
Otherworldly family

"We....died?" "Huh?! Now we're in a village in another world?!" "Alright, a second chance at life!' "I better not screw up, wouldn't want to die again, hehe." "Magic, huh? We'll figure that out later but for now, I can't wait to see all that this world has!" A boy and his family are killed in a truck accident and reincarnated in another world, learning how to use magic with a now-altered personality from the brother and sister what adventures does this world have in store for them? And will Aiden stop getting into trouble?

Raider_920 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
58 Chs

Crystal hunting.

Announcer: Candidates, you will now be transported to another location for a field event: Crystal hunting.

-You and your team will have to go through the forest of Avgar, to find an elemental Crystal, of which the colours are:Red, white, blue, and yellow before time runs out.

-But be careful the forest is filled with dangerous creatures, if you're not careful you might not make it out in one piece.

-Since some brought outside help for this test, the total number of teams we have now is 45, and the number of Crystals is 30.

-Captains of the formed teams will remain at the entrance of the forest to receive his/her teammates' crystals, for it is only the captains who are allowed to place the gems on the statue behind them, any other member of the team who put it in won't pass.

-I wish you success in this test, begin!

[The teams ran into the forest, and within it explosions can already be heard as teams are fighting each other for a crystal]

Aiden: Looks like Crysta's gotta stay behind then.

Cysta:Why me?

Aiden: Would you rather I'd be the captain? If so wear ye eye patches maties as the rise of capt'n Aiden is about to begin!!!

Crysta: *Sighs* Fine, Go. Make sure you bring back a crystal and Luna back safely, I don't care what happens to you in there.

Calico: W-what about us?

Crysta looked him dead in the eyes with a bland expression on her face.

Crysta: Do you want me to answer that?

Calico: I guess not.

Aiden: Well, we'd better get going.

[Aiden, Akeru, calico, and Luna ran into the forest.]

Aiden: The trees are tall!

Calico: Perfect environment for my ability.

[He sprung his thread at a tree above and went up.]

Calico: I'll try to see if I can bring one back, bye!

Aiden: I guess it's just us right guys? Hm? Guys?

[He turned around, but no one was in sight.]

Aiden: How did we get separated that fast?! I at least gotta find Luna.

[Magma erupted from the ground, melting everything in sight burning trees amd causing one to fall on Aiden.]

Aiden: Owie! Did I do this?

Versi: No you imbecile, I did!

Aiden:Ah, okay? Bye then!

[Aiden tried to leave but Versi made a lava wall in front of him.]

Versi: And where do you think you're going?

Aiden: To find my friends.

Versi: You weren't supposed to answer that, dumbass!

Aiden: Look dude do you need anything? I'm kind of in a hurry.

Versi: Yes, I need you gone! You aren't worthy of having fire affinity with me!

[He shot five huge lava balls at Aiden, it was a direct hit and caused massive destruction within the area]

Aiden: Wow! That's so cool!

Versi : H-how did you survive that?!

Aiden: I stood here and took it?

Versi: That's not what I meant, I meant how did you survive those attacks without damage?

Aiden: We're fire affinity bearers, if flames could harm us that easily, it would ruin the whole point of having heat resistance.

Versi's POV:

Did he just call my flames weak?!

I'll show this good-for-nothing rugrat what true power is!

[He dashed forward then turned left to Aiden's blindspot and released the hottest lava he could muster on Aiden's back.]

[Versi got pushed back by his own impact.]

Versi: Ahhh— Oof! *Cough-Cough* Too hot to handle, this should be enough to incinerate him once and for all. Heh, I didn't even get to use a tenth of my power, Kh-kh-kh.

My hand got a little burnt but its expected of my awesome power, as long as he's gone it's all well and good.

Aiden: Impressive, I loved that attack it seemed so...So... colourful! Magic is just the best isn't it?

Versi:Are you mocking me?! How could you survive that?!

Aiden: I am not...okay I am a little, heh. Now Versi It's my turn.

Versi:What are you going to do? Flames can't hurt me either.


[A small sea of flames drowned the a portion of the forest, it kept going till it reached the entrance, Crysta saw this and froze it before it became a destroyed the statues.]

Crysta: *Sigh*

[Versi eyes open in shock]

Versi:He used Embers to cause all this? The Lowest level fire spell brought all this destruction?

Aiden: Oops, I might have overdone it a bit. Meh, I'm sure Crysta will manage to stop it, now time to look for a cute cat girl, bye Versi.

[He left.]

Versi:This much difference in power? Or did he just say Embers but used something else? Yes! Yes, that has to be it, he must also be wearing a magic enhancement jewel that gave him that extra boost, yes, that explains it! I did not lose to anyone!

[Meanwhile Aiden.]

Aiden: Phew, I'm thankful I missed imagine if I actually hit him with that?

Aww I thought <Embers> was the weakest spell I could create. I'll have to find a weaker one or figure out a way to limit my magic.

Aiden: Woah, a huge waterfall...in a forest? Oh look it's Calico and Luna I finally found them, what are they doing near the waterfall?


Calico: Come on, almost got you!

Luna: Be careful.

Luna's POV

Even if he does fall, I hope he doesn't fall with the crystal.

Calico: Don't worry I'll be fine.

Calico sighted an elemental Crystal in between some rocks at the side of the waterfall.

[Aiden walked by]

Aiden:Hey buddy what are you doing?!

Calico: I'm trying to reach this Crystal!!

Aiden: Need some help?!!

Calico: I've got this!!

Aiden:Okay! Luna I'm here to protect you!!


Aiden: I don't know either, Crysta told me to keep you safe, but I think you're pretty capable to be left alone but it's a bit too soon!!

Luna: I'll be fine, I've been on my own before!!

Aiden:No need to yell!! I was just saying, hehe!!

Luna: I'm not yelling because I want too!!

[They were yelling at each other because the crashing of the water was too loud]

Luna: Huh?! Calico get out NOW!!!

Aiden: Such a cute scream....wait, why?

Luna: Something's coming up! Get out now!!

Calico:But I've almost got it!!

[He almost got grabbed hold of the crystal until a 40ft catfish emerged from the water below about to eat him, it all happened so quickly, Aiden jumped down there immediately, grabbed calico, threw him up, and got eaten by the fish instead.]

Calico: AIDEN!!

[They watched as the fish went back into the lake with their friend.

[Luna watched with horror in her eyes. She knelt and started crying, the person who saved her from her former horrible life is now believed dead]

Calico:I-i didn't mean for this to happen, I'm sorry.

[They looked down at the lake below and saw red colouring the water.]