
Otherworldly INHUMAN

Xander is a hardworking student from Earth with an idyllic life. But after his soul is transported to a magic world filled with paranormal things, he begins to hear a voice in his head. At first, he dismisses it as a figment of his imagination, but soon realizes it's his alter ego, urging him to embrace evil. Xander resists at first, struggling to cling to his good nature, but his alter ego's influence slowly takes hold. As he spirals into darkness, Xander become a villain who sees no point in being good and instead decides to burn the world that stands in his way. The novel follows Xander's journey as he battles with his alter ego's control and confronts the darkness within himself. Will he be able to overcome the evil that has taken hold of him, or will he succumb to his alter ego's desires and become a force of destruction and chaos?

Vincent_Nightshade · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

The Struggle Within

Xander sighed and closed the book, his mind swirling with newfound knowledge. He got up from his chair and walked towards the window, his gaze drifting towards the beautiful view of the moonlit garden. The sight of the plants swaying gently in the wind was calming, a welcome distraction from the voice in his head.

Suddenly, his thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. "Young master, it's me, Elena. I've brought the plants you asked for," she said, her voice muffled by the heavy door.

Xander quickly turned around and opened the door to let Elena in. She was carrying a small basket filled with the five plants he had requested. "Thank you, Elena. You are a lifesaver," he said gratefully, taking the basket from her.

"Is there anything else you need, young master?" Elena inquired, her brow creased with concern.

"No, that's all for now. Thank you again," Xander replied with a warm smile.

Elena nodded and left the room, closing the door behind her. Xander placed the basket on the table and started inspecting the plants. Some were unfamiliar, their exotic appearance intriguing him. 'I wonder what kind of healing properties these plants have. It'll be interesting to experiment with them,' Xander mused.

Following the beginner recipe he had found in the book, Xander prepared the ingredients, carefully measuring and mixing them together. After a few minutes of stirring, he had made his first healing paste. 'It looks a bit strange, but if the book is correct, it should work,' he thought.

Xander put the paste into a small jar and labeled it. He felt a sense of satisfaction, knowing that he had created something useful from the plants he had obtained. He decided to try out the paste on a small cut he had gotten earlier that day. To his surprise, the paste worked wonders, and his wound healed in a few minutes.

'This is amazing! I can't wait to try out the other recipes,' Xander thought excitedly. He smiled to himself and returned to the book, eager to learn more about magical botany.

As Xander delved deeper into his studies, he couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration creeping up on him. The voice in his head seemed to be growing stronger, and Xander feared that soon it would become impossible to ignore. "What's wrong, Xander? Feeling inadequate already? Can't even handle the basics of magical botany? Pathetic," the voice taunted, its words laced with malice.

Xander grimaced, doing his best to ignore the voice's negativity. He knew he needed to find a way to control it, but he wasn't sure where to start. Lost in thought, he stared out of his window at the moonlit night sky.

His contemplation was interrupted by another knock on his door. It was Elena, the head maid. "Excuse me, young master. The gardener said that we have the Heart Lilac and Whisper Clover, but the other plants are rare and would have to be purchased from a specialty shop. Would you like me to order them for you?"

Xander nodded, grateful for Elena's help. "Yes, please. And thank you, Elena."

As Elena left the room, Xander couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched. He scanned the garden below, but he saw nothing out of the ordinary. The voice in his head chose that moment to speak up again, its words dripping with venom. "You're so paranoid, Xander. No one is watching you. You're just weak and delusional."

Xander clenched his fists, determined not to let the voice get the best of him. He knew he had to focus on his studies and find a way to control the voice before it was too late.

With a deep breath, Xander turned back to his desk, resolved to keep moving forward. The plants would arrive soon, and he could finally begin his experiments. But he knew that the voice in his head would never truly be silenced. It was a part of him, after all. All he could do was try his best to keep it at bay and hope that one day, he could learn to control it.

As Xander sat in his room, lost in thought, the voice in his head grew louder and more persistent. "You think you can control me? You think you can resist the power that I offer? You are foolish, Xander. You will never be able to harness the true magic that lies within you. You will always be weak."

Xander shook his head, trying to dispel the voice. But it only grew more insistent. "You can't run from me, Xander. I am a part of you. And soon, I will consume you. You will become a slave to my power, a puppet on my strings."

Xander felt a chill run down his spine. Was this true? Was he really destined to become an evil, twisted version of himself?

Despite the voice's taunts, Xander refused to let it control him. He focused on the task at hand, preparing for his experiments and researching magical botany. The more he learned, the more he hoped to find a way to control the voice and protect himself from its dark influence.

As the days passed, the voice continued to torment Xander, but he refused to give in. He knew that he couldn't let fear control his life. It was a battle he had to fight, and he was determined to emerge victorious. With each new discovery in his studies, Xander found a renewed sense of purpose and strength, hoping that one day, he could silence the voice in his head for good.