
Otaku journey!

An ordinary guy by the fulfillment of fate was in front of God, who gave him the opportunity to entertain him, traveling to different worlds! what will the main character do during the journey? start a harem? build a business? everything is possible because he has his whole life ahead of him. Or maybe more than one... --- please take note that this fan fiction has quite big problems with time!

lazy_door · Anime e quadrinhos
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42 Chs

CHAPTER - 28: Changes in life.

When the duel ended, Erina was halfway to her grandfather's office, as she was still tormented by thoughts about her character after talking to Hiro, so she wanted to discuss it with her grandfather.

While Erina was soaring in her thoughts, Hisako was also a little distracted, she did not want to be separated from her idol, the one she admired since childhood.

Due to her absent-mindedness, she didn't notice that Erina had stopped, so she accidentally bumped into her.

- Hisako, I guess you're thinking about Hiro's words too, right? - Erina asked the girl she helped to get up. Seeing Hisako's nod, she continued.

- Listen, while I'm talking to Grandpa, and you meet with Ikumi and tell her that I want to meet her!

- Good Erina-sama! - Hisako replied, and was about to go on an errand, but was stopped.

- Hisako, from now on, just call me by my first name! - Erina said, embarrassed.

- I understand! - Hisako said with a joyful smile, and ran about her business.

Seeing her friend in such a state, Erina also cheered up.

- Grandpa, can I come in? - Erina asked, knocking on the door.

- Erina, is that you? Come in, will you have some tea?

With her grandfather's permission, Erina immediately entered the study.

- Erina, are you on business or have you decided to visit your grandfather for once? - Senzaemon asked with a laugh, putting the documents aside.

- I'm sorry, but I came on business! - Erina said seriously.

Senzaemon saw the attitude, immediately invited his granddaughter to sit down, and also asked the secretary to bring two cups of tea.

- First sit down and calm down, - after that, Erina calmly sat down on one of the two free chairs in the office, - now you can tell me what's bothering you, I'm listening to you!

Erina quickly pulled herself together, and was about to start talking about her problem, when Alice suddenly entered the office.

- Hi, Grandpa! - the girl greeted the old man, - oh, Erina, are you here too? - Alice exclaimed, being in a good mood.

- Hello, Alice, how do I think that you also came on business? - Senzaemon asked, to which he received a nod from the girl, - Well, then come and sit next to Erina.

- Alice, what do you want here? - Erina asked warily, although they were having fun last night, but the girl was still offended by Alice, because of an incident in childhood.

Senzaemon, noticing that the room was beginning to smell of gunpowder, decided to change the subject, - By the way, Alice, yesterday I heard that your assistant had an unofficial culinary duel with a novice, I was wondering who won? - the old man asked, but he already knew the answer, since he personally watched them through a live broadcast, but could not admit it.

- It was won by Hiro, but with a one-point advantage! - Alice replied, although she liked Hiro, but she had to defend the dignity of her assistant.

- It's interesting, apparently this newcomer has an extraordinary talent, since he won from your assistant, to whom you sometimes lose! - Senzaemon spoke out, which caused Alice's displeasure.

- It's not true, I haven't lost to him for a long time! - Alice exclaimed.

- Yes, this only confirms the originality of Hiro! - Senzaemon confirmed, although he knew about it, even that Hiro had a lot of talents in other industries, for example, basketball.

If you are concerned about the fact where Senzaemon found out about Hiro's talents, then on the day when this guy had a second meeting with Alice, he asked his friends to follow the actions of this guy.

Hearing that the topic of conversation hurt Hiro, Erina decided to confess.

- I just came about Hiro! - Erina spoke softly, which instantly attracted the attention of the others.

- To be honest, I also came to talk to you about Hiro! - Alice also confessed, which also surprised Erina and Senzaemon.

- Well, then, since you came to talk about one person, there's no point in hiding it from each other, right? - Senzaemon asked, to which he received the uncertain consent of both girls, - If we decided not to hide, then who will start talking? Erina? Alice? – but no matter what, no one wanted to take the initiative.

While the girls were deciding who would start first, a secretary entered the office with a tray in her hands, on which there were three cups of tea. When the girl put down the cups, she immediately left the office, which was getting quieter with every moment.

- Since no one wants to start, let me tell you something about this guy? - Senzaemon asked, drawing the attention of the two girls.

- By the way, how do you like this tea? My old friend gave it to me!

Although the girls did not care about the taste of tea at all right now, they involuntarily compared it with the tea of some guy who had been drinking quite recently.

