
The Siege of Balastoria

The Siege of Balastoria is considered one of the biggest events of the war as it marked the fall of The Sword, the attacked lasted for months as the fortress dispatched multiple defence points to make it more difficult to attack.

The fortress Balastoria was later discovered to be a large citadel in the city of Sorasura, on the planet of Loramie. It turns out the entire city was being used as a fortress by The Sword with civilians put as hostages on many parts of the fortress to make it more difficult to destroy or capture.

The battle was set in the height of the war when one of the planets under Sword was captured, Intel found on one of the outposts had what appears to be defense plans meant for the citadel of Balastoria. The Wall found these plans and planned an assault that would mean the end of the citadel of Balastoria, scouts were dispatched for Intel gathering.

After the scouts returned The Sword has put all civilians hostage and has placed them in different areas to make it more difficult to capture. Wall soldiers prepared for the attack as well as militia on the planet, 5 days went by to finalize the plan and prepare the army to attack.

The battle began with artillery strikes and orbital strikes from the void on the defense points, after the strike the Subjugator vehicles we're deployed onto the battlefield and began opening fire on the soldiers and defense turrets. The Sword caught wind of the attack and have planted explosives outside the citadel, tanks were the first to attack and due to the explosives the tanks were destroyed by the explosion but some remained functional and kept pushing forward, gunfire from the top of the walls and gunfire from the ground shredded the tanks and due to this The Wall has planted underground diggers to be put behind and next to the front of the walls.

After 2 days to recover from the attack they initiated the diggers and opened fire at the soldiers now distracted by the diggers, with the strength and size of both armies the engagement lasted for a long time but ended with the crumbling to the ground and breaching into the city. Reinforcements have arrived and rapid deployment of soldiers as the wall has been breached and all defenses against the deployments have been abandoned to fight the ground.

After the fall of the city and the liberation of the civilians the soldiers cornered and focused on the citadel that held the most soldiers and weapons, the civilians were recovered and checked in case of being disguises soldiers. After closing on the citadel gas was released into the city which killed of many soldiers but those inside the vehicles or those that carried a mask survived, after this the vehicles opened fire on the citadel and showed no mercy to those inside. After breaching inside the premises there were corpses of soldiers planted around on the floor, after entering the inside it was found that all soldiers and high ranking officials were found dead not from getting shot but from the gas.

This was a great victory and marked the fall of The Sword, with this victory the civilians were liberated but even some were killed in the name of liberation. Unfortunately none of the soldiers survived and only a handful were caught escaping, however the soldiers recovered data and plans of The Sword.