wolfsbane allows werewolves to remain in control, yes, but the Moonsbane Elixir goes a step further." He looked at Harry with a deep respect. "With Moonsbane, the mind is entirely unaffected by the transformation. I kept every shred of my human consciousness intact, even at the height of the full moon."

Flitwick's eyebrows raised in surprise. So did a few others. "You mean... there was no struggle? No primal urges or... dangerous impulses?"

Lupin shook his head. "None. I was completely aware, able to think and act as if I were in my human form. I was... myself. For the first time since I was a boy, I could experience the full moon without that consuming fear and fury. Aside from the physical changes, I was entirely in control."

The professors exchanged glances, clearly astonished. 

Harry took a deep breath. "And that's the goal. Werewolves could live their life without the constant dread of the full moon. They wouldn't have to isolate themselves or worry about harming anyone. It would bring real freedom to people who've been shunned for something they never chose."

Dumbledore's gaze remained on Harry, the admiration in his eyes growing. "It's a monumental vision, Harry. One that could change how the wizarding world views and treats werewolves."

Lupin nodded in agreement, gratitude shining in his expression. "If this elixir were widely available, it would transform our lives. It could mean that a generation of young witches and wizards with this condition might never know the pain and isolation that most of us have endured." He paused, his gaze resolute. "Harry's potion doesn't just alleviate symptoms—it gives us a chance to live without fear."

Dumbledore looked at Harry, "You will have out full support for whatever you need to create that programs of yours, Harry."

Harry nodded at the group, "Thank you for all your support. I'm sure it would push my plans forward at a much faster pace with your help."

Then he turned to Dumbledore, "Sir, actually I wanted to talk to you as well. I want to start a new class starting next year."

Dumbledore raised an eyebrow, "Oh? What sort of class are you envisioning?"

Harry began explaining. "I want to create a class that focuses on the fundamentals of magic and its understanding. The current problem is that almost all the students don't understand what magic is at its basic, which is why they have trouble progressing further into their studies. Once they learn the basics of magic and have a solid understanding of it, it would be beneficial to them all."

The professor's listened intently as Harry continued. "In this class, I also want to include occasional lectures from all the professors, including you, Professor Dumbledore. Each of you could share how you approached your subjects and your understanding of it. This would be helpful insight for all the students."

A thoughtful silence followed as the staff considered Harry's proposal. McGonagall leaned forward, "That would certainly encourage a deeper understanding of magic, rather than just rote memorization of spells. Albus, this could transform our education well beyond what we could have imagined."

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled with admiration. "You've given this much thought, Harry. I can see how such a class could help students realize their true capabilities."

"Exactly, sir" Harry replied excitedly. "I think that if they have a better grasp of the basics then they would be able to progress further in their studies which would be beneficial for our society in the long run."

Dumbledore nodded. "A splendid idea, indeed. I assume you will be teaching this class yourself?"

Harry nodded, "Yes, sir. Although I will have to enlist help from Ron and Hermione since my understanding of magic can come off as quite alien at first."

Dumbledore nodded, "Have you considered what materials or textbooks might be necessary for this class?"

Harry replied immediately, "Only two books necessary for this class sir: Unlocking Your Magic: A Beginner's Guide and The Essence of Magic: Understanding Your Power. They offer foundational knowledge that perfectly align with what I envision."

Dumbledore stroked his beard thoughtfully. "Very well. I will ensure these texts are available and that the curriculum aligns with our educational standards."

Harry nodded excitedly. "Thank you, Professor. Although I have to say that there will be no need for more than two classes each week for each year for the next year. And if successful, we would only need to implement the class for the first years starting the year after."

Dumbledore nodded, "Very well, Harry. We will discuss the plan carefully and let you know before the beginning of next year."

Harry thanked Dumbledore and took his leave after thanking all the other Professor's for their proposed help towards his Moonsbane Elixir program.


That afternoon, the exam results were handed out and as expected Harry had scored full marks on all of them. Well given how easy those exams were Harry was not surprised by his grades. 

Hermione sneaked at peek at his parchment, "You scored full in everything?"

