
chapter 1

disclaimer before you start reading I just want you to know that the other version with pictures in them is on wattpad the name is the same I just recommend you to read it on wattpad

Y/n; "hey Saitama you going to the party"

Saitama; "are you going"

Y/n; "only if you go bro"

Saitama; "then it's a yes"

Y/n; "ok we need to leave in 10 minutes"

Saitama; "let me put my clothes on  real quick" I zip off into the bedroom

Y/n; in like 2 or 3 seconds he was gone he came back "I never would have thought you had a tuxedo"

Saitama; "well I had this from back when I was in high-school"

Y/n; "ah that explains alot you ready"

Saitama; "Yeah"

Genos; "Im ready"

Y/n; "okay let's go"

Time skip to at the party

Y/n; "hey King how you been"

King; "I been good how about you"

Y/n; "I've been good"

King; I look around "this is quite a party"

Y/n; "yeah it is" I take a sip of mountain dew

Everyone is having an amazing time

Genos; "there sure is alot of heros here"

Saitama; "Yeah there is"

Genos; I look around the room I then see that blizzard of hell girl "oh God she's here"

Saitama; "who is"

Genos; "Blizzard of hell"

Saitama; "I really hope she doesn't come over and ask me to join her group again"

Genos; "if she does ill handle her"

Saitama; "Nah I'll handle her"

Genos; "you sure sensi"

Saitama; "yes I'm sure"

Time skip 5 minutes

Y/n; I walk back over to Saitama and Genos

Genos; "imma go talk to zombieman ill be back later" I walk over to zombie man

Saitama; "okay"

Y/n; "you ain't gonna go talk to anyone"

Saitama; "I'll go talk to King in a minute"

Y/n; "okay" I start looking around I then see a female I then notice it's Fubuki

Saitama; I see y/n's face turn red "you okay y/n"

Y/n; "Y-Yeah"

Saitama; "then why is your face turning red"

Y/n; "I just got hot for a second that's all" I stop looking at Fubuki

Saitama; "okay bro whatever you say"

Time skip 2 minutes

Fubuki; I decide to go ask Saitama to join my group I walk over to him

Saitama; "shit"

Y/n; "what"

Fubuki; "hey Saitama"

Y/n; I instantly look at her I start feeling my heart thumping

Saitama; "hey Fubuki"

Fubuki; "I wanted to know if you would want to join my group"

Saitama; "No you always ask me this Fubuki can you please stop I know you are better than this"

Fubuki; "I'm sorry"

Saitama; "its okay"

Fubuki; "imma go back to my group now so see you later"

Saitama; "ok"

Fubuki; I turn around I look at the ground "I shouldn't ask him anymore I feel bad for asking him constantly"

Fubuki walks back to her group

Saitama; I look at y/n I see his face is beet red "why are you blushing"

Y/n; "I ugh"

Saitama; "wait do you like her"

Y/n; I avoid eye contact I look at the ground

Saitama; "you do don't you"

Y/n; "Y-Yeah"

Saitama; "hey its okay don't be ashamed about it I liked someone when I was in high-school I know how you feel"

Y/n; "I'm not ashamed about it"

Saitama; "I think you should go ask her out"

Y/n; I lift my head up and look at him "that's the problem I don't want to get rejected"

Saitama; "I know how you feel but what I learned in school is if you don't ask them out you will never know if you will get rejected"

Y/n; "yeah that's true"

Saitama; "now go ask her out I believe in you"

Y/n; "thanks Saitama" I walk over to Fubuki "I tap her on the shoulder"

Fubuki; I turn around I see "hey Y/n I haven't seen you in awhile"

Y/n; "I know sorry I just been training with Saitama"

Fubuki; "you train with him"

Y/n; "yeah I do but anyway I need to tell you something"

Fubuki; "okay what do you need to tell me"

Y/n; "I like you not as a friend either"

Fubuki; my eyes widen "you l-like me?"

