
Opening Upgrade System

There is a system for opening. As the cultivation level increases, the level of items gained from signing in will also increase. Let's see how the male lead utilizes the system to get to the top of his life.

LSPIRIT · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs

Chapter 28 Ten Years

Back in the small courtyard, Jiang Chen started refining pills again, and after tossing and turning for ten days in a row, Jiang Chen's Sixth Grade Hemostasis Pill already had a success rate of seventy percent, which was not bad.

The next time, Jiang Chen started studying array disks again.

Jiang Chen was able to set up a fourth grade formation, but he hadn't started working on the formation disk yet.

Formations took a lot of time to set up, and there was no way for someone who didn't know about formations to set them up, so the formation disk was created.

Formation disks could greatly reduce the time it took to set up a formation, and it was just very convenient when fighting or for people who weren't good at formations.

For formation masters, there are two sources of income, one is to make formation disks for sale, the levels of the formation disks made range from level one to level six, advanced level seven, level eight formations are difficult to make formation disks, the difficulty factor is relatively high.

The other is the formation masters, basically they can make the sixth, seventh, and eighth level formations, and they are invited to make formations for their own mansions or shops, such formations are of a higher level, and generally do not need to be moved.

For Jiang Chen, the journey to become a formation master was a bit far, but it was still possible to make formation disks to sell.

Perhaps it was because Jiang Chen's own talent for formation was better, or perhaps it was because his current self was already able to set up fourth-grade formations, and a first-grade formation disk was an even simpler formation.

It took Jiang Chen three days to inscribe a first-class formation, which was still a fast learning speed.

With a bang, one month passed, and Jiang Chen had already inscribed all the common first-grade formations, and he felt that his speed in inscribing formation discs had also increased.

Just as Jiang Chen was about to make a second-level formation disk, Fang Kun returned.

The two of them went to the Contribution Hall together to take up the task, and the county they chose was the one where Jiang Chen's previous small village was located, as well as the neighboring county, a total of two places.

In the first ten days of the apprenticeship should arrive at the place, notify the local people to prepare, after all, this ordinary people between the way to transfer information is very slow, catch up on the road also need to be several days to go to the county town.

For example, the small village where Jiang Chen was before, from the small village to the county town had to walk for three or four days, and at night they might sleep in the deserted mountains, afraid of both the bandits who stopped and robbed them, and the wild wolves and wild boars in the mountains.

This is why those remote village people rarely go to the county town to test the spiritual root, one is poor, no money, no road fee, two is too risky, afraid of dying on the road, three is the village has not been out of the Immortal, people feel that it is just a distant hope.

There are still about fifty days from the departure, Jiang Chen and Fang Kun two agreed on a time to go to their own busy, Fang Kun is busy resting, but also busy breakthrough, in the outside experience for a year is also a harvest.

Jiang Chen is busy to go back to make the second grade array disk, and then seize the time to make the third grade array disk, when the time to go down the mountain, then go to the market to make the array disk all done, and is a large amount of spirit stones, there are enough spirit stones, people also have a sense of security.

One morning, Jiang Chen woke up in the morning, bathed and dressed, burned three joss sticks.

He came to the scripture pavilion, went up to the second floor of the scripture pavilion, and meditated for two seconds.

The student on duty downstairs glanced at Jiang Chen.

This guy came to pretend again, every month to come on time once, nothing to do, pretending to be high and cold to stay for a few minutes and then leave, just have a problem.

Look, today's problem seems to be even worse, but also a stupid smile.

Jiang Chen couldn't stop the corners of his mouth from turning up, he had just enrolled in a mid-rank earth technique, Phase Life.

A mid-rank earth gongfu, in the Danding Sect, one had to be a core disciple or a single spirit root disciple to have one, a three spirit root like him, but he had no chance to cultivate it, good thing there was a system.

Feeling the disciple's gaze, Jiang Chen suppressed the upturned corners of his mouth and took a step towards the hidden scripture pavilion.

After returning to the small courtyard.

Jiang Chen hurriedly opened layer after layer of formations in the small courtyard before taking out the book.

The first sentence at the beginning was, "Everything is born with each other, and the five elements are also wood begets fire, fire begets earth, earth begets gold, gold begets water, and water begets wood ...."

After reading the introduction, I realized that the person who wrote this Gongfu was a magician.

This was because this "Phasing" was prepared for multiple Spiritual Roots, and it could promote the operation of the three types of Spiritual Qi in your body through phasing, and it could also derive the Spiritual Roots that you lacked in your body.

For example, Jiang Chen cultivated Wood-attribute aura to catalyze Fire-attribute aura, Fire-attribute aura to catalyze Earth-attribute aura, and with the extra Earth-attribute aura in his body, he could briefly cast Earth-attribute spells.

Finally, the Earth Attribute Aura would catalyze the Metal Attribute Aura, and all three auras could accelerate cultivation and create a positive boost in the body.

This "phasing" could be cultivated up to the point of transmigration to ascension, and it was a good gong method.

Generally speaking, there were two stages of cultivation to change one's gongfa, one after breaking through Jindan and one after breaking through Harmonization, both of which were good times to change one's gongfa, because for some reason no one knew, it was summed up by generations of cultivators.

Jiang Chen still planned to have a higher level technique by the time he fused, he would definitely need to change his technique, after all, the later the cultivation level increased, the slower it would be, having a higher level technique could still increase the speed of cultivation.

Next, Jiang Chen spent seven days cultivating the stages of life, and his cultivation reached the first level of Jindan.

As time passed, it was the day the two of them agreed to leave.

The two of them first went to the workshop market to buy things, Fang Kun was here to buy pills, Fang Kun's Dual Spirit Root was now at the third level of Foundation Establishment, while Jiang Chen was dealing with the Hemostasis Pill and the Formation Disk.

The Formation Disk was of a low level, and it was easy to handle without arousing suspicion, while the Hemostasis Pill was a sixth level elixir, but Jiang Chen thought that this workshop at the base of Danding Sect was the one that helped handle the elixir on behalf of the sect's elder brother, and sold a total of three bottles.

When selling the pills, even the name was left as a fake name.

After taking care of things, the two of them rushed straight to the county seat.

The entire county was a mortal city without a single Immortal Cultivator.

Jiang Chen and Fang Kun went straight to the county seat, found the county chief, and informed the villages and towns under his jurisdiction that the Danding Sect would be recruiting disciples in five days, and that those who wanted to participate in the test should go to the entrance of the county seat.

After notifying the county chief, the two of them rushed to the next county and asked to come to the test six days later.

Since it was a clan mission, the clan had given each team a spiritual energy ball to test spiritual roots, and the two only needed to test the disciples with spiritual roots to register them and then bring them back to the clan.

There were still five days of free time after the notification, so Jiang Chen and Fang Kun both found a random inn in the county town, and the two of them stayed there.

This county is geographically remote, the concentration of spiritual qi is also low, the two people here to cultivate the importance is not very large, these days in the county wandering, but also to check the sect to recruit disciples of the news spread without.

It was a good thing that when the two were wandering the streets, they could hear people talking everywhere.

"Did you hear that the Danding Clan is recruiting disciples again?"

"Every five years, it's about time this year."

"Do you have anyone suitable in your family today?"

"No, my house is full of old men and milk dolls who can't even walk, wait another five years and they'll be suitable."


Hearing everyone's comments, the two of them looked at each other, and their hearts also relaxed.