
2. Chapter Two

Nicole settles into life at the Earp Ranch with ease, the first few weeks passing by in a blur of hard labor, mountain views and smiles from Waverly Earp.

She spends any downtime (though there really isn't much) learning the land, riding the miles and miles of vast fields.

She even picks out her favorite tree on the property. It’s an old western-yellow pine that grows high into the blue sky on the banks of a river that winds through the fields. Nicole fully intends to sit against it and watch the water run by at the first opportunity.

By the end of her first month, she fits in seamlessly with the other ranch hands, and they work together as a well oiled machine.

Calves are born and brought out to initial pasture with regularity throughout the spring. The only loss of the season turns out to be the Heifer who passed during Nicole’s first night watch.

Luckily, the calf born that night has flourished despite not having it’s own mother to feed from.

They tried having the little guy feed from another Heifer at first, but it never quite took, so instead they take turns feeding him from an oversized bottle, Waverly taking on the task more than anyone.

It’s cute, the bond they’ve formed. Nicole can’t help but smile whenever she finds Waverly in the barn, talking away to the calf as it feeds from the bottle, as if it can understand her.

The calf has a particular marking of brown on the back of the head that makes it easy for Nicole to pick out in the herd, and she finds herself looking out for him a bit more than the others.

Not that she would ever admit to that.

Nor would she ever admit why.

She does her best to keep her ridiculous crush to herself. She knows it’s a terrible idea, and could possibly get her fired if anyone ever found out.

Most of the time she’s able to play it close to the vest. At least, she’d like to think so.

But sometimes, well, sometimes the moments sneak up on her.

Like this afternoon.

She’s up in the loft of the main barn, a conveyer belt angled up from the ground through the large second story doors, feeding bales of hay one after the other for Nicole and Doc to stack up for later use.

It’s grueling, dirty and sweaty work.

Nicole loves it.

Doc motions to her that he’s stepping away from the belt for a minute, before heading towards the stairs.

Nicole is solely focused on catching the bales of hay and swinging them over to the stacked row currently being built up, but when she vaguely hears a familiar melodious laugh her eyes wander of their own volition to the stairs to find Doc and Waverly engaged in conversation.

Nicole fully intends to turn her attention right back to her work, really, but the crop top Waverly is wearing has other ideas.

The thud of a hay bale hitting the floor draws Nicole’s attention back to the task at hand, and she quickly reaches down to grab it, hoping the pair did not notice.

When she turns back to grab the next bale she knows her hope is in vain.

Doc has an eyebrow raised at her, and Waverly gives her a quick smile and wave before setting off down the stairs.

Doc takes his time, sauntering back over to the belt.

“You all right there Haught? Lose sight of your task for a second?”

Nicole laughs it off, schooling her features into casual.

“You going to get back to work here old man, or just sit there shooting the breeze?”

His dimples come out as he grins, but he drops it and joins back in the stacking.

By the time they finish the sun is just starting to set.

It’s been a long and physically exhausting day, but the way the sky is starting to change into the most beautiful colors keeps Nicole on the second floor of the barn for a few more minutes, leaning against the frame of the open doors, gaze fixed on the landscape.

Late spring has clearly arrived, by the way the fields are becoming a more vibrant green, the mountains losing some of the white fingers of snow snaking down their crevices.

“This is one of my favorite spots on the whole ranch, just for the sunset view.”

Nicole startles, whipping her head around to see Waverly approaching.

She gives Nicole an apologetic smile. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“No worries. Now, if you had startled me so much I accidentally plunged to my death? Then maybe I would have been upset. Probably would have haunted your ass for years, to be honest. But that didn’t happen, so we’re good.” Nicole shrugs, and gives a casual smile.

Waverly raises her eyebrows, one corner of her mouth curling up softly. “Wow. Well then, remind me not to ever risk startling you again.”

“That seems like a solid plan.”

Nicole can’t help the way her eyes are drawn to Waverly’s hair, and how the gold of the setting sun is highlighting the gentle waves it falls in today.

Her gaze pauses when she notices a piece of hay sticking out from the side.

“Um, you’ve got something...” she trails off, reaching a hand towards Waverly’s head before freezing the action, unsure if she has permission to touch.

