
Otherworlder's Adventure In The Dungeon

There was a nameless soul who was granted the chance to reincarnate in another world, and it accepted. It was given the chance to customize it's appearance and starting skills and then thrown into the new world. Quite literally. This is the story of a nameless soul's adventure in a dungeon-fantasy world which is very familiar to a certain anime. NOTE: This is a Danmachi fanfic which has the purpose of fuelling my imagination, I don't own the characters that appear in the fanfic, only my MC. Another Note: I don't own the cover.

IsekaiFanBoi · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

[Arc 2]Chapter 1

Phaes Urian's POV

Hmm... It's been a whole three months already, has it?

I smiled as I put on my padded underwear.

I can faintly remember my previous life, even though my memories about it is starting to fade at a drastic pace.

It feels like I dropped a family heirloom in a lake, it feels painful and my heart feels heavy. However, there's nothing that can be done about it and hence I won't even try. I've already readied my will and am ready to forget everything.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror. My hair is black and it slightly reaches my neck, my eyes are sea-blue. My face looks like my previous life's. Overall, my general appearance is like that of my previous life, the only difference is that I'm smaller and more muscular.

I walked over to my desk and equipped my clothing. My clothing consists of a grey long sleeved leather tunic and black pants which are padded on the inside to make sudden falls more comfortable.

Before I put on my leather boots, I grabbed two small belts and wrapped them around both my feet. On both belts contain small daggers which are for both throwing and holding.

It's a habit I developed in my previous life, when I was working for the government as an agent. You'll never know when you need to sink a blade through your target's throat, afterall.

I then walked to the desk near my bed and opened the drawer. I took out both things that were in my drawers. The first was a hidden blade and a phantom blade. They both originated from a certain game, however they are more deadly if you combine magic with them. I originally wanted to use a hidden gun, however that had too many risks like blowing my arms off.

I walked over to my wardrobe and opened it. In my wardrobe there was a whole set of armor, except a head piece. I don't like head pieces as they obstruct my vision.

My armor consisted of a chestplate - which was white and had multiple tunic markings which were all enchanted -, gauntlets - which leaves space for my hidden weapons -, shoulder guards - which is enchanted with flexibility -, metal knee pads - which is also enchanted with flexibility -, elbow guards and lastly I had made armour for my boots. All my armour is coloured white, filled with different enchantments and different carvings and also multiple hieroglyphs.

You may ask why am I going to such lengths for the dungeon? The answer to this, is that for some reason I feel that deep in the dungeon there's something I need to do.

This feeling has been here ever since I've come into this world, and it seems that even my subconscious is urging me to head there. I don't know how long it'll take, but I'll reach it no matter what.

I equipped my armour and put over me what I liked best. A black cloak. This cloak shrouded my armor and my body, the only part of me that you can see is my head - which can easily be hidden by the cloak's hood - and then I knew I was ready.

I walked towards my door and before attempting to even open it I took a deep breath in.

"It starts today, I can't stop here.", I said to myself as I felt my arms going numb from nervousness.

'I spent three months of pure dedication to training, I'll definitely succeed to survive my first day.', I thought to myself.

I took another deep breath and exited my room and headed to Hephaestus' office.

As I walked towards Hephaestus' office I started thinking about her. Hephaestus was the first person who I met in this world, she's the one who fed and took care of me in open arms. I'll definitely repay her someday.

Afterall, I view Hephaestus as a mother because she reminds me of my previous life's mother - even though I can't remember her - and this warms my heart when I meet her.

I stood outside of Hephaestus' office and began to knock.

Hephaestus wears an eyepatch and she had red hair and eyes. People in this world are so discriminative over a simple eyepatch, however in my previous life there were things worse than an eyepatch.

I've seen women who've infused their body with foreign drugs and other substances, which makes you question if they were even human in the first place. A simple eyepatch is pretty tame, if you ask me.


I knocked on the door twice and I waited for her to answer.

"Come in.", she ordered.

I entered as she said and I came face to face with my mother, or guardian, or saviour?

"So your really going today?", she said to which I nodded.

"Good. Then here's a congratulatory gift.", Hephaestus said while bringing over a black knife which had hieroglyphs carved into them.

The moment I touched the knife the hieroglyphs lit up for s short while.

"What's it's name?", I asked because craftsmen name the things they take pride in.

"It's called 'Memoria' as I want you to remember me and everyone else in the familia when your on your adventures.", I nodded and gladly took ahold of he weapon.

"Thank you.", I said to her.

She patted my head and said:

"No, thank you. I haven't smiled like this in a long while.", she smiled.

I smiled back and gave her a long hug while whispering in her her:

"Thank you."

I took the dagger and sheathed it, then I attached it to the belt below the back of my waist.

"I'll see you later then.", I said to Hephaestus.

"Come home soon.", she muttered loud enough for me to hear.

I opened the door and exited. When j closed the door I noticed big-sis Tsubaki was waiting for me.

"Big-sis?", I muttered in surprise.

"Stay safe out there, Phaes.", said while beginning to walk away.

"Also, be sure you get an advisor from the guild.", she said while waving her hand.

I smiled and proceeded to exit the familia headquarters. For some reason, my intuition is saying something is going to happen soon. It's also saying I need to get stronger quicker, hence stronger I will become.

I took my first step out of the familia mansion and thought:

'It's time for my story to proceed.'