
Opening Upgrade System

There is a system for opening. As the cultivation level increases, the level of items gained from signing in will also increase. Let's see how the male lead utilizes the system to get to the top of his life.

LSPIRIT · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs

Chapter 35 The Vine Spirit's Home

Jiang Chen: ...

After Jiang Chen released the Vine Essence, he took out a stack of array disks from the system room.

First, there were two small defense formations, one for Jiang Chen and one for the Vine Essence. Then he took out an Illusion Formation and a Cloaking Formation.

After setting up the four formations.

Jiang Chen threw the Vine Essence into one of the small defense formations, and then threw in a bottle of pills.

"Cultivate well, this bottle of elixir will be absorbed slowly, don't be in a hurry."

Jiang Chen turned his head and entered another small formation.

He decided to break through to the fourth level of Jindan before going to the Trial Tower, otherwise it would be embarrassing to be busy breaking through if he encountered any danger on the way.

The spiritual qi in this secret realm was already dense, but to save time, Jiang Chen added another Spirit Gathering Formation around him.

In the blink of an eye, the spiritual qi around him increased at a rate that was visible to the naked eye, Jiang Chen closed his eyes, his gongfu ran, and the spiritual qi around him drilled into Jiang Chen's body.

The Gongfu in his body continued to run, and the aura seemed to be rushing toward a certain barrier.

Three days later, Jiang Chen looked at the Vine Essence in front of him, still in disbelief.

In just three days, this shrunken Vine Essence had become a Jindan Cultivator.

"Little Vine Essence, what's your situation, how did you break through to the first layer of Jindan in just three days, this speed is too scary," Jiang Chen was puzzled by the situation of the Vine Essence.

Under normal circumstances, the cultivation speed of the Vine Essence, an elf race, should be the slowest, and it was reasonable that the years required were measured in hundreds.

The childish voice of the young Vine Spirit said, "I was originally at this cultivation level, it's just that I was injured too much before, and the aura in my body didn't work well.

"Oh, right, where is your home?" Jiang Chen was suddenly curious as to where the things in this system actually came from.

The little vine spirit stammered, unable to say, "I don't know, I've been practicing here ever since I can remember, I lost a fight with my neighbor a while ago, so I hid in this grassland so that the stupid bear couldn't find me.

Jiang Chen looked at the grassland behind him with a pensive face, he had never thought about the origin of the system registering things since he got the system, it turned out to be something that originally existed from where it was located.

The role of the system should be to copy, otherwise the space so many achievements are signed within the hidden scriptures, so many achievements are lost, early to cause an uproar.

But this is also not right, those Gongfa of his own, only a very small number of them are in the Hidden Scripture Cabinet, most of them are not in the Hidden Scripture Cabinet.

I can't figure it out, Jiang Chen has stopped thinking about it, but I'm sure this signing system has a lot to do with the signing place.

This secret realm is afraid to come to the right place, this day is only a daily sign-in, not counting the whole month, but can also be signed out of the Vine Essence this Jindan Essence, can be imagined.

"System, sign in.

"Successful login, rewarded with a thousand-year-old Soul Condensing Grass."

As Jiang Chen looked at the Soul Condensing Grass in his hand, the corners of his face couldn't help but rise, this time, the Qian Yuan Mysterious Realm had come to the right place.

It's a pity that I was so engrossed in cultivation the other day that I didn't sign in, otherwise this thousand-year-old elixir wouldn't have had several plants.

Jiang Chen decided to sign in for two days before he left, after all, a hundred years of Soul Condensing Grass is rare, but you can search for it in the Immortal Cultivation World or hope to find it, but a thousand years of Soul Condensing Grass is rare to find.

Moreover, Jiang Chen still desperately hoped that he could improve his Divine Sense so that the role of the Divine Sense Attack as a killing weapon could also be a little stronger, even though his own cultivation might be at the top, but who knows what geniuses might come out of the woodwork this time.

