
Operation Open Sky

In the steampunk/fantasy world of Terra. Industrialisation allows the spark of prosperity, in exchange for uncertain consequences. Terra stares into its future, uncertain of what may yet come. Can the three races band together to help face off whatever comes at them as these troubling times etch closer? Can they deal with the enigmatic weather? Can they deal with the populous and their radical ideals? Will they persevere in these hard times?

R_Gasanov · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Chapter IV: The Divide II

26 Degrees Grand Republique evening.

Edwin Marsh, 12th March 1894, Pariol;

All their eyes darted at me. It brought forth an odd sense of deja vu. Standing in front of men and women with overwhelming amounts of power, eagerly awaiting my first-ever presentation of an invention of my creation. Famously now known as the stereoscope, I was young and ever so naïve. I realise now I was by far the first to actually invent it. Still, it was such an impact, becoming a stepping stone to who I am today. A memory once filled with admiration and pride, now not so much. I felt a slight churn in my stomach. My parents were pious. Wanted little old me to become a preacher of Irene's will. Which went as well as they thought it would go, nearly ignoring them completely, I suppose I inherited their stubbornness since they persisted till the very end. Finally seeing the mistakes of their ways when I bought them out of that sorry attempt of a village they lived in their whole life. At that point, my inventions become my only purpose, and others started to notice. I loved the attention initially, craved it even. Seventeen at the time. I finally felt acknowledged, the only thing I kept hearing about was Irene and finally, someone noticed me for the person I was. I received an offer, a future of recognition and opportunity I believed.

"Thank you Oreal, let us begin..." Great, come on Alex, now is not the time to go back through memory lane. I shuffle through my pocket pulling out a spherical device, a sweat goes down my spine. I suppose I really am hopeless Irene... I agreed, leaving a little box for my parents as a goodbye. Never having the chance to say goodbye face to face. One little regret I've piled up over the years.

"It's time." I joined the military, inventing and inventing, the Zeppelin, magical heavy artillery, land ships, magical flux gas, and the list went on. Most of it was a haze by then, until finally at some point I saw a little kid as a test subject. A noble's son most likely. Blue eyes as vast as the ocean, they reminded me of my own, or what my father used to say. Keep it together will you? It's your first major project in three years, don't mess it up with the waterworks. One so young and innocent, yet darkly pale, clear signs of malnutrition and dehydration shrivelled the poor boy. There he was in the chamber, and the others scientist attempted to comfort him, although he knew too well what would happen. I couldn't look away, all of my work brought me to that. How much had I contributed to this? My inventions, twisted and used to hurt the innocence of others. That sudden realisation shocked me to my core. My greed and aspirations weren't my own but had sacrificed many along the way. How many more had to suffer? The next moments afterwards were a blur, an explosion then me running for what felt like the first time ever in my life. The kid managed to escape at least, but that left me dealing with the aftermath. Now living a life of repentance. Finally, I come around to activating the photographic orb device after a couple of seconds of long silence. A flutter of pictures spawns directly at the centre of the dining table. I look around, feeling a little more comfortable I begin.

"I would like to thank you all for attending this meeting. As I believe we will be discussing the DeLourve fair, in addition to this the fair's relative theme this year revolves around the environment which is why many of you attended the Viridi Conference held in Londinium. Now, with what I've been able to determine, unstable magical flux has caused a dramatic change in the weather in the troposphere. Am I correct to say?" I look at Claire who seemed unexpectedly suprised, she relaxes her posture and responds;

"Yes, from my predictions the troposphere and most of the stratosphere will be affected, but what has that got to do with the fair?" Her curiosity engaged the others to look at me with the same intentions. I point to one of the images being portrayed by the orb. Continuing my line of conversation.

"I, using her calculations created a graph depicting the first three layers of the atmosphere, learning about temperature changes in the following years to come. All three layers appear to experience some change. Yet the highest shown here seems to contain a stable temperature at 5-10 degrees. Cold but liveable." They continued looking further confused than ever, although Claire slowly began to understand herself by the looks of it.

"The flux has also reached the upper parts of the atmosphere which have increased the following temperature in the so-called mesosphere, whilst the temperature drops on the surface an unexpected increase occurs in the higher levels up the atmosphere." I launch standing in vigour, I felt the little shivers trying to trickle up from my legs but I resisted.

"I propose O.O.S, Operation Open Sky; building a floating city, the circumstances seem apparent that we can create a city so high that it may as well reach the heavens. Additionally, as a contribution towards the U.T.E.B, the city itself would use a stable pure core." They hadn't reacted yet, still processing the somewhat manic idea I just told them. A chilling silence unfolds, only the sound of ticking bounced from the grandfather clock. Finally, an unexpected burst of laughter ricochets from the opposite side of the table, and the rest jump in response, turning in the direction of Mizer.

"Building a city in the sky? That's the most absurd idea I have ever heard this weekend." He continued laughing absurdly until coming to an abrupt pause when I hadn't entertained him further. Claire still had a mix of confusion and shock at her expression.

"Temperature isn't the only thing to factor in, pardon me but the density of the atmosphere is too low for us to survive, we'd be unable to breathe." She seemed hesitant. To be frank, she was the last person I thought would ask that question; considering much of the research I had done was based on her research papers.

