
Operation Teardown

What if (nearly) every person that Daddy and Mommy wronged united and launched an all out invasion on their home? You'd get Operation Teardown. You have done it. Assembled a massive team of 20 people to launch the greatest heist ever seen in Newgrounds City. Relationships were had, fights were won and blood, sweat and tears were shed to get it to this point. Tonight The Family Will Fall.

odaocer · Videojogos
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23 Chs

Cauda 09 - Mindreader

Movements: https://twitter.com/odaocer/status/1786344262713364867

S laughed. "Heh. Thought you said he couldn't be kil-"

"He was content with his life. That changes their durability. What we did was unprecedented-" Displo started.

"Alright, spare me the lecture. Either way he's gone." S said.

Running took absolute precedence. They had only turned a few hallways from the basement, getting back would be easy. As they ran Updike reformulated a plan.

With a mindreader in midst, all attempts at sentient penetration would be impossible. Though Updike knew how to counter mindreader he wasn't an expert in it. There was no telling how much of his mind or Kapi's was read. If so, the whole operation would be over. Can't assume that yet. Perhaps he didn't know himself. The plan must continue as normal.

Therefore sentience needed to be eliminated. Theo's bots would scour and obtain the location of RetroSpector. From there they would either secure him or get S to traverse outside and sneak him to the mailroom. No doubt that abomination would be looking for us, it would allow for S to move easy.

Once glance back could see they weren't being followed thankfully. Not to mention Updike just shot Mommy Meanest, the Matriarch of the Family. She knew his, Huggy and possibly Kapi's face now.

Rounding the corner, Updike saw the basement door in sight. One dash for it, he closed the door, jamming his gun into the handle, barricading it.

Motioning the two down, Updike proceeded downstairs, entering the recreational room where the three took a breather.

"What just happened? Did I black out? D-did you just shoot Mommy? Who was that purple guy?"

Updike stayed one knee on the ground, watching the door from below.

"You did. Mind-controlled. Yes I did shoot her. I don't know."

"B-but how?"

"I'm not sure. The Family is in possession of a telepath. I did not anticipate this. You two, head to Theo downstairs. I shall be with you shortly."

"Updike. Status report. Are you all okay?!" Tess shouted from the comlink. "You shot Mommy?" Updike heard what might have been Annie on Tess' end as well. "She's back?"

"I will provide a report soon. Moving to rendezvous with Theo and Blackjack. We may have to flee. Covers blown." Updike said.

With nobody attempting to bust open the door he walked back up and retrieved his firearm, double checking the shots. 3 bullets left before reload.

"TGG." Updike said into the comlink. "This is triumvirate Updike. I am requesting a storage pod, maximum level security, hofnarr class. Send Sterling and Abott. Location, beach, centre-north of Dearest Compound. Bring ESP and EMP bombs."

"On it's way Gabriel. Stay safe!" One of the trio shouted back.

"Updike. What does that mean?" Solazar asked.

"Means we are dealing with a telepath. Simply put we cannot take it down by conventional means. This is not something any of us are capable of dealing with."

"Psh. I bet I could take him." S chimed in.

"...If you see him, engage."

Now Playing...

Artist: Howl in the Typewriter

Song: Sinister

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDwNQRDcSis

"OoooooonnnnZZZZZZXXXXXXXGCRCH------" The comlink cut out. A sharp tone hit Updike. It lasted a second, followed by a robotic message.

"Signal to main base has been lost."

"By jove!" Updike could hear Theo say from below. They must have heard it too.

Updike turned, bolting out of the rec room to the factory floor.

"Are you all okay?" He shouted as he practically jumped down the stairs.

"Yes. I've lost connection with the feeds however."

Updike scanned the room. Theo hunched over the laptop on a table they brought in. Blackjack sat at the table, a number of empty jars surrounding him. He had been in the preserves it seemed. Huggy, fascinated by Theo's machine looked over and was watching his feeds.

And Kapi stood still, the catboy frozen in place. He stared aimlessly, suddenly coming to a halt.

"Everyone be prepared." Updike said.

"You've trespassed onto this property, freed its prisoners, struck our guards and assailed me." Kapi said menacingly. His voice sounded deeper than usual, no emotion present. "I thought you were here for Retro, and I would have escorted you and him out." Kapi looked at Blackjack before returning his sights to the team. "But I know you are here for another reason. Before I read this anthro's mind I'm giving you a chance to tell me the truth. Identify yourselves and purpose here or this will end far more violently then you anticipated."