Waverly pats at her head in the wrong spot. “Oh god, what is it? Please tell me it’s just hay or dirt, and not bird shit or something.”

Nicole laughs. She quickly picked up on the fact that the Earp girls do not have any qualms about swearing, and Waverly’s favorite curse word seems to be ‘shit’, and all of its variations.

“Just a piece of hay. I can get it for you.” She reaches out again, grabbing the straw of hay.

She rolls the piece between thumb and index finger as she pulls it back.

Waverly watches the action intently, before her eyes flick up to Nicole’s.

And Nicole feels trapped.

Trapped in the moment and the way the sunlight is dancing in Waverly’s eyes. She can feel her heart pounding in her chest.

“Hey Waves, baby, you up there?”

An unfamiliar male voice breaks the moment, and Nicole takes a small step back at the same time Waverly does.

“Yeah Champ, I’m here.”

The boy, Champ, bounds up the stairs of the barn, walking right up to Waverly to plant a noisy kiss on her lips.

Nicole would have pegged his name as Biff, if anyone asked, but Champ gives a similar enough feel.

He’s got enough gel in his hair that his head would probably go up in flames if someone lit a match within ten feet of him. He’s handsome enough though, so Nicole figures he’s got that going for him.

He maneuvers himself behind Waverly, wrapping one arm around the front of her shoulders while reaching out a muscular, tattooed arm to Nicole for a handshake.

“Champ. I’m this adorable little things boyfriend. And you are?”

His entire posture and air screams ‘mine’ in regards to Waverly, and Nicole has to fight hard to suppress an eye roll.

Seems they have a real boy-man on their hands then.

“Nicole. Nicole Haught. I’m the new ranch hand.”

“Ooohhhh, right, Waves told me she was hiring someone new. I didn’t realize it’d be a chic.”

Nicole clenches her jaw, telling herself he isn’t worthy of her aggravation.

He certainly isn’t worthy of Waverly either, but that’s really not for her to decide.

Waverly finally interjects, saving the moment. “Yeah, well, Nicole was definitely the right person for the job. She’s been a perfect fit.”

Nicole can’t quite keep the smile from her face at the words.

“Ready to head to dinner?”

Champ gives a series of quick, sloppy kisses to the side of Waverly’s head before answering. “Of course baby, let’s go.”

He gives Nicole one last fleeting glance. “Nice meeting you Nicky.”

They’re down the stairs by the time she mutters “It’s Nicole.”

She gives them a few minute head start before leaving the barn, not keen on catching anymore displays of affection.

Dusk has fallen by the time she makes it to her cabin.

After a glorious hot shower and dinner, Nicole tries to relax, but she can’t turn her mind off. She thinks maybe a walk outside might help still the mental train.

As she walks by the main house she doesn’t even notice Wynonna at first, but the familiar sound of liquid sloshing in a bottle draws Nicole’s eyes to the front porch.

There are multiple chairs scattered along the wrap around porch, but Wynonna is sitting in none of them, opting to sit directly on the porch, back against the siding of the front of the house.

When Wynonna notices Nicole’s presence, she gives a little wave with the bottle.

“How goes it Haught-stuff?”

“It’s going. How about yourself?”

“Great.” Wynonna makes a funny looking face that seems like a cross between a smile and a grimace before taking another swig from the bottle.

“You sure about that?” Nicole can’t help the feeling that Wynonna is not quite her usual sarcastic, casual self tonight.

Wynonna shrugs before smacking at the porch next to herself and jerking her head towards the spot.

“Pull up some real estate and have a drink with me.”

Nicole slowly makes her way up the porch steps, her body protesting after the long work day. She slides down beside Wynonna, mirroring her position of one leg out straight, the other bent at the knee.

Wynonna hands over the bottle.

Nicole’s worked here long enough, and spent enough time with Wynonna, to know not to refuse. She takes a healthy swig before handing the bottle back.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” She tries again.

Wynonna huffs out a laugh. “I’m fine. Just felt like a little drinking and stargazing…” She trails off, her eyes losing their focus. “It’s the anniversary-” Her eyes sharpen again as she cuts herself off, shaking her head. “Never mind that, boring stuff, wouldn’t want to put you to sleep.”

