
Opening Upgrade System

There is a system for opening. As the cultivation level increases, the level of items gained from signing in will also increase. Let's see how the male lead utilizes the system to get to the top of his life.

LSPIRIT · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs

Chapter 7 The Planting of Spiritual Medicines

The first thing he did was to take the things he had logged in during that period from the system room and sort them out.

After logging in for that period of time, Jiang Chen also found a pattern: if you log in to the same place several times in a row, you will always get the same thing.

If you register in a different place and then come back to register again, you'll get something different.

So Jiang Chen would go to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion to register one day and the Spirit Medicine Garden to register the next day, alternating. There were quite a few things stored in the system room now.

First, he sorted out the books he had enrolled in, twelve books, all sorts of books, there were yellow rank high level techniques, there were body techniques, there were sword techniques, there were boxing techniques, there was an introduction to the Qian Yuan realm, in short, it was a mess.

As for the spells, none of the small spells that came with the Red Gold Wood, such as the Fireball, Golden Cone, and Winding Vine spells, had been learned.

Jiang Chen planned to wait until he had planted the seeds in the ground, then he would learn the smaller spells in peace.

After looking through the books, he finally found the Spiritual Medicine Cultivation book. This time of checking wasn't wasted.

Then it was time to check the harvest in the Spiritual Medicine Garden.

The harvest from the Elixir Garden was rather mixed, there were ten-year portions of elixirs and seeds, but the good thing was that the elixir was a single plant and the seeds were a small bag, and as for the elixir, Jiang Chen was going to put it in the system room first.

The time in the system space was static, things wouldn't go bad if you put them inside, and the elixir could be preserved well if you put it inside.

As for the Spiritual Seeds, Jiang Chen studied them carefully, there were only five or six of them, all of them were ordinary Spiritual Seeds, after planting them, boiling them into soup would also have an effect on the Qi Refining Stage.

Jiang Chen picked up Spirit Medicine Planting and began to study it, Spirit Medicine Planting was mainly to ensure the concentration of Spirit Qi, as well as to cast Spirit Rain at a certain time, and also to check for weeds competing for nutrients.

This spell to cast Spirit Rain was also recorded in the book, although for Jiang Chen, lacking the Water Spirit Root, it might not be too easy to cast it, but it could be cast, with more practice it would be fine.

After it looked like everything was ready, Jiang Chen still didn't make a move, not for any other reason, Jiang Chen thought about the fact that he had never been to the Contribution Hall to pick up a task, and he didn't have any contribution points.

Then this planting method and the origin of the spirit medicine seeds would be suspected by others.

In order not to arouse the suspicion of others, Jiang Chen was willing to go to the Contribution Hall to accept tasks, firstly to earn contribution points, and secondly to inquire about news, otherwise he would easily miss out on some useful news if he continued to cultivate bitterly.

When he arrived at the Contribution Hall, as soon as he looked up, he saw an old acquaintance, Gu Qing.

Still with that indifferent face, he deftly handed out tasks and distributed contribution points to the incoming and outgoing disciples.

Unexpectedly, this Gu Qing elder brother was quite hardworking, taking on all sorts of tasks, not only going to help the clan select disciples to join, but also giving lectures to the new disciples, and now managing the tasks in the contribution hall.

Jiang Chen suddenly felt that he wasn't the least bit degraded and not hardworking enough, he needed to change and redouble his efforts in the future, after all, he was just a mediocre Three Spirit Root cultivator.

On the walls on either side of the Contribution Hall were various quests, each quest had a code, and those who were interested in a quest could simply report the code directly.

On the left wall, there were mainly quests for the Qi Practising Stage and the Foundation Establishing Stage, on the right wall, there were quests for the Jindan Stage and the Yuanying Stage, and the right side of the quest wall was obviously a bit more sparse.

Jiang Chen walked over to the left side of the wall, and the Qi Refining Stage quests on it were all very basic tasks, such as looking after someone else's medicinal gardens, there were also fire-burning tasks, there were even tasks for running errands down the mountain, and there were also some more dangerous tasks, such as going out in a group to gather spiritual medicines, hunting demonic beasts, and so on.

Of course, all of these slightly more dangerous tasks would require a cultivation level of at least the fifth level of Qi Refining.

After looking around, Jiang Chen didn't find any suitable quests and decided to wait a few days to see if the quests had been updated.

On his way back, Jiang Chen stopped by the Spirit Medicine Garden to register and receive a bag of seeds.

After returning home, in addition to cultivating, Jiang Chen practised the Rain Formation Technique, meditated, and cultivated after his aura was depleted, and then started practising the Rain Formation Technique after his cultivation was finished, and so on and so forth.

Three days later, the Rain Casting Technique had reached the first level, and the rain that could be cast was about four square metres in size, which was enough, since the spiritual field in front of the small courtyard was only twenty square metres in size.

The Rain Casting Skill had already made progress, and as Jiang Chen entered the Contribution Hall once again, the tasks in front of him had a few changes, but none of them were major.

Jiang Chen looked carefully, with the last task are similar, looking at the task in front of him, Jiang Chen that is a hesitation.

Gu Qing, who was standing in front of the stage, happened to be free, so she looked at Jiang Chen with a heavy face.

Gu Qing seemed to have thought of something, so he called out to Jiang Chen.

"Senior Brother Jiang, come here."

Jiang Chen jogged over, "Gu, what is it?"

Gu Qing said in a low voice, "I have a private task, which is to help look after my herb garden, ten contribution points a month, relatively easy, you don't need to wait around all day, just go and have a look every day, apply spiritual rain according to the situation, and remove the weeds."

Jiang Chen thought about it a little, there were similar tasks on the task wall, but the requirement was that you had to live in the spirit medicine garden, if that was the case, Jiang Chen wouldn't be able to take care of his own spirit medicines, and he wouldn't be able to live in his own hut, and he felt that the whole person would be insecure.

"Alright, thank you for taking care of it, Senior Brother."

Gu Qing casually took out his ID card and said, "I've been quite busy here at the Contribution Hall lately, so you'll handle it for me for a month first, and if there's any situation, you can just come here and find me directly".

Finally, Gu Qing took Jiang Chen to his small courtyard.

Unlike Jiang Chen, Gu Qing was already a Foundation Establishment cultivator, he naturally worshipped the mountain peaks, and now lived on Qingyue Peak with his own private small courtyard, which was very large, with formations surrounding it and waves of light flowing through it.

If you looked closely, you would see that the formations were still separate, there was a formation in the courtyard where you lived, and a formation in the Spirit Medicine Garden in the front yard.

"The token in your hand can open the formation in the herb garden," Gu Qing said casually as she demonstrated the technique to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen watched and learned from the example, but in his heart, he thought to himself, money is really good, this formation can still be separated, unlike his own little ragged courtyard which only had one formation, or the simplest formation unified by the clan.

If there are contribution points, they must change to a better formation.