
Otherworldly family

"We....died?" "Huh?! Now we're in a village in another world?!" "Alright, a second chance at life!' "I better not screw up, wouldn't want to die again, hehe." "Magic, huh? We'll figure that out later but for now, I can't wait to see all that this world has!" A boy and his family are killed in a truck accident and reincarnated in another world, learning how to use magic with a now-altered personality from the brother and sister what adventures does this world have in store for them? And will Aiden stop getting into trouble?

Raider_920 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
58 Chs

An illusiive battle occurs! What does gravel taste like?

Announcer: This is highly unexpected, but if it's so it's so. I shouldn't drop a comment against royalty, that would earn me an execution.

Random guy: *Cough*

Announcer: The scores are 4-2 the boys have three more chances to take the lead, equalize and or... lose. Quite exciting. Can the next individuals please come down, Sir Brian Akill and Adella?

Brian: My, My, It's finally my turn.

[As Brian was about to leave for the staircase, he felt a hand on his shoulder]

Brian: Ho?

Aser: You'd better win this!

[Brian had an eerie smile on his face]

Brian: Remove your hand, Aldric.

[While the smile was still there he narrowed his eyes looking at him]

Aser: Tch, don't be getting overconfident, you and she are both waters, you haven't seen her fight so don't restrict yourself and lose. Take her out.

Brian: Such uplifting words. Can I go now?

[He walked away, his back faced Aser, he then brought out a handkerchief to wipe the part of his shoulder that Aser touched just to get under his skin]

[He calmly and slowly walked towards the newly restored ring and inside it, he met Adella.]

Brian: My, you're a sight for sour eyes.

Adella: Hmph!

[Brian stared at her carefully then closed his eyes, tilting his head side to side, like he was trying to remember something— someone, but couldn't recall, he then gave a little smile that anyone could interpret as "ominous"]

Adella: Why are you looking at me like that?

Announcer: Begin!

[Adella blasted a water canon from her hand as it flew to hit Brian it went right through him]

Adella: Huh?!

Brian: Oh my. Perhaps I've become a ghost, kh-kh-kh.

[Adella shot multiple attacks but the outcome we're the same. It just went right through him]

Adella: Illusions...

[She looked around but couldn't see anything else apart from the illusion of Brian standing a distance away from her, she then tried to feel the magic around to find him but it was to no avail]

Brian: It's funny isn't it? Illusions are so simple yet so effective.

[She heard a voice from behind her, she fired her water spell at where the voice came from but it didn't hit anything.]

Brian: Freeze.

[She heard a voice so close to her ear then she couldn't move at all, she was stuck in that place, she felt that her body was stuck to that spot like it was cemented there and like a heavy weight was upon her.]

Adella: W...why can't I move?! I feel... trapped...is this... gravity magic?! Paralysis?

Brian: Hahaha, no, my dear Adella, it isn't. My illusions aren't just Illusions alone. I can do so much more with it.

Adella: You can manipulate gravity?

Brian: Oh heavens no, I can just distort your feelings _of_ gravity. Mental attacks so to speak. Giving you the feeling of "weight" but nothing's changed physically.

Adella: So I'll I have to do is free myself by not believing in this Illusion! C'mon..It... isn't realll!! Nnngh!

Brian: Firstly, why did you moan like that? (It was cute in a way.) Secondly, the chances of anyone breaking out of my illusions are very low. No one can see through them...No one's above them...

[He then faced upwards and narrowed his eyes at Aiden.]

Brian: ...Well... almost no one.

Adella: So you want to win by Immobilizing me?

Brian: Wrong again. I wanted to keep you steady because your name brings back a vague annoying memory of mine but I can't recall and I want to check on you.

Adella: You're...after my body?! Eyyyaaah!!

Brian: That's not what I meant!! How did you arrive at such a conclusion!?!


[He walked up to her and touched her royal blue hair.]

Brian: Silky... too silky... Almost doesn't feel normal.

Adella: A compliment mixed with insult, you must not be very popular with girls.

Brian: (Ouch, my trauma.)

[His finger grazed her forehead slightly-]

Adella: Eek!

Brian: Hmm...

[...then placed his hand on her head]

Adella: What are you doing?!

[He smirked, then a hologram-like display appeared in front of them, Brian was playing with her memories it showed something of a castle build.]

[Adella with her eyes widened and her face filled with dread, stammered to say...]