Nicole highly doubts that would happen, but she doesn’t want to pry.

They sit in amicable silence for a few minutes, listening as the chirp of crickets rise up in the dark around them.

“So what’s your story Haught? How does a girl like you end up in a place like this?”

Nicole is the one shrugging this time. “Oh, you know, been working on ranches for eight years or so, taking jobs for however long they’re available, moving on when they’re not. Looking for that right fit, ya know?”

Wynonna makes a humming noise.

“Family? Siblings or parents?”

Nicole gives a tight smile. “I have an older sister. She’s got a couple kids, a husband. My parents are still alive.”

Wynonna rolls her head to the side to look at Nicole. “Shit heads?”

“Nah, not really. It’s just, once they realized I really wasn’t going to settle down with a nice man and give them more grand babies, or take over the family farm, well, they didn’t have a whole lot of use for me.”

“Dude, parents suuuuuck.” Wynonna draws the last word out.

“Yeah?” Nicole asks. She’s trying to tread carefully without crossing boundaries, but she must admit, she’s curious about the Earp sisters’ background.

Wynonna chuckles. “Yeah. Our Mama got restless of the ranch life when Waves was four and took off, haven’t heard a word from her since. And Daddy? Well, let’s just say, we share more than one personality trait.” She shakes the bottle in her hand to convey her meaning.

Nicole feels an ache start in the pit of her stomach thinking about that kind of childhood.

“Honestly, if it wasn’t for Shorty and Nedley, this place probably would’ve fallen apart before Wave and I had the chance to take over.”

“Well, I have to say, I’m pretty happy that didn’t happen. I kinda like it here.”

Wynonna makes a disgusted face, taking another drink from the bottle before wiping her lips with the back of her sleeve.

“God, Haught who knew you were such a sap?”

Nicole gives a quiet chuckle, not bothering to answer.

Wynonna falls silent again, and Nicole knows she should leave it alone, but she feels compelled to ask, even though the answer is already pretty clear.

“And your Dad? Where is he now?”

Wynonna shakes her head softly, her eyes going distant again. “They found him out in the fields one day, said he had a heart attack. I still don’t know if that’s true, or if they made that the official story for Waverly’s benefit.”

They fall into silence again, but it’s easy, and Nicole is happy to find it not at all uncomfortable to sit here with Wynonna after a conversation like that.

A barn owl hoots in the night, eliciting a ‘fucking creepy’ from Wynonna.

After that they fall into easier conversation, about childhood shenanigans and teenage drunken hijinks.

Unsurprisingly, Wynonna has more drunken stories than Nicole.

They’re so engrossed in their conversation neither of them even notice Waverly until she’s standing right in front of them, eyebrows raised in question.

“Are you two drunk?”

“Waaaaaaaves, good to see you too.” Wynonna answers ignoring the question. She narrows her eyes. “What are you doing back? I didn’t think I’d see you till morning.”

Waverly runs a hand through her hair (her really shiny, pretty hair, Nicole thinks), as her eyes drift away.

“Oh you know, I decided to call it night. Champ was being…”

“Champ?” Wynonna supplies, popping the ‘p’ at the end of his name with her lips.

Waverly scowls, but her face softens instantly. “Well, yeah.”

Wynonna shakes her head. “I honestly have no idea what you see in that asshole.”

“Limited dating options Wynonna, and he’s not that bad.”

Wynonna scoffs. “Whatever you say Waves, it’s your life, you’re free to date whatever scum you want, I guess.”

An awkward silence falls over them, until Wynonna goes and breaks it, making Nicole really wish she hadn’t.

“Speaking of limited dating options, can you think of any ladies in town off the top of your head that might have interest in our resident Haught ranch hand here?”

Nicole’s heart sinks in her chest. She'd like to disappear right about now.

It’s not that she keeps her a sexuality a secret, all the guys know at this point, and hell, she’d essentially outed herself to Wynonna during their first conversation.

No, it’s more that, for whatever reason, the topic hasn’t come up with Waverly yet.

Nicole holds her breath, hating the nervousness she can feel creeping up her spine as she waits for Waverly to react.

