
Operation Teardown

What if (nearly) every person that Daddy and Mommy wronged united and launched an all out invasion on their home? You'd get Operation Teardown. You have done it. Assembled a massive team of 20 people to launch the greatest heist ever seen in Newgrounds City. Relationships were had, fights were won and blood, sweat and tears were shed to get it to this point. Tonight The Family Will Fall.

odaocer · Videojogos
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23 Chs

Cauda 17 - Fool's Gold

Movements: https://x.com/odaocer/status/1796488328717750418

With Rosie and her crew pulling into the lot it was now time for everyone to split into vehicles. While the plan originally called for two cars, the addition of several new players changed that. So, after a brief discussion, the remnants of your team, Nikku's team and the prisoners split up.

While Rosie was expected to bring vans she decided against it, bringing convertibles, several cars with no roofs. It butchered any chance of staying hidden though she didn't really seem to care. After all, Pompom's spell and S' hacks would negate any chance of being identified.

The first car, pulling out in front was driven by Rosie with you as the passenger. Updike, Huggy and Tabi sat in the back, Huggy extremely excited about being able to ride with no roof.

The second car, pulling into the middle was driven by Radi with Agoti as the passenger. Nikusa, Pompom and Aldryx sat in the back, Pompom in the middle of them, Nikusa watching over her.

The final car, pulling out last consisted of S driving with Nikku as the passenger. RetroSpector and Sarvente sat in the back, both eager to get as far from the compound as possible.

The Belladonnas who'd come to support Rosie left in their own vehicles, taking the fae with them. With the Family effectively out of commission they decided to stage an attack on their Forest and reclaim it in the chaos. You weren't sure about how much opposition they would face but best case draw police ire and provide distraction.

As you watched them drive off it hit you. Why couldn't we have just used another magic user to teleport everyone away? Maybe not Pompom but recruit an additional person. You shrug the shame away focusing more on the mission at hand.

With the cars divvied up so was the loot. Several bags of gold bars and trinkets from the vault were stashed across the three cars. In each trunk, Rosie had brought a few blankets which easily hid the loot. Placing it in the trunk felt surreal. You still could hardly believe you and the others pulled it off. S' shouts halt your train of thought, the eldritch robot declaring excitedly, "Woohoo! Let's get this party started!"

As he said that the mailroom exploded, a fiery bomb ripping through the concrete building. Before you got in you took one last glance at the compound, feeling woozy. Despite the operation an apparent success it just didn't feel like you did it right.

And that Laughing Plan. Nobody had the faintest clue what it could mean.

"It'll be alright." Tabi said. "We won." He opened the passenger door and got in, buckling his seatbelt.

"I'm not sure."

"We'll quit skulking. Let's get the hell outta dodge!" Rosie shouted as she rev'd the engine.

You fasten your seatbelt. Sitting in one of the very cars you pulled over forever-ago, it felt like it had been a lifetime since Rosie was your enemy.

You check your comlink. Still down. It worked with nearby ones though not with the base camp. With Updike behind you, you asked, "Are you sure Psychic's not at the data centre?"

"No." He replied instantly. "There is something else there blocking the signal."

"Well surely we're gonna run into him right?"

"I have planned for that. Kapi. Is Hex still there?"

"Yes! It's all windy out here." A cheery voice replied. "Hey, get off me!" Kapi shouted in annoyance. "Well how am I 'sposed to talk to him?"

"Do you truly believe Psychic can be saved?"

"Of course! He's not that bad-"

"Do you have a way of contacting him?"

"Well yeah I can SOS but he told me not to until it's a serious emer-"

"Here's the plan. You will call an SOS when I say. It will get Psychic away and will save him."

"A-are you sure?"


"Alright. I'll be listening." Hex said proudly. "Can't you just take the comlink-" Kapi started to protest again.

Rosie honked the horn. "Everyone ready to go?"

"Pompom! Is your spell ready?" You ask to the comlink.

"I am ready. I just need the uh conduit."

"Alright. Rosie we can go. Still nothing from the data centre but I'm sure they'll be back up soon." You said. Silently you were worried, still unsure if that earlier explosion came from the data centre or not. Agoti and Aldryx were visibly worried, both minds racing of what happened there.

