
Opening an orphanage in another world

I got reincarnated and one thing lead to another, I decided to open up and protect the orphanage

muhammad_azmee · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
472 Chs

Chapter 471: Going to Lyrue inside Mountain Kingdom part 16

[Karon point of view]

Without even wasting a single precious second, I immediately use my earth magic to this tunnel, and start rampaging with my exploding earth needle directed directly at my father, who is now in control of the fake dragon (by manipulating a large doppelganger flower which beat just like a heart)

Of course, as Lara, Nara and I expected, he easily repel all of it through his own earth magic, but that's now what surprise us. What surprise is that he blended his mana perfectly with the mana flowing from the ancient tunnel, and thus, rather than saving himself by cancelling my attack with his own magic, he simply made my spell disappears before it can even reach him

""Puppet magic... Controlling the ancient tunnel..."" [Lara, Nara]

"If anything, I'm surprised we can actually found you quite easily. You can easily conceal yourself if you're capable of blending your puppet magic with the mana flowing inside this tunnel" [Karon]

"That Avery sure is troublesome, revealing my location even after I concealed myself, but that's to be expected of the one that received the blessing from Mother Earth" [Serial killer dwarf]

Even he acknowledged the power granted to Farhah after her ascension to become Avery. True, with how perfectly blended his mana to the ancient tunnel, I wouldn't even be surprised if none of us couldn't find him, but luckily Farhah save the day, but now

"Tsk..." [Karon]

"His attack is powerful" [Nara]

"CAREFUL!" [Lara]

Not only did he command the ancient tunnel to attack us with projectiles after projectiles, he even when ahead and charge toward us with his knives. Of course, the three of us easily repel his attack and start counteract, but


"Blood... NICE!" [Serial killer dwarf]


His tenacity... It's admirable even when I hated him with all my might. My hammer strike toward his forehead just now should be lethal, or at best, should knock a person unconscious, but instead, he retaliate back with his own slash of attack that almost cut my left wrist

""Soul pierce!!"" [Lara, Nara]

"Tchh!" [Serial killer dwarf]

As expected, he wouldn't take the attack with the power from God of Death directly, and instead, dodge the attack as fast as he can, but

"Lara! Nara! Use the gun I gave to you just now!" [Karon]

(Gun?) [Serial killer dwarf]

""Right!!"" [Lara, Nara]

I always have a spare weapon I created stored inside my item bag, and just before the fight, I gave two of the prototype gun imbued with my puppet magic to those two. Now, it will automatically track that damned Serial killer dwarf no matter hoe hard he try to dodge

"Ready..." [Lara]

"Try yout best kid!" [Serial killer dwarf]

He instantly dash toward Lara, and slash Lara's chest with his sharp knife, causing Lara to scream in agony, and

"Lara!!!" [Nara]

The elder one, Lara scream and start shooting multiple soul pierce technique directed towards the serial killer dwarf. To retaliate back, the serial killer dwarf uses Lara as a shield, grabbing her long hair and purposely swing her toward the magic fired by the elder brother, which infuriates us both

""DAMN YOU!!"" [Nara, Karon]

But he didn't just stop there. Seeing our reactions, he become even delighted to continue tormenting Lara, and start slamming her to the ground, with spikes from his earth magic damaging and deeply wounding Lara's back.

"Thunder Spear!" [Nara]

"Earth snake golem!" [Karon]

Both of us attack him simultaneously, while also carefully controlling our mana as to not let that damn serial killer dwarf uses Lara as a meat shield. Thankfully for us, instead of using Lara as a shield, he decided to dodge the incoming attack, knowing full well that the thunder spear just now was imbued with the blessing from God of Death, but

"Got you..." [Lara]

Even when she's in pain and was rendered incapable of using her spell by my father, she actually use the thunder spear by Nara, reabsorbing her elder brother attack and directed it directly towards the serial killer dwarf. A direct attack, piercing the right eye, with the exit mark of the thunder spear appearing right at the occipital region of the head. This, in turn, send the serial killer dwarf into an epileptic like state before he subconsciously release his grasp and

(NOW!) "Giant needle!" [Karon]

With Lara now out of danger, and his control over the ancient tunnel abruptly disconnected, I uses my spell and pierce him right from his left foot into his head, hanging him like a strange human flag in a pole. This causes him to somehow regain his consciousness, start back his counterattacks in that awkward position before

"Tch..." [Karon]

He launch the same attack back at me. I'm just glad that it misses the mark by few cm or else I will be dead. The price to pay... My left knee downward is there no more.

"Karon! Heal!" [Lara]

Lara quickly heal me and stop my bleeding. Unlike the usual healing magic, she done it haphazardly. Understandable, considering the situation we are in right now. With barrage of attack left and right, up and down constantly streaming down at us. From attack as sharp as sword to that of an attempt to squash us, no two attacks feel the same

(If this keep on...) [Karon]

We will be meeting God of Death and Goddess Achalasia if we fail to stop him right now itself, which is why

(Stop his puppet magic! Stop his puppet magic!) [Karon]

I channel my own puppet magic into the ancient tunnel, and the two puppet magic started to collide, before suddenly, a mysterious puppet magic flow into my body... No... This is...

(Vincent! Maria! All of you! Stop figjting those devil and get inside the tunnel!) [Traveler king]

A surge of memory, from the Traveler King enter inside my mind, with how hard he work to make the ancient tunnel which connects countries all over Achalasia into one complex networks...

""Karon! Karon!"" [Lara, Nara]

Before I can even grasp what's happening, I can see Lara and Nara, with their worried face, and just behind them, the head of the serial killer dwarf, detcah from the body most likely from either of thejr scythes... lifeless... and yet still smiling creepily... As if smiling at me. A sight which will forever haunt me...