Kapi's eyes turned a slight red as well, glowing faintly under the light. He looked to the team, eyeing them conspicuously.

"Why are you really here? Tell me."

Huggy looked onward, confused by Kapi's vocal change. He cooed quizzically, wondering what happened. "Huggy stay away from him." Updike commanded.

"Kapi? Are you alright?" Theo asked, hesitant.

Updike looked up to the office above, expecting to see someone watching them. Nobody was visible. He moved quickly, grabbing a rock on the ground and chucking it through the glass. It smashed through, landing somewhere inside.

"I am not there weatherboy." Kapi said, glaring at Updike. Updike crossed his arms, not the least bit impressed at the show.

Kapi stared at Theo intensely, the catboy's face turning to fury. "No answer?"

"Don't identify yourselves then. I already know." Kapi shrugged. "I can read this boy's thoughts like a book...Updike. I can see what this is. The...Carnival. The...what is it?" Kapi raised a hand and stood still.

"What is going on?" Theo asked Updike.

"Mind-control. Be careful and maintain a blank mind. You too Huggy. Think of nothing." Huggy nodded though couldn't help but be confused at the order.

Updike looked back to Blackjack.

"Hmph. I believe this is the being that caught me." Blackjack responded, getting up.

"All of us, we'll split up, look for where he's being controlled from. But keep a blank mind!"

Kapi cleared his throat. "Carnival. Your trip ends here. Turn back around and leave or you shall deal with my wrath."

Theo stopped, not moving.

"Who are you exactly? Taking over our friend is rather alarming but I, we can take him." Updike asked.

"I am the head of security here. And I can see from this boy's mind you were behind the bombing. And others. You don't even care about Retro."

"So says the abomination who kidnapped a demon and trollge and tortured them." Updike said, referring to Blackjack.

"Oh? Are you some lawyer, Updike? Kapi doesn't seem to think so. Thinks you're a religious nut working with some cult. I protect this place. What we do here is not your concern."

Theo turned to Updike, wielding his baton.

"You've lost your chance. You will join the others here." Theo said monotonely.

He was nearby. he had to be.

"That's enough sherlock." Theo said, the controller reading Updike's mind.

"My. There's a lot in here. Fascinating. TGG? Oh? Heh. So the Carnival's a facade? Or rather. You seem to think the Carnival a front while Theo and Kapi here genuinely believe in it. Pathetic."

Updike felt a sharp pain in his head, it was trying to get in. He lurched forward and socked Kapi in the stomach, a last-ditch attempt to break free. Kapi reeled back, the catboy collapsing. Theo lunged for Updike, swinging the baton at him. It struck his back, though ignoring the pain didn't react. Blackjack intervened, knocking the table into Theo, the laptop hitting the engineer.

"Blackjack! Huggy! Find the-" Updike fell. A second later he stood up, turning to the monsters.

"I gave them a warning. Now they're coming with me. Blackjack. We are done with you. You can leave. As for you Huggy, Kapi seems to think you are a dog who barely understands anything. You can leave as well."

Huggy looked to Blackjack, terrified that his friends were no longer his.

"I'm gonna take them to Daddy. They will become subjects in tonight's plan. You two have nothing to do with this. Leave."

Huggy shook his head.

"Don't be stupid. There is no way you can win this. I'm giving you two a chance to be free. Get out of here."

"Huggy, was it?" Blackjack turned to the tall monster.

"You remember how to save me?"

Huggy cocked his head, not sure why Blackjack would ask. He nodded.

"Good. Remember that."

"What are you planning?" Kapi spat.

Now Playing...

Artist: Kev Bruce

Song: Dr. Jekyll and Tweety Bird

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W508cGLeFZ0

The Carnival Vs. Psychic, Dearest Family Head of Security

Vs. Psychic: https://twitter.com/odaocer/status/1786735736944754921

Ripping off his mask, Blackjack took a deep breath of air. "AAAAAH!!!" He screamed, his eyes turning red. As the air filled his lungs, so did his mind with insanity.

He fell, snarling as he adjusted to his berserk form.

Huggy felt a sharp pain in his head that lasted a few seconds. As quickly as it appeared, it vanished.

Updike took a step back. "Strange. I can't read you. Whatever, this is so stupid." Updike drew his pistol and aimed for Huggy. Such an attack failed, Blackjack blocking it. He lunged in his way, sinking teeth into Updike's arm, drawing blood.

What should have shone pain resulted in no reaction from Updike.

