

A huge bright explosion happens in earth, making a gateway of the fairytale world. modern society sends militaries and researchers to understand and solve the curiosity.

Daoist77M9rh · Fantasia
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1 Chs


Lucas woke up with a headache. He gets out of his bed and walks outside his office. It was light and the sun is hot. He sees soldiers laying on their kiddie pools while listening to loud metal music. Lucas was a captain of the blood winged phantom. While taking a soda in his comrades ice box, Tyrone guile offers him to join them since it is the celebration of his promotion. Lucas was stressed and wasn't in the mood for partying, he just shakes his head refusing Tyrone. Tyrone raises his shoulders and said that he would solo the extra big beef burgers tonight. Lucas turns his head and glares at Tyrone.

"Oh no you don't! you little shit, I'm in."

His crew shouts and also spanked his ass being happy to join them. Tyrone raises his hands and gets everyone's attention. He wanted to be grateful and honorable being Lucas's comrade and a brother in arms. Tyrone also thanked him for saving him from a string bomb, he would've turned into a corned beef. Lucas said that Tyrone is an asshole and he's regretting saving him from that time. They laughed at each other as the party continues. Lucas woke up from a hang over, it was morning and he remembers general doss is coming. Before he could stand, general doss was standing behind him. Doss respects his enjoyment but there's another duty that must be fulfilled.

They talked inside Lucas's office, general doss sees his freshmen photo. The photo contains many of his brothers reminding a horrible past. Lucas sees doss holding the picture, Lucas said that remembering his past isn't painful anymore since he met him. Doss was like a father figure to Lucas, saved him and taught him to become a better soldier. As they took a seat, general doss gets to the point. He gives him a file containing the mission. Lucas had a hard time believing what he's reading. Lucas chuckles and asked if this is a prank, doss's face wasn't bluffing or hiding any emotions. Lucas knew it's real when doss is silent and just looking. Doss said he had a hard time believing it too, but to make sure, he will send the blood winged phantom to prove it. When it's real, they continues the mission, if it's not, they abort and report this to the trial. After general doss leaves the camp, Lucas's comrade asked what was the new mission. 

Before Lucas leaks the mission to them, he said that he's going on the guerilla camp from the West. Tyrone asked for what reason, Lucas said he's getting a new member, they are all confused because Lucas doesn't join anybody anymore. Since they're seven members on the blood winged phantom, it will not hurt Lucas accepting another one. So he rides a boeing CH-47 Chinook with his team to take the new member from the west. As soon as they landed from the jungle, many guerilla soldiers were marching and busy doing their jobs. Captain hansom, leader of the guerilla category, he already knew who they are looking for. Hansom waves at Lucas and they head to the new member. The other four were left on the chinook while the two, Tyrone and Jason follows Lucas and hansom. Hansom opens the barracks door, the first thing they saw is a full geared guerilla soldier wearing a mask. He was sitting on the edge of the bed and beside him was his giant bag. 

Lucas had flashbacks about his conversation with doss. Doss hands over another file containing the new members info. 

"No...face..., but his records are good, my records were nothing compare to him..."

Lucas look at doss interested about the new member.

"His name is John Riley R. Smith, he is one of the soldiers who suffered in the project: mountain grave...he was the only survivor, he was tortured by the enemies and when he got out, he took revenge on two hundred nine rebels. He got imprisoned but his lawyer won the case and he continued being a soldier. Now the governor is having a hard time and getting blamed from the casualty even more. The failure of the mission is on purpose, someone leaked the mission to the rebels. Now, the whole government was against each other after that incident. That was years now, the system is improving yet not trustworthy anymore."

After remembering the memory. He also over thinks if this soldier is still on a right mental state or he might be a paranoid soldier. John Riley stood up and salutes to Lucas. 

"John Riley R. Smith, captain!!!, reporting for duty!!"

Lucas whispers to hansom that Riley is formal. Hansom said he trained all the soldiers to not call them "sir" they need to call them "lieutenant", "Sargeant", "general", "sir" is for useless people. Lucas called hansom "sir" and chuckles from Infront of him.

"Go fuck yourself, Lucas, you're taking him or what?."

After a moment of Lucas and hansom reunited, they say their farewell to each other. Before they leave, hansom pats John's shoulder.

"It's been a great experience working with you, son, your new baby sitter Lucas will take care of you, also you can keep the shoulder patch to remind them who you were."

John's eyes were cold stare at him but shows emotion of sadness. He nods casually and gets in the chinook. As the chinook takes off, Lucas introduced John to his new team.

Jason mcfree, the sniper of the team BWF

Tyrone Lautner, the machine Gunner of the team BWF.

Derolo cavendre, the engineer of the team 

Paul mendona, the scout of the team.

Micheal butler, the explosive handler of the team.

Kim young, the medic of the team, also a surgeon back from city metro, considered one of the best medic of the military ranking.

Also, Lucas, the captain of the team, top three of the sharpest shooters, too two from completing most missions, one the best elite hing ranked soldier, an asshole sometimes but chill also approachable.

They all accepted John as their new member, they greeted him warmly and Tyrone greet him in a dumbass way. Lucas also gave him his new shoulder patch. Now John has two shoulder patch but remained quiet and behaved. Kim said they'll have a hard time getting along with him, because all of the team are extroverts, social anxiety doesn't exist to them. They sometimes do shameless things Infront of the crowd to get attention. Lucas always get angry but he still loves his comrades and takes responsibility. Lucas remembers that John doesn't reveal his face to anybody, some rumors said that it's a scar, or to hide his fear. Lucas observes him eye to eye, Lucas's gazed didn't intimidated John, John's eyes were colder and bolder. The two stare making the inside of the chinook chill and silencing the team. Even Tyler, the loudest one in the group, couldn't say anything what's he's seeing. 

The chinook arrived back to the camp. And John makes his new room comfortable and feels it like home. Lucas said that they need to prepare their gears and weapons tomorrow. They all nod and goes to the weapon room to take their expert weapons. They won't sleep because they'll be leaving at twelve thirty pm. Kim and micheal got curious why John is still wearing a mask. As they whispered, Lucas heard it and said the reason behind it. After hearing John's story, they realized that John had it all rough when he was just a freshmen soldier. Micheal said that he remembers hi first comrade dying Infront of him. Kim also remembers his comrade died getting shot in the head while he cleans up the splattered brains on the ground. 

While the team is preparing, doss, came and explains their mission. 

"Alright gentlemen, this is your mission, codename, project: unbelievable. You're going southeast because theres reports of villages getting attacked by...medieval armies...., you blood winged falcon will investigate, fight back if necessary. The government of the country gave us permission to head their for investigation. Reports also said that theirs giant monuments making a gateway to our world. That's where the conflict emerges, we will donate some high graded explosives for micheal butler. But that's if it is true, it's still isn't confirmed because of lack of evidence. So we have plan A and B. It's just easy, investigate it if it's true, plan A, destroy, plan B, if not, head back for the report.

They all nodded, but it seems that John is confused more than the team, he said to his mind.

"What even are we facing, medieval?, isn't that a bit off of being a trick and a joke?, in this era?, I'll just stick to general doss's plan and listen carefully to Lucas."

The team, rides the chinook fully geared and heads to the southeast. While on the move, Lucas talks to John from his first time mission with his new team. Since the southeast is a jungle, they'll have an upper hand with John's guerilla experience. Tyrone said compliments John for being a great pice of the team, John only nodded gesturing of agreement. John just talks rarely in his duty even in a break.