Y/n; "Y-Yeah" my face feels like its on fire

Fubuki; "I never knew you liked me like that"

Y/n; everything around me goes dark

Fubuki; I see him faint I catch him in my arms "y/n"

Saitama; I run over "is he okay"

Fubuki; "I don't know he told me he liked me and fainted"

Saitama; "I guess he was overwhelmed"

Fubuki; "Yeah I guess he was"

Saitama; "I guess I'll have to take him home"

Fubuki; "no I'll do it"

Saitama;my eyes widen "are you sure"

Fubuki; "impositive"

Saitama; "okay well you becareful"

Fubuki; "I will" I carry him outside the building I then start flying to his house

Time skip

Fubuki; I unlock the door with my psychic powers I walk inside and close the door behind me I walk into the living room I lay him on the couch  I sit on the couch beside him "I'll stay here till he wakes up"

Time skip

Fubuki; I almost fall asleep I feel him move I open my eyes

Y/n; I sit up "goddammit it was a dream"

Fubuki; "no it was real"

Y/n; I blush I turn around and look at her "how did I get in my house"

Fubuki; "I carried you home"

Y/n; "why didn't you leave after you brought me home"

Fubuki; "because I wanted to be here when you wake up"

Y/n; "thanks Fubuki"

Fubuki; "well anyway imma head home its getting late" I get off the couch I start to walk

Y/n; I grab her hand "I don't want you walking or flying home in the dark its not safe at night"

Fubuki; "well where am I gonna sleep"

Y/n; "you can sleep in my bed"

Fubuki; "where are you gonna sleep"

Y/n; "on the couch"

Fubuki; "well thanks for letting me stay the night"

Y/n; "your welcome"

Time skip they both went to bed

Fubuki; I lay there on the bed just thinking about what he said "I like you" I feel my face heat up "do I like him I mean he seems like a nice guy I never knew him to be this nice" I stop thinking I close my eyes and go to sleep

Time skip 3:47AM

Fubuki; I wake up I get up out of bed I walk into the living room I see him on the couch I start feeling bad for him I decide to pick him up using my psychic power I float him to his room I put him in the bed I get back in bed I go back to sleep

Time skip 9AM

Y/n; I open my eyes I notice I'm in my room I roll over I see Fubuki still asleep I get up out of bed I walk to the kitchen I start fixing breakfast for me and Fubuki

Short time skip

Fubuki; I wake up smelling food I get up I go to the kitchen

Y/n; I see her walk in "good morning"

Fubuki; "good morning" I sit down at the table

Time skip after breakfast

Y/n; I sigh "I guess it's time for you to go home"

Fubuki; "Yeah it is but I need to do something before I leave"

Y/n; "what do you need to do"

Fubuki; I walk up to him I wrap my arms around him "I appreciate you letting me stay"

Y/n; I wrap my arms around her my face turns red

Fubuki; we stop hugging "I'll see you around"

Y/n; "see ya"

Time skip 5 hours

Y/n; I keep watching my TV but I just can't focus "keep thinking about Fubuki I can't take this anymore" I get up and leave my house I start walking to the blizzard headquarters"

Time skip

Lily; I see a guy ring the buzzer at the gate "state why your here"

Y/n; "I came here to see Fubuki"

Lily; "let me go get her" I open the gate for him I run upstairs I knock on her door "miss blizzard someone is here to see you"

Fubuki; I turn my TV off "okay I'm coming" I open my door and walk downstairs with Lily

Y/n; I see her "hey"

Fubuki; "Why are you here"

Y/n; "I wanted to speak with you but can we go somewhere private"

Fubuki; "Yeah sure just follow me" I start walking back up the stairs

Y/n; I follow her she walks into a room I follow her inside

Fubuki; I shut the door behind us "what do you need to talk about"

Y/n; I blush "can we go on a date"

Fubuki; my eyes widen "Yes"