Huggy darted around him, remembering what Updike said. Find the source.

"Arg." Updike said. "How does this lumbering fool move so fast?" He looked to Huggy as he shook off Blackjack, launching him into a wall.

Huggy looked around and took a deep beath. Smelled Kapi, Theo, Updike and Blackjack. Baton in hand, Theo charged Huggy, ready to stab with the baton.

He jumped up, easily grabbing the hook above him. Scampering up he hoisted himself upwards giving him a full view of the basement. Darkness covered him, the monster using it to hide as he sniffed. All the corrupted team could see was Huggy disappear into the ceiling.

Theo didn't have any moment to react as Blackjack charged him, biting into the baton. It snapped in half, metal chips flying everywhere. In the chaos the laptop was smashed as well.

Updike shook his head. "Huggy! Use your nose! Just find where he is!" He looked around at the scene.

"What the hell?" Kapi exclaimed. "How did you break free?!"

Noticing Blackjack fighting Theo, Updike smiled. "Heh. Good idea."

Satisfied, Huggy looked around, eyes and nose scanning for anything odd.

Rusted metal. Dust. Dirt. Smashed jar of preserves. Theo's cologne.

Kapi rose, a purple swirl surrounding him. Lifted into the air as if gravity a suggestion he floated around until he narrowed on the amorphous black figure hanging onto the ceiling.

"You can't run." Kapi said. He flew downwards, grabbing the hook and chain. Huggy barely dodged when Kapi flew around the back, attempting to wrap the chain around Huggy. He leapt to another hook, landing easily. Kapi charged him again, intending to repeat the motion. Huggy instead attacked, feeling bad in doing do. He waited till Kapi got close enough then struck. Jamming his fist into Kapi's mouth, practically hitting his throat.

Kapi threw up, retching from the invasion of Huggy's furry arm. It stunned the catboy. He fell down, Updike catching him.

"I got him Huggy! I got-...back." Updike said. Placing him down on the ground he looked back at the room above. Gotta be there. He started running towards it, the sharp pain returning. He was losing it again.

Blackjack had managed to knock Theo out, slamming the man into one of the machines, creating a sizeable dent in it. Magic still recovering it was a blessing Theo hadn't started to turn to gold again.

With the neighbour out, Blackjack turned his sight to Updike.

"Whatever. It's like watching chicken's fight. Couldn't care less if you thieves wanna kill each other." Updike said, wiping his mouth as if he were the one that threw up.

Blackjack charged at Updike, the two locked in a game of mercy.

Ignored for the time being Huggy smelled around.

Dried motor oil. Mold growing in a damp corner. Dust dispelled from one of the machines. Cotton. Washed fabric. Something undiscernible. Detergent.

Huggy watched as drones flew up around him, little helicopters and machines. Glancing down he saw Kapi, vomit dripping down his chin with a malicious grin. He held Theo's remote control and activated them all.

Focusing back on his nose he focused on the cotton scent. Nearby. He needed more time! The drones flew by, one flying right into Huggy's arm. The propellor blade sliced through the fur initially causing damage but becoming lodged within the fur. Huggy jumped down, wincing in pain before more drones could hit him. He ignored the blades lodged in his arm and adjusted himself.

Keep smelling, Huggy thought, ignoring the pain. He felt worst before. This was nothing.

Freshly laundered clothing. Tea. It had to be there. Close enough. With the detergent scent and that undiscernible one. Strange.

"What are you looking at?!" Kapi shouted to Huggy. Had the controller not changed Kapi's voice he might have been alarmed. Huggy could tell the difference.

He scampered to the wall where the basement split. That's where the scent was the strongest. Focusing exclusively on the scent he dashed through the door and lunged at the first thing he saw. Some blur of purple.

Sinking his teeth into it, Kapi, Theo and Updike fell. The drones did too, smashing into the concrete ground.

Updike regained consciousness first, noticing Blackjack attempting to dig his claws deeper into Updike's other arm, already breaking skin.

Grogginess replaced by pain, replaced by anger Updike ripped the demon off him, grabbing his throat and closing his fist tightly. Deducing that Huggy had won, he determined next would be to neutralize Blackjack. He looked around the floor for his mask, carrying him to it, ready to re-attach.

Theo and Kapi awoke seconds later, now feeling the impact from combat. Theo groaned in agony, instinctively raising the metal stick that used to be a baton.

Wiping his face Kapi looked around. No sign of the other team member.