Harry shrugged, "I mean the exams were pretty easy, Hermione. How did you do?"

Hermione showed him her parchment and Harry was not surprised to see that she had scored above 90 for all the subjects; some even 100. Harry smiled at her, "Good job, Hermione."

Ron sitting opposite to them was grinning. "I got above 90 in all the subjects except Potion. I was only able to score 88 for Potion."

Harry smiled at him, "Congratulations and don't worry by next year you will be able to get above 90 in all subjects easily." 

With that the trio turned back to their lunch. As they ate, Harry leaned forward, "So, I talked with Dumbledore about the class I want to start next year. It's focused on the basics of magic and how to truly understand it. I want every student to have a strong foundation to build on."

Hermione's eyes lit up. "That sounds brilliant, Harry! How will it work?"

"I will be teaching the class." Harry explained. "I will also arrange occasional lectures from different professors in which they will be explaining their approaches and insights, helping students connect with the core concepts and improving their understanding of magic."

Ron nodded, "And which years will you be teaching?"

"All seven years. Although the class schedule is not decided yet, I think two classes a week for all years should be more than enough."

Both Ron and Hermione nodded in agreement. Then Harry continued, "And you guys will be helping me teach. So, I'll be teaching you in-depth magic during the holidays."

Both Ron and Hermione were shook by Harry's declaration. 

"Wait, us?" Ron stammered, eyes wide. "Are you serious?"

"Harry, are we really qualified to teach anyone?" Hermione asked. "I mean, we're just students like everyone else."

Harry replied with a slightly evil smirk on his face. "You will be be qualified once I'm done with you. Trust me, I'll make sure you understand everything."

Shivers ran down Ron's spine at the thought of being put through rigorous training. "You mean you're actually going to grill us during the summer?"

Harry's grin widened. "Absolutely. I want you to be as prepared as possible. Besides, you two are my best friends. I wouldn't want anyone else by my side."

Hermione bit her lip, glancing down at her plate. "That sounds… intense. What if I'm away on vacation with my parents?"

Harry smirked. "No problem. I'll teach you whenever you're not on vacation. I can Apparate to your house and pick you up in the morning, then send you back home afterward. Or we could connect your fireplace to the Floo Network. That way, you can come over whenever you want."

"Really?" Hermione replied, her eyes lighting up at the thought. Although she felt nervous about Harry teaching them, the idea was also strangely exciting. "That could work, I guess."

Ron raised an eyebrow, "But why didn't you teach us the basics like you're planning for the other students?"

Harry shrugged. "At first I was going to, but you guys worked on your own and were eager to learn unlike the other students. You guys read the books I gifted you and understood it yourself. So I didn't have to teach you the basics."

Hermione nodded slowly, the anxiety beginning to melt away. "Alright, then. I'm in."

"Me too!" Ron said, his excitement bubbling back to the surface. "Just promise you won't turn into some sort of mad professor on us, Harry!"

Harry laughed, the sound warm and inviting. "I promise I'll keep it interesting. You'll both be amazed at what you can do."

The conversation continued on to Ron and Hermione, as they discussed their measuring system progress and limitations with Harry. Harry listened attentively, offering suggestion and encouraging their work as they continued their lunch.


Harry got up bright and early the next morning, his excitement to return home overriding any lingering grogginess. After a quick shower, he tossed everything into his trunk and then proceeded to stuff his trunk into his pouch. Fully packed, he made his way downstairs to the common room, expecting to see at least a few students milling about. 

But the common room was empty, and when he checked the clock, he realised why—it was barely 5:05 AM. Chuckling at his own eagerness, Harry sank into one of the armchairs and let his thoughts wander over everything that had happened this year. 

Reflecting back, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. The year had ended so differently from the original story he remembered: instead of landing in the hospital after facing Quirrell, which Harry was very doubtful would have been the case, he'd clinched the Quidditch Cup for Gryffindor—a feat he knew was only meant to happen in his sixth year, and not even by him, but by Ginny. Somehow, everything seemed to be shifting, and he was steering this story towards an unique path.

