

"Dad! Come on, hurry up!" Archer wore his knapsack on his back and rushed to the door.

Melek was taken aback by his son's sudden call and shook his head. "Hey, son. You better watch your steps or you'll trip. Wait for me, okay?"

Peeking outside the door, Archer saw many parents with their children as they headed to the train exit and laughed heartily. "Wow! I did not notice that there were many people with us inside this train."

Melek walked towards where Archer was as soon as he was done gathering his belongings and grabbed his son's right hand. "That is right. We were very early to embark on the train, that is why you failed to see them. Anyway, keep your focus because we're now heading outside."

Archer nodded as he followed Melek's footsteps, his eyes looking around curiously.

Indeed, the sights of the crowd rushing outside, like a scene inside a public market, gave a rushing feeling inside Archer's heart. Each child he saw was just like him, full of dreams to become an Orb master. Whatever the case, he knew that regardless if he was the first to arrive at the Crystal Pillar or not, what mattered was he was already on his way to fulfill his desire.

After a few minutes of waiting for the crowd to exit the train, they finally arrived at the wide gate. As soon as Archer stepped outside, the first thing he observed was the clean air that was touching his face. The gigantic trees, like that of Acacias, were standing in a straight line with their orange leaves rustling, covering the people under them from the heat of the sun. He looked down and saw the pavement was shining like that of glass despite the sunlight not reaching the ground due to the trees. There was just a single, wide road leading to a big gate, with trees acting like guards on the sidewalk.

Melek noticed his son's delighted expression and smiled. "Do you like what you are seeing right now?"

Archer nodded. "Yeah! It's like the path leading to heaven, just like how the book described it to be."

"That's correct. Anyway, let's hurry up. You still have to take the interview to get the reservation for tomorrow's event."

All of them were rushing to the big gate at the end of the road. The chatters of people kept getting louder as the father and son walked toward their destination. After half an hour, they finally arrived at the big gate.

There were roughly a thousand cubicles posted beside the gate, and all of them were filled with children conversing with people wearing robes like that of monks.

Melek ushered Archer beside him as they headed to a person wearing a black robe, who in turn gave him a number card.

Archer noticed this and asked Melek, "What's that?"

Melek showed him the card and said, "This is the queuing number for the interview. Let's wait for your turn, okay." They then looked for a vacant bench stationed just beside the interview site and sat down.

After several minutes of waiting, Melek felt the card became warm and looked at it. True enough, the number written on it was replaced with instructions. He patted his son's back and said, "Come. It's now your turn."

Archer felt his heart beat faster and took a deep breath. After calming himself, he then followed his dad until they arrived at cubicle number 10,019. He looked at his dad and realized that it was indeed the place of his interview.

"Go ahead, son. Just do it naturally."

Archer nodded and headed toward the cubicle. There he saw a young man wearing a blue orb.

"Hello, there. Please sit down," the young man pointed at the empty chair before him. As soon as Archer sat down, he took out a cube and set it on the table. "Don't be nervous, okay? You just have to answer some personal questions, there are no right or wrong answers here."

"Okay, sir," Archer replied in a feeble voice.

"I'm Mark Dione, your guide for today's interview. May I ask what's your name and how old are you?"

"I'm Archer Argos. 10 years old."

Mark smiled and snapped his fingers. At once, the cube hovered towards Archer and floated before him. "Please grab the cube. Don't release it until I say so, understand?"

Archer nodded and seized the floating cube. As soon as he took hold of it, a slight tingling sensation enveloped his body for only a second before the sensation disappeared right away. Curious, he then looked at Mark and waited until he heard him saying, 'release it'.

Mark took hold of the cube and closed his eyes. After a few minutes, he opened his eyes slowly and set the cube back on the table. He gave Archer a concerned look and asked, "Can you tell me what you feel while you are holding the cube?"

Archer described what he felt earlier, which made Mark frowning. Alarmed, he gathered his courage and asked, "Is there anything wrong with my test, sir?"

Mark shook his head. "Nothing, kid. I just happen to remember something when I heard your reply. Not that it matters anyway." He then took out a small card and engraved it with a rune-like character and gave it to Archer, saying "Bring this to your guardian or parents. He knows what to do with it."

Archer received the card and stood up.

As soon as the kid was gone, Mark looked back at the records that were saved inside the cube and sighed. "Another jack-of-all-trades, huh? The curse of possessing everything but excelling in nothing, meant to stay in the background...poor kid."


Melek was anxiously waiting outside when he saw that the cubicle's door opened. He waved at his son and asked, "Did your interviewer give you the result card?"

Archer raised the card. "Is this what you are referring to, Dad?"