"Where's Hug-"

Huggy flew threw the wall, impacting it as he was forced through. He landed just beyond, unmoving and panting heavily. Kapi ran after him, worrying if he was all right. The drone that was previously lodged in his fur was gone, destroyed in the impact.

From the hole made by Huggy flew in someone.

The team looked up, now seeing their true opponent.

Humanoid in appearance he was surrounded by a purple glow. It looked to give him the ability of flight.

His skin was jet-black with hints of purple, appearing almost as a digidevil. His 'hair' was sparks of purple energy that flickered off him as though he were on fire. No mouth, nose or facial features were visible sans his eyes, purple in colour and glowing white around.

His hands too gave off the same almost incorporeal appearance, dark purple and glowing slightly. He wore a deep blue overcoat, white undershirt, dark purple pants and black shoes which covered his energy-appearance.

He stood for a few seconds looking over the team.

"So...Team Haskell of the Carnival. We meet at last. My name is Psychic." He paused. "I admit. Your dog-thing is smarter than he looks. I'll give you another chance to surrender." His eyes narrowed. "But that's all you'll-"

"Hold on." Updike said. Theo looked on as Updike managed to choke out Blackjack and forcibly hold him down. Once the demon stopped struggling he re-attached Blackjack's mask, even doing some chest compressions to resurrect the demonic gambler.

Theo noticed now the state of Updike's arms. Slashed up, partially bleeding and bruised. In Blackjack's struggle Updike even started to turn gold again. Theo couldn't help but be impressed. Updike was incredible at hiding his pain.

With Blackjack breathing again and the gold disappearing, Updike sighed.

"I, ha, see no reason to surrender." He said, wiping his forehead.

"A-Are you serious? You're all seriously injured. I've barely even used my power and you won't give up? You won't be able to lay a finger on me. I mean. I saw your minds. None of you even have a backup plan!"

"We have a mission and will see it complete. We are getting Retro."

Psychic looked over Updike, a curious look in his eyes.

"Hm. You have a lot of determination for some demon you've never even met. And even so, I can see you're just here to rob my family. Well. That's the official part. I can see your heart you want them dead."

He stopped, a confused look on his face.

"I see no reason to give up." Updike said.

"I don't get it. I can't detect any malice in your words. Just righteous indignation. You people actually think you're doing the right thing? You've come here to murder my family? And you think that's right?" He said, a little understanding in his voice.

"That's a lie. You see our minds. We aren't here to kill anyone. Just put those villains in their place. It's not about the money." Updike said truthfully. He held his arms out. He had nothing to hide anymore.

Only now did Theo realize his laptop and drones smashed. Psychic could feel a sadness flow through him, keeping quiet to maintain a strong facade.

Psychic scanned the rest of the team, giving off a smirk. "Indeed. That was a test. I know you aren't here to kill anyone. Regardless I cannot allow you to proceed and steal from my Family. Understand that. You are all coming with me now. You can explain to Daddy what you intended to do."

"I understand." Updike tried to retain a blank mind. "But I won't back down." He readied his fists. Theo and Kapi looked to Updike, worried that he just doomed them all. They knew this fight was impossible. Psychic knew that.

"No. Know when to quit. Even your allies know this is an impossible task."

Updike didn't move.

"Pft. Your funeral. Your mind is so deep. When I get back in there I'm going to explore. I can see you have much to say. Let's go then."

"I do. I even have an idea of how we can defeat you."

"Oh? Is that so? I'm not seeing anything in your mind." Psychic focused on Updike, curious as to what exactly Updike was thinking.

Psychic looked up the terms backup and plans in Updike's mind, finding nothing of the sort. If Updike had a plan he must have just come up with it and not even thought of it as a plan.

"It's an old technique. Used for dealing with vampires. But it always works."

Psychic scanned the minds of Kapi and Theo. Neither knew what Updike was talking about, the two were more focused on their own injuries. They were in pain.

Blackjack as well, his consciousness returning, had no idea what Updike was planning.

Kapi picked up Huggy, hoisting him partly around the shoulder. Though the monster felt like injured he still retained consciousness, feeling well enough to move. He let out a groan.

Psychic turned around to look at Huggy, wondering if the monster knew Updike's plan.

"Theo. Kapi. Huggy. How are you all feeling?" Updike asked, a sly smile on his face. He picked up Blackjack, helping the demon up.

"Uhh. I am okay, Updike. I don't think we can-"

"Nevermind that. You'll know when the time comes." Updike said, cutting off Theo. He glanced to Kapi who nodded, though looked just as confused as Theo.