There were no further objections. Foot on the pedal, Rosie pulled out first, easily taking lead.

You reached over and turned the radio knob, looking for a police station. Turning the dial you found nothing but static. In fact, all radio stations were offline. "Must be from the storm." Rosie remarked, changing the radio to CD.

Thinking on it, the police didn't really show up at all. Last you hear they arrested the SDS but that was it. And if Solazar's ruse worked then they wouldn't be suspecting anything else. SDS took the entire fall.

With the fence surrounding the compound only one car-ready-entrance existed. A unit, described on the map as the garage and lots was a small parking lot, dwarfed by a large building aside for the Family's extensive car collection. According to Lila's plans it had tough security and a steady patrol. That made sense that the entrance be so heavily guarded.

It also made it pointless to attack from. During the plan it was never considered aside from Whitty unhelpfully suggesting they steal the cars for the getaway. This was rejected for obvious reasons as was Tabi's proposal of blowing up the building.

Now Playing...

Artist: Throvn

Song: No Limit

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkNT0o-MfFk

Looking as Rosie's drives by, you saw cars within it roar to life, demons in each. Rosie noticed it too and honking her horn loudly declared, "BRING IT!"

Shaking your head you couldn't see how this wouldn't attract police. You just hoped that with the police chief inside somewhere they knew not to interfere.

Looking around you didn't see a single light on in any buildings. Hopefully it wouldn't wake anyone either. You drew your gun.

"That's the spirit!" Rosie gave you a nudge. Still driving fast as the demons started the chase. "Alright everyone. We can't alert the cops. Last I checked they were at the intersection of Holloway and Coolmath. If we gotta split off stay away and head to the rendezvous. Until then, let's start's hunting!" She concluded with a giggle.

The car propelled forward, Rosie hitting the gas now. The demons followed, all ready for the 'race'. Armed as well, you hear gunshots from behind you. Instinctively, Tabi and Huggy duck, turning back to get a shot. Updike turned back and drew his silenced pistol. He didn't say anything but was equally annoyed as you were that this could alert the feds.

With the demons at the back they targeted the one in last, Nikku, S and the survivors. A bullet lodged square into the back of S' head. It didn't pierce it but hit hard enough for him to notice.

"So stupid." He reached behind his head and ripped the bullet out. "Nikku do something!" S looked behind him, seeing the demons trying to shoot out the tires now. "I don't know what to do!" Nikku ducked, hoping not to get shot herself.

Still driving S put his hand out, an object emerging out of the palm. Cylindrical with a wire, Nikku recognized it instantly. "A pipe bomb? Where did you-"

"Built it while we were waiting. Just push the button and throw it."

"Mh-hm!" Nikku did so and holding the seat threw it at the demons. Retro and Sarv ducked out of the way, worried she'd blow up the car. Dodging it, the demons swerved. Despite missing it exploded, a ball of fire behind everyone, setting off nearby car alarms.

"Explosives?!" Updike shouted in into the comlink. "It will be a miracle if we can get out of this without detection."

"Awesome right?" S said, giving Nikku a pat on the back.

"Y-yeah, urgh. I don't feel so well." The headache returned, far stronger than before. Getting back in her seat she looked down, trying to stop from throwing up.

More bullets fired, all missing S though one hit the windshield. "Hey freeloaders, can you two do something?!"

"R-right!" Sarvente said. Unbuckling she turned back and aimed her hands, getting magic ready. Retro too, got his hands ready, acid glowing on them. "Retro hit that car!" Sarv shouted. He did so, a glob of acid hitting the front of the vehicle. In the distraction, Sarvente used magic to get a hold of a parked car, smashing the front of it onto the acidic spot, causing both to collide and crush the front.

"Agoti, can you drive?" Radi asked. While S' car was dealing with the demons, others started speeding ahead going for the middle. One was close behind, hitting the back of the car with a machinegun.

"I got it!"

"Alright. Keep the car straight." Radi unbuckled and climbed to the back of the car, pushing aside Pompom and Nikusa. Thanks to Nikusa and Pompom's magic a force field protected the car. "Oh, watch this Pompom. This is why I started hanging with him." With a smirk, Radi got on all fours as he stood on the trunk, looking forward. "Yo, slow down 10km!"

