
Operation Open Sky

In the steampunk/fantasy world of Terra. Industrialisation allows the spark of prosperity, in exchange for uncertain consequences. Terra stares into its future, uncertain of what may yet come. Can the three races band together to help face off whatever comes at them as these troubling times etch closer? Can they deal with the enigmatic weather? Can they deal with the populous and their radical ideals? Will they persevere in these hard times?

R_Gasanov · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Chapter I: Icebreaker Aurora I

16 Degrees, Greenlandia Sea, Afternoon.

Claire Elford, 12th February 1894, Icebreaker Aurora;

"My name is Claire Elford. I am a meteorologist, studying the state of our environment in hopes of getting a better understanding of what may come in our future. In my current expedition to the North Pole, I along with my colleagues studied the rate at which the ice caps were melting. It made things abundantly clear, with how things stand, the infamous gulf stream which brings in hot water from the equator will come to a standstill. Causing catastrophic changes in the northern hemisphere's climate, resulting in a rapid temperature reduction in the continent of Europa. We must come together and enact change. Otherwise, we'd reach a poi-."

"Mrs Claire?" I jump the instant I hear my name, nearly letting a shriek in response. Darting my eyes straight towards the iron bolted door which in turn cackled three little knocks in pitchy echoes. I attempt to shake the nauseating feeling of embarrassment as I finally respond.

"Yes, is there anything I could do to help?" I finally let go of my stare and look around at the state of my room. Dear Irene, please save me...

"The telegram from Blossom-Fall's Outpost has been sent for you, would you like to receive it now?"

I catch a glimpse of myself from the mirror on the wall directly in front of me. My hair was tangled in little knots that make no arbitrary sense in how it came to be like that in the first place. Damn you Claire!

"I'll be out in a second!"

Reaching my brush I attempt to recover the situation, quickly brushing the little knots stubbornly holding on for their lives. Still feeling the little sea of embarrassment lingering within me, I kept trying to convince myself that there was no feasible possibility he managed to hear me. Especially considering I was talking aloud to myself about global catastrophe and doom, right? The iron walls and doors should hypothetically absorb all the sound, thankfully my pitiful attempt wasn't necessary as the gnawing feeling of anticipation replaced it. I bolt out of my chair, heading straight for the entrance. Once unlocked, a man stood there patiently waiting.

"T-thank you, could you please lead me to the telegraph room?" He was tall, sturdily built, with eyes like the ocean and complimented by his golden brown hair.

"Of course ma'am."

He leads, branching out towards a wide range of corridors of hallowed steel plates, the thudding of my boots echoes with each passing step we take. The ship, which up until recently had now started swinging from side to side, almost like a pendulum in a clock. Must be the winds... Many at the outpost called it piteraq, the strong winds tugging at the waves however they please. Legends say thousands of years ago there once was a wind elemental the size of a city clashing at any vessel that ventured too close to Greenlandia. How it disappeared remains a mystery, but my guesses would say it was in reality just the seasonal storm thats common here. Few managed to traverse through the sea here back then, and for the ones that did, never came back.

The thoughts in my mind halted, realising the growing awkward silence between the two of us.

"And whom do I have the pleasure to meet?" I ask with the most joyful expression I can follow through with.

"The names John, engineer here. I got a request to inform you about the telegraph since I am on break and in their words, had nothing better to do." He looked back at me expressing a smile. I imitate with a grin that probably looked forced in comparison.

"You a weather girl?" I pause, my heart dropping the instant those words came out. Don't tell me... But before I could let my mind torture me further, he continued pointing at his hair.

"Notice your hair was short, either a weather girl or you're part of the military, but that'd be strange considering the military shouldn't have business up here."

"O-Oh yes, I am. I'm a meteorologist, and the telegraph is likely from my research. I'm on my way back to Britannia for the Viridi Conference." I couldn't help myself but breathe out a sigh of relief. Thank you, Irene.

"Wow, that sounds great. Oh, I forgot to mention one thing." He unexpectedly stops, facing back at me; crouching just enough to match my height, eye to eye.

"You may want to speak a little more quietly, those iron doors are only for show." He smirks for what felt like an agonizing eternity and jots back up to continue. I laughed albeit awkwardly as I felt the edges of my face blush red with warmth. Never mind Irene...

"Are we almost there?" I had full intentions of moving on with the conversation, in the right direction of course.

"Ah, of course, just one last corner." At least were almost there.

Finally, we both approach another iron door, this time I was sure it could muffle any sound, its thickness was twice as much in comparison to my cabin.

"Herald, it's me! John, I brought the lady with me!" he bangs at the door continuously. I politely take a few steps back, waiting patiently for a response to take place. Only a few seconds go by, and John who'd now looked increasingly impatient leaned closer, banging further along the metal panels of the door, which finally answered. Although in the process slammed open straight towards John's face, which in itself reverberated to make one last knocking sound. I clutch my hand to my mouth with the intention of shock whilst also masking the chuckle I almost gave out. Karma. The back of my mind spouted, I buried that malicious thought along with any others that might've hinted at the pleasure of others' pain.

"I heard ya, I heard ya!" I tilted my head down towards the Dwarf who in return almost lit up with near-imaginary sparkles in his eyes.

"Oh! And who might this beautiful lady I've laid my eyes on be?"

Before the dwarf came any further John pushed the door out, his nose pinched in red.

"Her name's Claire..." He clenched his jaw, staring back at me. I gave him a sheepish smile, battling out the last waves of giggles within me.

"Ah! Thats where you were hiding. The both of ya, come on in!" John who clearly looked strained in pain tried his feeble attempts at hiding it, which would be working if it wasn't for his nose and parts of his face flaring up red.

"Herald, just don't push the door so hard next time..." Whilst John comforted his nose, the dwarf or Herald I should say brought us into the room, filled with boxes, workstations, catalysts and artefacts.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Herald." He was ginger, wearing a rugged green suit accompanied by a gold monocle. If I had to say, John and Herald were in stark contrast to one other.

"Likewise Claire." He scurries along to his desk, grabbing a couple of sheets of paper.

"Here's the telegraph, don't ya worry; I didn't privy at it as much as I would've wanted to." He hands over the sheet, jumping back in his chair. "Thank you so much!"

"Anytime, let me know if there were any errors."

"Will do!" I eagerly walk out. It's right here, in my hands. The work I've been doing over the past month. I felt the urge to read it right there and then but it could wait. Preferring the solitude and the comfort of my own chamber, freely able to express whatever random sound of joy I could come out with. I wonder if Sophie's still at the bridge? She'd probably be delighted to hear that I finally received the research data from the outpost. I look around the neverending corridors. Which way was it? John was too distracting that I couldn't quite retrace my steps. I could go back, but the idea of wasting any more time on his break, especially with the injustice done to his noise would be pushing it. Damn you Claire... I slowly begin retracing the steps I did remember back, hopefully making some progress.