Adella: P-please... please stop!

[Brian just kept smiling as he was watching]

Adella: Please!!! Everyone's looking!! Stop!!!

[Brian looked at her, her eyes filling with tears then he chuckled.]

Brian: Dry those tears, there's nothing to worry about.

Adella: Huh?

Brian: Everyone is under my illusion spell at the moment, they can't see what we're seeing now.

[Brian walked towards the end of the ring and waved at the on-looking crowd, though they were looking at the dome they had awe on their faces as if some epic fight was going on within it]

Brian: You see? No one can see what's happening inside here.

Adella: The spirit magic this dome is made of isn't normal. The spirits here will replay anything that happens in here! They don't have physical bodies so you can't manipulate them into seeing your Illusions!

[Brian chuckled again.]

Brian: They're no different. As non-physical as they may be they still have a consciousness that I can exploit. And at the moment they are seeing what others are seeing so even if anyone tries to replay this, they will only see what I want them to see.

Adella: What kind of terrifying magic is that? What do you want my memories for? What do you want me for?

Brian: Nothing really, I just have a vague feeling I know you from somewhere. Or to be more accurate; Have heard a similar name to yours before.

Adella: Then... why are you playing my memories instead of playing yours?

Brian: Oh dear. W-well probably b-because my magic doesn't work on me.

[Brian's eyes slide to the left to avoid eye contact]

Adella: Why did you stutter while saying that? Doesn't it work? Or you've never tried it before?

[She narrowed her eyes in doubt]

Brian: A-ahem. You've been talking too much.

[Brian made her unable to see him for a few seconds then restored her eyesight]

Brian: Yes, my ability doesn't work on me.

[He said confidentially]

Adella: Sure, it doesn't.

[She said sarcastically then rolled her eyes]

Brian: Back to the matter at hand! I'll-

[Brian looked up and noticed Aiden staring at him, he forgot that Aiden is the one anomaly that his Illusions didn't work on.]

[He created mist within the ring to block his view then continued to watch her memories.]




Brian: Ooh. Now I've remembered where I heard your name from. You're from "there", aren't you? Now I remember clearly.

Adella: You're a horrible person.

Brian: Heh. Like you're any better... Runaway princess.

[He sneered]

Adella: Don't call me that!

Brian: Everyone in this school has something that piques my interest... but unfortunately yours doesn't.

Brian's POV

I can't make use of her in any way. I'll just have to make do with Wittaker.





Crowd: Ooh, Ahhh.

[The crowd was in awe with what they thought was happening within the ring, they saw Brian putting up a great fight while Adella countered magnificently, it had colorful spells and effects with mind-blowing attacks and counters. But Aiden was the only one who didn't see what others saw.]

Draven: Hey, Aiden why aren't you at the edge of your sit while watching this?

Aiden: ...

Draven: Aiden? Aiden!

Aiden: Huh!!! Uh, yeah, sure what ever you say.

Draven: You weren't listening.

Aiden: Hehe, yes.

Draven: What's got you so down? Hungry?

Aiden: No...well, I want food but that's not why I'm like this.

Draven: Something wrong?

Aiden: Wasn't Brian an illusionist?

Draven: Yeah, so? Oh crap. Don't tell me what we're seeing isn't true.

Aiden: Hehe, okay then I won't tell you. Hmph!

Draven: But it looks so real, Illusions aren't usually this realistic, right? Are you sure it's fake?

Aiden: Yeah, I'm sure. Can your <Rizor's-eye> see through Illusions?

Draven: Yeah. why?

Aiden: Use it to check out the ring.

Draven: Hm...

[Draven narrowed his eyes and a golden glow was seen on his irises, Rizor's eye broke the spell on Draven so he could see past the illusion, he wasn't under that spell anymore, his eyes granted him resistance.]

Draven: What the...?

Aiden: You see it too?

Draven: There's mist raised within the ring. What happened?

Aiden: Brian did something.

Draven: Aw, that amazing fight was all smoke n' mirrors. That's depressing.

Aiden: Hehe, At least you got to see it. I couldn't see anything since the beginning.

Draven: So now what? Do we tell everyone?

Aiden: Let's just keep watching.

Aiden's POV

Hm... What's he trying to do with Adilla...Areia? Amala? Adiella?


I can't see through the mist he put up since it isn't an illusion.

