
Opening Upgrade System

There is a system for opening. As the cultivation level increases, the level of items gained from signing in will also increase. Let's see how the male lead utilizes the system to get to the top of his life.

LSPIRIT · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs


As the sun set and the sky darkened, the small mountain village immediately fell silent, and all the families had already gone home to rest.

Jiang Chen looked around for a while to make sure no one was passing by, then immediately entered the house and closed the door.

The corner of his mouth turned up, revealing a slightly lewd smile, a pair of eyes shining brightly, like a hungry wolf staring at meat.

"System, log in."

"Successful login, receive five catties of rice."

Jiang Chen looked at the small bag of rice that appeared in front of him out of nowhere, his eyes dimming as he looked up and looked outside.

Well, the door was closed, there was no moon to be seen, just the broken door panel.

Since waking up a month ago, Jiang Chen had found himself in this small mountain village.

In his previous life, Jiang Chen was a postgraduate student at a medical university, studying hard for more than twenty years, everyone thought he was about to make it to the top and earn money to support himself, when suddenly the sky fell, Jiang Chen let the car hit him and died.

He died in a rainstorm that night, his blood mixed with the rainwater that flowed everywhere.

Turning Head Jiang Chen crossed into this cultivation world, the original master Jiang Chen is a small mountain village native peasant boy, sixteen-year-old young man, one metre seventy-eight head, with eight-pack abdominal muscles, strong body, looks OK, is not very lucky.

He lost his father when he was young and his mother when he was a teenager, so he just finished burying his mother because he was overworked and didn't pay attention to his walk, and he hit a pillar at home and died.

This let Jiang Chen cross over, Jiang Chen cross over awakened the signing system, can be signed once a day.

However, according to the memory of the original owner, Jiang Chen knows that this world is a fairy cultivation world, thought that "the opening signed to the sacred level of merit" and so on.

The result of the first day on the signing of a catty of rice, think of the system said, every month, every year there is a "big signing" something can be better.

Good guy, this month, Jiang Chen is looking forward to the stars and the moon hope that time can be faster, this is called a day like a year, it is not easy to get through to a month, the result is that one catty of rice upgraded to five catty of rice.

Jiang Chen sighed and stood up, poured the rice into the rice bowl, looking at half a bowl of rice, Jiang Chen is about to cry ah, you give me rice with hair, this is the world of cultivation ah, I take the rice to smash the immortal cultivator?

Give me rice even if you are a catty, I have to eat half a catty a day, rely on this is not enough to get rich ah.

Jiang Chen lay helplessly on the bed, and then said: "System, if I can sign the merit ah, it will not be the moment before the death of the old man it.

After all, there are novels where the protagonist awakens the system before he dies. System mechanical ruthless voice sounded in Jiang Chen's mind, "this village ancestors 18 generations have not been out of the immortal, in the village can only sign to the rice".

Jiang Chen said helplessly, "I know, I know, I can't, I'll just carry this bag of rice on my back and go out to look for the clan.

As for the items obtained from the enrolment system being related to the enrolment location, Jiang Chen had already known that, it wasn't that Jiang Chen didn't want to go to the clan to enrol.

Rather, this small mountain village had never produced an immortal, and they simply didn't know where the Immortal Sect was, and Jiang Chen was a poor boy. The last five coins at home had all been bought by the stupid kid as fire paper to burn his mother, now he could be said to be penniless ah.

When you set out to find the immortal door, the first thing you have to do is make sure you have enough food for the journey, right, it is best to get a horse, no, a mule will do. But at home, half a jar of rice is hard to eat.

Jiang Chen thought not to go to the city's richest home to sign a road, if you can sign the money, poor family rich road ah, no money dare not go out, starve to death in the middle of the road is not worth it.

However, to the city is a little far away, first go to the village home of the richest sign to test the water.

The next morning, at dawn, barely able to see the road, a dark figure appeared on tiptoe in the village near the house of the richest. His mouth was still whispering.

"System, login."

"Login successful, won one penny"

Jiang Chen's pupils dilated as he tried to suppress his inner excitement, picked up the penny from the ground, and ran all the way to his field.

This month, to avoid attracting attention, Jiang Chen still worked at sunrise and rested at sunset every day.

When he arrived at the field, Jiang Chen wiped his nose from the cold as he weeded, while he discussed with the system, "System, next time you enter something, can you put it in the system's memory first, you do that, every time I pick up the money, it's a waste of time.

"Yes," said the system, still as cold and unfeeling as ever.

Previously, the first time he signed in, Jiang Chen did not see a catty of rice, and besides, rice is not a precious thing, so he complained that the system should put the rice on the floor, at least you can see it at a glance.

So later, every time he signed in for something, the system would throw it directly on the ground for Jiang Chen.

After weeding the ground, Jiang Chen went home and started to cook thin rice to eat, and then it was picking wild vegetables, the family is poor, ah, eat vegetables all rely on digging wild vegetables ah.

Ask Jiang Chen why he doesn't plant vegetables, this will run away, then plant vegetables, plant for who to eat ah, just live one day is one day.

After that, every day before dawn, a dark figure would silently appear at the door of the richest man in the village, read a few sentences, and then quickly flee the scene.

Time passed, a month.

That day, at dawn, Jiang Chen returned home with a smile on his face.

This once-a-month check-in brought in five cents, so now Jiang Chen had thirty-four cents, packed up the things on his bed, and cooked a pot of rice.

After eating, Jiang Chen planned to go to the city to ask around and register on the side, there were more rich people in the city, so let's see if he can register for more money.

Why wait a month? Because it costs money to go into town on an oxcart, it costs money to eat, and it costs money to stay, so it's hard to go into town without money.

Have to complain to get rich first to build roads is right, so a remote village to go to town without oxcarts have to walk for five hours, short days in winter, a round trip of ten hours no, go to town nothing to do, the day is dark.

After eating, will be cleaned, bring in case, so go and never come back.

Packed things, Jiang Chen carrying all the belongings of thirty catties of rice, a large iron pot, a not sharp kitchen knife, and thirty-four money to go out in a hurry.

Just as he stepped out of the gate, he heard the village chief ringing a gong and shouting.

"Come and gather at the village entrance, the Immortal is accepting disciples, come quickly".