
Opening Upgrade System

There is a system for opening. As the cultivation level increases, the level of items gained from signing in will also increase. Let's see how the male lead utilizes the system to get to the top of his life.

LSPIRIT · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs

Chapter 34 Condensed Soul Grass

"It is ... injured" The tender voice of the Vine Essence sounded in Jiang Chen's mind.

Jiang Chen froze for a split second, remembering that he had once learned a healing spell, and since Jiang Chen had a wood spirit root, it was possible to use the wood attribute to heal the Vine Essence.

Originally, he had learned this spell to heal the poorly growing spirit medicine he had encountered when he had planted it, but he hadn't expected that he hadn't used any of the spirit medicine, but instead had used it for this Vine Essence.

Jiang Chen raised his hand, and green aura slowly flowed down his fingers onto the Vine Essence.

"So comfortable, master," the Vine Essence said.

Jiang Chen always felt that there was something strange about it, but when he thought about the fact that this thing had just opened its mind, its IQ was comparable to that of a two or three year old child, so it wasn't simple.

At this end, Jiang Chen was treating the Vine Spirit's injuries, while at the other end, Tiger White, Ming Xin, Lu Ao Tian, and other geniuses from various clans were all heading to the Trial Tower at the center of the secret realm.

Gu Qing looked at the identity token in his hand and sighed.

"Why haven't you replied to the message yet, it's hard to believe that we've encountered a big enemy as soon as we entered the secret realm?"

Gu Qing contacted Jiang Chen as soon as he entered and wanted to know the location of the two of them, if they were relatively close, Gu Qing decided to just go find Jiang Chen and take care of him for a few moments on the way.

If they were too far away, she would go to the Trial Tower on her own.

Unexpectedly, the end result was that he couldn't be contacted.

Gu Qing had just looked at his location and was unlucky enough to be at the border of the Qian Yuan Mysterious Realm, still some distance from the central area, and with the dangers he might encounter on the way, it was estimated that it would take him two months to reach the central area.

Unable to wait for news, Gu Qing decided that it would be better to catch up first.

One hour later

Jiang Chen looked at the originally depressed Vine Essence that had branched out and looked in good spirits.

"Little Vine Essence, do you know what's going on here? Why can't I go out?"

The Vine Essence's voice became clear.

"Master, this is the Grassland, there are a lot of grasses growing here, these grasses will absorb the surrounding aura, including the beings in this Grassland, if they stay in this place for a long time, their own aura will be sucked away, and in the end, when the aura is consumed cleanly, these aura grasses will attack the beings, devouring them to decompose them.

"In addition, these spirit grasses have formed a natural formation, it's hard for ordinary beings to get out, they can only get trapped inside, their aura will slowly be consumed, and they will eventually become the nutrients of these demon grasses."

Jiang Chen carefully felt it, indeed, his own spiritual qi was slowly disappearing, its speed was very slow, if it wasn't so intentional, no one would even notice it, it was just warm water boiling a frog ah.

What's more, this grassland, seems to have an aura, in fact, there is no way to absorb the body, this aura is tightly wrapped in the spirit grass above.

"Natural formation? I was careless just now, let me see the power of this natural formation now," Jiang Chen muttered as he began to observe this grassland.

Including the blue sky and white clouds above his head, the sky in the secret realm was originally fake, and it was Jiang Chen's first time entering this secret realm, so he didn't know if this sky above his head was originally like this or if it was formed by this formation.

While Jiang Chen was still carefully watching the trajectory of the clouds in the sky, a green vine suddenly wrapped around his waist and pulled him forward.

Jiang Chen was busy observing the situation around him, and just happened to think about moving around to see the changes around him.

Five minutes later.

Jiang Chen stood outside the grassland with an extremely complicated expression on his face, looking at the Vine Essence twisting its body as if it wanted to claim credit.

"How did you break through this formation? I just had a small clue, and this person came out," Jiang Chen still asked.

The Vine Spirit proudly waved the leaves on his vines and said, "I can sense the fluctuations of the aura under the ground to determine the direction of the exit.

Indeed, in terms of understanding the situation underground, this Vine Spirit was the most proficient plant spirit and could easily find the exit.

"You're still quite useful, right, are the pills useful to you?" Jiang Chen suddenly thought of something and said.

"What is elixir?" Vine Essence asked with a few moments of doubt in his tone.

Jiang Chen: ...

He immediately took out a Spirit Gathering Elixir from his storage bag and threw it at the vine.

Only the vine stretched out its branches and leaves to catch the Spirit Gathering Dan, and then the leaves wrapped around the Spirit Gathering Dan, seemingly absorbing the medicinal properties.

Jiang Chen looked around, there was no danger in the area, on the contrary, there were quite a few spirit medicines growing around this grassland, all of them over a hundred years old.

There were some that were rare in the outside world.

It was too late to dig for the elixir, feeling the vibration on the ID card, Jiang Chen took it out and glanced at it, it was Gu Qing's message to check the surrounding situation, his own and Gu Qing's position was simply an east and a west.

There was no need for the two of them to look for each other anymore, they could just meet directly at the Trial Tower.

After replying to Gu Qing's message, Jiang Chen took out a bunch of jade boxes from the system room and started digging for spirit medicines.

Even though there were a lot of elixirs, Jiang Chen still chose the elixirs with a higher vintage, and the ones with a lower vintage, Jiang Chen didn't dig them up, after all, it was still against Heaven's Law to exterminate such things.

While digging, Jiang Chen's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Soul Condensing Grass."

This Soul Condensing Grass was an elixir that was more effective in strengthening the Divine Sense, and it also had a certain effect on healing the Divine Sense.

In the outside world, this Soul Condensing Grass was also considered a rare drug.

Generally speaking, the divine sense is rarely injured in the fights between cultivators, but once it is injured, there is often no spiritual medicine to deal with it. Therefore, this Soul Condensing Grass was considered a drug worth stocking up on.

Jiang Chen carefully searched for more Soul Condensing Grass.

A dozen or so were found in a row.

Satisfied, Jiang Chen put the Soul Condensing Grass into the jade box and then took it to the system space.

When he had dug up the elixir, the vine spirit scurried over with a whoosh.

"Master, you've finished your work, right?"

"Well, is this elixir useful to you?" said Jiang Chen.

Although this Vine Spirit was a monster, its behavior was similar to that of a dog.

"It's useful, Master, give me another one so I can break through again," the vine spirit said excitedly.

Jiang Chen remembered that there were still two bottles of pills in the system space, but it wouldn't be safe to leave the Vine Essence outside to cultivate.

He couldn't enter the system space himself, but the Vine Essence should be able to go in.

He had never tried to store living beings in the system space before.

With a wave of his hand, Jiang Chen received the Vine Essence into the system space.

"Do you feel any difficulty breathing?" asked Jiang Chen.

"Master, no, it's just that the aura concentration in here is a bit thin," the Vine Essence said honestly.