
Orcs Slayer

A gifted and diligent young warrior dedicating his all life to hunt orcs as a revenge for what they did to him in the past but along the way of his difficult journey he will find out that there are better things in life then seeking revenge. First time writing please be gentle with me and I appreciate criticism but only the respectful one.

Khamzat · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

losing hope.

"Sigh, no time for regret now "Still sitting behind the boulder I thought of Something. 

"But first ."standing up on my knees and turning to the direction of the orc still behind the boulder I carefully took a glance and" Phew, surprisingly they didn't move a step towards my hiding place I wonder why?.....anyway".

Sitting back I placed my right hand over my left chest gently where my heart is beating and murmured "expono" Then I opened my eyes and there. 



Name: Bob Dylan.

Race: human/white.

Class: warrior.

Weapons equipped: a chain mail shield, and a long sword. short dagger. 


Strength: 50/100




Mana:15/100 -4




calm and collected/brave/ cautious/diligent.


Dash> attacking with the speed of the sound consumes 4 mana points every 5 meters.

Aftershock: stabbing the earth with the sword can generate an earthquake enough to make anyone lose his balance and fall, consumes 6 points every use 

As Bright as the Sun:

Can, emits a bright light from all over his body, that can blind anyone at a 30-meter close, for 10 seconds consumes 10 points of mana and its cooldown is 30 minutes.


Looking at my status window I sighed, in relief "That's good " holding my chin with my right thinking of what to do next, with my remaining "15" mana points.

and also, find the best way to use them against the "orcs"

"I already spent four mana points on my dash skill ....damnit "

 now thinking about it.      'I intended to kill that "orc" with that surprise attack and I was aiming for the heart of all places'

"I didn't expect him to dodge it... he is sure faster than he looks, he could also be stro-"

 interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps I quickly turned around to check the "orcs" for any movements.

"Shit !!! They are approaching me here".

the big guy holding his large machete and walking very slowly to me while maintaining a cautious stance.

" And looking closely it seems like his wound been treated with a rag and some herbs while I was hiding ". nevertheless, the wound is still leaking blood

 "--albeit not as much as before". I said. standing up on my two feet then,  turning around and getting out of my hiding place Taking a few steps forward to face the "orcs". 

"Now, Time for round two assho-"Before I could finish my sentence.


-a speeding arrow, aimed right at my face but,  luckily enough I deflected it with my Steel gauntlet with a loud sound of clashing steel.

Looking down there I see the arrow that was aimed at me now all broken and shattered now looking at my steel gauntlet 'Damnit' I cursed inwardly at the big dent that the attack caused. 

Then quickly, Looking past the machete holder "orc" there standing angrily looking at me with his bow up after shooting an arrow at me

 "Tsk right, I almost forgot, the archer, "I said ignoring my anger at what happened.

-I Pulled my now clean-of-blood sword, out of its black scabbard Holding it tightly with both hands.

 'Logically I have to kill the archer first since I won't be able to focus on the big guy over there,...and another reason is that his attack's are very deadly I don't think my armor could protect my body long enough..I...I definitely can't die here' I thought grimacing.

-then I closed my eyes Focusing on the mana inside me.

"SICUT SOL" I shouted.

Suddenly, my body started glowing a bright yellow light brighter and brighter continuously. 

meanwhile, the "orcs" witnessing this stopped what they were doing wondering what was going on.

Me looking at their expressions even under all this light since my ability doesn't affect me. -- I smiled darkly....and then it happened. 




the light on all over my body exploded, outward in every direction around me but, quickly glancing at the big machete holder still.... unsurprisingly he is still standing 'as I thought he is strong, but ' the big machete holder orc dropped his machete on the ground and begins to rub his eyes furiously   -screaming his lungs out from extreme pain and blindness and also anger at what I did.

"but my only concern is the archer"

turning to the archer, who seemed like he doped his bow and started banging his head furiously on a rocky floor from pain while scratching his cheeks right under his eyes.

 'this attack worked better than I expected good job me heh~'. I thought to myself laughing.

"I need to hurry ".

 taking this chance while saying that I was already running with all of my speed leaving a cloud of dust in my wake with no one to interrupt me, and as a result, I arrived in a few seconds now upon him.