"Well. Go ahead. Do this 'powerful anti-vampiric' move!" Psychic said, eyes excited.

Updike hoisted Blackjack onto his back, whispering to hold on. Blackjack nodded with confusion.

He kneeled and placed his hands on the ground.

Some magic spell? Technological feat? What could he be doing?

"RUN EVERYONE!" Updike screamed and dashed for the hole. Understanding it, Huggy charged as well.

Theo took a second to process, but he got it. Flee. Throwing the stick at Psychic he hoped it distract him as they ran.

It did little, Psychic stopping the stick, dumbfounded.

"R-running away? That's it?" As Updike left, Psychic read his mind. That was actually his plan. Just flee. Psychic thought for a second if he should just let them but stopped. He had been itching for a fight. He wasn't just going to let them go. Especially since that shot and tried to maim him. He wasn't going to get humiliated too. His eyes narrowed, and he flew the hole in pursuit.

Now Playing...

Artist: Malebolge

Song: The Border of Styx

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACYw6eL2UU4

"NO! YOU AREN'T GETTING AWAY THAT EASILY!" Psychic shouted from behind them.

Updike led the group, running fast and ahead. He had already memorized the path there and knew it well enough to follow back. Blackjack held onto his back, already dizzy from the running.

Any demons spotted were swiftly kicked into the water.

"Updike! What is our plan?" Theo shouted from behind him.

"We get out of here! Then figure it out!"

Theo turned back. Huggy carrying Kapi was in hot pursuit close behind. Though a distance away he could see a dark purple blur coming too.

A sharp tone echoed in everyone's ears. "Connection re-established." A robotic voice said.

"Team Zig! You're alive!! Status report! We can't reach Team Python! Have you made contact?!" Updike heard Solazar shout.

Updike activated his comlink. "Fleeing! TGG WHAT IS YOUR STATUS?"

"Almost there Gabriel!"

"Connection to main base lost." The comlink said, cutting off all communications again. Though Updike ran, he knew what was behind them. Blackjack, still holding on turned back, seeing Psychic close to them, a glow of purple energy surrounding him, propelling him forward, an angry look on his face. His mere presence distorted electronics.


Kapi, focusing now, noticed Psychic getting close. "H-how do we kill him?!"

"He's pure energy! I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DEAL WITH IT!" Updike shouted, the running finally getting to him.


"Aha!" Theo said between breathes. Running off pure adrenaline he could hardly feel his legs as they carried him. "My bots! They might be able to-AH DAMN!" Theo pulled off his backpack, remembering that the drones were already gone. The bag remained empty except for the extra bags and batteries stashed in the bottom.

Theo tossed the bag behind him, hoping the batteries or something would hit Psychic. It made him stop momentarily. Just to grab control of them.

Psychic propelled the batteries forward at bullet speed, some of them impacting Huggy in the back. He screamed but kept moving, understanding Psychic was the most dangerous thing he'd ever met. In his mind, Psychic was the owner of the factory, the one responsible for his woes.

To them running was a blur. A mishmash of dark tunnels, trying not to trip into the water and dealing with Psychic was all they thought of currently.

At some point they had run into demon patrols, but Updike knocked them away fast enough, the others not dealing with them either. It helped to at least slow down Psychic who apparently rescued them, at least, that's what Kapi thought.

Rocks and stones hurled behind them, hitting into Theo and Kapi's back. Both winced but the running propelled them. Between adrenaline and fear they scarcely knew how they had the stamina to make it.

Relief came when they saw light from outside, that they had reached the end of the tunnels. With no time to rehearse, each took their own way. Updike stopped, quickly passing Blackjack to Huggy as he scampered downwards, Kapi screaming in the process. Theo grabbed the rope and slid down, praying the gloves would protect him from rope burn.

It left Updike alone. Getting into a football stance. His hope now would be to have Psychic charge him and throw the energy-being off.

Indeed, Psychic was close behind charging at a fast speed. Intentionally, he slammed into Updike propelling the cloudman out of the pipe flying into the air. Updike had nary a chance to react before he could hit the ground.

But before Updike could impact he stopped, a purple glow allowing him to safely land.

"Ohoho, you aren't getting off that easily." Psychic said as he lowered himself, landing on the beach.

"Psychic?" Hex asked. To him he saw an older gentleman sliding down a rope out of a pipe along with a gangly monkey-looking thing carrying two bodies. And a cloud launched out of a pipe too.

Ace got up, curious as to what the hell was going on.

