
Otherworld Demon King Survival Guide

Twenty-three years old. I had just completed my military service and was on a bus home when I fell asleep and was involved in a car accident. “Damn it.” And then I was reincarnated. But what the hell did I do to deserve being reincarnated as a demon? “Save the human.” But they want me to be a Demon King?

Zewin · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
57 Chs

The Demon Realm (10)

After returning, he reviewed everything Karuti had told him, just as planned. He reviewed it and carried out her instructions.


Manipulating magic!

Although it didn't work perfectly, there was a definite feeling that he was getting the hang of it!

'That's right! I am a demon! I was born as a demon and have lived nearly 10 years as one! Even though others start at the age of 3, and I'm starting now, I have some innate talent. I should be able to achieve this quickly!'

If kids could do it, why couldn't he?

Having learned the demon language just by hard work and immersion, was there anything he couldn't do in this world?

"None, damn it! I can do everything!"

Having embarrassingly clung to Karuti and whined, could he not be able to do this?

With positive thoughts, he spent time practicing his magic. After repeating this for a certain amount of time, he opened the beginner's book on magic.

ㅡInhuman studies.


Theories were indeed challenging.

After reading and memorizing, he did some strength exercises. He had to move a bit when he felt like his head was about to explode. Draining his energy made him feel tired. He decided to go straight for a shower.

"Ah. This bed is so comfortable."

After finishing his shower, he dried off and lay on his bed… He wanted to live here forever. This bed was soft. It was different from the southern fortress and his studio room there.

With these thoughts, he began examining the books Karuti gave him.

The child seemed to love fairy tales and discussing them. Naturally, he should oblige. It seemed that, within the palace, there weren't any other family members like Karuti who loved books. He had to do it.

"Let's see. Demon fairy tales and demon novels. Are all of these classics?"

He loved fairy tales and novels, too. He wondered what kind of fairy tales demons enjoy. There were many cruel fairy tales on Earth, and it seemed demons would have even more brutal ones.

However, Karuti would undoubtedly love heartwarming stories.

"So the title is… Huh?"


"Huh? Holy Slaughterer? Goddess and Intestines? Uh, Slaughtered Colony of the Angels?! What is this, damn it? Are these the classics you must read before dying?"

Drawn by the titles, he immediately picked up the book called 'Slaughtered Colony of the Angels'.

Let's read it.

"…That part was the highlight. They all went in together, laughing as if they had found happiness, but what awaited them was a massive slaughter of angels! Yes! That's right! The angels of the Great Heaven pretended to save the devil slaves but instead took them to their killing colony!"


"And there was the leader who had escaped a long time ago… The leader who had bravely run away first in search of freedom! Only the leader's head and spine remained, mocking us with laughter!"


Overwhelmed with shock, he screamed, and Karuti immediately echoed my cry. But there was laughter in her eyes, and she joyfully cupped her cheeks with both hands.

"Phew… It was such a thrilling tale. Truly. A masterpiece indeed."

"Right? Right? Karuti said so. It's a masterpiece one must see before they die! As expected, Kyuse oppa knows what's good."

"Hehehe, it's just that you have good taste. With that kind of discernment, anyone would find it interesting."

"Karuti's discernment…! Yep! Love it!"

She was so cute.

"I especially loved the last scene where we met the leader again. The charismatic image of the leader, which was emphasized more than anyone else in the early part, was done to set up that dramatic reunion, right?"


But why this cruel sentiment? He was greatly shocked by the end.

"What I liked more was how even when the doors opened, the angels still kept their smiles…"

"I liked that too!"

"But Karuti, do you like such horror tales?"

This wasn't something a child younger than me should read.

Giving hope only to slaughter them in the end.

He couldn't even imagine how a tale named "The Goddess Wearing Intestines" would unfold.

Was it because she was a demon that she liked such cruel sentiments? Although Karuti seems genuinely kind and innocent, being born a demon meant she might have that side to her.

"Yes! I love it! It's scary, and it keeps making me imagine things. Karuti loves to imagine."

"Truly a reading girl!"

Girls should have dreams and fantasies!

"Then, since Kyuse oppa has discussed books with Karuti, shall we start the lesson again? Did you practice well yesterday?"

"Of course, I did my best!"

He still couldn't do it properly, but he tried his best yesterday. He would keep doing his best.

He briefly counted the days left until the advent… it would be great to succeed within that time frame.

"But I'm still not good at it. Can we move forward with this?"

"It's okay. With Karuti here, everyone can practice! Today, we'll have a black magic lesson; with Karuti's help, anyone can practice!"

"Great! I'll do my best!"

So, Karuti ordered the library's demon librarian to bring the black magic book.

"This is the most basic black magic book. Specifically made for our lineage. Here, you'll find basic black magic and necromancy. And most importantly for Kyuse oppa, the monster control spell."