Then he started thinking of everything he knew about the future. As he thought, Harry's face lost its color as he remembered a troubling detail from the books—the Gaunt Ring, the Horcrux which had a lethal curse that ate away at Dumbledore's life. In the original story, Dumbledore tried to harness the ring's power, only to be met with a curse that withered his hand and eventually ate away at his lifespan.

Acting quickly Harry grabbed a piece of parchment from his pouch and began writing, choosing his writing carefully while using a handwriting charm to disguise his own. 

"There is a chance that the Horcruxes will have very clever curses on them. Do not let anyone search for them alone. — Praesidius."

Satisfied, he casted another charm making the handwriting more refined, and then added an enchantment to the parchment itself. Harry had casted a spell to make the piece of parchment float out to Dumbledore's desk.

With that he settled back into his seat. Dumbledore may have had his flaws, but he was also one of the few who hand genuinely given everything to protect others till his last breath. Hopefully this warning would deter the original plot and save this man's life. 

As such, Harry began thinking on how to implement his program on Moonsbane Elixir. He would need to discuss it with Sirius and his dad, since their expertise and reach could certainly help him. And now that Dumbledore and the other staff have also offered their help, Harry could get it started in matter of weeks.

Harry continued to mull over things. He still had to brew both the Lingua Animalis Potion and the Eye-Correction Potion, both of which he planned to start tomorrow back in his home. He would then sneak back into Hogwarts during the holidays and hopefully deal with the Basilisk. As he was thinking all this, he didn't notice the time pass away.

The minutes ticked by without Harry noticing until he heard the first sings of movement from the dormitory staircases. Gradually students pilled down to the common room, all looking packed and eager to head home. Ron and Hermione joined him shortly, both with broad grins on their faces, and soon the entire common room buzzed with excited chatter about the summer plans. 

Harry caught up with Percy, who had come down. 

"So Percy," Harry began casually, "we'll just do what we did for Christmas, yeah? I'll Apparate everyone back once we've left Hogsmeade."

Percy cleared his throat, shifting his weight awkwardly. "Er, actually, Harry, I.. I think I'll take the train this time."

Harry raised an eyebrow and then remembered something and couldn't help but smirk. "Really? But you were all for it last time. Something keeping you here this time?"

Percy looked away, suddenly very interested in the calendar hung up on the wall. "I just thought it would be... erm, good to, you know... take in the journey, see the countryside."

Harry kept his voice smooth and teasing. "So, Percy, really… who's the girl?"

Percy spluttered, caught completely off guard. "Wh-what girl? There's no—no girl, Harry! I'm just… appreciating… nature!"

He continued to stammer, his cheeks turning red. "What—who? That's—rubbish! There's no one!"

"Really?" Harry tilted his head, smirking wider. "So there's not say... a prefect? Hmmm... can't be Gryffindor... doesn't seem right... Hufflepuff?"

Percy's face turned a shade of red that nearly matched his hair. "Harry! I have no idea what you're—"

"Oh… Ravenclaw, then?" Harry grinned, watching as Percy's blush crept up to his ears. "Let me guess... Penelope, is it?"

Percy nearly choked, stumbling back a step. "I—I—what—how did you—"

Just as Percy stammered, Ron—who Percy hadn't even noticed behind him—burst out laughing, clapping a hand on Percy's shoulder. Percy, thoroughly startled, leapt a full foot in the air, spinning around to see Ron doubled over in laughter.

"Blimey, Percy!" Ron managed between fits of laughter, "Didn't think you were the one for a secret romance!"

Percy stammered, straightening his robes, cheeks flaming. "Ron! Don't sneak up on people like that!" he snapped, but the flustered expression on his face only made Ron laugh harder.

"Come on, Percy, you can't blame us for being curious! Penelope, huh?" Harry teased, barely hiding his grin.

He laughed, shaking his head. "No shame in it, Percy. Next time, just say you have plans with Penelope."

Percy tried to respond with dignity, clearing his throat and muttering, "Yes, well… Penelope is… she's a respectable young woman." But his voice softened just a touch, and despite himself, a small, blushing smile crept onto his face as they turned to head down to the Great Hall.

