
Opening an orphanage in another world

I got reincarnated and one thing lead to another, I decided to open up and protect the orphanage

muhammad_azmee · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
472 Chs

Chapter 228: They are coming?


[Motra's family house]

[Female paladin point of view]

Insect beastman. While not exactly rule of thumb, most can be divided into male, female or gynandromorph. Since Motra is the first one I ever who is a gynandromorph, I thought that his/her family would be the same.

"Your highness... I beg forgiveness for what Motra had done"

"I never thought he/she would... he/she is an upstanding noble and adventure... Not to mention how those who he/she train and make apprentices all adore him/her"

"That's up to the judicial system of us to decide. For now, let me ask you few things" [Leogris]


Judicial system of the Beast and Demon kingdom. Unlike that of human country where nobles are the one holding and running it and thus, abusing it, here however, they're entirely a separate organisation. Not to say it is perfect as they can still be bribed etc, but at least it's noteworthy enough to gain the attention of both Princess Diana and Princess Nurhaliza. If I'm not mistaken, one of Sir Ceanu Reaves objective to travel was to find multiple talents all across Achalasia, but sadly for him, he couldn't find a good judge or lawyer to recruit

"And how about Zin? You don't even know how that half giant disappears overnight and mysteriously appears in Estel?" [Leogris]

"I'm afraid not. Zin usually a very gentle and likeable person. So him suddenly gone missing do make us worry. We ask for adventure and our own knight to search for him but none could find him"

"But..." [Young noble]

"What is it, young man" [Leogris]

The young noble, a male butterfly beastman, Motra's little brother suddenly speak after staying quite

"I don't know whether this is relevant..." [Young noble]

He appears unconfident. Maybe it's because of Motra being almost a perfect role figure for him suddenly turn out to be fighting on the wrong side. At least that's the impression that I got from his body language

"Speak, young man" [Leogris]

"Right... Zin is usually with brother. They are always together. But, when that lady came..." [Little brother]

""That lady?""

It appears Motra's parents didn't knew about this lady. They genuinely have no idea who is that lady

"Zin suddenly become... Imbecile I guess? I notice that his already limited speech pattern becoming even worse, and as for brother... He seems to have some sort of plan with that lady. They always go out just right until the time Mrs Aries came back then" [Young noble]

"Back then? You mean before Princess Diana debutante party?" [Druser]

"Yes. I thought it would have something to do with the mysterious lady. Plus, every time she came, Zin speech pattern become worse" [Young noble]

"Could she be... The mysterious witch, Saintess Angela?" [Female paladin]

"Hard to say, but the probability of it seems high" [Leogris]

"Agree. That, or Agnes. Both are indeed plausible" [Druser]

Still, this only shows that Motra's involvement with the group Achalasia Externa, something that we already knew. If anything, we need new info but

"Let just move on. If anything, I'll come here again at a later date" [Leogris]

""Yes, your highness""

Looks like the other are getting the same idea. Further questioning might not reveal anything new, so

(Singa's mother, Sachmis house. I wonder what we could find there) [Female paladin]


[Rean point of view]

"This treasure chest contain the mystic water!" [Kadeus]

"Finally..." [Lily]

"After 46 treasure chests, and more than half of them are mimics with no loot..." [Ray]

"Now now, we did get SOME valuable loot out of it, so..." [Rean]

(...) [Muse]

"Something wrong, Muse?" [Ray]

"You have been acting weird ever since at the entrance" [Lily]

"Did Rean do something bad to you?" [Kadeus]

"Oh... Well, Rean still refuse giving me a goodbye kiss, that's his wrongdoing" [Muse]

"Ohh!" [Lily]

"Joke aside, I notice you both have been acting strange, about the group of beastman at the entrance was it?" [Ray]

"Sharp, aren't you" [Rean]

"True. Something about them feel off, but I guess this is not the right place to mention that" [Muse]

Muse gives us a signal to quickly went back to the dungeon entrance, and all of us quietly nods and move quickly

Once we are outside the dungeon, she quickly went to the adventure guild, looking for

