
Opening an orphanage in another world

I got reincarnated and one thing lead to another, I decided to open up and protect the orphanage

muhammad_azmee · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
472 Chs

Chapter 343: Searching for The Holy Beast of Wind, Rampaging Garuda part 7


[At Estel]

[Diana point of view]

Thank goodness that all of them safely arrived at the new headquarters without any major issues, though their battles will only begin now. For now, all I can do is put my trust into each one of them, and the citizen of the country to fight against the devil. It will be for the best if nothing happens, though we all know it's nothing but impossible.

Apart from finding and receiving Rampaging Garuda's blessing, they will need to fight against the one of the ten commanders of the devil army. Saintess Angela will most likely involved in it as well. I don't want someone like Rumia to fight, but if she has to, I hope she put down Saintess Angela and teach her a lesson

(A fight between two saintesses...) [Diana]

And there is also the thing that Mrs Aries mentioned.

"Excuse me your highness, I'm coming in" [Bladel]

"Please, do so" [Diana]

The head of Valkyrie, Bladel enter for her daily report. As usual

"Good. Please keep it up. Also, please pass these notes to those adventures" [Diana]

"Understood!" [Bladel]

Looks like there are no suspicious figures trying to get to Rafiah (Although there are multiple reports from Bladel saying that the adventures are all trying to hit on her... Usual stuff for the oblivious Rafiah I guess)

The two traitorous princes giving up on Rafiah to pursue other sources of Seraph and Iblis powers? Unlikely. If anything, I feel that they will take Rafiah, Seraph and Demon King Druser (for his soon to get Iblis power) all for themselves. Right now, I don't want to disclose Rafiah's identify, but...

"We should probably discuss it with her" [Qis]

"You took the word straight out of my mouth" [Diana]

Not only her though. Ash for once, know about her. So does some of the people around her like Claude and Filvisar. I should discuss with those three first and see how to proceed from there on

This after all, involve my citizen as well, not only her. I don't want to strain our relationship, but if I must, I should not be hesitant to do so


""So you finally found it"" [Lara, Nara]

"Found what?" [Farhah]

""The tool"" [Lara, Nara]

"Hm?" [Elise]

"Gahgahgah, you two, how about let them take a seat first before we start our discussion" [Gilbert]

"True. Plus, they must be rather tired after the long journey" [Saint Louis]

""Right"" [Lara, Nara]

Taking my seat between Lara and Nara, Mr Kana and Mr Jacks quickly recap what happen ever since they arrive here. They met with Lara and Nara, they rescue the vampire and giants, they continue their search of the holy beast, and most recently, through the main effort of Seo Ah, Alicia, Mr Seraph and Saint Louis

"So this pot will guide us to the Holy Beast of Wind?" [Elise]

"Yes. Please, have a look at this" [Saint Louis]

Saint Louis brought out few large size rainbow colours feathers, and as soon as he does that

"The pot! It's reacting to it!" [Farhah]

"I see. I suppose we will be using this pot that can react to the holy beast of wind presence, and search the entirety of cursed land by using it" [Rean]

"For now. That's the plan" [Jacks]

"It's rather inefficient, but that's what we can do for now" [Gilbert]

"Hmm..." [Karon]

"Is something the matter Karon?" [Farhah]

"O Saint Louis, can you please let me have a look at the pot" [Karon]

"I don't see why not" [Saint Louis]

Instead of passing it down, Saint Louis get up from the seat himself and give Karon the pot (which make Karon rather distraught... Everyone will feel the same, making a saint do something like that.. Saint Louis and Saintess Rumia however, didn't even bother about it.) Karon start looking at the pot, and all of us have our eyes on him, hoping the next word that will come out of his mouth will be

"Give me a day. I'll try to replicate and create several of it" [Karon]

"That's our Karon!" [Zerolith]

""Always reliable!!"" [Kara, Mara]

As exciting as I am, there's one thing that I am still thinking. Maybe I should ask Saint Louis, Mr Seraph and Karon while we are at it

"Still, I'm curious. Just how did this pot react to the feathers of the holy beast" [Charlotte]

"Same here" [Savel]

"Do you have any ideas?" [Singa]

"Well..." [Saint Louis]

Saint Louis mention that the pot has been imbued with search magic that will react to any Holy Mana. As such, even Saint Louis and Mr Seraph's own mana can activate the pot should they like. He also mentioned that Holy mana will usually react with one another, causing resonance that can do wonders

"Well, I am rather curious now, do you have holy mana Karon?" [Kanji]

"As a matter of fact, I don't, but..." [Karon]

"But?" [Seo Ah]

"I was thinking of using a different approach" [Karon]

"You mean by using your puppet magic" [Farhah]

"Correct. The pot by itself isn't that hard too made. The mana conductivity of the pot is rather good, so the material might be a bit hard to get but I could easily recreate any material now thanks to the holy beast of earth blessing. In fact, it doesn't even have to be a pot as the main start of this tool is the wonderful search magic inside of it" [Karon]

"True. I can see the problem of recreating this tool lies in the search magic inside the pot. As a court magician, I must say even I can't easily recreate it. Someone proficient enough in magic like Brother Ash, Queen Rinz of Kiserre or maybe even Princess Nurhaliza of Malsia can probably recreate it, but as for me, I'm afraid my neutral magic proficiency aren't up there together with them" [Charlotte]

"Which is why I thought of using puppet magic to bypass it" [Karon]

"Things will be easier if we have the Goddess Treasure Chest with us now, but yeah..." [Mara]

"In any case, if you need any help, don't be afraid to ask our help" [Rumia]

"If you don't mind, I can start now itself. Is there any workshop that I can use?" [Karon]

"Just rest first. Haste make waste" [Saint Louis]

"Louis is right, you should probably rest first" [Gilbert]

Did he just call Saint Louis as only Louis?