

He stood in front of his mother's desk head bowed and hand laced together in front of him,even though she's his mother he is still scared of her , she's an aristocrat to the core.

The study was large and it's wall was filled with expensive paintings and pictures that served as memories from three generations, on her desk her name was written on a glass, Joanna Aston.

Behind the desk is a fierce looking woman wearing a black dress and gloves and a bright red lipstick, she was in her early fifties but strong like a bullock always getting whatever she sets her mind on, she adjusted her glasses and dropped the newspaper she was reading.

"I've spoken to Mr. Grey, his daughter is back from Dubai and we'll have dinner next week then we'll talk about your engagement and I want you to be on your best behavior" she said and took a sip of her herbal tea

"Engagement?With Natasha?" he asked surprised

"Of course or do Mr.Grey have any other daughter"

" I can't do this mother,Natasha is my ex ,we broke up no...she broke up with me five months ago and now you're talking about engagement?"he said confused on what game Natasha is playing

He and Natasha had been an item for three years till out of the blue she broke up with him and went to Dubai and now she's back? and worse of all they are getting engaged?and his mom is blindly accepting her?

"Tyler darling,I know all that , you both are adults and can settle your past between yourselves and move on"

"I am moving on mother but definitely not with Natasha, she cheated on me, gaslighted me and broke up with me,how do you expect us to get engaged like nothing ever happened?"

"Look I don't care Tyler , you'll forgive her over time "

" I can't do this , I am an adult you can't force and tell me what to do"

"And I am your mother, I gave birth to you and I am doing this because I want the best for you" she shouted and stood up

"I know what's best for me, I am not getting back with Natasha and that's it ,don't ever call me for something like this ever again " he said and stormed off

"You'll get back with Natasha or your position as the CEO of Danny's will be revoked,don't forget I still call the shots" she shouted and he stopped right in his tracks,he turned back to face her anger written all over his face

"You'll do that to your own son? you're going to choose her over me? is there something more to this " he asked and she kept quiet and continued reading.

Seeing he's not going to get any answer he walked away angrily

He got into his car and sped off at high speed with his thoughts running wild,he loosened his tie and stepped on the acceleration, driving on a very neck breaking speed it was too late to step on the brake and he hit someone.

Scared he got out of the car and called na ambulance,he was trying to revive her when he noticed something cold and metallic in her pockets, he took it out and it was a gun

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Hello sister"

Diane said smiling evily, she has heard through someone she hired to keep a tab on Diana that she had been involved in an accident and was brought to this hospital.Not out of the goodness of her heart but because she wanted to mock her sister she visited the hospital

"What are you doing here"Diana said with hatred evident in her voice and face

"That's not how to welcome someone who came to visit a sick sister aren't you happy to see me" she said and walked to the bed and placed her hands on the cast on her leg and Diana pushed the hand away

"Get the fuck out of here"

"I heard you got seriously beaten up and had an accident,how come your organization hasn't killed you yet" Diane said and chuckled

Diana remained quiet and maintained her evil glare

"You know Diana, I always envied you because you got that smart brain but ever since you killed our father that brain of yours got rotten to the extent that you had to get involved with bad people"

"Oh,you think I won't find out I saw those papers why do you think i did a press conference, because you sister deserves to die just like our father "She said and pressed Diana's injured leg and she yelped in pain

Tyler pushed Diane causing her to fall hard on the floor

"Don't you dare touch her"

"Diane was completely stunned. One because she didn't realize they were three in the room ,Two because the man who pushed her away was completely handsome

His finely chiseled face complemented his green eyes and pink lips,his eyes shone as if stars were in it and his skin glowed like fine wine,why would she get on the bad side of this fine man NEVER.

She got out of her reverie and stood up to dust herself

"Who are you" she asked

"That's none of your business,now leave before I call the police on you" he retorted

"Incase you don't know who I am , I am a model a big and top notch one at that, Diane Holloway and she's my sister" she said stretching her hand for a shake

He looked at her hand scornfully and ignored her

"I know who the the hell you are,so get lost"

Diana just watched dumbfounded

"Diane leave, please" she said

"Ooh, I see you still got the nerve to talk just wait till I tell your secret society where you are hiding here like a coward,it's only matter of hours till they find you and kill you" she scoffed pained that Tyler wasn't interested in her

"Yeah do whatever the hell you want,you want me dead ? Fine, I just got back from the dead not long ago, I'm not scared to go back but I'm going to make sure I don't die so I can kill you and save the world from a evil witch roaming around" Diana said

"Watch out Diane I'll be your doom and make every day of your life miserable just wait and see even if you die and I didn't kill you I'll follow you to the land of the dead and kill you and by the way your evil father got what he deserves" Diana threatened her

A hint of fear appeared on Diane's face

" See you in hell sister and enjoy your last minutes with your boyfriend" Diane said and gave them the middle finger and walked away

Tyler rushed to Daina's bed

"Are you okay?" he asked

"I'm fine, I'm sorry you had to see all that and thank you for standing up for me"

"That's not important,Let's get the fuck out of here" Tyler said and stared intently at her

Determined to help Diana in every means possible,to him Diane is the villian who needs to be stopped he didn't care if she killed her father or not

Diana must be saved.