- Quite a good Tea, but the tea made by Hiro is several times better than this! - Alice said with a smile, to which Erina nodded without saying anything.

This fact surprised the old man a little, - I wonder if it will be necessary to try! Okay, let's get down to business! During the short period that he is studying here, he has shown himself to be liberated, as well as a talented cook, basketball player, and also has some knowledge of martial arts. During this period, I instructed to find out about this prodigy. So the fact that I learned a few surprised me. He has an assistant named Fi Ice, no one knows who she is, and what she looks like is known only that she works for an insanely rich man. As you have already understood, this person was Ichijo Hiroto. Now he owns several companies, as well as 15% of Totsuki's shares, but he has no power in our company, but only receives dividends in the form of large sums of money, - Senzaemon said, dropping an information bomb on the girls, - I hope you will not change your attitude towards him.

– No, in principle, I knew most of this, - Alice said cheerfully, - and as for my arrival, I wanted to know if Hiro and I started dating, would you be against it? - the girl asked, startling the others with a question.

- M-m, probably not, first of all, it depends on yourself! Secondly, your parents, but I wouldn't mind. - Senzaemon answered honestly, surprising the girls.

- Hurrah!!! That's all I wanted to know, since my mom already agrees! - Alice exclaimed emotionally. The old man and Erina were also shocked by the words they heard.

- Erina, Alice has already told about the purpose of her arrival, and since you were present at this moment, it would be fair if you shared the purpose of your arrival with Alice. - the old man asked the girl, with which the silver-haired girl agreed.

- All right, Grandpa! Today, during the Culinary Duel, I had a conversation that torments me. - After these words, Senzaemon became a little wary.

- What was this conversation about? - Alice asked anyway, worried about her cousin.

- It all started innocuously, but then he abruptly started talking about my attitude towards other people! And his question, how am I different from him, completely knocked me out of the rut.

- So what did you answer to this question?

- Unlike him, I speak the divine language, but he immediately changed this question, - after a pause, Erina continued, - Hiro said that he also speaks the divine language, and then he also asked how I differ from him, to which I could not find any answer! Erina said, almost sobbing.

Senzaemon, seeing the condition of his granddaughter, decided to support her a little, - Erina, you know, there are people in life who are better than you in something that you love, but do not be discouraged, because he does not get the pleasure that you get from it! - After these words, Erina calmed down a little, but these words did not help to find an answer in her heart.

Alice, seeing her cousin in such a state, could not understand whether to rejoice at this, because this is her sister.

- Maybe Hiro deceived you and does not speak any divine language, but just wanted to change your attitude to others, - Alice asked, and then suggested, - and let me call him now, and we'll ask him together! - the girl suggested, to which the others agreed with grief in half..

- Just put it on speakerphone so we can hear your conversation! - Erina offered, strangled.

- No problem, - Alice agreed, dialing the already familiar number, - hello, Hiro?

- Have you missed me already? - Hiro asked, in a teasing voice that made Erina blush.

- Yes, I missed you, but this time I'm calling on business! - Alice said seriously.

- Oh, what happened! - Hiro asked softly.

- So far, nothing has happened, but trust me, it can happen to someone if you don't answer me a couple of questions! - Alice threatened, smiling sweetly at the same time.

- No problem, just hurry up, otherwise I still have to broadcast live today! - Hiro easily agreed, not paying attention at all to the girl's threats.

- Wow, then you'll have to tell me more about it! And now let's get to the questions, answer everything honestly! - acting like a bad cop, Alice said.

- Wow, it's scary! - Hiro played along with her.

- First of all, is it true that you speak the divine language?

- Yes, really, you should know that, - Hiro replied ambiguously, which caused embarrassment for both girls and indignation for the old man, - did Erina tell you about this? - Hiro still asked calmly.

- I can tell from your tone that I'm not surprised at all! - Alice replied.

- No, it could well have happened, since the girl who was treated like a treasure, they say that she is not a bit different from others, - Hiro said easily, which saddened Erina again, and then continued, - especially since I can say that immediately after the duel, she went to her grandfather, who is not a drop inferior to her! - Hiro said with a smile.

- In sense?

- Your grandfather is very fond of peeping and eavesdropping, if my guess is right now, then you are talking on speakerphone, and not only Erina hears me, but also that grandfather! - Hiro told his opinion, which seriously surprised everyone present. Alice looked at her grandfather with her eyes, asking for permission, to which the old man simply nodded.

- Yes, Erina and I are in Grandpa's office!