Sigh... I wish I never met this guy(Brian) early on. Couldn't he just do the thing where the antagonist doesn't make an appearance until his plans were complete? Or stayed in the background till we met through some fateful encounter?! Yeesh!

Actually...now that I think about it... he was doing that.

Back in the forest on that island he wasn't noticed at all and hid in the background. I...was the one who found him!

Noooo! I brought this on myself!!

[Aiden knelt with his hand on the ground in despair contemplating why he got himself involved]

Aiden[Muttering to himself]: It's...my fault... it's my fault... it's my fault, I should have just ignored everything... it's my fault... it's my fault...

Draven: ??

[Draven stared confusingly at his comrade cradling himself in a fetal position and rocking back and forth]

Draven: Aiden. What are doing?

Aiden: I swear if you dare give me a story arc. I will hunt you down, Draven!

Draven: *Sigh* Akeru, seems like your older brother has lost his mind or something.

Akeru: Don't worry. I've got this.

[Akeru said heartily.]

[He piggybacked Aiden back to his seat and started patting his head slowly]

Draven: (What type of family is this?) A-are you his mother?

Akeru: No, but I do this to calm him down now. I wonder what got him riled up this time.

Aiden: Plot!

[He jumped out of his sit and went to the guardrail near Draven.]

Aiden: Anyways, back to the matter at hand. Akeru what do you see?

[He turned around and faced Akeru]

Akeru: I see you.

Aiden: No, I mean in the ring what can you see?

Akeru: Oh, Mr. Brian and Miss Adella are fighting.

Aiden's POV

So it even works on Akeru too, huh?

[Aiden faced Draven]

Aiden: So now. What's going on in there?

Draven POV

After all that just happened he's back to normal...ish?

Draven: I-I don't know, but Adella's Magic feels stationary like she's not moving at all.

[Back in the ring Adella was trying to break free but she couldn't, nothing was physically holding her but she couldn't move.]

Brian: Well it's time to end this whole charade.

Adella: When this is over I'll tell the officials about this!

Brian: Do you honestly think you can? Go ahead. But just know; your little secret might somehow get out and everyone would know where to find you, Princess. Be grateful I don't care to reveal it. But get in my way and I will.

[Adella clenched her teeth in annoyance]

[Brian walked up to her and flicked her forehead]

[He made an illusion where the ground she was standing on was vertical and gave her the sensation of falling, while she fell out of the ring he snapped his finger at the same time releasing the masses from his illusion. He did it in sync with what they were seeing and what was going on so that when she fell out of the ring the Illusion the masses were under was him finally pushing her out and ended with her falling outside the ring in sync with his dispell.]

Crowd: Woo-hoo!

[The crowd cheered heavily at the farce]

Announcer: That was truly spectacular. The winner is Brian Akill!

[He calmly walked back to his stand with an eerie smile on his face]

Aser: Hmph, Good job not losing.

Brian: Giving a proper compliment wouldn't kill you, would it?

Aser: I may not have been able to see it, I'm sure of the fact that somewhere in there were Illusions, weren't they?

Brian: Oh, my. Care to validate that claim?

[His eerie smile turns to a sneer]

Aser: No... It's a feeling...

Brian: Great then.

[He walked past Aser and went to his seat]

[The screen popped up again;

Male. Vs Female

__.                  1

1.                  __

1.                  __

__.                  1

__.                  1

__.                  1

1. __

Announcer: The next match is... Sir Aser Aldric Vs Avi Ana. Can the both of you come down?

[Aser walked down without saying a word with a stern look on his face.]


[Avi jumped down from her seat into the ring. She was a wild girl, a princess of the Beast-kins, but she looked human, Demi-human. In Agrath, yes some Aristocrats use her people as slaves, but it was no different than people using other people as slaves and servants. But how they treated her people had more discrimination than they would a regular human.

They used her people as laborers because they had more stamina than humans and could work longer with less exhaustion than humans. They raided innocent villages and took out young girls and burnt those villages to the ground. And due to certain "tastes" the females humans consider beautiful would be defiled whether married or not. They also used them as target practice, freeing them so that they can be hunted for sport. For fun.

Avi has seen things at a young age that would scar anyone mentally and revenge would be the next course of action but she hasn't shown her rage and lust for revenge. She keeps up her bright, wild, cheerful personality. And possibly for a good reason too. "Agrath's academy has many to offer for those who rise the ranks".]