Agoti nodded allowing the demon to catch up. Radi jumped to the car, landing on top of the front. The demons shrieked, Radi making quick work of them. Nikusa covered Pompom's eyes, the magician not needing to see demons melting and radioactive slaughter.

Throwing the corpses out of the car, Radi hit the gas and took over it, parts of the car glowing a bright green from Radi's nuclear waste.

"I can sense Ruv and Selever! Are they here?" Sarvente shouted.

"Hex! We're gonna need that SOS now!" Updike shouted.

"On it!" Hex responded instantly, grabbing Kapi and speaking into his ear. "Hex let me go!" Kapi bellowed again.

On the rooftops, Ruv wiped the sweat from his forehead. This Psychic guy was tough.

Psychic stood on the opposite end of the building, panting. He had the same thoughts.

Next to Ruv, semi-conscious and wheezing was Selever, lying on his back staring up. Psychic possessed him earlier, figuring a father wouldn't hurt his own son. This was poorly judged as Ruv saw Selever in need of exorcising. He had no problem beating his son to a pulp, slamming Selever to the ground repeatedly. Ruv saw no reason to hold back against his son. For fear of Selever's own safety, Psychic stopped controlling him.

Since then the two were clashing, Ruv's voice able to cause shockwaves in Psychic's energy and Psychic using ESP to hurt Ruv. But everything they hit each other with just brought the other back more determined. With all the surrounding rooftops damaged and not a single window intact, the two glared at each other.

They both obtained a modicum of respect for each other. Psychic was surprised at the brazen way Ruv attacked him even if he couldn't scan his mind. He stopped scanning all together, not needing to hear Selever's bratty thoughts.

All he could hear was that brat's mind and...

"Wait." Psychic grabbed Ruv's fist, stopping the force. It shockwaved around them, a gust of wind bursting.


On open water. It was Hex. Psychic forced back Ruv. Ruv reacted fast and dashed back, ready to rip another AC unit off the building and chuck it at Psychic. Not saying another word Psychic flew up, jetting towards the signal. Ruv was a distraction and now Hex was in serious trouble.

Ruv dropped the unit and started to run after Psychic when Selever finally spoke. "Mom? I can hear mom!"

As if he had no wounds, Selever got up and flew to the edge, fast as wings could carry him. Down the road and approaching rapidly he saw a gaggle of cars. Waving over his dad, they saw Sarvente waving at them from below.

It didn't take long for Ruv to piece it together. Clearly Updike found Sarv and was now pursued by demons. They had to help! He motioned to Selever as he sat on edge, legs dangling off. He waited until the cars came speeding down the road and, just before one of the demon cars passed by, jumped off, landing square on the car.

Ruv landed in the middle, crumpling two of the seats and causing a shake felt around. Selever was right behind him, landing in the car too. Making quick work of the demons the car crashed as it spun out. Watching for Radi, Ruv and Selever jumped to his car, joining him.

With the ongoing chaos nobody noticed Ruv's entrance. Or if they did you failed to notice, too busy working with Tabi to deal with the demons currently trying to ram your car.

Finally using his flamethrower, Tabi fired it off, clouds of fire enveloping the opposing car. Rosie shouted at Tabi about aiming near the gas tank. His reckless attack was damaging her car, now creating further issues as Rosie rammed back.

It didn't help that she was completely enjoying this. Curiously, Updike had been quiet the whole time, typing away at something on his phone.

"This isn't good." He muttered to himself. "What are you on about? Y'know some help would be nice." Rosie snarked.

"Think about it. Nobody has noticed our presence."

"So? Who cares?" Tabi spat as grabbed one of the demon's shoulders and ripped him out of the car, tossing him behind. He didn't look as the demon got ran over by Agoti's car, the digidevil enjoying the chase as much as Rosie.

"Try calling the fae." Udpike ordered Rosie. She shrugged by did so anyways, using her hands-free system. Strangely, there was no response, phone indicating it had no signal.

