
Opening an orphanage in another world

I got reincarnated and one thing lead to another, I decided to open up and protect the orphanage

muhammad_azmee · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
472 Chs

Chapter 353: Searching for The Holy Beast of Wind, Rampaging Garuda part 13

[Rewinding time, before the devils attacking the New Headquarters]

[At the Cursed Land]

Right now, all of us are waiting for some helping hand from the headquarters to come and help us in regards to searching for the Holy Beast of Wind, Rampaging Garuda

"Sorry, we are a bit late" [Samurai Jacks]

"With Birdie and the other powerful wind user here, I believe we can start testing out what Charlotte had in mind" [Kana]

True enough, I can sense the adventures, knights and some of the people of the church have good mana affinity, plus, their weapons are also imbued with magic stone of the wind as well, so I'm sure they primarily fight alongside wind, making them more than suitable for what's to come

"Before that, why don't we have Charlotte explain it to all of us here once more, for those who didn't get to hear the full explanation" [Samurai Jacks]

"Sure, plus, we make some new discoveries while waiting for you to come here, so I'll be happy to explain it once more" [Charlotte]

With Kara connecting the telephone to other as well, I give them a final rundown of what we will do, and the results that we will most likely get

First, we need to go all the way back, back to when the former royal of the new headquarters tried to capture the Holy Beast in the first place. After tinkering with the tools that they found in the treasury of the new headquarters, Karon incidentally found another hidden function of the tool. Whether he's completely unaware of it before (which is highly unlikely in my opinion), or because he was constantly tinkering with the tool using his dwarf racial magic that the hidden function resurface back (which is more likely the case here), anyway, the function in question is to

"To trap air mana?" [Kana]

"That's right, meaning, those royal and noble, they know for a fact, that the Holy Beast of Wind, was in fact, a formless beast that can manifest itself however it so desire" [Charlotte]

"I see. If that's really true, then I can see what happen back then even more clearly. If I have to guess, they actually done so in secrecy in the first place, but after they failed, the Holy Beast go on a rampage using the form of a garuda, and that's when they make a draft to call the citizen of the country, in order to weaken the "materialize" form of the holy beast" [Jacks]

"We also thought of the same thing just now" [Mara]

"Right, so after further discussion and another important discovery, we came out with a plan" [Kara]

"Another discovery?" [Kana]

"Right, how about you take a look at this" [Mara]

Kara gather the air mana surrounding her and make a large pigeon out of it

"Now then, can you please draw the direction the beak of this pigeon is facing on this map" [Charlotte]


One of the adventures draw a straight line on the map that was provided beforehand. The beauty of this map, is, just like what Karon did to his creation, he makes it possible for the other with similar maps to know of each other location, and when one of the mark or draw something on the map, they will be displayed on the other as well. Simply beautiful, and yet, my praise do injustice to this wonderful creation

"How about other start to draw as well" [Elise]

"Right, but first, let the one with us make similar pigeon" [Rean]

Rean and Elise, on two separate location, speak through the phone. One by one, the groups make their own version of birds, before drawing a straight line on the map with different colours. White. Pink. Black. Brown etc, and as more and more line begin to intersect with each other, they all couldn't help but to have their eyes widen, as they all look at one similar point

"All of them, intersect right here!"

"Than does that mean?"

"It wasn't the case right?" [Nara]

"If that's the case, then surely only us you will call" [Karon]

"That's right, unfortunately, that wasn't the case" [Farhah]

"We couldn't find any sign of holy beast there" [Lara]


"Then what next?"

"Easy, I'm sure they come up with a plan already" [Zerolith]

"That's right Zerolith, we do, and we also think that this is part of the trial provided by the holy beast itself" [Charlotte]

"So what should we do?" [Savel]

"Simple, but an extremely difficult task. All the wind user, please gather all the wind mana from this land and concentrate it at that point" [Charlotte]

"Yikes! That really is simple to say!" [Singa]

"True, especially for the wind user. For other, please help however you can. You can help by separating the wind mana from the three higher elements here, or even can use our own neutral mana to help and push the air through sheer force together with them" [Charlotte]

"This sound really tough"

"Still, we couldn't sit here idly, those devils can strike anytime soon" [Jacks]

"Right. We have lots to do. Birdie, I will pour my power onto you, get ready" [Kana]


And thus, all of us start the work on gathering all the wind mana into the point of intersection. Slowly but surely, we can feel that the concentration of wind mana there getting higher and higher, until one point

"The wind mana, it started to gather all by itself!"

"A tornado is forming!"


"Take cover"

The wind, it's violent! If there's any settlement here, then those settlement can say goodbye to themselves as they will more than likely to be ripped apart. I wonder, is the holy beast purposely choose this location because of that sole reason

"Look!" [Zerolith]

"At the centre of the tornado!" [Elise]

"That is!" [Singa]

"So that's the holy beast of wind..." [Kara]

"A big Garuda" [Charlotte]

"You have done well ten heroes, and their helpers. Allow me to introduce myself, as I am the Holy Beast of Wind, Eternal Wind, though most of you seems to call me as Rampaging Garuda nowadays due to this form that I always use" [Holy beast of Wind, Eternal Wind]

He then change his form into a wind dragon, almost similar looking like the Holy Beast of Water, Ice Dragon Reshir, and change once more into a tall tan looking guy with long brown hair with a spear. Since that form is small, he simply make a gigantic version of it so everyone can see him clearly. Point is, he can change form, and he seem displeased with the fact that most of us call him as Rampaging Garuda


"My magic stone"

"And this magic core of mine!"

"It's becoming even more powerful!"

"It's like an A rank magic core! Maybe even higher!"

"That's my gifts for those who couldn't bear my blessing, as your body will simply be shredded from within should my blessing enter your bodies" [Eternal Wind]

They all got the gifts from the Eternal Wind and couldn't be more happier. Of course, they wanted some blessing as well, but given how Eternal Wind explained to them as to why he couldn't give it to them, they gave up

"And now, to you" [Eternal Wind]

Mr Samurai Jacks, Birdie, Rean, Kara, Mara, Lara, Nara, Singa and Behe as well. They all got the blessing from Eternal Wind! Quite a number of them, so I believe now

Samurai Jacks got his wind affinity getting boosted up

Rean receive new elemental affinity, so now he can wield fire, wind (new one) and dark elements

Kara, Mara, Lara and Nara also got their wind elements boosted up. So Kara and Mara can use wind, earth (from Holy Beast of Earth, Shielding Ant Aries), and Light, while Lara and Nara can use all

Singa got new elemental affinity, so his space magic (a subspecialty of light magic), together with his new wind magic should make a terrific pair. Plus, I seem to recall when we used Chrono Mellontikós back then, he can also use fire, which actually makes sense given who he is

Behe also got new affinity alongside his light magic affinity, and lastly, Birdie. Brother Ash do pump up more of wind and steel mana into him in the past, so it make sense why The Eternal Wind give a blessing to Birdie

"That's all, and now, I shall accompany you to that country" [Eternal Wind]

"Why!?" [Rean]

"Don't tell me!?" [Zerolith]

"That's right, the devils, they're there, and Goddess Achalasia told me to help her beloved saint and saintess there" [Eternal Wind]