
Osmosian Sorcerer?!

Maxwell had led a quiet existence, a life not perfect but not terrible either. When he was offered the chance to drastically improve his life, gaining power and fulfilling his every desire, he seized the opportunity without hesitation. Ben10 X Winx X Crossover

Demon_King22 · Anime e quadrinhos
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17 Chs

Chapter - 3


Chapter - 3: Take and Give


"You know, I thought it would be more challenging," I said rhetorically. "For an ancient sorcerer, it's been more disappointing than expected," I added, casting an amused glance at the girls.

Seeing they weren't responding to my question and were too engrossed in staring at the corpse before them, I left them to start advancing into the deeper area of the Omega dimension.

"Where are you going?" Icy asked, visibly annoyed at being completely ignored, but also somewhat unsettled by the dead body in front of them.

"To find something interesting," I said with a smile as my flaming wings emerged from my back, knowing exactly where I needed to go. However, my initiative was further delayed by the arrival of more ice serpents.

As always, the ice serpents focused on me, showing no mercy, while completely ignoring the Trix, treating them as mere side characters who didn't really matter in the grand scheme of this world.

The girls seemed not to grasp something so basic and had decided they could defeat the enemies in front of them, which was quite amusing to watch.

Perhaps they didn't realize the true nature of the danger they were facing, or maybe they were too arrogant to admit it. Did they unconsciously think I would help them?

Well, I had entertained the idea, but I certainly wasn't going to jeopardize my own objectives. I knew well that in situations like this, every decision could mean the difference between life and death, and I couldn't afford to be distracted.

One might expect me to be much more ruthless, and it didn't matter who stood before me; my only concern was absorbing their power and reclaiming my old days of glory.

However, despite my inner thoughts and thirst for power, my ruthlessness extended only to my enemies, and these girls were not that, at least not at the moment.

I had no interest in harming them for no reason. Not to mention that the magical attacks the three were launching at the serpents were ineffective. It was clear that if I didn't intervene, they would be overwhelmed quickly.

With a sigh, I flew towards the white serpents and unleashed a powerful fire spell. The intense heat quickly weakened the ice serpents, causing them to melt and retreat, unable to withstand the force of my power.

The ice serpents looked at me hesitantly, not wanting to quarrel with me after my show of strength. "Leave, before I decide to devour you all!" I commanded harshly, causing the large magical reptiles to line up and leave. They didn't understand my language but sensed the danger I posed to them.

Honestly, I was reluctant to give up a meal that was right in front of me. I had to grit my teeth, thinking of them as mere snacks awaiting what would truly come.

"Are you all alright?" I asked, receiving only grunts in response. "Looks like those serpents had their way with you."

Icy shot me an annoyed look as she retorted, "What do you think? Besides, we didn't need your help, we had everything under control!"

"Perhaps," I conceded without much protest. Unlike them, I didn't mind admitting when I was wrong. "But we can consider it a favor for freeing me. I've never liked owing people anything."

During the journey, I didn't speak much, too focused on finally leaving this place behind. The Trix, good company though they were, whispered among themselves, asking questions here and there.

Some of their questions I answered, while others remained unanswered, as I preferred to keep some mystery about my abilities, for obvious reasons.

Moreover, I didn't want to reveal too much about myself. After all, a bit of secrecy could keep them interested and compliant, considering they were still easily manipulable teenagers.

Our progress was slow due to the vastness of that world. It wouldn't have surprised me to find out it was larger than my old world. The expanse of the terrain we had to traverse was daunting.

I felt like we could walk for days without seeing any change in the landscape. Furthermore, the terrain was extremely challenging, making the journey even more difficult.

Jagged rocks, steep hills, and dense forests constantly slowed us down. Every step required attention and effort, often forcing us to detour around obstacles.

We could fly, but the icy air made it impractical, even with the protection of my fire grimoire. They would freeze long before due to the cold and biting winds.

Each step forward seemed to bring an increase in cold intensity, but unfortunately, the only thing I could do was increase the heat around us just enough to provide some minimal comfort in this world.

I also had my limits in this inhospitable environment for any form of life. Icy, Stormy, and Darcy were quickly succumbing to the cold; their limbs were becoming heavier by the minute, and their movements were visibly slowing down.

Icy might be resistant to the cold, but she was not completely immune to the effects of this hostile environment. The longer we stayed there, the more this became evident, with every passing second.

Another problem presented itself in the form of fatigue and hunger. For me, this wasn't an insurmountable difficulty, as long as I had energy in my body, I could continue to support myself without too many problems.