-holding my sword over my head with both hands tightly aiming at the neck of the kneeling orc and with a quick slash.

"SLASH" Geek.....!!"

I brought my sword down his neck.... then a loud sound of a clean cut of flesh and bone as a result of a high-pitched death scream as fast as it appears, it disappears.

and, looking down at the "orc"... I can see his head rolling away with an expression of agony--and pain that, will stay eternally etched on the face now the dead previously archer "orc" 

"or at least, until his flesh starts decomposing".I said to myself.

Still, Looking at this while narrowing my black eyes I let out a sigh of relief and thought.

 'alright, it's no time for relaxing yet. and I already spent a solid "10" mana points on this attack alone, and I only have enough for one "dashing attack" If anything I am in more danger than before....especially if another "orc" like this archer or maybe, stronger appear suddenly from somewhere I will be done for'

-now looking away from the dead "orc" and turning left- - there I see the machete holder "orc" that was blind just a moments ago with his weapon in his hand again, now he is dashing towards me with more ferocity than before, ready to brutalize me in every way possible.

Smiling at that, yet again I hold my bloody silver sword tightly, with both of my hands to my right side, and dashed towards him as fast as the wind.

"CLANG" Aghh"

he swings his machete at my head aiming to crush it..... but unfortunately for him, I blocked it with my sword flat side.

  'albeit hardly.'

- gnashing my teeth and clashing my muscles under the pressure. 

the "orc" seeing that his attack has failed retracted his machete, and then again tried to go for a stabbing attack, aiming for my torso.

me seeing this I hurriedly jumped and using his machete as a foothold I jumped higher and higher until .

' I think this is enough '

 looking down at the "orc" still in the air I brought my sword up now descending fast aiming to cut his unprotected head in half. 


 - suddenly when my sword was about to connect ' impossible!!!' I thought very alarmed my eyes wide from shock.

When the sword was a few inches away from the "orcs" head he brought his spiky gauntlet up, faster than my eyes can perceive and he blocked my attack. 

Seeing my attack blocked and a faint smirk on the "orcs'" face 

'he is enjoying this '

"Tsk alright "

 then quickly decided to withdraw for the time being I kicked the air multiple times then backward descending.

--and before I hit the ground I hugged my legs with my arms tightly and then I crammed my head between my knees hitting the ground. 

Then without wasting a second, I rolled on the ground like a cannonball rolling and rolling until I made sure that I am at a safe distance from the "orcs" range attack.

Stopping, I stood back up and as quickly turned in the orc's direction who's back turned to me.

The "orc" struggling to pull his machete that is still stuck on the ground from all that power he puts into that stab

 'I really can't imagine what would happen to me if that blow landed on me'.

while thinking that I see that the orc already coming back at me with his machete ready to kill me. 

"--Alright, now or never "griping the handle of my sword with my right draws it out, then snaps it forward so it was pointing at the "orc", then I placed my left hand on the grip just below my right.

Bending my knees, dropping into a low squat while keeping my torso bolt upright, then I stand up again shuffling my feet into the proper stance-feet parallel, both pointing straight ahead, right foot in front of the left foot.

The "orc" seeing what am doing, dropped his machete on the muddy ground still holding it with his left hand dragging it behind him while lowering his stance and pointing his right fist at me signaling that he is ready for the fight.

Then without wasting time I covered my head and face with my silver helmet so only my black eyes can be seen then..... I charged directly at the "Orc", hollering at the top of my lungs. With a very fast and wide strides of my feet, but balanced using my "agility and speed mixed with dexterity "status" at its limits. 

Then At the last moment, I draw my silver sword up reflecting the sunlight with its clean silver blade so it's up over my armored head and snapped it toward the "orc"

The orc seeing this panicked he couldn't draw his machete on time to interrupt my sword so instead of that. 

"Huh!! Impossible!!"

The orc took hold of my silver sword  blade with his bare hand clenching it tightly.

But what was more shocking is .

"What is that green light on his hand?"i muttered in a low voice still holding my sword not noticing the orc left arm with the machete is coming at me in full speed.