Y/n; my face gets hotter "we can go 1 hour from now"

Fubuki; "that's fine by me" I smile

Y/n; I look at the ground "I am gonna go now" I turn around I start to make my way to the door

Fubuki; I grab his hand I spin him around I push him to the wall I lean in and kiss him

Y/n; I fall into it we break the kiss I look into her pretty green eyes

Fubuki; I get off him "I'm sorry I over reacte-"

Y/n; I cut her off with a kiss "don't be sorry I enjoyed it"

Fubuki; I smile I wrap my arms around him

Y/n; I wrap my arms around her back "the reason I came over is because I couldn't get you out my mind no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get you out my head that's why I came"

Fubuki; "well your here now"

Y/n; "yes I am" I tighten my arms around her "does this mean we're together now"

Fubuki; "depends on if you want to be"

Y/n; "yeah I do"

Fubuki; "then that's that we're together"

Y/n; I start to cry

Fubuki; "hey whats wrong"

Y/n; "I'm just happy we're together"

Fubuki; "oh you are crying tears of joy"

Y/n; "yeah"

Lily;  I knock on Fubuki's door "you okay miss blizzard"

Fubuki; "Yeah"

Lily; "okay" I walk back downstairs

Y/n; I stop crying "can I stay the night"

Fubuki; "well of course you can"

Y/n; "thanks baby" I instantly realized what I said I slap my hand over my mouth

Fubuki; my cheeks start feeling warm I pull his hand away from his mouth I kiss him on the lips again "you can call me baby all you want"

Y/n; I smile "well I guess I'm gonna go train with Saitama" I turn around

Fubuki; "Wait I want to come with you"

Y/n; I turn back around "you do?"

Fubuki; "yeah"

Y/n; "is it because you want him to join your group"

Fubuki; "no"

Y/n; "then why you coming?"

Fubuki; "because I want to be with you"

Y/n; my eyes widen "really?"

Fubuki; "Yes really"

Y/n; "hey before we go I got to ask you something"

Fubuki; "what you gonna ask"

Y/n; "do you want to keep our relationship a secret"

Fubuki; "Yeah for now"

Y/n; "well let's go then"

time skip

Y/n; I knock on Saitama's door

Saitama; I open the door my eyes widen

Y/n; "can we come in"

Saitama; "Yeah of course"

Genos; I start having a glitch in my system I come out my room to tell Saitama I then see y/n and Fubuki I jump forward and hit Fubuki in the head

Y/n; I catch Fubuki "FUBUKI"

Fubuki; I can barely see

Y/n; I look her in the eyes I start feeling tears form in my eyes

Saitama; I turn to Genos "ok you need to get put in your place" I take his core out

Y/n; "baby please talk to me"

Fubuki; I barley say "s-sister"

Y/n; I realize she's coming "Saitama I need you to handle Tatsumaki she's coming because she's hurt"

Saitama; "I will" the ground shakes

Tatsumaki; "sis" I throw him back

Saitama; "Genos did it"

Tatsumaki; "where's that brat"

Y/n; "Saitama took his core out"

Tatsumaki; "good" I look at my sister "if she gets hurt again I will kill both of you got it"

Both say yes

Tatsumaki; I fly away

Fubuki; I sigh

Y/n; I walk back over to my baby I pick her up I walk inside I lay her on the couch "the reason we came is to train I wanted to let her watch me train"

Saitama; I shut the door "well I guess we aren't training today"

Y/n; "I guess not"

Saitama; "I guess I'm gonna take Genos to Dr.Kuseno"

Y/n; "well I guess I'm gonna take Fubuki home"

Saitama; "I'll come to your place tomorrow"

Y/n; "ok bro"

Time skip

Y/n; I ring the buzzer it immediately opens the blizzard group runs outside

Mountain ape; "what happened"

Y/n; "Genos attacked her but Saitama disarmed him"

Lily; "we can take it from here"