Still on his back, Updike peddled back. He barely had time to notice Ace speaking with some robot when the plan hit him. He reacted so fast even he didn't have time to think it's possibilities.


Being shocked into a command, Ace didn't think on it either, Psychic having no foresight. Ace raised both hands and shot ice at the being, putting all his energy into it. Rays of ice and pure cold shot into the air, aimed at Psychic.

Between saving Updike, watching Theo and Kapi arrive, processing Updike's boat, the anthro looking on and Hex's question he didn't react fast enough to the beams.

S could manage such multitasking, being non-Euclidean. Psychic could not, his mind being the most regular thing about him.

The ice beams hit him directly, the immense drop in temperature slowing his particles down, converting from a plasmatic state of matter to one more common, solid. Psychic realized quickly that he was being frozen, doing what he could to stay warm, accelerating movement. He pushed forward, trying to fight past it.

Psychic crashed into the ground, ice stopping his flight. Hitting the ground the ice shattered, temporarily freeing him but Ace kept going, making it up in his mind this person was responsible for Retro's incarceration. Something about him seemed familiar to. He swore he saw this guy before.

Energy was exerted, keeping his hands and above the neck freed. He struggled as he looked up, grimacing as he tried to focus in on Ace. The ice built up around him, freezing him to the ground.

"Wait! STOP!" Hex shouted. He pushed Ace asunder, temporarily stopping the freeze.

Updike moved fast, jumping atop Psychic and pushing his head down into the sand. "Don't move. This is over."

"Pft. I can break out of here in an instant. This is far from over."

His eyes glowed briefly, and Ace fell down, getting up a second after with dyed purple eyes.

"Get off me before I freeze you and SMASH YOU INTO A THOUSAND PIECES." Ace screamed in a deadpan voice.

"WAIT! EVERYONE PLEASE!" Hex screamed. It was such a high-pitched scream that everyone stopped. He jumped in front of Ace, ready to take a hit for Updike.

"Stop the fighting! Please! Can someone tell me what's going on?!" He pleaded.

Now reaching the bottom, Huggy and Theo made it back, both damaged from Psychic's 'hail of rocks and battery' as well as earlier injuries.

Huggy dropped Kapi and Blackjack, the monster collapsing on the ground in tire, in desperate need of some water and air. He started to crawl to the water.

Kapi stumbled off to throw up again, the ride not being smooth. Blackjack too collapsed, the combo of glass in his stomach and salt-heavy preserves not agreeing with him.

"Kapi?!" Hex said aloud again, further confused by the situation.

Still pushing Psychic's head in the sand Updike looked up to the possessed Ace.

"Hex get out of the way." Ace said, eyes narrowing on Updike.

"No! Not until you stop this! I thought you said IRIS was here!"

Ace paused for a second looking at Hex, Updike and the rest. He sighed.

"I'll back down, but you are not going back in there." He lowered his hands.

Updike paused, thinking on it for a second. Much as he wished to complete this mission he knew the Family's power was nothing compared to these beings. Perhaps if he could recruit Psychic, or at least learn him. Either way, he knew getting back in would be impossible without Psychic's approval.

Before the Carnival, Updike would have instantly seen Psychic a threat, something that needed to be destroyed. But not, he found himself feeling curious, a nostalgic tinge that had things turned out differently he could have been a worthy ally.

He thought plainly, not a care if Psychic read his mind or not. There would be no lying to him anyways. That alone was enough reason to back down.

"I get it." Psychic said. "Now get off me."

"Fine." Updike said and got up.

Ace collapsed as Psychic left his mind.

"I appreciate the kind thoughts. I've seen your plan. As I said. No malice in it. That's the only reason I didn't outright kill you. Not like the last time some freaks broke into our place. You aren't common thieves." Psychic said as he got up, heating himself up to free the ice.

"C-can someone tell me what's going on? Psychic why are you fighting Kapi? I thought you said IRIS was attacking. I'm so confused!"

Psychic looked around. The team was in rough shape. He knew he could take them all if need be. But he didn't want to, not in front of Hex. And he felt confident enough Updike wouldn't try to backstab him.

"Oh IRIS is involved." Psychic said. "But not just IRIS. The Greater Good too. It's an outright ambush. How about you begin Updike? I've seen your mind, but I want to hear it from you. Why are you and your friends invading us?" Psychic sat up, preferring to stay seated on the ground.