The demons changed up their strategy. Now having to worry on Radi and Ruv behind them they focused more on taking specific cars down at a time. Still weakened, both Sarv and Retro had to stop firing off energy. It left S' car defenceless. One of the demon cars slammed into the side of S' vehicle, sending it awry. S regained his speed quickly, resuming the straight path.

"I..I can see everything." Nikku said in a daze. Her headache vanished, replaced by an intense drone. It felt as if someone was drilling into her head and then replaced by absolute clarity. Body freaking out she just hung her head out the car and threw up, groaning in pain.

"Yo demon chick. Can't you help her?" S shouted to Sarv. "I-I'm not sure what's happening!"

She reached over the seat to help Nikku but the demon attacks drew her attention elsewhere. Using little magic she put a forcefield protecting the car's side, just enough to stop the ramming.

"Yo neon guy. Take the wheel!" S shouted to Retro. He nodded and jumping over took the seat easily took control keeping the car's speed.

"M-mom?" Nikku said out loud. Landing on the seat next to her, S held Nikku. "Nah it's me. The hell's wrong with you? You dying?" S said as he patted Nikku. She threw up again, onto the road.

She turned to S, her eyes glowing. "S-S I can see everything. E-everything. I can remember!" She said, more frightened than anything.

"Yo Starline! We got a problem here! Nikku's dying!"

"It's likely her memory is coming back. Just stay by her. We cannot stop now." Updike said curtly.

With Retro driving and Sarv on defence, S stayed by Nikku, rubbing her back as her mind forced itself free. She could hardly speak and started shivering.

"C'mon Nikku. Just breathe!"

S glanced up to see a demon car about to ram them. He pulled Nikku up as he moved her out of the way. Pistol in hand the demon shot at S, directly hitting him in the eye, shattering the lenses, blinding him.

"ARGH! ROUGE! I THOUGHT YOU WERE PROTECTING US!" S shouted in anger as he pushed Nikku aside. He jumped upwards and dove into the demon's car as it exploded off the road.

Now really pissed, S set his sights on one of the remaining cars. Two demons in a convertible currently engaged with Agoti.

With Nikusa focusing her magic on protecting Radi and Aldryx trying to use oil to throw off the demons, it left Pompom, vainly shooting magic. She was charging up, readying some sort of powerful spell to fire off at the demons.

S got ready to dive into the demon's car, aiming with his good eye the best place to tear a throat. He dove, anger blinding him.

A direct hit as he smashed through the windshield, instantly grabbing the demon's throat. "S MOVE!" Pompom shouted as she let her spell go.

With Tabi finally managing to shoot your assailant enough times you had a minute to breath. You saw in slow motion as Pompom's spell, a rainbow-coloured beam collided with S.

And then, as if all light were snuffed out, everything went black.

Now Playing...

Artist: Antimatter

Song: Nuvistor

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54AqklWFNGU

Silence crept in too. The feel of the wind, the smell of tires peeling, the shouts from other drivers, even the bitter taste of worry in your mouth all gone. You felt nothing.

Blinking again, you see yourself standing in a black void. Something was dripping from your eyes as dizziness set in.

You weren't even sure if you were breathing, your pulse silent.

"Hehe." A maniacal voice giggled. "That's all it took huh...That's all it took." It sounded all around you.

Your look to your hand, suddenly visible, a black liquid on your fingers.

"What the-" You start to say but hear nothing.

You feel something tug on your pant and latch to your belt. Looking to the side you see that doll. A doll of Tails from Mobius, low-poly and cartoony. But that was from VR. And you weren't in-

"Hello, (Y/N)." That voice said again. Looking in front you see S. Not that robot he piloted but the real S.

A blue anthro hedgehog, large sharp quills on his head along with two pointy ears. He wore white gloves and white and red running shoes. They were stained with dried blood and black spots. He looked like the real Sonic you'd seen on S' except for his 'dark' features.

"S." You finally managed to say. It didn't sound like your voice, distorted and hoarse.

His eyes and eyelid fully black, red spots where the iris were, glowing red. It tinted his nose that colour as well. From his eyes blood dripped, though this time they were a dark red, chunkily flowing down his face. You could hear noise, electronics glitching.

