
Otherworlder's Adventure In The Dungeon

There was a nameless soul who was granted the chance to reincarnate in another world, and it accepted. It was given the chance to customize it's appearance and starting skills and then thrown into the new world. Quite literally. This is the story of a nameless soul's adventure in a dungeon-fantasy world which is very familiar to a certain anime. NOTE: This is a Danmachi fanfic which has the purpose of fuelling my imagination, I don't own the characters that appear in the fanfic, only my MC. Another Note: I don't own the cover.

IsekaiFanBoi · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

[Arc 1]Prologue: The Voice

???'s POV

'Mhm?', A nameless soul thought. 'Why can't I talk?'.

"Because you have died.", a carefree feminine voice spoke.

'Oh... So I only died... that's... BULLSHIT!', the soul screamed as soon as it realised the context of the information that it just got.

"Calm down.", the feminine voice spoke.

It took a while for the nameless soul to calm down, but in the end he decided to just calm down. 'Now that I realise it, who am I?', the nameless soul frowned.

"Your name's not important right now, what's truly important is that we deal with the matter at hand.", the voice urged a conversation forward.

'Fine then, first question. Who are you?', the nameless soul mumbled with a sigh.

"You will know my name in due time.", she said with a wink. Or at least the soul thought so.

'On with the explanation.', the nameless soul attempted to move the conversation forward.

"Fiiiinnnneeee.", she childishly said.

"Currently, your in the boundary between life and death, hence why I want to reincarnate you into another world."

'Why am I on the boundary between life and death?', the soul questioned.

"You see...", the goddess mumbled something.

'Speak up!', the soul wanted to hurry up the conversation.

"I threw a meteorite for fun and one small part landed on your house and kill you, tehe~."

'And who he hell throws meteorites for a past time?', the soul pondered.

"It gets boring being alone with no one to talk to.", the voice pouted.

'Good point.', the nameless soul nodded.

"Eh? You actually thought it was a good point!", the voice said in a tear filled tone.

'Sounds reasonable considering you've probably been living for a quadrillion years.", the nameless soul confirmed.

"Your the only person who's actually done this... *hik*", the voice sobbed.

'Are you crying?', the soul questioned.

"N-no.", the voice sobbed.

"Okay, just get on with it.", the soul blushed.

"Okie dokie. Since I'm reincarnating you to another world you'll have to decide your appearance for yourself, but you will start at 12 years old, remember that!"

'Cool.', the nameless soul muttered as a hologram.appeared in front of him. This hologram had options such as [Race], [Sex], [Hair Colour], [Eye Colour] and [Skin Colour].

'Pretty futuristic, huh?', the soul chuckled. 'Talking about technology... HEY!', the nameless soul called the voice.

"Y-yes sir!", the glamourous voice stuttered nervously.

'What's the technology level of the world I'm going to?', he asked.

"It should be a medieval fantasy-esque world, that is governed by levels."

'Ok, thanks!', the soul thanked.

"No problem!", the voice smiled.

The soul selected the [Race] option and saw a bunch of percentages for different races. The soul smiled and proceeded to put the percentages of his races like this:

Human 85%

God 5%

High Elf 10%

When the soul selected these races he saw his hologram become more youthful, with an above average amount of muscles however the hologram's character was shorter than before by a few centimetres.

He the proceeded to select [Sex] and picked [Male]. He selected [Hair Colour] and changed it's time to [Black], he then selected [Eye Colour] and picked the [Sea-blue Eyes]. Lastly he selected [Skin Colour] and switched the option to [Slightly Pale White].

The nameless soul observed his new body and then selected [Confirm].

"Great, great! Now pick out some [Skills] from the list.", the voice instructed.

A screen appeared in front of the nameless soul and he picked out three [Skills]:

-[One Track Mind - The ability to put 100% consciousness on one activity which increases the growth or quality of the result by 50%]

-[Enchant - imbue a spell or attribute in an item, either permanently or temporarily]

-[Detect Presence - The ability to detect all presences within a certain  range]

'How about these?', the nameless soul questioned.

"Oh! Nice choice! Next pick your [Developmental Skills], keep in mind they may evolve or change depending on your actions!"

Another screen appeared in front of the nameless soul and hence he proceeded to fiddle with It, and then it turned out like this:

-Blacksmith - Enables the user to add special abilities to their creations.

-Swords Prodigy - The ability to develop sword abilities, skills and techniques faster with more efficiency and quality.

-Nirvana Body - All status effects and ailments are nullified, there is also a 1% HP per hour bonus.

-Magus - All elemental affinity and 5% magic damage reduction.

'Need your opinion here!', the soul thought to the voice.

"Hmm... I'm going to put [Blacksmith] and [Magus] for when you reach [Level 2], is that fine?"


"Ah! Remember to train those aspects of yours so you can evolve them or keep them, or they'll disappear.", the voice warned.

'Thanks for the reminder.'

"No problem~ Ah! Now pick your [Magic]."

Another screen appeared and the nameless soul once again began to fiddle with it, and the end result became:

[Lightning Clad - The ability to summon lightning through your hands and either clad a weapon in it or throw it directly.]

'That's all I can do.', the soul sighed.

"Ah! Here's a [Skill] for being connected to me.

'What [Skill]?', the soul questioned

"You'll see it when you take a previous of your [Status].", the voice chuckled.

The nameless soul was curious but decided to let it go.

"Now then please decide your stats for when you become [Level 1].", the voice informed as another hologram appeared before the soul.

The soul saw the status attributes from STR to MAG, and noticed that be bad 693 points. The soul assumed that the other points, or if he had other points were for the previous configurations and then proceeded to alot his points.

'Done', the soul thought.

"Good, good. Here's the preview of your [Status]."

When she said that a screen popped.up in front of the nameless soul:


Name: None

Level: 1

STR: I 53

VIT: I 75

DEX: E 450

AGL: I 90

MAG: I 25


One Track Mind - The ability to put 100% consciousness on one activity which increases the growth or quality of the result by 50%

Enchant - imbue a spell or attribute in an item, either permanently or temporarily

Detect Presence - The ability to detect all presences within a certain range.

<Developmental Skill>

Swords Prodigy - The ability to develop sword abilities, skills and techniques faster with more efficiency and quality.

Nirvana Body - All status effects and ailments are nullified, there is also a 1% HP per hour bonus.


Akashic Records - The ability to summon your self into the realm of a library which has lots of information.

Lightning Clad - The ability to summon lightning through your hands and either clad a weapon in it or throw it directly.


'Hmm... Seems about right.', the soul nodded.

'Thanks for the dictionary [Skill] tho.', the soul thanked.

"No problemo~, now then of you go~!", the voice struggled as if pushing something.

'Huh?', the soul could visibly feel his body being formed around him, as he was pushed into a hole that expanded and threw him towards a city which had a large tower.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHH!", the nameless soul screamed desperately as he was falling in the air.

The nameless soul, or rather, the nameless boy could no longer scream, and he closed his eyes out of fear.

"H-guh! Ite..."

The nameless boy crashed headfirst onto a red-haired voluptuous lady with an eye patch, and then lost his consciousness.

"Hah? What's this?", the woman questioned, as she stared at the unconscious boy who wore a plain white tunic and pants.