However, the Trix did not share my resilience, and this was beginning to weigh on our progress, so I decided that I had had enough and ordered a break to rest.

My three companions, though reluctant due to their foolish pride, could only obey.

They were too exhausted to oppose me; the girls followed my words with resignation as they sat on the icy ground, breathing heavily and clearly fatigued as they tried to regain their strength.

"This won't get us anywhere soon under these conditions..." I could only say, ignoring their irritated and displeased looks.

"Well, if you have a way to make us stronger in a short time," Icy said sarcastically, clearly not too happy to be seen in such a weak state by me.

Darcy had a hand over her sister's mouth to prevent her from speaking. "What she meant to say is that we are grateful for your help." It seemed she had no intention of freezing for her sister's pride.

Stormy nodded in agreement with the middle sister.

"Actually, yes," I said casually, as their intense gazes focused on me. "I have something that might work for you, but naturally, there are some drawbacks that you might not like, which is why I didn't say anything."

"And what would this method you're talking about be? Stop being so vague," Icy said, with a tone of obvious impatience.

"Well, I will use the knowledge gained from Valtor to cast a spell on you," I replied, keeping my tone calm. "As for how it works, it will allow me to transfer some of my power to you."

The Trix stared at me, absorbing my words. "And what about the small inconveniences you mentioned?" Darcy asked, curious.

With a serious look and maintaining my calm tone, I replied, "The only notable disadvantage is that you can't harm me. But I believe that's not so important, considering I think you're smart enough not to go against me," I added with a subtle smile.

The Trix exchanged a knowing glance before Icy asked in a stern voice, "How much power are we talking about?"

A big smile spread across my lips. "Why don't you try it on your skin?" I extended my hand and cast a spell on all three of them.

It was a spell I had devised in the moment, using Valtor's knowledge and my ability to transfer the powers I had absorbed to my allies, although for the time being I was only giving my magical power.

This was my personal version of the Valtor Mark, simply renamed "Transfer" because it was more accurate and less tied to the idea of a dark lord needing control due to lack of self-confidence.

My symbol burned into their stomachs, just below the navel, branding them. Magical flames licked their skin without causing pain, yet leaving an indelible mark on their bodies.

I could see the glow in their eyes as they absorbed my energy. I felt their magical power grow within them, and it seemed that my experiment was a true success.

Icy was the first to react, clenching her fists as new energy flowed through her. A pleased smile formed on her face as she looked at her hands, enveloped in an aura of ice more intense than ever.

"I feel... immense power," she said, her voice full of excitement. "This is incredible."

Darcy closed her eyes, savoring the sensation of magic mingling with hers. When she reopened them, they were bright and piercing. "I can sense the flow of magic with a clarity I never imagined," she whispered, sounding amazed.

Stormy shook her hands, generating sparks of electricity dancing around her. A gleeful laugh escaped her lips as she raised her arms, conjuring a small but powerful storm above us. "This is phenomenal!" she exclaimed. "I feel invincible!"

The Trix looked at each other, their faces lit up with excitement and the newfound power coursing through them. "With this power, we can finally crush those pesky Winx!" Icy declared, a fierce light in her eyes.

Darcy nodded, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "Yes, we'll finally get the chance to crush them like we always wanted to."

Stormy raised a fist, sparks of electricity dancing around it. "I can't wait to see their faces when they realize how powerful we've become."

Feat Achieved

[Earn the trust of the Trix]

Pull Granted

In the end, power was the only thing they understood, and it didn't surprise me at all that I had gained their trust this way rather than when I had saved them from the ice serpents.

It was clear that their respect and loyalty couldn't be bought with acts of kindness or displays of courage, but only by demonstrating superior strength, as they were witches.

After all, the Trix were certainly not easily impressed girls; they had grown up in an environment where only the strongest survived and thrived. The way they lived tolerated no weaknesses or hesitations, and this was particularly true for them.

Every moment of their lives was a battle for supremacy, a power game where every move could determine their destiny in the magical world until they had it in the palm of their hands.


Result: Uncommon Item

[Ideal Outfit]

Source: The Incredibles

[You have access to an outfit created by Edna Mode that automatically adjusts to your needs and abilities. This outfit, designed with advanced materials and technology, provides numerous advantages.]

Damn good!

This roll turned out to be really useful. As an Osmonian, using my gift too much means my body changes to accommodate the absorbed power, which can be quite a hassle.