Y/n; "no I got it" I walk inside I walk upstairs I go into her room I shut the door behide us I walk over to the bed I gently lay her down

Fubuki; "Thank you for taking me home"

Y/n; "it's the least I can do"

Lily; I knock on her door "may I come in"

Fubuki; I look at y/n I shake my head

Y/n; I walkover to the door and open it "come in"

Lily; I walk inside "thanks" I walk over to Fubuki "Ms.blizzard can I be in charge while you are wounded"

Fubuki; I look at y/n "no you cannot  I'm not that wounded"

Lily; "well okay just let me know if you need anything"

Fubuki; "okay I will" she leaves

Y/n; "so how long does it usually take for you to heal"

Fubuki; "about an hour at most"

Time skip 1 hour

Y/n fell asleep

Fubuki; I quietly get up and leave the room I walk downstairs I see all my group on ground bloody I froze couldn't move anymore I start to cry I walk to the bottom of the stairs I walk  over their body's I shake some of them I get no response I then see lily's  body I cover my mouth I roll her over

I cant hold it in and more I break down crying

Y/n; I wake up I hear crying I get up I leave the room I walk down stairs I froze every one is dead I get to the bottom of the stairs "what the hell"

Fubuki; I slide down the wall crying

Y/n; I walk over to her "let's get you out of here" I pick her up I walk out of the headquarters I get to one of her cars I open the door I sit her in it I get on the other side I get in the drivers side I shut my door "whoever did this is gonna pay"

Fubuki; I keep crying

Y/n; I drive to the association headquarters

All of a sudden the path gets blocked off by a falling building

Y/n; I slam on the brakes "what the hell"

Fubuki; I stop crying

Y/n; I put it in reverse then another building falls behind us trapping us my heart starts thumping

Garou; I land infront of them

Y/n; I get out the car "are you the one who killed her group"

Garou; "you talking about those weaklings"

Fubuki; my eye twitch I get out of the car "HELL STORM"

Garou; I jump out of the way

Y/n; I jump in the air I hit him into the ground

Fubuki;  my eyes widen "did y/n just kick him into the ground"

Garou; "not bad kid"

Y/n; my eyes widen


Y/n; I bring both my arms up infront of me I try to block his attack


Fubuki; I see y/n fall to the ground my eyes widen I clench my fists "HELL STORM" I hit Garou this time

Garou; I dash out of her attack I get behind her in a 1 tenth of a second "WATER STREAM ROCK SMASHING FIST"

Y/n; I jump up I jump forward and push Fubuki out of the way I take his attack I fall back to the ground

Fubuki; I catch myself I see y/n saved me again I use my psychic power to boost y/n's strength

Garou; I jump forward about to punch her

Y/n; I grab his foot I slam him into the ground "get out of here while you still can"

Fubuki; "okay" I fly away from them I head to Saitama's

Y/n; "atleast I'm keeping you safe"  "CONSECUTIVE NORMAL PUNCHES"

Garou; I get sent flying

Y/n; I jump in the air I punch him into the ground

Fubuki; I hear a big explosion I look behind me I ignore it I keep flying

Garou; I use my strongest attack I hit him

Y/n; I fall to the ground

Garou; "I admit you are strong but not strong enough" I punch him again knocking him out

Time skip

Fubuki; I unlock his door I open it and slam it shut

Saitama; I run out of my room "Fubuki?"

