
Order On The Court (New KnB)

Takahashi Shin basketball and anime fan finds himself in the hospital diagnosed with last-stage brain cancer. It's already bad enough that it paralyzed him from his waist down, but now he is even going to die. After his death, Shin finds himself in a pitch-black void called Limbo. God comes to Shin with sympathy expressions on their face. After a conversation with God, Shinjo got reborn in Kuroko no Basket anime world. Watch as Shin conquers the basketball world. DISCLAIMER: I don't own any character other than my OC. I own the cover pic. I do not own Kuroko No Basket Also, English is not my native language.

Sanguinewhisper · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs


Wow, I really am unfortunate. When I got good at basketball, you took away my ability to walk. But that is okay I said nothing. I kept telling myself that God has different plans for me. I kept a joyful expression on my face just so my little sister and parents don't feel depressed. Now that I found an anime I really like, which has to do with basketball, you are going to take my life.

Beeeeepppp! The pulse monitor just went off.

"I am really sorry sir, we tried our best to save his life." Said the doctor with a sad expression.

A little girl came running as tears are running down her face while holding a birthday cake in her hands.

"Dad look, I got big brother his birthday cake now he will definitely feel better," said the little girl with a big smile on her face.

"I am sorry Hiroko but big brother will be with mom watching over us," said the father while trying his hardest to stop himself from crying.

Bam! The cake dropped from Hiroko's hand as soon as she heard those words from her father.

"Waaah! I don't want big brother to leave. How can mom take big brother away from me this is not fair! I want him to be with me. We were supposed to cut the cake and bring him back home today," screamed Hiroko with tears dropping from her eyes.

The father rushed to his daughter and gave her a tight hug.

"We gotta be strong Hiroko. You can't let your big brother see you cry like this, right?" said the father as he tried his best not to cry in front of his own daughter.

"Daddy, will I never see big brother again, not even his smile," asked Hiroko as tears kept falling from her face.

"He will be in our hearts princess," Said the father.

The doctor came to the father and gave him a note.

"Sir, this is the note your son left you before he came here. He told us to give it to you in case he passed away," said the doctor.

The father quickly opens the note, and it reads:

Hey dad it's Shin, it feels weird writing this I honestly don't know what to say. Haha, please tell Hiroko that her big brother will be with mom always protecting her from harm. Dad, I am so proud to have a father like you. When I was playing basketball and got into a car accident and lost my ability to walk. You told me so what if I can't walk I can still have fun and enjoy life. Dad, you were my only role model you were always there for me when I needed you. Even without mom, you gave me and Hiroko so much love that we felt as though mom was with us. Dad, please don't be sad do not cry. I hope that in my next life I have you as my father again. P.S. Dad, don't let no boy close to our little princess Hiroko.

-Love your son Shin.

<In Limbo>

"Damn, where am I. I have walked around this pitch-black space for hours. What am I supposed to even do," said Shin to himself.

"Welcome to our humble adobe child," said God

"Who are you and where am I," questioned Shin

"I am what you humans call God. Right now you are in a place called Limbo, which is neither heaven nor hell. You have suffered misfortune your whole life, and for that I am truly very sorry." said God with a sad expression on his face.

"What will sorry do for me. Why don't you just send me back to Earth to my dad so I can be with him and my little sister," said Shin.

"That is the one thing I can not do my child," explained God.

"What can you do then," questioned Shin.

"I can give you an opportunity to reincarnate in any world you like with 3 wishes that, but they have to be within reason of that world," said God.

It is almost the same as the other chapter from the previous fanfic but I did change some details. Let me know what his wishes will be aside from Krono's eyes.

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