Image: https://www.deviantart.com/odaocer/art/1058211894

"Hello!" S shouted in a malicious happiness.

Inside his mouth was black with rows of sharp teeth. The blood stained them, only adding to his dark mystique. Having lived with S for months it didn't bother you anymore but this time it felt different. It felt real.

You look to the side to see Pompom standing there, a blank expression on her face. She was petrified, her whole body a shade of grey. Nikku stood beside her, still hunched over as she struggled with her memory.

"They're fine. You just can't see what they see. I just wanted you three to get a proper introduction. After all. As of today you three are the ones that freed me."

"I gotta say." S walked up to Pompom, walking around her. "It feels good to be alive. To breath actual air. Let's get you up to date first."

Impossible to describe in conventional words you saw the real Sonic's life. Everything from his birth to his battles on Planet Freedom to the Starline war and it all happened in a second.

S looked to you. "Now then. Let's get this party started~"

You blink, immediately blinded by the surroundings. Everything hits you all senses return. The first thing you hear amongst the noise is Tabi shouting if you were alright.

You wave a hand to signal you were fine, realizing that black ink was here too, dripping down your head.

You cough a bit, more black liquid coming out.

Updike saw it too, Pompom undergo the same thing. Then he saw a black energy around the demon's car. As it faded, Updike realized exactly what transpired.

A rigid man, Updike was always planning ahead, ready for any possibly contingencies. After all, he was on a team with abominations. He needed to be ready for anything, even if he knew them all to be safe.

But this.

This he could not have predicted. Pompom had done the impossible.

She brought S to life.

As S got his bearings he smashed into each demon car as if it were a pinball, destroying them all in under 10 seconds. Nobody knew what happened, the whole slaughter a blue blur and red mist.

The demons were chasing them until they weren't, all gone.

S warped beside Pompom. "Hello! It's good to be here."

"Y-you're real?!" She reached out to touch one of S' quills. It was soft, just as she imagined.

"In the flesh." He smiled, bearing fangs.

"Huh. So you finally joined the world of the living." Remarked Nikusa.

"Wow. You're even more badass in real life." S winked at Nikusa then warped to Nikku. He held her as she regained her bearings. Being frozen in S' introduction allowed her to re-adjust. Seeing S standing on the centre console she hugged him. "S!" She shouted. S hugged back, slightly surprised at the contact.

Updike knew he didn't know any way to stop S. It didn't matter right now and wouldn't matter until later. For now he required S' help, looking to the monster as an ally, not a threat.

"S! Can you boost Pompom's magic?"

"I can. Why?" S warped to Updike. He could feel Updike's disgust at him, but also could feel Updike's respect. He could even hear some thoughts.

"Rosie! Pull into a stop here! We need to cast the spell. S take Pompom to the top of a building and have her cast it."

Seeing no substantial threat, and only a few blocks away from the data centre Rosie slowed down, as did everyone around.

"Did we win?" Selever asked, confused.

Agoti was about to say something about Selever being present but stopped, Aldryx grabbing his brother's shoulder and pointing behind him.

They saw a blue streak emerge from the data centre. They knew exactly what the blue blur was, a pillar of light emitting from it.

They also noticed the sky now was no longer black but a deep red. The moon vanished behind the clouds as well, dementing the horizon to a twisted nightmare.

"D-dad?" Agoti asked, trying to see the blue star from behind the clouds.

You were busy staring up at S. With Pompom on his shoulders the two flew up to building. Holding Pompom up she casted the spell, a shockwave of magic emitting from all around.

With S' power boosting it, the conduit wasn't even needed. Still, the blast hit the antennas at the compound. While you couldn't see it you could certainly feel the spell, making you feel tingly all over.

The spell was crafted in such a way that it avoided the team, Pompom knowing exactly who to hit now. S too, in his boost made sure the team was avoided. After all, he wanted them to never forget him.

Up high, Pompom watched.

"That's so cool!" She squealed.

"I know right?!" S said in agreement.

The sky had started to brighten, the dark clouds taking on a shade of dark orange and maroon.

"Are you doing that too?" Pompom asked, pointing at the sky. While S did find the sky cool he didn't take the credit for it. "No way. I wouldnta done it that slow."

