

[Warning : Important Message, This book is about sensitive subject such as Suicide, Death, Abandonment and Abuse (Physical or Mental) to Avoid if you have a sensitive soul you have been warned !] Remember, in this world, every step, every decision you make counts. Your mistakes will only follow you like your shadow. Across the skies and seas, You find yourself in a story you had no choice in, or so they would have you believe. An endless loop, a curse finally broken. You can save them all if you really want to. Can you finally give all these people the happy ending they deserve? DISCONTUNED

KosukeCreations · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Meeting the Hierarchy

Five o'clock was the scheduled time for the meeting and everyone was there, Katsumi had just arrived in the corridors of the building. I went to look for her, leaving my colleagues confused as to what I was doing, none of them knew the news.

When I walked into the room with Katsumi by my side, she saw people she had seen a million times on TV, but to them, there was a complete stranger by my side.

As a heavy silence fell, all eyes on Katsumi, Lucifer stood up and walked over to Katsumi to welcome her, exchanging a friendly handshake.

The only other girl in the room, Auka, decided to go and welcome Katsumi, then glanced at her two older brothers as she returned to her seat with her brother Lucifer.

Lucius hesitated at first, but then smiled at her in a friendly manner and invited her to sit with them.

She did so without hesitation, she sat down next to Auka and Lucifer and I motioned for Lucius to move over so I could sit next to Zaykio and talk to him. Before anything else I motioned for everyone to stand up and I spoke up.

"Thank you all for being here, and I'm sorry to see you all call here so suddenly, I'd like to introduce you all to Katsumi, she'll be taking Arkoro's place from now on, but please be patient with her as she adjusts to the position and the responsibility that comes with it.

In the meantime I'm counting on the FOUR of you to help her if she's ever a little lost, or if she just needs you for something, I'm sure I can trust all of you with this task."

-> "And you call us here for what exacly beside telling us that a stranger is now going to work with us." Asked Zaykio in a agressif way.

"I was a stranger to all of you when i came here and yet you didn't react like this so i'll ask that you refrain form talking like this. have i made myself clear lord Zaykio ?" I said that not even looking at him but i knew he was smiling... what i didn't expect was him starting to laugth i looked at him as he gets up and slam the tabble pretty hard, the look he give me was one fulled with rage.

->Zaykio : "Not a stranger ?! are you playing with us ?! YOU were nophing but a stranger ! don't worry you've made yourself clear Eclispe, you've given up on him haven't you ?! It was to hard to look him and the eyes and telling him to fucking get it togther that you had to get a fucking stranger to do his job, WHAT KIND OF JOKE IS THIS ?!" Zaykio clearly was upset, i just couldn't defend myself... i couldn't find the write wrotes to give an anwser to him...

->Zaykio : "Your silence is all i need Eclispe Goodbye." He left, nobody even tried to hold him back we knew how it would of endeed up... i didn't gave up on him... i would never....

but i just can't get him to understand...

>"You knew that this would end like this."

i hear Lucius say, as he breaks the tension that was there.

>Lucius : "You knew Zaykio would be mad at you. You knew how we felt about having a stranger join us, Zaykio doesn't truste anybody anymore you shouldn't of expected him to be fine with this."

"But- i didn't...I knew...I was juste..."

Auka voice's cut my out.

~> "We know no need to explain yourself Eclispe, juste give him talk we'll go talk to to him when he calm down right Brother ?"

She give of a look to Lucius.

>Lucius : "Sure, if he's willing to talk to us that is."

~> Auka : "He'll have to talk to us at some point."

~Luci : "I'm so sorry you had to see this Katsumi..." she turn to look at him smiling slightly, she stayed really quiet...

Katsu : "It's fine, i understand, this is part of what you have to deal with everyday, everyone is not going to be okey with changes like this form the start, but it will get better with time."

>Lucius : "Well this is an intressing way of seeing it !"

~> Auka : "Well at least she's confident in herself."

~Luci : "Did we get a second Eclispe as our new collegue ?"

"Hey ! What's that supposed to mean ?!"

I was mad at first but we all laughed it out, and we talked about the way we were going to do with Katsumi now by our side, we did had to give the contanct informations of all of us, inclueding the kings who weren't here and Zaykio who left at the start... now i wasreally hoping Itsuky would be able to calm him down and changed his mind, i just want him to give Katsumi a chance, just one.