There’s a hint of surprise in Waverly’s eyes when they flick to Nicole for a split second, but it’s gone in an instant as her eyes return to Wynonna.

“I can’t say that I do, and I doubt Nicole needs your matchmaking help anyway. Not to mention, you have your own terrible track record when it comes to picking partners.”

“Hey! I’ll have you know, I have fantastic taste!”

Nicole lets out a slow breath in relief as the sisters start to bicker back and forth. That went about as well as she could hope.

She doesn’t miss the vague reference to ‘multiple horses in the stable’ Waverly levels at her sister, which confirms some of the things Nicole’s noticed around here when it comes to Wynonna and the other ranch hands. Doc and Dolls, in particular.

Nicole figures it’s time to make her exit when Waverly starts her long list of ill-suited guys Wynonna hooked up with in high school.

She groans as she stands, her body stiff from sitting on the hard wood. Her eyes widen when she realizes both Earp girls have stopped talking and are staring at her.

“Hey, don’t stop the show on my account,” she holds her hands up in front of her, “I just figured it was time I called it a night. Work to do in the morning and all.”

“Fine, leave me here with this wretched child, see if I care.” Wynonna pouts, but it doesn’t hold malice.

“Oh I’m sure you’ll be just fine.” She spares a glance at Waverly, still a little nervous after the earlier conversation.

“Night Waverly.”

But Waverly just gives her a soft smile and wave, like always, with a quiet “Night Nicole.”

Nicole slowly makes her way back towards the cabins.

She swears she can feel Waverly’s eyes on her as she disappears into the darkness.


“Are you fucking kidding me?”

Wynonna hops down from her horse and stalks over to the destroyed piece of fencing.

She and Nicole have been riding the perimeter of the land for hours, checking the fencing to make sure it’s ready for when they start rotating cattle amongst the fields.

The calves are all big enough to make shorter trips, and it’s imperative to rotate them through the fields for optimal grass feed before they make the long overnight cattle drive to the far pastures come summer.

So far everything looked to be in great shape, until they came upon a small, completely missing section of fence.

The remnants of what used to hold the perimeter together lay charred on the ground.

Nicole furrows her brow in confusion. She’s encountered rare occurrences of lightning burning a section of fence, but this seems too large a gap, and the wood stakes seem too burnt, as if they were on fire for a prolonged period of time.

She dismounts her horse to drop down next to Wynonna, who’s on her knees inspecting the damage.

“Revenant scum.” Wynonna spits out.

“Huh?” Nicole does not understand the reference.

Wynonna waves a hand at the fields beyond the fencing. “Revenant Ranch. It borders our ranch on the north side. Run by a scumbag who’s made no secret about how much he’s wanted to buy us out for years, double his operation size. When Waves and I refused, well, it made enemies out of us.”

“Apparently.” Nicole runs her hand over the charred wood, black soot smearing across her glove.

She’s heard of feuds developing between ranches, but never been part of one herself before.

“Why don’t we head back? I’ll grab some supplies and a couple of the boys and we’ll get this fixed up in no time?” She offers.

Wynonna nods, hardened eyes still looking across the horizon. “Sounds like a plan Haught.”


The sun hasn’t quite started to set by the time they’re almost finished repairing the fence.

Levi and Shorty leave Nicole and Dolls to make the finishing touches, loading most of the tools into one of two ATV vehicles the property has, before driving back towards the main property for evening rounds.

Nicole assumes the boys forgot something when she hears the distant drone of an approaching vehicle, but when she looks up she finds the Earp sisters coming to a stop in the other ATV.

“How goes it?” Wynonna asks.

“Good, we’ll be wrapping up soon.”

Wynonna nods, her eyes sweeping down the length of the fence.

Dolls clears his throat, giving a head tilt to Wynonna. “Might not hurt to take a quick lap in the ATV to make sure the rest of the fencing in this area is still intact.”

“Good idea, let’s ride.”

“Wait-" Waverly calls out, but Wynonna throws a hand in the air as she’s walking away.

“We’ll be back in just a few baby girl. Sit tight and keep Haught-pants company, okay?”

They hop in the ATV and drive away before Waverly even finishes her “But I have somewhere I have to be soon…” She cuts herself off with a sigh. “That is just like her.”