Everyone piled into the Great Hall which was decorated with red-and-gold banners of Gryffindor draped the walls, celebrating their House Cup victory. Everyone took a seat and tucked in, indulging in the end of term feast. After the last morsel of food had disappeared from the tables, Dumbledore stood up at the staff table and raised his hand for silence. 

"Another year has come to an end," Dumbledore began, his voice resonant and calm. "You've all worked incredibly hard, overcome countless challenges, and strengthened bonds that will last a lifetime. Gryffindor—congratulations on your well-deserved House Cup victory!"

Cheers erupted across the Hall as Gryffindors celebrated, waving their arms and grinning widely, while even students from other Houses applauded in support.

"And I must say, each year at Hogwarts is more remarkable than the last. I would be remiss if I did not mention that this year, in particular, brought an occurrence that left even our most esteemed faculty in deep reflection." he added further. 

The students shifted in their seats, curiosity piqued, but Dumbledore only smiled, giving nothing more than a nod. 

"While I cannot delve into details," he continued, "I would advise you to keep an eye on tomorrow's Wizarding press. Let's just say that this year, Hogwarts has made an inedible mark in magical history."

A ripple of whispers broke out, each student wondering what could be so momentous as to leave even the likes of Dumbledore and the professors "lost in awe and silence," as he put it. 

With a wink, Dumbledore finished, "But for now, enjoy your summer holidays. Rest well, for next term, since I am pleased to announce that next term, we'll be introducing something new, something that promises to broaden our understanding of magic in ways we've never seen before." He looked briefly at Harry, before adding. "I trust it will be a surprise worth looking forward to."

Whispers spread instantly throughout the Hall as students speculated about what the surprise might be. Harry shared a glance with Ron and Hermione, who exchanged proud smiles—they knew Dumbledore was hinting at Harry's new class.

As the students started heading down to the station, the first years were taking the boats across the lake. Ron, Hermione, and Neville joined Harry in one boat.

"So, any clue what that 'inedible mark' Dumbledore was talking about could be?" Hermione asked curiously, looking at Harry.

Harry just shrugged, "No idea. But whatever it is, I bet we'll know by tomorrow," he replied. 

Ron and Hermione exchanged glances with Neville, clearly even more intrigued. Once on the other side, they hopped out of the boats and made their way up to the train, joining the rest of the students who were bustling around, finding seats and stowing their trunks.

To Harry's amusement, Fred and George had already claimed a compartment near the back of the train, both leaning our and waving them over. 

"Oi, we save you a spot!" George called, grinning broadly as Harry, Ron, and Hermione approached.

"Figured you'd want to get home quickly," Fred added with a smirk and wink at Harry. Harry couldn't help but smirk as they filed in. 

They settled in and made themselves comfortable as they waited for the train to pull out of the station. Fred glanced around, then leaned forward, looking puzzled.

"Hang on, where's Percy?" he asked looking around as though expecting him to materialize any second. 

"Oh, he's with his girlfriend!" Ron blurted, laughing. The twin's jaws dropped, eyes wide with shock.

"Girlfriend?" Fred echoed, incredulously.

"Percy?" George added, sounding like he'd just heard something wildly improbable. They exchanged looks, clearly stunned by the idea that their ever-so-serious older brother would even entertain the notion of a relationship, let alone actually have one.

Harry chuckled, leaning back as the train began to move, "Yep. Percy's got a secret side, it seems."

Fred and George shook their heads in unison, as though the world had tilted on its axis. "Our Percy…with a girlfriend?"

With this first year is over!

I started writing as a way to cope with my emotions, and the Harry Potter series has always been my refuge. Whenever life feels overwhelming, I find solace in escaping to that magical world. After graduating, I’ve been diligently searching for a job, striving to find something that makes me feel like I truly matter. But well so far, I have just been dealt lemons. Well, that's life I guess; and there is no fault in dreaming about a good life, is there?

Writing has been my escape during these tough times, and I genuinely appreciate each of you for taking the time to read my fanfic. Thank you for reading my fic so far!

Alsiel_Acreators' thoughts