
The Wall Weaponry

The Wall is known for it's technological advantage and strong hold on the Galaxy. They are also known for their evergrowing weapon arsenal that constantly grows with every new discovery be it ammo or weapon they will always have new prototypes or weapons for the field. Starting off are the non-lethal weapons used by riot control, military police, and sometimes standard military. The shock bat is the standard weapon for riot control and military police, this weapon is used to suppress large groups or dispatch violent protesters. The light shield is a shield with a built-in light flasher, this is also used for riot control and military police but also used by the military force. The fatigue gun is a pistol that is meant to sap the energy of an individual to render them to tired to move and act, this is used in an advancement or in the event of a mass arrest. The ball rifles are rifles meant to incapacitate violent protesters or to quell the groups, this is used in volleys for the best effect. The cracker grenade is a grenade fitted and manufactured to release multiple orbs of light that pop in seconds, this is used to instill fear and to disperse crowds, though newer models have also added a deafening sound to increase the effect. The flasher pole is similar to the light shield but is used for bigger crowds to blind or to disable individuals, they are attached to riot vans for a larger radius. The stun gun is an old weapon used during the "Old age" when technology back then was inadequate for today's standards, with newer models this stun gun is able to shock multiple protesters in one shot, it is used for military police, and riot control. The net cannon is a rifle or cannon that can be fitted with multiple nets to capture protesters easily. The water turrets were stationary turrets designed to fire water at great and constant range, this is mostly used on top of vans or behind riot control. The smoker is a device that thrown into a crowd releases a large ball of smoke, it is used to blind protesters, arrest, or destabilize them.

After the non-lethal weapons comes the standard weapons used to kill targets. First is the pulse carbine, this weapon is a full auto rifle for cutting down infantry quick, it is the most used weapon for the military. The slug rifle is a heavier variant of rifles that is used to kill larger or heavily armored targets, it is only carried by infantry carries or hover tanks but smaller models were made for a typical soldier to wield. The cut rifle is a rifle that shoots rounds at intervals, this weapon is only used for close quarter snipers or scouts. The burst carbine is a carbine that fires intervals used to minimize ammo waste but also for easier handling. The spread cannon is a weapon originally called "Shotgun" but was renamed, as the past older shotgun does it fires in a spread range for deadlier impact and to hit other targets. The Hades machine gun is a larger weapon that is mostly used as a stationary turret, it is used for defense against large groups of enemies. The poison rifle is a rare sight used for subtle assasinations, it is foldable and concealable. The spitter pistol is a pistol that can fire auto, burst, or semi-automatic, it is the standard secondary weapon for military units. The dagger cutter is a heated blade used to cut through metal or for more conventional use as a quiet weapon. The rocket bearers is a cannon that fires explosive rockets used for anti-walker or anti-tank use but can be used for breach. The soul rifle is a long range rifle used to dispatch targets from very far distances, those who wield this weapon in battle are the most feared units in the battlefield. The anti-armor grenade launcher is a weapon used to fire explosive projectiles at armored vehicles, this weapon can be lock-on or free fire. The cook grenade is a standard grenade that has a delay before detonating. The pulse grenade is meant to shut down or damage electrical grids or equipment. The sticknade is a grenade that can stick to any surface. The contact grenade unlike the cook grenade detonates upon impact to a surface. The shellshock grenade is used to blind and incapacitate any target. And the primitive axe, this weapon is used for silent kills as a replacement for a combat knife.

Lastly are the experimental weapons that are in test stage before becoming standard weapon for use. The soul ripper is a machine gun that harnesses energy taken from the mysterious, this weapon is an experimental cannon that harnesses the spirit and souls of those unfortunate enough to see this weapon, the energy can either be used for power supply or ammo production, though it's use is disputed. The infinite rifle is a rifle that has the capability to generate its own ammo from a micro printer inside the rifle, the weapon could possibly be the replacement for all standard rifles as it can have auto, burst, or semi-automatic selections. The force slammer is a peculiar weapon that fires concentrated force at the enemy that has the potential to crush bones. The heater is a weapon that fires and can emit a stream of fire at an enemy though this weapon is deemed illegal the use of this weapon is mainly to destroy facilities than against infantry. The gas launcher fires gas grenades that contain a deadly toxin that can kill almost immediately. The Sphinx is a weapon that fires a ball of concentrated energy that once in contact explodes in a large ball that can destroy almost anything even tanks and walkers. The Medusa is a machine gun that is created to deal with extremely armored targets such as battle mechs and brutalist walkers, this gun can mow down infantry though in quick successions, but it was manufactured to fire in slow rates due to its heavy ammo. The zapper is a grenade that once thrown into a group can kill the targets. The bloodshot charger is a charged weapon that is used to fire at vehicles and stronghold at large distances, the rounds are capable of breaking through thick and tough armor. The blaze gun is the first prototype weapon to fire combustible rounds, this weapon is close to being in mass production but requires more changes to the design to ensure no problems in performance. Lastly the decimator, this weapon harnesses energy from the ground and after a short time fires a deadly beam that after seconds of hitting it's target completely disintegrates and destroy surrounding structures, vehicles, or even soldiers. This weapon is meant to start any battle to achieve an easy head start.