

Tranque and Zwyah are 16 year old brothers in the year ????? and they will do whatever they can in this colorful world to stop Tantekuno from corrupting the world. Tranque is a swordsman with a long black ponytail a shirt, a trench coat, pants, ans shoes in all black Zwyah has short, spiky hair and weilds a crossbow. He wears a black vest and a brown overcoat Sorentaku wears red Dragon armor and wields a 3 pointed spear. She has long yellow hair These main three will do whatever they can to help the world and eternally bring it to peace!

GinisGod · Fantasia
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46 Chs

Extraordinary Power! 100 Year Time Skip!

I wipe the tears off my eyes and help everyone up and we all started limping our way somewhere, trying to find a place to sleep and while we do we hear a voice from the sky

"Hello! I'm the God petarino and my brother here oniratep! We have a gift for you! A 100 years timeskip in power!"

everybody was shocked when they heard that but I accepted there offer after they told us why and they said it was because Tantekuno was to powerful for them so they need us! So with that The gods sung a chant causing everybody's bodies of all the to pulse

"Gaaaaah!" I yell

"This power.....I can feel it bubbling inside me!" Soren shouts

Winds rushing, minds shaking, Skies falling

they have never taken so much power at once! The gods stopped singing and the ritual was complete

"It is done! You are now a 100 years more powerful!" The gods bellowed

We all released our power a bit to see how powerful we had gotten and our power had really gone aheead 100 years people dying!, earth trembling! We could definitely stand up to Tantekuno now!

We sleep in the inn and watch some Loomian Legacy but then we wwre confronted by a demon named Goddosureiya (God slayer) It dashed right at us with its sword and was about to attack Zwyah but he was ready! He went behind Goddosureiya and shot him with a fire cyclone arrow which not only hits him in his back it also spiraled him downwards into the ground

"The inn!" I Shout

"The people!" Soren added

"The wine!" Zankuno also added

We all gave him a look and all he could say was that the wine was important too . Zwyah then kicked Goddosureiya out the in then shoot multiplying fire and wind vortex arrows barraging Goddosureiya wrapping him with fire and wind then he vanished right behind him with a new nuke style-matter bomb arrow causing a giant explosion erasing all matter in its radius but Goddosureiya dashed right through the smoke and rock and stabbed Zwyah right in the chest then took it out to strike him down. Zwyah countered with multiplying Matter bomb arrows causing a bigger explosion then before! Zwyah than used his royalte mark and dashed right towards Goddosureiya so fast everything behind him shattered and collapsed. He instantly shot Goddosureiya with a dark matter arrow then shoots in the air with a time bomb arrow which stops all time for as long as he wants.

After he stops times he shoots a matter bomb arrow and a anti matter bomb arrow in the same place to form a black hole with space warping demons crawling out and they start charging a black hole beam and since Zwyah wanted to have some fun he resumed time and started fighting Goddosureiya again. Goddosureiya jumped right at Zwyah with a sword and said

"This is my swords true form! Burn! Akuma ryu! (Demon Dragon)

His sword turned into the shape of s dragon and he jabbed it at Zwyah and luckily he blocked it but that little victory was short lived when Goddosureiya's Dragon blade extended and started pushing Zwyah into his own black own so Zwyah quickly vanished so then Goddosureiya's woukd get sucked in to the black hole. Zwyah decided to finally use the blast he was charging up all this time. Zwyah appeared right in front of Goddosureiya and said that he hsd already one because as soon as Zwyah left the black hole beam was right in front of Goddosureiya.

"AHHHHHHH!' Goddosureiya screeches in agony as he was being sucked into the attack

everything around him was being absorbed and thankfully before it could get worse Zwyah got rid of the black hole and to make things even better the Gods brought back everybody that had died and restored all the destroyed buildings and walkways. We are indeed a lot stronger than we thought we would be! That just goes to show how much the Gods need us and we need them to defeat Tantekuno! We go back to the inn where Soren and I share a bed Zankuno and Dankuno share a bed and Zwyah sleeps alone in a bed and he's lucky if you think about it! Now I wish I were him!