Melek nodded and seized the card from Archer's hands and closed his eyes. After a few minutes, he opened his eyes, trying to calm his mind from the result he had just seen.

Archer saw his father's expression changed slightly. "Dad, is my result no good?"

Melek smiled and shook his head. "Everything's okay, son. Let's proceed to the Orbus office to settle everything so we can find a hotel earlier."

"But I remembered you mentioning that there are several interviews before finishing the assessment. Is there anything wrong with me?"

Melek blamed himself for being talkative a while ago and patted his son's head. "There's no need, son. Yours is a special case but it does not mean you failed, son. It only shows that you have something special in you."

"Okay...if you say so, Dad."

Melek changed the topic and told him about the wonders of Orbitalization and orb masters as they went to the Orbus office. After several hours, they finally finished everything and was able to find two rooms in a cheap hotel before night came.

"So take a good rest, son. You need all the energy you can get tomorrow, okay?" Melek reminded him as he ushered his son inside a simple room furnished with blue paint.

Archer saw that the room only had a single bed, just enough for him to settle for the night. At the right end corner, he noticed the bathroom door slightly ajar. He looked at his dad, saying, "This is a great room, Dad!"

Melek chuckled and ruffled his son's hair. "Okay, then. Sleep early, okay? Don't you dare play with your Arcadus or I'll confiscate it."

Archer thought of the Arcadus gaming gadget that he received from his Dad on his 10th birthday and giggled. "Of course, Dad!"

Melek nodded and he was about to go outside when he heard his son calling him. "What is it, son?"

"I won't let you down, Dad!" Archer said with conviction. "I won't let your sacrifices in vain, and make you proud of me."

Melek was taken aback by his son and felt as if his heart was squeezed inside him. Nevertheless, he kept his cool and smiled widely, "Of course. After all, you are my son!"

After seeing Melek going outside the room, Archer closed the door and went to the bed and plopped down. He remembered mark and Melek's facial expression back in the interview site and asked himself, "I wonder if my result's not good. No matter what, I should make my Dad proud."


The next day was a busy day for aspiring Orb Masters like Archer. The time was still early but the Orbus office was already filled with children of different backgrounds. Today, the parents or guardians were prohibited to enter the building and they were all waiting at the Lounge Area, anxious for their children's results.

Archer was grouped together with five other kids - three boys and two girls. It was his first time to see lots of kids around his age, which made him all the more excited. He tapped the nearest kid and asked, "Hey. Why do you think we are grouped together? I'm Archer Argos, by the way?"

The freckled-faced boy looked at him with a surprised expression. "Did your Dad not tell you anything?"

Archer shook his head. "I wouldn't be asking if I have known the answer, right?"

The remaining kids heard them and gathered near each other. The shortest one gave him a thumbs-up, "Heh! I know, right? Like me, I don't have anyone to tell me about these trivial things. Matthew Locke's my name, if you're wondering."

"Why? Don't you have your parents to tell you?" The ponytailed girl looked at him curiously. "Anyway, I am Michelle Oran."

"I'm an orphan," Matthew stated matter-of-factly, his expression bland. "Thanks to someone sponsoring my travel and lodging needs, I can take the assessment today."

"I see," the freckled-faced kid arranged his eyeglasses and continued, "Well, I'm Oscar Bellen. As for your question, the warping portal can only accommodate six persons at a single teleportation, that is why we are grouped into six."

"Bellen...are you related to the famous Orb Alchemist, Jonah Bellen?" the short-haired girl asked in anticipation. "Anyway, I'm Jenny Triffa."

Oscar nodded. "Yeah, he is my father."

"Wow! I never expected that I can meet the son of a famous Orb Master," the stout kid exclaimed as he stood erect. "Anyway, let's be friends. I'm Jerry of the Knighte clan."

"Yeah, nice to meet you. I've heard that someone from your clan - " Oscar stopped talking and took out a card from his pocket. "Well, it's our turn. All of you better took hold of your card now,"

Archer remembered what his dad said earlier and took out the card from his pocket. Before he could ask Oscar some questions, the card suddenly vibrated and emitted thick clouds, which then covered his body. All he could see was the white smoke and felt nervous. "Hey, Oscar! Are you there?"

There was still silence as if Archer was alone inside the cloudy room. After a few minutes of waiting, the clouds dissipated and he realized that he was already standing before a huge crystal wall. He looked around and observed that everything was covered with crystals, glittering in every corner, even the very spot that he was standing on. He was all the more surprised when he looked up and saw that the wall was, in fact, a gargantuan pillar that was extending upwards as if reaching the milky sky.

Archer exhaled deeply as he muttered to himself, "Is this the Crystal Pillar?"

Another chapter XD

the_way_to_mecreators' thoughts