A ding on your comlink rung, indicating a connection re-established.

"Team Lisp! Carnival! Anyone? Are you alive?!" Displo shouted into the link.

"We hear you." You respond. "Oh thank goodness! We're coming! We've figured out what the Family was doing. It's already started!"

"Where's dad?" Agoti shouted in response.

"We don't have time to explain! Just stay where you are!" Tess said quickly.

As much as S wanted to continue his introduction and establish just what he was capable of he grabbed Pompom and dropped her off in the car. He could hear something. Unintelligible to the common ear it was something he heard on an eldritch level. Like a piercing static humming in the background.

Nikusa and Nikku heard it too, their cosmic origins allowing for it.

Displo drove in terror. He couldn't help it. He was terrified at the prospect of what he uncovered.

Earlier he looked through IRIS logs. He looked for anything IRIS had that could handle that much energy. Nothing.

He kept looking.

Deleted logs, recovered logs, classified documents, scrapped files. Nothing. Until he saw one thing. Buried in the IRIS requisition logs. And purposely spelled incorrectly and purposely.

'Improsability Drive trasnferred to Blacksite-CVE.'

Correcting the error, everything clicked. Tess already knew, Displo giving her the log. To the rest he barely knew how to begin explaining. All he knew was that they'd have to brainstorm an escape plan, not get to get far from the compound, but get out of this place.

Displo saw the Carnival up ahead, cars all waiting and several of the members standing around. He pulled to an immediate halt, mind overwhelmed at what the Laughing Plan really was.

Now Playing...

Artist: LUNAR

Song: Guardian Tag

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_cZw-6G0uQ

A year ago the TCF falls. A security breach brings the agency to its knees. Freelance agent Blueballs is responsible for rounding up the Trollges. Rumours that Blueballs is responsible for the TCF fall circulate. He saves a number of trollges though a few get away. It is thought TCF's breach was an inside job. Maybe the Family did it. That information is not known. Regardless, the Family captures 3 trollges. JJ, Smiler and Legion. They proceed to start siphoning energy from them. Smiler is the only one who rebels, a collar placed forcing him to stay put. JJ, believing that adults were to blame for all the wrong in the world, cooperates though still gets collared. Legion, being able to read minds agrees with the Family's plans, allowing them to take as much energy as they want.

The Laughing Plan must have started around here. Demonic energy was needed but not at a fast rate. Mommy and Daddy used their own in small spurts.

At some point, the Family places spies in TGG and IRIS. These two companies were the only groups who could viably take down the Family now.

The trollges and Psychic make it impossible to anyone to even get into the compound. This stops IRIS and TGG operations in the area. Additionally, the rise of the Lightbringers Church and Nikku's crash take TGG's attention elsewhere. Sarvente joins the Family's outer circle as they start to forge ties.

(Y/N) launches an investigation against the Family citing their crimes, disappearances and mafia-like behaviour. This investigation lasts two months before (Y/N) is forced off the case and nearly killed, only saved by the police chief.

The Family must have realized that they weren't invincible as they thought. (Y/N), a nobody, proved they could be pushed around. They needed to speed things up. The Family then kidnapped RetroSpector and begun siphoning his energy too, in higher doses. The Family were never known to kidnap or target other demons prior to this.

Psychic helped them kidnap Retro, mind-controlling Ace and effectively convincing him he was the sole reason Retro was captured. This shuts up him until he meets the Carnival, Ace unable to cope with the loss.

The Carnival takes down Sarvente, someone who was starting to work with The Family. It was possible Sarvente inclusion in their little 'club' was a ploy to get more demonic energy though that's unknown. After all, one demon can only produce so much. With Sarvente out of the picture the Laughing Plan is set back and The Family worried again.

They get paranoid and launch the Night of Fire against the Carnival, slaying Displo, destroying the HQ, arresting Agoti and attempting assassinations of Tabi, Kapi and Pompom. The Carnival is destroyed as far as they care.

They want to hurry now. The Carnival was an axis of people who hated them. If their enemies were uniting it could spell the end of the Family. They need more energy and needed it now.

