
Opening Upgrade System

There is a system for opening. As the cultivation level increases, the level of items gained from signing in will also increase. Let's see how the male lead utilizes the system to get to the top of his life.

LSPIRIT · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs

Chapter 21: Returning to the Village

"System, do you have a treasure valuation function? Let's say you scan to see if there are any treasures in these stalls," Jiang Chen asked with a licked face.

System: I'm not a trash system now? I'm not a trash system now?

"No, this system does not have a treasure hunting function, this system is just a registration system."

Jiang Chen: Trash system.

"System, sign in."

"Successful login, rewarded with ten low-grade spirit stones."

Although there are only ten low-grade spirit stones, Jiang Chen is already satisfied, after all, in the beginning, it was signed in with a catty of rice ah, and now it's gone up, at least there are ten, right?

It seems that I've automatically lowered my standards because of this rubbish system," Jiang Chen lamented, "where is such a weak system?

It had been a long time since I'd eaten food from the mortal world, but the more important reason was that Jiang Chen's pockets were running low on Spirit Stones.

After ordering a table of good mortal food and booking an overnight stay, Jiang Chen ate his dinner and went out in style.

The marketplace was also very busy at night, although the number of people wasn't as high as during the day, when all the shops that should be open were, such as some sort of special service industry.

On the other side of the street, Jiang Chen looked at the end of the doorway where a couple of beautiful women were standing.

The woman's body, which was a concave and convex, also wore than the general female cultivators to be a little cool.

But the reason why Jiang Chen looked straight into his eyes was not because this female cultivator was wearing less, after all, in his previous life, when it came to summer, this girl was wearing much less than these people.

Jiang Chen was surprised that these female cultivators were cultivation or foundation stage cultivators, and this was the base of the Danding Sect's mountain ah.

Danding Sect is not a famous sect, so it is really appropriate to simply refresh the three views.

Opposite the girl, looking at Jiang Chen eyes are not blinking look, a look is a novice ah, one of the quite experienced towards Jiang Chen wink.

But this wink is thrown to the blind, Jiang Chen looked at a glance, immediately turned his head, muttered a "vulgar".

Said to walk towards the front, Jiang Chen all the way to walk a long way do not understand the Danding Sect's tawdry operation, would like to find someone to ask what is the situation, there is no special reason, is simply curious.

After circling around the marketplace without being able to identify any treasures and just wandering around blindly, Jiang Chen went back to the inn.

"Have you been to the Acacia House today? I heard that there is a newcomer, beautiful as a fairy, that body, hey ... brothers understand ah" A rough voice came from the building.

"You and I cultivators do not just look at looks, this fairy's cultivation is ..."

"Seems to be just a foundation cultivator, looks like it should be a novice ah"


Jiang Chen looked at the others around him who were not surprised, could there be more inside information here?

His eyes turned, Jiang Chen remembered that there seemed to be a clan called the Harmony Sect, so he wondered what they had to do with this Harmony House.

Returning to his room, Jiang Chen searched through the information and looked at it with a complicated face.

The name Acacia Sect sounds unorthodox, but it is actually very unorthodox, it is a second class sect, the disciples of the sect practice the art of dual cultivation, with other cultivators, dual cultivation, not only can they increase their own cultivation, but also the other party's cultivation can be increased.

So although the Acacia Sect's tactics were disrespectful to the righteous path, they were not only not harmful to righteous cultivators, but also beneficial. It made everyone turn a blind eye.

As long as it wasn't a core disciple within the sect, the sect didn't pay too much attention to it, so now the disciples of the Acacia Sect were the ones who opened Acacia Buildings everywhere, and for them, this was their cultivation.

After taking a closer look, the Acacia Sect didn't just pick any place, it was basically near all the major sects, so it seemed to be extremely interested in the disciples of the major sects.

After looking at it, Jiang Chen shook his head, this Immortal Cultivation World really has everyone, it should be like the saying that every bird has a big forest ah.

For this reason, Jiang Chen also took a look at some of the strange sects in the human world, so as not to make a fuss and make people laugh when he went out in the future.

The next morning, a Foundation Establishment Stage cultivator left the marketplace without attracting anyone's attention.

According to the map provided by Careful Qing, Jiang Chen flew for two consecutive days and finally landed in a remote mountain village.

In an instant, it had been more than seven years since he had left this mountain village.

Jiang Chen's feet moved slightly, leaving a shadow, and the next step made him appear ten metres away.

Standing in front of the dilapidated hut, Jiang Chen's Divine Sense swept through, the house was still the same dilapidated scene, empty.

Turning his head, he immediately moved in another direction.

In a small courtyard of a farmhouse, there was an old man lying inside the main house, the old man's skin was dark and full of wrinkles, but it could also be seen that at this moment, his complexion was withered, a lack of essence, and he was afraid that his life would not last long.

Outside the courtyard, a young woman was still cooking medicine on a clay pot, and a child was playing in the courtyard.

Jiang Chen raised his head and looked at the sky, at this time of day, all the young and strong men in the family should be out working in the fields.

This young woman he hadn't seen before, he was afraid that she was the new daughter-in-law the village chief had given his son after he left.

A flash of lightning appeared in the room.

The old man in the room seemed to sense it and opened his eyes effortlessly.

Seeing Jiang Chen's familiar but blurred face in the light, the old man let out a weak voice.

"Have you come to take me away?"

Jiang Chen didn't need to use his divine sense to know that the old village chief was terminally ill and had lost consciousness.

The daughter-in-law outside the door seemed to have heard the old village chief's voice and hurriedly replied, "Father, just wait a little longer, the medicine will be ready soon.

Jiang Chen searched the system room and found an elixir.

With a slight movement of his fingers, the elixir was evenly divided into four parts, and with a raise of his hand, a small piece of the elixir fell into the slightly open mouth of the old village chief.

The elixir melted in the old man's mouth and was immediately absorbed.

The old man's entire body fell asleep.

"When you wake up, everything will be fine," Jiang Chen said, and then he heard the daughter-in-law walking, and in a flash he appeared on the roof of the house.

"Father, father, get up and drink the medicine," the daughter-in-law shook, and the person did not move.

Daughter-in-law suddenly panicked, trembling outstretched finger on the old village chief's nose, feel the faint breath, daughter-in-law also relieved.

An hour later, the old village chief woke up and saw a circle of people sitting around the bed, his sons and daughter-in-law.

"Father, you are awake, how do you feel?

The old village chief suddenly sat up, feeling nothing but hunger all over his body.

"I am hungry."

"Father is hungry, quickly serve Father his food," a man shouted.

The family was busy, the old village chief seemed to have remembered something, he climbed up in a single bound, towards the village entrance, made two bows and chanted in his mouth.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you for saving the old man's life."

The children in the house all thought that the old village chief would come back to life when they saw this scene, in fact, they waited for three or four days and found that the old village chief had fully recovered and even lived for about ten years before he passed away.

Only Jiang Chen on the roof knew that the old village chief was talking to himself, and with a slight nod he disappeared into the dark night.