Fubuki; I start crying

Saitama; "whats wrong"

Fubuki; "my group is dead"

Saitama; my eyes widen "how"

Fubuki; "Garou killed them"

Saitama; "where is he now"

Fubuki; "he is near my headquarters fighting y/n"

Saitama; "let's go" I pick her up I leave the house I jump their

Time skip 1 minute

Garou; I leave him laying there

Time skip 4 minutes

Saitama; I land at the headquarters I put her down

Fubuki; "follow me" I fly over the building that fell I see y/n on the ground I fly to him I land on the ground "y/n" I start shaking him "y/n" I start to cry "you can't die on me please don't die"

Saitama; I walk over to her

Y/n ; I open my eyes I role over I look at Fubuki

Fubuki; "y/n" I wrap my arms around him "I missed you"

Y/n; "I missed you too"

Saitama; "where is Garou"

Y/n; "I don't know but I know one thing he's different he's transformed into a monster"

Saitama; "well I'll handle him you both need to train"

Y/n; "we will"

Saitama; "meet me in my apartment in 1 hour"

Y/n; "okay" he jumps away I sigh

Fubuki; I help him up "you fought well"

Y/n; "wait did you watch"

Fubuki; "no but I seen a explosion I figured it came from you"

Y/n; "yeah I did that but after I did that Garou used his strongest attack on me and I fell to the ground he then told me I admit your strong but not strong enough he then knocks me out"

Fubuki; "well atleast you gave me enough time to escape"

Y/n; "yeah"

Fubuki; I sigh I walk back to the headquarters

Y/n; I follow behind her

Fubuki; I walk inside I start crying

Y/n; I wrap my arms around her "its gonna be okay"

Lily; I slowly open my eyes I sit up

Fubuki; my eyes widen "L-Lily"

Y/n; I stop hugging her I run over to lily "don't move your hurt"

Lily; "ugh"

Fubuki; I run over to her I pick her up and hug her "I thought you died"

Lily; "your hurting me"

Fubuki; I lose my arms around her "sorry"

Lily; "its okay"

Y/n; "well I'm glad atleast one of you made it"

Lily; "is that why I see everyone on the ground"

Fubuki; "yea"

Lily; I start feeling tears form

Fubuki; I start crying again I put her down

Lily; I start crying

Y/n; "I know how you both feel and it's okay"

Fubuki; "its not gonna be okay"

Y/n; I walk up to her I throw my arms around her waist I lean in and kiss her on the lips

Lily; my eyes widen

Fubuki; I throw my arms around his neck I deepin the kiss

Y/n; we pull apart "I love you"

Fubuki; "I love you too"

Lily; "you both are together"

Y/n; my face starts heating up we pull apart "yes"

Lily; "well I'm happy for you"

Y/n; I decide to check and see if everyone is dead I start checking their pulse

Fubuki; "y/n theirs no use"

Y/n; I feel a pulse I keep checking everyone I go from member to member I finally get done checking "everyone is alive"

Fubuki; I feel relief

Y/n; "okay we need to get your limousine"

Fubuki; "we don't need one" I use my psychic power to lift everyone of them up

Y/n; "don't hurt yourself"

Fubuki; "let's go"

Time skip 1 hour

Fubuki; I calapse

Y/n; I catch her

Lily; were at the entrance "I'll run inside and tell someone"

Y/n; "okay"

Lily; I run inside and tell a nurse

Nurse; "how many"

Lily; "33"

Nurse; I go to the intercom "I need some assistance carrying the wounded inside" I walk outside I wait on everyone to get outside

Alot of a class heros come out

Lily; they pick everyone of them up

Nurse; "I'll take her off you"

Y/n; "no she just passed out"

Nurse; "I still want to check on her"

Y/n; "can I come with her"

Nurse; "no"

Y/n; "Please I need to be with her she has a condition she needs someone there for her"

Nurse; "you can come you should've told me or I would of said yes"

Y/n; "yeah sorry about that"

Everyone gets put in a hospital room

Nurse; I hook her up with IV "I got to go get everyone else fixed"

Y/n; "okay" she leaves the room shutting the door

5 minutes later

Fubuki; I open my eyes "where are we"

Y/n; "we're in the hospital"

Fubuki; "I'm okay can we go"

Y/n; "let's wait till she comes back and checks you out"

Fubuki; "okay I'll wait but I'm only doing this for you"

Y/n; I smile "thanks"

Time skip 30 minutes

Nurse; I walk back in the room "your awake thats a good sign"