When I absorb large amounts of energy or gain new abilities, my physique undergoes significant transformations. Without clothing that could adapt to these changes, I'd be constantly naked while fighting.

This outfit would detect changes in my body and adjust accordingly, always ensuring a perfect fit and optimal functionality. Whether I'm growing taller, developing new appendages, or altering my body density, it wouldn't matter.

I must admit, thanks especially to the memories of this body, I had good control over such adaptations, but only as long as I didn't overdo it by absorbing too many powers and using them together.

Osmonians, in fact, don't have the greatest control over their gift, especially when they get lost in absorption without considering the consequences their bodies might undergo.

But fortunately, the muscle memories and past experiences of this new body allow me to manage transformations more easily, leveraging every change to further enhance my abilities.

While I let the girls vent, I prepared for our next move. "Coming?" I called out, heading towards a point not too far away where I sensed a powerful, pulsating energy below us.

The three witches nodded quickly, excitement in their eyes tempered by disbelief at the new power coursing through them.

"What are you up to?" Icy asked, finishing her check of the newfound power within her. Her sisters echoed her question.

I didn't answer immediately. I closed my eyes, focusing on the magical energy I sensed beneath me. My senses sharpened, and I felt the power flowing beneath the surface, ready to serve my purposes.

"There's a source of great energy down here," I explained, not slowing down. "I have no intention of leaving until I've absorbed every bit of magical power this planet has to offer."

Darcy, the most curious of the group, watched me with attentive eyes. "And how do you plan to reach her?" she asked, approaching me with a playful sway of her ass to give me a good view.

I smiled, aware of his attempt to distract me. "I have a plan," I replied playfully, preparing myself for what I was about to do. "Good old brute force!"

I readied myself, gathering all my physical strength, and with a mighty roar, I struck the ground with a devastating punch. I focused my energy, feeling the magical flow intertwine with my magical reactor inside me, powering every muscle in my body.

My fist was engulfed in blazing flames as I slammed it into the icy ground, melting the surface with searing force. Energy erupted from my contact with the ice, creating a deep chasm in the ground.

The earth shattered under the blow, revealing a dark passage leading into the depths. A glow of fire emerged from the edges of the chasm, testament to the immense strength I had exerted.

"This is our entrance to the heart of this world," I invited them to follow with a nod of my head, then ventured into the passage, my steps steady despite the darkness ahead.

The Trix looked at me with wonder and a new spark of respect in their eyes after my display of strength.

"Impressive," Icy said as she approached the edge of the chasm. "With your power on our side, I doubt even the Templars of the Fortress of Light can stop us."

Darcy smiled, her eyes bright with excitement. "That's right. This is our chance to destroy those pesky bitches once and for all"

Stormy, ever impatient, stepped forward. "Then let's not waste any time." And she followed closely behind me.

The darkness swallowed the external light as we ventured into the newly opened chasm. With every step, I felt the energy I sought pulsing stronger, guiding me towards the core of this world.

The path was winding, through narrow passages and dark caves, illuminated only by the intermittent light of my flames.

"Is this path really safe?" Stormy asked, her voice uncertain.

The intense cold surrounded us, but it couldn't overpower the growing warmth inside me, fueled by the magical energy of my reactor.

"Quit your whining, Stormy," Icy barked orders, while Darcy watched the whole affair with an amused look.

"We've arrived," I replied, halting their bickering, gesturing for the girls to observe what lay ahead—a vast cavern, its immensity unfolding before my eyes like an entirely different dimension.

Before me stood majestically a monolith of crystalline ice, inside of which pulsed a sphere of pure energy. The core of the world, the correct definition, emitted an intense blue light that spread in rhythmic waves throughout the cavern.

Every reflection on the walls contributed to creating a complex play of lights and shadows, transforming the surrounding space into a realm where magical energy permeated every aspect of the environment.

I yearned to step forward and seize it, absorbing every crumb of power within.

But we were not alone...

In front of us, wrapped around the monolith, was a gigantic white serpent, much like the ones I had faced moments ago. Its gleaming skin reflected the core's light, and its eyes, two icy slits, scrutinized us with a clear trace of intelligence.

The serpent moved, raising its head in a majestic manner, exuding an aura akin to that of a king. "Who dares approach the Heart of this World?" the serpent hissed, its voice echoing through the cavern, making it tremble. "Leave now before I devour you!"

The Trix took a step back, positioning themselves behind me, and I could feel the warmth of their bodies pressing against my back. Honestly, I enjoyed the sensation, knowing I could feel their breasts pressing against me.