"You know the answer to it." Her eyes widen.

"You believe Dalton's theory in regards to the atmosphere?" The idea behind it was that the flux would cause concentrations of atmospheric gasses. Even if it wasn't enough to densify the atmosphere we could artificially densify the atmosphere around the city. She settled down, and Mizer had a slightly irritated look.

"Could you please elaborate further Edwin, I'd like to know more." Estallia finally spoke with an airy angelic voice, although it strangely contrasted with her facial expression devoid of any emotion.

I continued;

"With the Delourve Worlds Fair in 1896, we'd have the time and a good amount of resources considering the partnership between Britannia and the Grande Republique. The flying city wouldn't need to be fully functional of course, it'd be a prototype with the capabilities of being developed later to fully sustain itself up in the air. It would be extremely beneficial, acting as a sort of international city for business and trade operated by the two nations. Emulating the cities that once flew back in the Etherial Kingdom's era, only in a scale tens times larger." Estallia finally acquainted herself with a smile. There hadn't been a flying city for nearly two millennia, tales as old as the city of Olympus and the Etherial cities.

"But how are we so sure if this city would actually fly? The project of this scale sounds unbelievably difficult to organise and manage." The world's fair representative looked sceptical, there hadn't been any flying cities for a reason I suppose. Too much risk especially if it was attacked and crashed, not only the city but anything below it would be destroyed.

"The idea of the flying city for the Worlds Fair is intriguing, but as far as I've heard there is a chance that we wouldn't be able to survive in the first place. Claire's predictions may seem to be accurate for now, but what if things change? I do see the benefit but the initial investment is a lot." Britannia's economic advisor spoke up, he was right to be concerned, many factors hadn't been fully tested, yet I still remained confident. By far I haven't failed much with my ideas and inventions.

"Most of the world's fairs have resulted in little returns with the invested placed in. Especially to those who don't win the fair. The city has potential returns in the future and even if the research isn't fully correct, the city can artificially create a dense atmosphere or reduce its altitude. Making it visible from below. Wouldn't that be a spectacle?" Before Britannia's advisors could speak any further Mizer lifts his hand.

"I do have to say, considering all the other absurd ideas we've had from building towers to reach the heavens, replicating the dancing lights of Pariol in Londinium, even building another ship, which hadn't won us the last world's fair. A flying city goes to a whole other level in sheer absurdity. So far as even I can see myself being mad enough to agree."

Oreal who had silently been watching me the entire time finally added in.

"I do believe the idea will no doubt beat whatever the Central Empire plans to make this year. The only issue is of course the development and organisation of the project."

The lady sitting next to Claire, I believe it was Sophie was it? Joins in as well.

"I, as the heir of the Astonian Martly family shall assist. We'll bring it up to the House of Nobles, as well as help organise the project. On my father's behalf, his role as part of the world's fair body. We'll take on this burden. My father will be in contact with Britannia's advisors on the matter." She appeared young, around a similar age to me if not slightly older. She looked beautiful, her golden hair brushing down past her in a subtle pink dress that further brightened her. I had to stop myself from nearly staring a second too much.

"I second to that, as the heir of the Republique, I shall converse with the other noble elves. It would be an honour to work with the Britannians on this project." Alivar spoke softly, his focus looking intently at the images projected. It was rare to see an elf with spectacles, usually, they'd be able to heal whatever impairment they had. Additionally, his style of clothes was less appealing and more common than what you'd expect a royal to wear. I don't particularly see much of him on the paper as one would expect, usually his younger brother was more on the headlines with whatever plots he had going on at the time.

After a further back-and-forth conversation, we finally manage to settle the majority of the deals and tribulations. Mizor looked further and further irritated until finally giving up with his stubbornness. I couldn't help but feel a little bit proud of myself. It's been three years and I still had the knack for it. Finally, after the last rather directionless question asked by one of the many still confused advisors, Oreal stepped in.

"Sorry, but I believe we are coming to the end of this meeting, I believe we have a verdict on the situation. We do have the research and general details to put forward for this action. I am in no position to propose my ideas but I recommend going forward with this." Oreal gestures a response from the two leaders. Empress Estallia reverts to her emotionless self. Mizer, still in a state of shock relaxes to a more cynical look.

"I believe I've made a decision" Estallia smiles rising out of her chair with her little wisps orbiting around her once more as she proclaims;

"I formally accept the partnership of our two countries for the DeLourve's fair. May Irene be with us."

"Thank you, Edwin. It appears we found a solution that aligns with everyone's goals. Regarding your leave, we have an automobile with maximum security outside, that should keep you safe." I look at him with appreciation but I still feel unsettled, yet Sophie deters.

"Oh no it's fine, my automobile is faster anyways; also it would look suspicious if so many guards would be in one vehicle." She looks sharply back at Oreal then looks at me with care.

"Don't worry it's comfy and the latest in technological advancements." Oreal looks in caution.

"Very well if that's alright with you Edwin?"

"Oh? Oh yes! Yes, it's fine." I snap back to reality feeling a bit perplexed. The sudden feeling of regret twinged at me. Oreal a bit confused simply shrugs and continues with the pleasantries.