Fubuki; "does that mean I can go"

Nurse; "not yet"

Fubuki; I sigh

Nurse; I hook up a IV that has poison in it "stay for 30 more minutes then you are free to go"

Fubuki; "okay"

Nurse; I walk out the room hehe I am gonna kill her once and for all

Time skip 5 minutes

Fubuki; I feel sick I start hurting I guess I did need to stay

Time skip another 5 minutes

Fubuki; "h-help" I barley manage to stutter out

Y/n; I stand up I realize she looks horrible "what do you need help with"

Fubuki; I feel tears roll down my face "t-the IV" I say slurred

Y/n; I look at the IV bag I see

Fubuki; I start breathing heavy

Y/n; I quickly take the iv out her arm "that bitch"

Fubuki; "m-my healing power is struggling to keep up"

Y/n; "imma kill that bitch" I clench my fist I rip the door off the hindges I walk by every room I then see Lily I run inside I look at the IV bag it doesn't have any poison on it sign on it

Lily; "what are you doing"

Y/n; "you need to go protect Fubuki she's been poised by the nurse"

Lily; my eyes widen I take the IV out my arm "where's her room"

Y/n; "2 rooms down"

Lily; "arent you coming"

Y/n; "no I got some business to take care of"

Lily; "okay"

They both leave the room

Y/n; I run down the hall I look in every room I don't see the nurse my eyes widen I realize she's with Fubuki

Nurse; I strap her to the bed I put the iv back in

Lily; I hit the lady on the back of the head and it does nothing

Nurse; I turn around I grab her and throw her against the wall making cracks appear in the wall

Fubuki; "I'm gonna die"

Y/n; I get back in the room I punch the nurse sending her flying back to the wall I run over to Fubuki I take the IV back out I take the IV bag down I throw it out the room

Nurse; "ROUNDHOUSE KICK" it hits him sending him through the wall

Mountain ape; I see the wall calapse I see a figure fly and hit the other wall I then see its y/n I look to my right I see the nurse

Y/n; I get up on my feet I jump forward I grab her I jump through the hospital building

Lily; I barley manage to get up I walk over to Fubuki "we need to get you outta here"

Nurse; he throws me back I jump forward and hit him repeatedly

Y/n; I catch her attack I pull her forward "SERIOUS SERIES SERIOUS PUNCH"


Y/n; everything goes dark

Fubuki; I slowly start to feel better I then hear something come crashing through the building I see it come crashing down infront of me I see its y/n "BABY" I get off the bed I walk over to him I get on my knees and I start shaking him

Y/n; I feel someone shaking me I open my eyes "b-baby"

Fubuki; "what happened"

Y/n; "I used my strongest punch and it made me pass out"

Fubuki; "well I'm glad you killed her"

Garou; I walk over to the thing

Nurse; I slowly get up on my feet

Garou; "not bad but can you handle my strongest attack" I get ready "MONSTER CALAMITY GOD SLAYER FIST"

The ground shakes

Y/n; I get up off the ground I pull her arm over my shoulder I help her walk "lets get you home" we walk out the hospital building

All of a sudden a figure jumps infront of them

Y/n; "you again"

Garou; "it seems like you got a little stronger since we fought"

Y/n; I sigh "Fubuki can you walk"

Fubuki; "I'm not running this time"

Y/n; "I don't want you getting hurt"

Fubuki; "ughhh fine" I start walking to the street I call a Taxi

Y/n; I jump forward and hit hit he hits me we start fighting faster and faster

Fubuki; I turn around I see a big creator I look up my eyes widen

Lily; I walk out the hospital I look up my mouth drops open

Y/n; I land on the group he jumps down I dodge his attack I zip behind him "DEATH PUNCH"

Garou; "WATER STREAM ROCK SMASHING FIST" it counters his attack

Y/n; my eyes widen

Meanwhile over at Dr.Kuseno lab

Dr.Kuseno; "okay your glitch is fixed I gave you some upgrades as well"