I approached fearlessly, determined not to falter now that my goal was so close. "I'm sorry, but I have no intention of doing so when my goal is right in front of me," I replied, locking eyes with the serpent. "I advise you to step aside to avoid certain death."

The serpent eyed me carefully, then uncoiled itself, revealing its impressive length. "You are not the first to seek to claim the power of this world for their desires," it said. "But in the end, they have all been eaten by me!"

Honestly, those might have been the worst words he could have chosen to say to me. A hungry smile spread across my face, my fangs clearly visible. "Don't worry about that, friend. It will be me who devours you."

The serpent lunged forward, attacking with surprising speed. But I wasn't easily caught off guard. With a swift move, I countered. My fist struck the serpent's jaw with explosive force, and an eruption of fire illuminated the cavern.

My flames intensified every second, attempting to leave burns on the scaly skin and to cause as much damage as possible: The serpent withdrew its head, hissing in pain and anger.

But the serpent didn't attack me recklessly, deciding to remain on the defensive and protect the heart of the world, which put me decidedly in an advantageous position.

The Trix, now more confident, moved slightly forward. I could feel their magical energy increasing, ready to support me with their spells, but they were really overestimating the opponent in front of them.

My grimoire of fire appeared next to me as the environment warmed, "Do you want to just defend? That's fine with me, it will be much easier for me that way." 

The orange flame suddenly began to turn white, getting brighter and brighter until it turned blue. The temperature became even higher as I tried to overcome this adverse environment.

The blue flames took shape in a fluid and sinuous manner, converging into a figure that vaguely resembled a dragon. It was as if the fire itself had come to life, twisting and turning with unstoppable force.

"Fire Magic: Spear of Azure Dragon/Qinglong"

At the crucial moment, the flames changed shape again, transforming into a large and intricate spear of blue fire. And with a simple gesture of my hand, I hurled it at the snake, aiming straight for its heart. 

The snake tried to dodge, but unfortunately, the speed and intensity of the fire spear was too much for it. The spear struck it, piercing its scales and causing it to scream in pain.

Blue light illuminated the cave as the fire quickly spread over the snake's body, burning with unstoppable ferocity. 

Hissing and writhing, the snake tried desperately to free itself from the flames, but it was clear that it was losing the battle. "You have lost," I said, my voice echoing with absolute confidence.

The snake gave a hiss of defiance, a look of hatred as it lay on the ground, badly wounded and almost without strength. The blue flames continued to burn for a few moments, igniting its scales and enveloping it in a trail of smoke and ash.

Despite its condition, the serpent still struggled weakly, showing surprising resilience for one that was barely alive, which did not surprise me in the least given its affinity for ice.

Feat Achieved

[Defeated World Guardian]

Pull Granted

Well, that was much easier than expected, and I gained a double reward. Not only did I defeat a relatively dangerous threat, but I also acquired the body of a powerful magical beast.


Result: Magic Grimoire (Rare)

[Grimoire Ice Magic]

Source: Black Clover

A clover-shaped grimoire with light-colored covers and diamond-shaped ornaments on each edge appeared before me. From the information received, I understood it allowed me to generate and manipulate ice at my will in a much more efficient and powerful manner.

It was identical to my fire grimoire, both in its functions and how it would grow with me. I couldn't wait to see how using them both simultaneously would turn out.

It seemed this time the roll was kind to me, giving me something I could really work with. Instead of throwing me into a completely unfamiliar context, I finally had something familiar to work with.

Meanwhile, I advanced and without hesitation, extended my right arm forward, sinking my fingers into the serpent's scaly skin and touching it.


Osmosian Sorcerer?: 3 advanced chapters:


Chapter - 4: True Osmonian

Chapter - 5: Ice King

Chapter - 6: Hunt for Satiation

A/N: I hope you enjoy the chapter!

In this alternate universe, I have added that each planet in the Magical Universe contains a "Heart" that allows for the existence of various magical life forms within the Omega Dimension, which otherwise would not be possible.

On the other hand, if you want to see something specific in the next chapters, or even just have some good advice for the story as a whole, I am always willing to read a comment if it is constructive criticism.

If you see any mistakes, I would be grateful if you would point them out to me, so that I can correct them when I have some spare time, and make the story as complete as possible for myself and especially for you.

To facilitate a clearer understanding, I've retained pictures of the respective characters. Your feedback is always valued, and if you have any suggestions for the upcoming chapter, please feel free to comment—I'll be sure to respond as usual.

Please leave a review if you like the story.

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