
Operation 15745 - Part 1

Field Operative 137- nicknamed Luckycat by his peers - powered down his small, stealth ship. The spacecraft was a small, single passenger craft modded with high powered weapons and a warp drive. Its greatest feature was the specially designed outward plating, which scrambled all sorts of scans and signals. Completely undetectable. Luckycat was supposedly little more than a field operative for the DarkSpace Intergalactic Alliance of nations (DIA), but the truth was much deeper. Disguised beneath an ordinary appearance, he was the number one espionage and infiltration agent in the Alliance.

This mission was simple: sneak aboard a retired military transport and tag the cargo. Although he had no idea what the ship was carrying, the transport alone raised suspicion. It was an old 7C6 Blue Whale class cargo ship, but it had seen some changes since its glory days. Large plasma cannons outfitted the sides of the heavily plated vessel, and several light rocket launchers decked out its underbelly. In addition to the added firepower, several large antennae and radar systems adorned its originally small navigation array.

"Looks like someone's prepared for some tight spots," Luckycat smiled.

He had already attached himself to the low capacity cargo bay door, and was preparing to penetrate. Luckycat pulled out a Spacemask, essentially a light helmet that would protect his exposed head from the deadly space environment. Small canisters of extremely compressed air the size of his finger would last him for several hours, more than the 30 seconds he estimated it would take him to enter the transport. Lastly, he touched his trusty handgun hanging at this side. It was originally standard issue, but he may or may nor have illegally modified it. Suffice it to say it could penetrate even an anti personnel mech suit.

Luckycat pressed the button, opening the airlock. Stepping inside, he sealed it, depressurizing it. Finally, he opened the exterior door and activated a hand magnet, attaching himself to the transport's wall. The door had a security pad, set within some plating, onto which Luckycat placed a keycard. The keycard flashed softly, instantly hacking through the primitive security measures. If he wasn't in space, Lucky would have been whistling softly as he opened the door. Easy.

Harsh light greeted him as he entered the transport's airlock. He had approached flawlessly, so he didn't expect to meet anyone on the other side. Luckycat had supreme confidence in his stealth skills.

Unfortunately for him, fate seemed to have other plans. Gunfire burst into his ears the instant the door opened, causing him to take evasive action. His movement was rather risky, diving into the open room as opposed to back behind the airlock wall.

Fortune favors the bold, he thought, drawing his gun as he rapidly surveyed the room. Three guards, armed with cheap rifles. Several crates filled with unknown Cargo were his best choice if he wanted to take cover. But the best agent doesn't hide.

Leaping forward in a roll, Luckycat fired a shot, hitting one of his assailants in his exposed head. Blood sprayed the wall in a fan behind the man as he collapsed violently. Not pausing to admire his marksmanship, Luckycat fired twice more, ending the battle instantly.