Next, Jiang Chen reentered the formation, and aside from stabilizing his cultivation, he spent most of his time strengthening his Divine Sense, practicing his Divine Sense attack spells, and finally signing in.

In order to quickly improve his Divine Sense, Jiang Chen had directly refined a hundred year's worth of Soul Condensing Grass into a Soul Condensing Dan, and the effect wasn't bad, at least when he practiced his Divine Sense, he could clearly feel that it was slowly growing.

Originally, he had only planned to stay for two days, but it turned out that ten days had passed since that throw.

Jiang Chen felt that his Divine Sense had doubled in size, at least equivalent to the sixth level of Jindan Divine Sense, although it wasn't very powerful, it was good enough to be used for sneak attacks.

Looking at the map, the area he was in was on the border of the Qian Yuan Mysterious Realm, it would take at least two months to make it all the way to the Trial Tower, and he was sure to encounter a lot of trouble along the way as well.

As Jiang Chen was packing up the array plate, the Vine Spirit followed him like a little tail, not bothering Jiang Chen.

When Jiang Chen looked over, the Vine Spirit shook its branches and leaves to show its joy for its master.

He packed up all the array disks and placed them in the system room.

"Speak, what is it?"

"Master, you're really smart, you can tell that I have something to ask you.

Is a look enough? It's been hanging in front of him for half a day.

"It's like this, Master, can we go back to my hideout now and have a look, I still have a lot of valuable elixirs at home, even if they're not as good as Master's elixir, they're still very valuable"

"Where is your home? I'll think about it," Jiang Chen said.

From the Vine Essence's description, Jiang Chen knew that the small Vine Essence's home happened to be on the way to the Trial Tower, which was also considered a temporary route.

"You should know the way to your home from here, is there any danger?" said Jiang Chen.

"No, how many times have I walked this road, as long as the road is open to the spirit, there is nothing I don't recognize," the vine spirit said, proudly waving his branches and leaves.

"Okay, lead the way," Jiang Chen said.

Even though the Vine Spirit had vowed to guarantee that the road would be safe, Jiang Chen still sent out his divine sense to check the situation along the way.

Things were changing all the time, not to mention the fact that so many people had suddenly broken out of the secret realm.

In order to avoid any trouble, Jiang Chen revealed that his cultivation was at the ninth level of Foundation Establishment, a medium level.

On the way, the little vine spirit was very happy, constantly waving its branches and leaves, but walking like a snake, moving very smoothly and at a high speed.

Jiang Chen wasn't far behind.

One day later, Jiang Chen hadn't encountered any danger along the way.

Just as Jiang Chen's Divine Sense was about to weaken, Jiang Chen suddenly saw a human cultivator and a bear demon fighting within the range of his Divine Sense.

The human cultivator's cultivation was around the second level of Jindan, and he was wearing clan clothes, but Jiang Chen didn't recognize the clan clothes, so he guessed that he was from a small clan.

The Bear Demon was also at the second level of Jindan and was five meters tall, making the human cultivator unusually short.

Every time the human cultivator cast a spell, it made a huge explosion sound.

Just to see the Bear Demon roar, the super-powerful sound formed a sound wave that directly defused all the attacks.

"Little Vine Spirit, wait, there s a love ... in front of you," Jiang Chen hadn t even said the last word.

He saw that the Little Vine Essence directly stepped forward, pretending to be an ordinary vine, but the moment the bear demon approached, it wrapped itself around the bear demon's feet.

With a bang, the bear demon fell to the ground, and then the human cultivator multiplied his attack.

Jiang Chen only felt that a vine wrapped around his waist, "swoosh" sound, pulled himself in the direction away from the battlefield to disappear, the speed of so fast, Jiang Chen felt that his hair seems to be blown off.

In his heart, he repeatedly recited, "It's real hair, it can't be blown off, it can't be blown off. ..."