Aser: Tch.

Avi: Yo! Ready ta lose, Aldric?

Aser: A potential slave shouldn't say my last name like it's nothing.

Avi: A potential loser shouldn't run his mouth off like that, ya know?

[She smiled brightly and her fangs became visible as they peeked from her upper lip.]

Announcer: Begin!

Aser: I'll make this easy on all of us. Earth's core ×400

[Gravity weighed down upon her 400 folds and the ground beneath began to sink.]

Aser: I'll just end this quic- Woah!

[Aser narrowly dodged her claws]

Avi: Hehe.

Aser: How could you still move freely like that!?!

Avi: Ya lil weights can't bring me down.

[She rushed at him again trying to punch him, though this is a magical school for sorcerers physical hits was allowed apparently. Anything goes I guess.]

[She jumped at him again and her attack connected, she scratched Aser across the chest and he slid backward.]

Aser: Tch!

[Aser slowly looked down at his torn shirt with the claw mark on his skin and got irritated]

Aser: I'll make you pay for that!

Avi: Bring it on Asy.

[She smiled mischievously]

Aser: Earth's core × 700

[The gravity weighed heavily on her and pulled her down to one knee, it kept pushing her down till she had two knees with her hands on the floor.]

[Aser being unaffected by his own power walked towards her and then stepped on her shoulder]

Aser: Have you finally seen the difference in our power? And that your way of fighting is futile?

Avi: Hehe, ya keeping distance from me. You're too scared to fight me hand to hand.

[She still has her mischievous smile on her face while being pushed down by the immense force.]

Aser: Let's get rid of one arm shall we?

[Aser kicked her arm then increased the gravity even more as her elbow hit the ground, and her arm broke]

Crowd: *Gasps!*

Avi: Gahh!

[ Her head on the ground like she was bowing down to her master, Aser towering over her with a stern face and stepping on her broken arm said:]

Aser: If you can't keep up with my Gravity magic then you're weak... Soon will be in servitude of us the greater species... with the rest of your vermin of a family.

[Avi was quiet for a little while then spoke in a very calm tone]

Avi: If I treated ya the way you treat us, how would you feel?

Aser: Don't bother trying to preach. it's not working.

Avi: Would you feel great knowing that powerful people are always after you?

Aser: I said silence. The weak aren't allowed to question the strong.

Avi: Heh. Is that so...?

[She used her arm that was previously broken to push herself back up. Aser surprised removed his foot from her head and kicked the arm but Avi didn't speak as she was trying to get up.]

Aser: You... I'll just put you down and be done with you!! ...×850

[Gravity was multiplied again it increased In both weight and intensity]

[Avi finally stood up]

Aser: What the...?!

[She dashed at him at an incredible speed and held her face and shoved him to the ground. With the weight she was under carrying someone with a broken hand would impossible but she did it]

Aser: Gah!

[She shoved his face into the gravel and started running around the ring with his face in it, redesigning the ring with Aser's face.]

Aser: Grrr- Argh! Oof!

[She threw him towards the edge but Aser knew what would be at stake if he flew out so he manipulated gravity on himself to push himself forward.]

Aser: *Huff-Huff-Huff*

[He was out of breath, the gravity he put up in the arena was dispelled. And Avi could move freer and faster than before]

Aser: I'll-Oof!

[He got hit by multiple hits from her at once. Avi Ana's eyes were blood-lusted she clenched her teeth hard, the wild cheerful personality she had before could no longer be found]

[She zipped around so fast that Aser couldn't keep up with it and got hit on every part of his body]

Aser: Gahh! Oof...

Aser's POV

This... can't be possible!! I cannot be disgraced like this! I'll kill her!

[As Aser said he felt a sharp pain in his arm]

Aser: Argh!

Avi: That's one arm gone!

She tackled him to the ground and pinned him there

Avi: I'll kill you!!

[Her claws grew sharper, her mind enraged, As she was about to land a final blow...]


[... A whistle was blown.]

Announcer: Miss Avi Ana Killing is prohibited and therefore you are disqualified. The point goes to the boys.

[The screen popped up again;

Male. Vs Female

__.                  1

1.                  __

1.                  __

__.                  1

__.                  1

__.                  1

1. __

1. __

Avi resisted Aser's gravity manipulation with strong magic control.

The last match is coming soon, I wonder who'll win!!

Raider_920creators' thoughts