Genos; "thanks" I get up and leave I use my jets to fly to Saitama's I seen sense something is wrong I look over into town I see 2 heat signatures fighting I decide to fly over there

Fubuki; I put my barrier up around me

Garou; "LIGHTNING KICK" it sends him back I turn and jump at Fubuki "WATER STREAM ROCK SMASHING FIST" it breaks her barrier

Fubuki; I close my eyes

Y/n; I catch his fist right before it hit her I throw him back "GET OUTTA HERE"

Fubuki; I up to him I touch him with my hand I use my psychic powers I boost his strength "don't die on me"


Genos; I see it's y/n and Garou I see Garou fixing to hit him I see Fubuki still behind him I zip down and move her out the way

Y/n; "SERIOUS SERIES SERIOUS PUNCH" It beats his attack he gets sent flying back

Garou; I spit blood out my mouth I jump forward "MONSTER CALAMITY GOD SLAYER FIST"


Y/n; I fall to the ground

Garou; I get off the ground "you did good kid"

Genos; "go get out of here while you can ill hold him off"

Fubuki; "okay" I start flying away I start crying


Garou; I take his attack like its nothing "is that all you got"

Genos; I launch myself forward "LIGHTENING KICK"

Garou; I dodge his attack I then hit him

Genos; I land on my feet

Garou; I jump forward at lightning speed "WATER STREAM ROCK SMASHING FIST"


Garou; I hit him

Genos; I fall to the ground

Garou; "your not ready for me kid" I grab his arm I pick him up and slam him into the ground

Genos; ....

Garou; "stay down your no match for me"

Genos; I get back up

Garou; I dash forward at lighting speed and slice my hand through his torso


Fubuki; I'm almost at his house

Garou; I jump in the air I dash to find her in less then a minute I find her "WATER STREAM ROCK SMASHING FIST"

Fubuki; I spin around "HELL STORM" he dodges it and hits me I go flying down into a building my vision gets blurry

Garou; I walk over to her

Fubuki; I telepathy tell my sister to help me

Garou; I pick her up by her neck I slam her back into the ground

Tatsumaki; I fly up to the hole I use my psychic power on him I try sending him away but it's not working

Garou; I throw Fubuki to the wall I turn around "I knew you would come"

Tatsumaki; I make the ground come up and crush him

Garou; I break through it I jump forward

Tatsumaki; I put up my barrier he hits my barrier I get sent flying into a building

Garou; I jump over to the building she's in "WATER STREAM ROCK SMASHING FIST" I hit her barrier again and again

Tatsumaki; I see cracks form he hit it again my barrier breaks I grab a car and throw it at him

Garou; I get slammed through the way by the car

Tatsumaki; I fly out the building

Garou; I land on the ground "hehe"

Tatsumaki; my eye twitches I grab big pieces of the ground and throw it at him at high speeds

Garou; I break everyone of her attacks I decide I'm tired of this I jump off of the ground "MONSTER CALAMITY GOD SLAYER FIST"

Tatsumaki; I put up my strongest barrier around me he hits my barrier it break his attack then hits me everything goes dark


Y/n; I wake up I sit up I look to my right I see Genos destroyed his torso is gone I stand up I walk over to him

Genos; "your awake"

Y/n; "yeah I am anyway wheres Garou"

Genos; "I heard him say this under his breath you won't escape me this time"

Y/n; my eyes widen "which way did he go"

Genos; I point with my destroyed arm

Y/n; "okay thanks" I dash off in that direction I then see parts of a building on the ground I look up I see 2 holes I jump in the air I get in one of them I then see her "FUBUKIII" I run over to her she's super bloody parts of her clothes destroyed I check her pulse i feel a faint one I slide my arms under her I gently pick her up I dash out the building I fly quite a few feet I jump again and again till I get there

To be continued