He had been waiting for this!

It almost brought a tear to his eyes.

"Hehehe, the thirst for knowledge, good to see. Then, with Karuti's help to get the sense of magic, shall we start the lesson?"


Karuti, opening the book, began her explanation.

"The monster control spell. First of all, all monsters in the middle realm are of demonic origin. They were ancient demonic beasts that crossed over a long time ago. The monsters now can be considered their evolved descendants. Hence, you can use the control spell on them."


So that was why the control spell worked.

"More than that, we are of the Duchess's lineage. If you learn and train properly, you can control multiple monsters."

"Wow! That would make me almost invincible! There's nothing that can stand against an army of monsters!"

Monsters were known entities. There were also beasts in the underworld. If such creatures were dominated and formed into a sort of army, invincibility was certain!

"Hmm, what do you think? Some races in the intermediate realm also tame monsters. Without magic. They domesticate them."


Ah. That was a given.

Domestication could be done by anyone.

Was this it? The concept for demons was controlling livestock with magic, and for humans, it was a feeling of domestication through the technique? Well, different worlds would naturally have different cultures and ways of life.

"Anyway, a monster can be a resource. So, Kyuse. Shall we start with that?"


Thus began the practical training with Karuti.

First, Karuti summoned a familiar to be used as a test subject. And when she lifted the spell of control from it, Poof! The familiar went on a wild rampage.


"Whoa! This little guy's fierce!"

"It's because it's been released from control."

However, as soon as Karuti exerted her telekinesis, the creature's movements came to a halt.



As instructed, he placed his finger on the forehead of this familiar, which was as thick as an arm. Confirming this, Karuti came up behind him and touched his back.

"I'll do it on your behalf, so Kyuse, you just need to feel the sensation, okay? Ready? Let's start."

He concentrated his mind.


He sensed the feeling entering his body.


Right…! The power seeping in from his back spread to his arm. This sensation. He had to remember this sensation. The spell and feeling of this dark magic…! Soon, the overflowing energy was drained from his finger.


The familiar was infused with the control spell.

"It worked."


The familiar became docile again.

"That's how you do it. You need to remember the sensation."

"Oh, wow…!"

Hope was starting to appear.

"Of course, right now, Kyuse, you're at a beginner's level. Even if you master this, you might only be able to control a very weak monster or two."

"Don't worry about that. Humans, no, I'm an evolving being. You're a demon who likes books, right? That means I'm bound to improve."

"You're right! I agree with what Karuti said!"

And so, the lessons with Karuti continued.

If there really was a 'Teacher's Day,' He'd want to visit Karuti every year with flowers and gifts. If he ever truly became the Demon King? Then he would create a 'Teacher's Day' in the underworld, damn them all.

He must survive!

"By the way, Kyuse, you don't know much about the middle realm either, do you?"

"No, not really."

"Hehehe, then Karuti will have to tell you."

Honestly, Karuti seemed to really enjoy teaching. It was in her nature.

"Let's start the lecture then!"


"Currently, four races dominate the middle realm! They are humans, elves, dwarves, and dragons!"


"Humans are the weakest, then elves and dwarves. The strongest are dragons!"

"How powerful are the demons?"

"Stronger than humans. Maybe around the level of elves or dwarves. Probably."

From what he had seen so far, even the demons he had encountered were stronger than humans. They had superior physical abilities and magic.

"So, humans are the easiest opponents?"

"No. Humans have the largest force. And beings in the middle realm use something called mana. It's similar to the magic of demons."


They could use an energy source similar to magic. That meant humans in the middle realm could exhibit superhuman strength and use magic.

This was challenging…!

How was he supposed to live in such a world!

"Are you worried?"

"Honestly, I am quite worried."

"Hmm… But right now, there's more to worry about than just that, Kyuse oppa."

"What do you mean?"

"You said it took you a long time to learn the demon language, didn't you?"


It did take a long time.

"There are many languages in the middle realm as well. Human language, Elf language, and the like. But they vary by each race's country, and while there is a common language, very few use it."


"There aren't many recent books about the middle realm's languages… I'm not sure how effective they'll be, but I'll provide you with some."

"Wait, what? So, humans in the middle realm don't use the demon language?"

"Huh? Isn't that obvious?"

Karuti tilted her head as if asking why he'd question something so obvious…!

"Oh, no!"

Did that mean he would have to learn their language as well?! No! No! He was a demon! There was no reason for him to communicate with them… Well, not exactly.

If he considered that, he would need to gather information locally…

Learning their language was a must!

He felt like he was about to throw up!

"Poor Kyuse oppa… You have so little time and so much to learn."

"I think I'm going crazy!"

"But you have to read all the books Karuti recommends!"

"Don't worry about that!"

He would read them all, no matter what!