"Alice. I know this is your last day here, but could you check something for me?" [Muse]

"LAST DAY!" [Other]

"So that little lady, Lisa there is..." [Swordman adventure]

"I'll be replacing her, since Alice will become a school teacher in Princess Diana and Ash new school" [Lisa]

"I plan to keep it a secret until my shift ended, but, what do you want, Muse?" [Alice]

I did know about it. Brother Ash spoil the secret. Lisa, the teenage girl, who lost her family in Kiserre's incident and currently living with Mr Bond, Kronbir and Cupid, are replacing, or should O say filling in the spot left by Sis Alice departure from the adventure guild

"The ancient tunnel in the Rock and Sea dungeon? And the suspicious group of beastman that you saw back then" [Alice]

"Lisa, give us a hand. We will search about the document pertaining to the ancient tunnel" [Ram's daughter]

"I will" [Lisa]

While the three adventure guild receptionists did their job, two adventure enter the guild

"Rean. I received Bobunny's message from you, and indeed, the beastman group you mention are acting rather strangely" [Jacks]

"I knew it! But..." [Muse]

"But?" [Other]

"Rean, I never knew you ask Bobunny's clone to relay a message! What other secrets have you been hiding from me!" [Muse]

"Muse, now is not the time" [Rean]

"Before things escalate, here, the record regarding the ancient tunnel" [Alice]

"Right, thank you. So, Muse, what is this all about?" [Rean]

"Dodging the question aren't you! Fine, I'll sulk!" [Muse]

She do love teasing and messing with me, but she quickly analyzes the ancient tunnel map before

"Before that, Mr Jacks and Mr Hunter, care to explain about the beastman? What strange thing did they do?" [Muse]

"Well, I can say that they're close with each other and..." [Jacks]

While the other adventures and receptionist coming in closer to hear what Mr Jacks are saying, I notice guild master Ram also did the same. When did he came?

"That's indeed a little bit strange" [Dwarf adventure]

"True. All of them could just stay at Alice's parent inn, and yet, they choose not to" [Female elf adventure]

"True. Alice's parents inn isn't fully booked, and those guys seems rather familiar with each other, which make it even strange. At least that's the impression that the both of us got" [Hunter adventure]

"I see. Well, something was off with them, but I couldn't exactly tell. Can you Muse?" [Rean]

"Indeed. What make you think they're rather suspicious?" [Kadeus]

"Their clothes. Rather, the dirt on their clothes" [Muse]

"?" [Other]

"Let me explain. From the way they dress up, it gives the impression of someone traveling from far away, and since they're traveling using the Rock and Sea dungeon, you would expect their clothes to be wet as well as sticky with some beach sand, and yet, they didn't" [Muse]

"So that's why! Now I know why you're asking the ancient tunnel map! The dirt on their clothes, its resemble those who just enter a tight closed space like a tunnel or a cave!" [Rean]

"Suspicious indeed. But there could be other explanation like they just use earth magic, and because of that, they become dirty" [Ram]

"Indeed. That is also plausible. But that still doesn't explain why they didn't get wet from the countless waves hitting the main road. Plus, the timing is rather..." [Muse]

"Rather?" [Rean]

"This might be me, overthinking, but what if they're The True Beastman Group, trying to get their hands on Farhah. They are known to kidnap elves after all" [Muse]

"!" [Other]

"Indeed... There's a possibility on that one... Plus with Farhah identity being exposed by Motra..." [Alice]

"Good grief. The timing couldn't be more obvious. I'll tell Princess Diana about it. Jacks and the other, keep following the beastman. Report any suspicious activity. As for the rest of you, coordinate among yourselves regarding the timing of patrol" [Ram]

"Yes!" [Other]

Farhah... I hope Muse is wrong about it, but

"Thank you Muse" [Rean]

"I just hope I am overthinking about it" [Muse]

"Indeed, but sometimes, your prediction can be rather accurate" [Ray]

"Let just hope nothing bad will happen" [Lily]

"True beastman group... I guess Lily and I should involve more actively. Don't want them to cause trouble for us all" [Kadeus]

"Let do our best!" [Lily]