Updike didn't think of betraying Psychic. He knew he was outmatched. He also knew the bot could intervene on Psychic's behalf, bringing an untold amount of help on the mindreader's side. TGG was still far off, and S wouldn't make it in time.

Theo saw a similar outcome. He knew there was no winning this scenario. He could scarcely comprehend a mindreader. Not to mention what untold horrors he could still unleash.

Updike as well sat down, the aches from the pain now getting to him. He wasn't bleeding anymore; Blackjack's gold inadvertently sealed his wounds.

He gulped large breathes as he recovered from that marathon. He spoke, knowing full well he couldn't lie. He tried once but between his own tiredness and exhaust Psychic saw through it. With no way around it he spilled the team, silently biting his tongue that he had to. He didn't know at the time, but his mind was awash with thoughts. It made it harder for Psychic to scan. So, under duress, Updike explained the purpose of the Carnival from Team Lisp's entry to his.

When he thought he had screwed up the team's chances, Psychic interjected. "I already had a feeling something was up when speaking to Mommy. She would never talk to me like that. You've had control of the surveillance for the longest time. I would have found out eventually."

"You didn't tell them?"

Psychic shook his head. "Couldn't. Mommy and Daddy insisted not to be bothered tonight. And I was helping Daddy during that bombing. Big plans. Continue."

As Updike spoke, the others regained their bearings. Ace, now back to normal hopped off the boat, helping everyone back in. While he had no clue what happened he subtly blamed himself for not listening on the comlink, guessing the team requested his help earlier.

"And then we would have fled."

"Hpmh." Psychic said as he crossed his arms, closing his eyes in thought.

Hex was wide-eyed, in awe at the amount of planning. Updike revealed the names of most of the team, Hex surprised at the sheer amount of people on the team he knew. Though Psychic could not read his mind, Hex exclaimed that he did know some of them.

"S-so you guys aren't IRIS?" Hex asked.

"IRIS provided funding and some cover. They are just a beneficiary of us." Updike said. He wondered who exactly the robot was, wondering why he would care about a detail like that.

"That's Hex." Psychic replied instantly. "Your plan. That's it?" Psychic asked expectantly. Silently he re-read Theo and Kapi's minds, feeling something left out.

"I am an open book." Updike said curtly. Psychic could tell he felt the invasion of privacy. He saw things he knew Updike didn't want out, but nothing he cared to reveal.

"Why did you pick today to invade?"

"Solazar suggested it. It was the day after two of our team member's work concluded for the summer."

"..And that's it?"

Updike crossed his arms. "I don't know what your expecting. Whatever you know I don't, was never the reason we chose this date."

"Then I guess it's a coincidence. A complex plan but it would never work. You of all people should know how this Family is. And after today it won't matter."

"But it could have stopped them. I mean, without all that money and the gate-" Hex started to say. Silently, he had found himself agreeing with the team's actions, even going beyond his own hatred for IRIS. Updike didn't sugarcoat anything.

"Oh Hex. You're always so innocent. Realize that when Daddy finds out about this there won't be any survivors."

Kapi joined them, dizzy as hell and body aching from his own hits. "It would have worked." He mumbled as he joined the conversation. Hex helped him onto the boat, still surprised Kapi was there.

"Please. Even you were successful in robbing us, he's gonna come back with a vengeance. Especially after tonight."

"Yeah well we had to do something! They tried to kill me! Tried to kill Pompom with a cannibal!" Kapi shot back.

"Hold on." Updike said, raising his hand. "What is happening tonight?" He picked up on Psychic mentioning it a few times.

Psychic looked up. "Something that Family's been planning for a long time. The...?!" Psychic paused. "You already know?"

"It was mentioned once. The Laughing Plan."

"O-oh yeah. What is that anyways? Boyfr-" Kapi asked.

"Boyfriend told you. Of course he did. I can't say. I'm bound by duties."

"Not even a hint?" Updike asked.

"No. Nevermind." Psychic paused, thinking on it. Updike smiled, himself getting an idea. He saw Psychic take a quick glance to Hex, realizing something. Psychic pulled out a phone, looking at the time.

"You better hope that's true Updike." Psychic spat.

"Here's what's gonna happen now." Psychic stood up. "You aren't going back in there. You aren't returning to your base either. Consider them good as gone. Instead, you get as far away from here as possible. You will take Hex. Do that and I won't mention you to any of the Family."

"W-what?" Hex asked.

"When that plan goes off it won't be safe here anymore. I was going to take you, Boyfriend and Girlfriend far from here myself but alas. I don't have time for that now."

