
Opening Upgrade System

There is a system for opening. As the cultivation level increases, the level of items gained from signing in will also increase. Let's see how the male lead utilizes the system to get to the top of his life.

LSPIRIT · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs

Chapter 20: The Market at the Bottom of the Mountain

Back in the room, Jiang Chen thanked the elder once again in his heart, it was good that the alchemy room had a formation and that the explosion had not damaged the courtyard, apart from the alchemy furnace being destroyed, there was not much else to lose.

Otherwise, the explosion would have brought down half of the courtyard.

After the room was cleaned up, Jiang Chen took out the alchemy furnace again to refine, this system although the advanced goods did not come out, but at present can be used in the Xuan class alchemy furnace, the system room there are still three or four.

After the end of refining, Jiang Chen was no longer in the mood to refine pills, but instead recorded today's events.

In fact, blowing up the furnace in alchemy was also a common operation, especially when alchemy was done with precious elixirs, the likelihood of blowing up the furnace was even higher, all of which Jiang Chen had read about in books.

Suddenly, a light flashed in his mind.

It suddenly occurred to Jiang Chen that since the power of an elixir explosion was so great that it could easily destroy a Xuan-class magic weapon, it could surely shatter a Foundation Establishment Cultivator.

However, Jiang Chen's current alchemy and martial arts skills couldn't handle it, but he could put it in the back of his mind and wait until his cultivation level was high to try it out.

Next, Jiang Chen sorted out the things in the system room, which ones needed to stay, which ones were useless and could be sold after going down the mountain, and some others that he didn't know if they could be sold or not were put aside for the time being.

After sorting things out, Jiang Chen had nothing left to do but to analyse the principle of the spirit medicine he had just used.

When he thought about it, the reason was actually very simple, that is, the medicinal properties of the pills collided, under the control of the fire, triggered an explosion, but what kind of situation would explode?

Moreover, the temperature felt by the elixir in the alchemy furnace was definitely not the same as the effect of burning it directly with the flame.

For this reason, Jiang Chen began to experiment and recorded each experiment.

Under the dark night sky, the surroundings were quiet.

Every now and then, an explosion would appear in a small courtyard on Dongdan Peak.

There was a "piercing" sound.

A spark flashed in front of his eyes, and the two elixirs were reduced to ashes.

"It still doesn't look like it's working, forget it, we'll study it later," Jiang Chen said casually, after all, there weren't many elixirs left in the system room.

For the next few days, Jiang Chen went to the Elixir Garden every day to register or experiment with the less aged elixirs in his Elixir Garden.

Finally, he had come up with an Explosive Dan, but the effect could only be a threat to Qi Refining Stage cultivators, and it also required a flame to burn to trigger the explosion.

"Even though it's not very useful, it's still an achievement," Jiang Chen muttered in a low voice.

The next step was to prepare to go out and practice, in addition to what was already prepared in the system room, Jiang Chen decided to spend some of the contribution points he had on him as well.

Jiang Chen entered the Contribution Hall with one hundred and fifty contribution points in his arms, and when he came out, there were fifty contribution points left on his body.

"Contribution Hall is such a good name, it's just for us to contribute," Jiang Chen muttered in a low voice.

Then he went to the sect to register, this time he went out and planned to train for eight months, hoping that when he came back, he would be able to catch up with the eighth year's registration.

Before leaving, Jiang Chen also over Gu Qing, Qi Nian, Fang Kun three people, a day and a night, and finally looked at the identity card on the contribution points finally more than a little, happy to go out.

Outside of the sect, Jiang Chen took out the card that Gu Qing had given him, looked at it for a few moments, then summoned his long sword and flew to the bottom of the mountain.

At the bottom of the mountain was the Danding Sect's workshop market, which could be described as a mixture of immortals and mortals, where all sorts of common things needed by Qi Refining, Foundation Establishing, and Jindan Cultivators were available for purchase and, of course, for sale.

When he arrived at the door of the workshop market, Jiang Chen changed his disciple clothes into his normal clothes, and his cultivation level was adjusted to the first level of Foundation Establishment.

As long as one's cultivation wasn't at the level of a Transformation Spirit or higher, they wouldn't be able to see through Jiang Chen's disguise.

After entering the market, there were various shops and vendors on both sides of the street, and most of the people coming and going were Immortal Cultivators, with a few mortals mixed in.

The mortals' stalls were mostly selling earthly snacks or working in shops.

As for the Immortal Cultivators, the stalls in front of them were filled with all kinds of elixirs, pills, and some low-ranked magical weapons.

The overall appearance was still relatively peaceful, lively but not noisy.

Jiang Chen hadn't been down the mountain since he started cultivating, all he used on the mountain were contribution points, while below the mountain he needed Spirit Stones, but Jiang Chen was an idiot when it came to prices.

Jiang Chen casually found some stalls and asked for prices, and then he had a good idea in his heart.

However, to avoid being cheated, Jiang Chen still found a few larger shops that seemed to have a large family and went in to ask for prices.

In the end, he concluded that the prices were still relatively high.

A low-grade spirit stone could only buy a first-grade elixir or mortal food, and a ten-year supply of elixir was about two low-grade spirit stones.

Jiang Chen decided to use some of the spirit medicine in his system room for some spirit stones, otherwise he wouldn't be able to get a single spirit stone out of his body, and he would have to sleep in the wilderness tonight.

After circling the market place, Jiang Chen's eyes lit up.

"There you are."

All he could see was a small three-storey shop in the middle of the market, decorated with a brilliant atmosphere and looking like one of the top shops in the market.

The most important thing was that there were three words on the door of the shop, "Dan Ding Sect", this was a shop opened by the sect, the price was definitely fair, and it wouldn't reveal the information of the disciples under the sect.

Jiang Chen entered the shop and saw two odd-job cultivators, both of whom were at the ninth level of Qi Refining, but unfortunately, the faces of these two people looked like they were already in their fifties or sixties, and even their hair had sprouted white threads.

It was estimated that their actual age was even older than they looked, and at this age, they had not yet built their foundation, and they feared that there was no hope of building their foundation.

"What is this older brother here to buy?" The disciple said with a smile, without the slightest feeling of demoralisation in his body.

"I'm planning to sell some of my own planted spiritual medicines, I don't know the price..." Jiang Chen said thoughtfully.

The old man quickly said, "It depends on the year of the spirit medicine, ten years of two spirit stones per plant, fifty years of ten spirit stones per plant. A hundred year old one ..."

Jiang Chen hastily interrupted, "I only have a few ten-year-old plants."

Even though there were fifty year and one hundred year portions in the system room, Jiang Chen didn't dare to take them out.

"Yes," the old man had no intention of belittling Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen waved his hand, and saw the desktop appear ten spirit medicines, each plant is extremely well preserved, and even still have vitality, take back, and then planted will be no problem.

Unfortunately, these spirit medicines were only ten years old, so they weren't worth much money after all.

With twenty inferior spirit stones in his possession, Jiang Chen lamented that he was really poor, turned the corner, found a shop, and sold ten more ten-year spirit medicine portions in the same way.

Jiang Chen then wandered around the marketplace to see if he could find a leak.