
The Morning After; A Lady's Contradiction

The light of the sun cascaded across Hellie's face, as her eyes fluttered slightly, and then squinted. She threw up a hand to block the sun's rays that seemed to pain her eyes.

[Agh... My head... I haven't drunk that hard in- Wait...?] Hellie noticed she wasn't in her room.

[Whose room is this? Wait... That's right! I took the party to tin can's place!] Hellie then panicked, as she looked down to see her breasts were exposed and her chest wrap was thrown to the side.

She quickly checked herself, [Oh no! Did he take me!]

After checking herself, and mentally feeling her body's state, Hellie sighed in relief, as she fell back down on the bed. Though after her sigh of relief, a contradicting sense of frustration crept into her heart.

[Wait a moment... Why didn't he take me?!] Hellie thought. She knew for a fact that the tin can human was a lusty human. She could feel his eyes, and she vaguely remembered bits and pieces of what she did last night.

She got up and put on her chest wrap. Walked into the hall, and into the foyer. She then saw the suspect... Suspected of being stupid!

She walked over and kicked Phillip, who was asleep.

Jolted awake by the pain in his flank, he cried out. He screamed out, "Sister!" in common.

Hellie didn't understand common, but then seeing he was awake asked in Orcish, "Aye! Am I not good enough to be bedded?!"

Phillip quickly got himself together and noticed Hellie in front of him in her underwear. His eyes wandered for a moment, as he thought to himself.

[At least she's sober... I think...]

"Answer me, you Lusty Human. I know you want this." Hellie gestured to her body, feeling his eyes again.

"I don't think I understand," Phillip replied trying to formulate his words in Orcish.

"I know I came here last night. I also know I was drunk. While I am glad I didn't get taken by you, I also have to ask why you didn't! Do you think I'm not good enough, or did you take me for a whore, disdaining me!?"

"..." Phillip processed the words in his mind, but the Orcish words he knew she was saying didn't make sense to him. Not that he didn't understand, as even in Common, it wouldn't make sense to him.

Hellie kicked Phillip again, though not as hard as she first did, hoping she didn't hurt him the first time.

"Let me get this straight." Phillip crossed his arms, while still sitting on his couch, now in a bad mood... Ever since he met Jukzuk, something changed in his mindset.

"You are happy I didn't fuck you, but now you are mad because I didn't fuck you... Am I getting you right?"

"You don't... You don't have to use such vulgar words." Hellie spoke with a shy tone, but her fierce look did not change.

The word fuck was the FIRST-word Jukzuk taught Phillip... With every other nasty word in the Orc Language and the way to scold. Phillip didn't even know how to scold in common until Jukzuk helped him learn. This was part of Phillip's change of mental state. He was grateful beyond words to Jukzuk.

"Regardless of words... Do you want me to fuck you or not? Pick one!"

"ONLY THE STRONGEST ORC CAN TAKE ME!" Hellie stomped hard and shrieked.

At the sound of this voice, Gnarg and Gnath looked at each other. They continued to look forward... They both had the same thought.

[[The next set of guards... PLEASE HURRY AND REPLACE US!!!]]

Phillip stood up, and looked straight in the eyes of Hellie, "I'M HUMAN! SO, WHAT CAN I DO ABOUT IT!"

"Oh..." Hellie felt her anger draining quickly... She knew... She really knew he was human. She even thought about how he was a lusty human. In the heat of the moment, she spoke the strongest orc... Why did she treat him as an Orc... Even when she called him human??? At any rate, she wasn't going to let this slide.

"Get out of the stupid Slave pits, and take me! My offer from yesterday still stands! I don't care if you are a human, orc, or a damn filthy goblin! I expect you to become the champion of the Slave pits!" Hellie spoke harshly, as she turned around and began to search for her armor pieces. If past experience taught her anything... It was somewhere near the kitchen or food storage... Where the mead was kept.

Phillip dropped his arms, unsure how to continue... What does she actually want???

[I need Jukzuk...] Phillip could only think.

Hellie found her armor, and put it on, as she came back to Phillip, who was dully standing in the foray.

"Well? Are you?" Hellie snapped to Phillip.

"Yeah... I guess."

Hellie felt her anger boil over at this limp reply, as she reached out and slapped Phillip's Helmet, causing it to vibrate his head. Phillip experienced a feeling he hadn't had since he was very young... He was actually angry! Very angry.

He reached out and stopped Hellie's second slap, grabbing her by her right wrist. Hellie, in turn, used her left hand, which was also stopped by Phillip's left hand.

Hellie then began to use her massive strength to pull from Phillip. As she pulled back, she felt the massive pudgy hands of Phillip's tighten down like a vice. She found that his arms turned increasingly reddish, and those wormy like veins rose again.

She attempted to resist more but found that as she put more power into it, the more she wasn't able to budge this human. She now felt enraged, and with all of her strength lifted both of her arms, lifting Phillip into the air.

Unbalanced, they both stumbled with Phillip falling on top of her.

After a few moments of wrestling on the ground, both Hellie and Phillip heard a throat being cleared.


The two froze and collectively looked to the source near the entrance.

Jukzuk stood there with one eye closed, as he spoke, "I only wanted to see how you were doing Phillip... But I can come back another day."

The two felt water wash over their anger, and they detangled. Hellie then stepped forward and greeted, "Uncle, it is good to see you."


"The last time I saw you, you were still a youngling. You have grown into a splendid female and warrior." Jukzuk opened both eyes and beamed a smile over his tusks.

"This little girl needs to see her sister. Have a good day, Uncle." With this, she threw one last look at her tin can and then left quickly.

Jukzuk saw Hellie leave, and then turned to Phillip, "Hoy... Phillip... Do you plan on laying with an Orc?"

Phillip rubbed his helmet as his head ached from that slapped that vibrated it, but spoke with honor, "...Is that wrong...?" Phillip did want to know, as he, himself, knew he wanted to last night...

"...Well... Some think it's wrong, but there are no Clan rules to it... The social stigma though... I'm not sure you can live with... Also, if I'm led to believe... She's only into the strongest. Why is she even here?"

"She... Got overly drunk and came to my place and raided it."

hearing this Jukzuk tried to keep a straight face for all of eight seconds, before bursting into laughter!

"You lucky son of a bitch!"

Question marks filled Phillip's mind.