Nicole rubs the back of her neck and smiles at Waverly apologetically.

Waverly smiles back, but her body language is tense, and Nicole can tell she has places to be.

Nicole looks to her horse, an idea forming in her head. Not a very good one, but an idea nonetheless.

She clears her throat, drawing Waverly’s attention back to her.

“I’m almost done here, if you wanted, I could maybe…give you a ride?”

Waverly looks confused for about ten seconds before it dawns on her, and her eyebrows raise a fraction of an inch.

“You mean, on your horse?”

“Well…yeah. I don’t know that it would be the most comfortable thing for you, but it’d get you back home a lot faster than walking, or waiting for Wynonna and Dolls to get back. There’s enough day light left for me to make it back out here to finish up before darkness.”

Nicole waits.

A nervous energy courses through her body as the seconds tick by. This is the first extended period of time her and Waverly have spent together alone since the night on the porch.

For some reason, this feels like a test of sorts to Nicole, to see if they can still be as easy and friendly with each other as before.

Waverly gives one more look over her shoulder towards where Wynonna and Dolls took off through the field. When her gaze returns there’s a humorous light to it, and it relaxes Nicole.

“Why not? Who knows how the hell long those two will be.”

Nicole grins, moving to mount her horse.

She steps into the stirrup and hoists herself up, swinging a leg over the horse before sliding as far up in the saddle as she can go.

She lowers a hand to help Waverly up.

Nicole feels a tiny jolt at the initial contact when Waverly takes her hand, but she keeps her expression neutral, offering a steady leverage as Waverly swings up behind her.

It takes her a moment to settle in against Nicole’s back; a moment Nicole spends questioning her own sanity, because really, how did she ever think this would be a good idea?

Waverly ‘harrumphs’ from behind her.

“Something wrong back there?” She turns her head to look back, catching Waverly’s eye.

“No, nothing wrong. Just not thrilled to have no view of where we’re going. Drawback of the whole challenged height thing.”

Nicole likes Waverly’s height just fine, but she keeps that to herself.

“Would you prefer the front?”

The surprise is evident on Waverly's face. “You would actually let me sit in front?”

“Well yeah, I mean, technically this is your horse. I’m not too proud to take the back seat.”

The smile Waverly gives her is soft. “Good to know.”

They stare at each other for a moment too long, before Nicole realizes herself. She clears her throat and raises an eyebrow in question. “So, you wanna switch?”

Waverly shakes her head. “No, thank you for the offer though, I’ll be all right.”

Nicole sets them off at a slow pace, wanting to ensure the ride is comfortable and safe for Waverly.

After a few minutes she hears Waverly sigh again.

“Having second thoughts about staying back there?”

“No, just wondering if we'll make it back to the house sometime this week, at the speed we're going.”

Nicole throws her head back and laughs.

And christ, she can feel Waverly press a smile into the back of her shoulder.

“Is that a hint to pick up the pace?”

“I wouldn't really call it a hint.”

“Well all right then, you better hold on tight Earp.”

She waits until Waverly’s arms wrap securely around her waist before spurring the horse into a gallop, trying desperately to ignore the way her stomach flips at the contact.

Waverly lets out a giggle that gets lost to the wind, and Nicole feels so free in the moment, with Waverly snug up against her back, flying across the field on horseback.

It’s over too quickly for Nicole’s liking, but she knows she will never, ever, be able to forget how it felt, just for a moment, to have Waverly Earp so close.

They come to a stop in front of the main barn, and Nicole offers her hand again to help Waverly dismount.

Waverly sports pink cheeks and windblown hair, and an honest to goodness grin when she hits the ground.

It takes Nicole’s breath away.

“Thanks for the ride, cowboy.”

When Nicole raises an eyebrow Waverly chuckles. “Sorry, cowgirl.”

“That’s more like it. And anytime.”

She starts the horse at a trot before reigning it around, circling back to face Waverly, who is still standing there watching her.

She touches two fingers to the brim of her stetson, tipping it down just a fraction. “Ma’am.”

The smile Waverly gives her stays fresh in mind as she spurs the horse back into a gallop across the field.

The grin that overtakes her face doesn’t leave until she’s all the way back to the fencing.

She is in so much trouble.