Cassandra, one of the daughters is assassinated by the Donnas. Though they don't know it was Rosie who did it, they are getting scared now.

Not wanting undue attention from Hell they try kidnapping the demon of Hololive. That fails, foiled by TGG and Blackjack.

They possibly consider Zardy at some point, giving up as they realize he's not strong enough.

Now aware of Blackjack they make a move against him, successfully kidnapping him from the arcade. They take his mask off and drain his energy, effectively turning him into a feral beast. He cannot fight back.

But that wasn't enough energy. With Sarvente going through a spiritual awakening and 'switching sides' they kidnap her and siphon her energy. They had a casus belli to do.

Against Psychic, Legion and JJ the 3 demons had no chance of ever freeing themselves.

The siphoning of the energy requires massive power consumption, something Updike and TGG notice while surveying the compound.

At some point the Family obtain enough energy and invite the police chief and mayor over, wanting to show them the Laughing Plan, a proposal to 'fix crime in the city' or something.

With the mayor and police chief being two major power brokers in the city it's possible the invitation was a ruse and they intended to take them out, further cementing their control on the city.

With insurmountable amounts of trollge and demonic energy they could do anything. But what? To use such a high amount of energy would require a conduit, something to control it all. While powering themselves up was a possibility it wouldn't last. The power must be used elsewhere.

Operation Teardown happens and several members mention the Laughing Plan is starting soon. Tonight according to Psychic.

Team Python fights Daddy and wins. Daddy flees to the hangar. With Team Lisp split between dealing with JJ and the police, they fail to notice Daddy going. Mommy already went earlier. Once in the hangar they both decide to trigger the Laughing Plan.

Legion, with his own mind-reading powers already knew what the Laughing Plan entailed. His motives always unclear Psychic and Daddy guess he could make a move against them once the opportunity arose. With Psychic having the data centres location he and Daddy order Legion to go attack it, getting him out of the way of the trigger.

Botan comes in and mentions that the world outside is different. Darker and stranger. The data centre loses its signal. Could be the result of Legion, could be the result of something more nefarious. Displo fires off the LOIC which should've alerted everyone in the surrounding area. Nothing but crickets. And Rosie and co were engaged in a shootout and hadn't alerted anyone.

They weren't on Earth anymore and hadn't been for awhile.


Psychic knew the members of the team and passed that information onto Daddy. Or maybe it was chosen by area and people were still in those buildings, slain, hiding or corrupted. Mommy must have activated it around then.

But then where were they?

That's when Displo started looking through the logs. What was the conduit?

Displo processed this information in real-time coming to an answer just as his finished his thoughts. One of the Family's spies transferred a single item out of IRIS storage. Name misspelled, nobody noticed it until now.

The Improbability Drive.

An object, a weapon of insurmountable power, capable of warping realities and dimensions. It was created by NEXUS, a long defunct organization dealing with abominations.

Displo knew the history. NEXUS caused the Madness Wars, a event that ripped the city apart, changing its course on history forever. Thousands died. The city was never the same.

In that war was one of the only beings capable of transporting entire areas to other dimensions. A being of indescribable violence. A creature that became one with that aforementioned drive. That 'creature' was long dead though. He was sealed and within the deepest recesses of hell.

Hank killed him.

...But with enough Trollge power and demonic energy one could-

Displo's mind froze, circuits heating up. He felt fear, true terror in his servos. As he drove he saw eyes in the buildings. At first he thought they were people but realizing now they weren't anymore. He re-focused on the road, ignoring Tess' concerned questions.

...And with enough power one could even revive that creature.

The Immortal Scourge of Newgrounds City.

The Destroyer of NEXUS.

The One Who Killed Thousands.

The Clown.

Known only by one word.


The next chapter will be called Painting the Sky Red.

There won't be a chapter on Monday. I ended up splitting the Tricky fight into 2 chapters (because it was originally 9000+ words). We're hitting the peak now. Only a handful of chapters left. As a bonus I’m going to add a new chapter of small scenes of characters interacting so if there’s anything you wanna see before we conclude think about it now and let me know when I release Cauda 19. This is a heads up.

odaocercreators' thoughts