- Then, good afternoon, old man, - Hiro greeted him, and Senzaemon reciprocated, - do you have any more questions for Alice?

- Yes, why did you call Grandpa a lover of such things? - Alice asked, confirming Hiro's theory.

- Because wherever I am, I am being watched, either by him or by his people, - Hiro said with barely noticeable irritation, - you know how annoying it is when you are restricted in your personal freedom! Of course, I understand that he is worried about you, but if I wanted to do something with you, I would have already done it, and no one would have stopped me, believe me! No personal life with that damn grandfather! Do you hear me? Stop doing it, - Hiro said, - how good it's become, I'm sorry Alice, if after that you don't want to date me, I'll understand! Any other questions? If there are none, then I apologize for the inconvenience! - Hiro said goodbye, as he was afraid to shake too much.

Alice didn't have time to say anything because of the stupor, and when she could, she found that Hiro had passed out.

- Grandpa, tell me since when and how long have you been following him? - Alice asked with a sweet smile, but the girl's eyes were playing with fire. Even Hiro's words about possible rape didn't change her opinion about Hira.

- From the moment of your second meeting, throughout the day! - I told the truth, because I didn't see the point in hiding it, since Hiro had already told everything.

- Why? - Alice asked, although from her grandfather's recent words, she knew that he was watching Hiro, but not every day.

- I have to be 100% sure that he is not a bad person, which he proved very quickly! Therefore, from today I have withdrawn the surveillance of him! - said Senzaemon righteously.

Erina still couldn't come to her senses because of everything that had happened. One could say that because of everything that happened, she would 100% reconsider her attitude towards other people, and she wanted to start with the person sitting opposite her, who is dear to her.

- Grandpa, Alice and I understand your actions, but they are too aggressive! Moreover, Alice said that when she met a girl who fell into a trap, he helped her. These signs were not enough for you to find out about the person's identity? - Erina reprimanded.

Alice couldn't believe her eyes because Erina stood up for her, which didn't happen... in general, it never happened.

- I understand that I did something wrong, but it's not for you to judge them! - Senzaemon said gloomily, - now you are free, we need to think about what happened today, and I promise that I will not act so radically again.

- Okay Grandpa, I hope you'll forgive me!

After saying goodbye, the girls left their grandfather's office, when suddenly a good idea came to Erin's head.

- Alice, listen, can we try to improve our relationship? - Erina asked, embarrassed, struggling with her arrogance.

- Erina, I thought you'd never ask! Where do we start? - Alice replied with great enthusiasm.

- Can we go for a walk? - the girl suggested, the first thing that came to her mind.

- Great idea, let's go right now!

- Okay, but I need to talk to Ikumi first! After that, let's go right away!

- Oh, is this the one who lost to Soma today? - Alice asked, since Hiro had told her about it yesterday.

- Yes, that's right, I want to give her a second chance, what do you think about it?

- Yes, she deserves it, but the punishment must be fulfilled, remember what Isshiki-senpai said yesterday? Damn, I forgot to ask Hiro if he came up with a punishment!

- Yes, you're right! Are you coming with me or do you have something to talk to Hiro about?

- Yes, I should talk to Hiro before he thinks up anything for himself!

- Good luck!

- And you!


After the conversation, Erina went to meet Ikumi.

At the moment, Ikumi was all on edge and couldn't sit still in one place.

- Ikumi calm down, is Erina coming already? - Hisako warned the girl.

- Eh?! Already? - Ikumi asked in shock, sitting down in an empty seat in Erina's office.

- Ikumi, listen! Despite your loss today, I will give you a second chance, but you should fulfill all the conditions of this duel, that is, you will join Don's society – Erina said, at the moment when she entered the room, - I hope you understand that now you have to make Don's society the best among others. - the girl said with a smile, surprising Ikumi with this.

- Yes, Nakiri-sama, I will do everything so that Don's society does not put your name to shame! - Ikumi immediately exclaimed, flustered by Erina's words.

- That's good, you can go now! By the way, you can continue to use the kitchen provided by me.

- Thank you, Mrs. Nakiri! - leaving the room, the short-haired girl said.

When Ikumi left the room, Erina's attention shifted to Hisako, - Hisako, today, I'm going to meet Alice, so you can go about your business!

- Well, madam ..., - the girl suddenly stopped in mid-sentence, as she noticed Erina's gaze of displeasure, - I meant, I understood Erina, perhaps I will improve my cooking.

- That's wonderful, and now let's get busy! - Erina said with a satisfied smile, glad that the relationship between her and Hisako had shifted from the relationship between the mistress and the servant.

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