"Just what is this plan?" Theo asked, having listened in.

Psychic shook his head. "You people chose the worst date. Any other day and I would not have thought a second about getting you all arrested. But today. You bring all these innocent people. They're all gonna get hurt. Get out of here before I change my mind."

Updike nodded, though Psychic could read he already had other plans.

Warn the others, report back to the base for either some kind of contingency or recruit all available TGG and IRIS forces. Not to mention the Belladonnas. Possibly have to evacuate or prepare for a war. The Family is possession of something. Bioweapon, disease, nuclear armament, will begin research asap... Updike's mind was awash with thoughts. Psychic stopped reading it.

Updike started up the boat.

"I'm not going!" Ace shouted. "Not till I get Retro back!"

He ran to the back of the boat, getting onto the couch at the end. He aimed a hand at the engine, ready to freeze it solid.

Everyone looked to Psychic except Updike who was already thinking of a plan to dis-arm Ace.

Psychic furrowed his brow. "You people really are something else. I will retrieve him and deliver him here. You have TGG people coming. Have them take Hex. I don't want him here with the plan activates."

Psychic got up, his energy lifting him off the ground. "Tell those jokers in the mailroom to leave too. If they are still there in 20 minutes it is going to get ugly."

"You should come with us after!" Hex said. "If it's as bad as you say, then come too!" He said worriedly.

"...." Psychic said as he flew off.

"So wait you really aren't here for me?" Hex asked.

"No. I don't even know who you are." Updike added.

"Crap." His eyes went wide.

"What is it?"

"W-well it's just I saw a signal and traced it. I thought it was IRIS trying to attack me." Hex twiddled his hands, really just clasps that could open and close.

"Go on." Updike said flatly.

"Well I tried to tell Psychic the address so he could investigate but he was busy, so I called Mommy at the mailroom and she brushed me off. So I told Daddy that IRIS bombed them."

"That's it?"

"Yeah. He was a little upset but said he'd send someone. He said there won't be a HQ and that they won't be around in an hour. I-if you have people over there you shoul-"

"Whatever. We have people there that can defend. Whatever Daddy has planned won't work. I'll warn them." Updike said grumpily.

"So are we going to leave?" Kapi asked.

"No." Updike and Ace said at the same time. "We'll bide our time."

"Good! I'm not leaving either. I think Psychic should come with us." Hex agreed.

"Should we warn Team Lisp about Psychic or Daddy?" Theo asked.

"Yes but I don't expect much will happen. Psychic shouldn't be able to harm them."

"How?" Theo asked, starry-eyed that Updike somehow planned for this.

"S is an eldritch being. He does not think in the usual way. Same deal with Nikusa. And Nikku's an amnesiac. They have a strong resistant to mind-control. Pompom's the only one I would be worried about. Now be quiet for a minute. I need to explain all this to Solazar. But first.."

Updike dialled Tabi, Agoti, Carol, Aldryx, Nikusa and Whitty. Anyone who would have been to the compound prior to the investigation. Not everyone picked up, Aldryx and Agoti didn't respond, and Carol was still unconscious.

He cleared his throat.


He also glared at Kapi.

Tabi, Kapi and Whitty all stated they had no idea.

Nikusa just giggled on her end, unclear if she knew.

Updike ended the communication, realizing that Psychic himself probably erased their minds as they left, keeping his appearance secret. He sighed.

He opened up a call with TGG next. "Sterling. How close are you?"


"Well turn back. I want you to bring two abominations here. I'll show him what it means to read my mind." He said, gritting his teeth.

With Psychic gone and the comlinks re-established, Updike paged Solazar, Tess and Displo. He had a lot to report.

Team Zig has been defeated!

The next chapter will be called Friendly Fire.

Wew. I mentioned weeks ago about adding someone to the story who effectively changed the course because they were so overpowered. Well here it is! My goodness. When I made the outline I didn't know much about Psychic. So when I got to writing these chapters I was amazed at how busted Psychic is. No wonder the Family is so strong.

I would have finished writing the book weeks earlier if not for Psychic. I went through several drafts, trying to figure out how they could beat Psychic. In the end, and after a length conversation with a few friends we decided the only way they could 'win' is by fleeing. It was fun though. I think Team Zig's exploits are probably my favourite in all of this book.

So the headcanon is that Psychic reads minds like a search engine. Just looks up keywords to see if anything hits. He can't just see someone and know all their thoughts. That's too broken for someone like him.

odaocercreators' thoughts