
11. Chapter Eleven

Normally when the fall comes, things gradually slow down on a ranch, but Nicole feels like she has more to do than ever.

Some of it is even actual ranch work.

A good chunk of her time off the job is spent with Waverly, which is something Nicole has zero complaints about, but the rest of the time she finds herself looking for ways to keep tabs on Levi without being obvious about it.

Like right now.

Nicole peaks her head around the corner of the barn, catching sight of Levi in the pasture with the cows. Most of them will be sold off soon, so it’s imperative for someone to make the rounds each day with the herd to ensure no health issues arise.

“Find any smoking guns yet.”

Nicole jumps about a foot into the air at the sound of Doc’s gruff voice. She spins around with a hand pressed to her chest. “Jesus Doc, you almost gave me a heart attack.”

Doc does not look one bit apologetic; on the contrary, he grins in amusement.

Nicole’s jaw ticks. She grabs the hat off Doc’s head and swats him in the shoulder with it repeatedly. “You–are–an–ass, Doc Holliday, you know that?”

“Watch the mustache.” Doc holds his hands up to protect his face, even though Nicole didn’t once come close to hitting him there. Maybe she should have.

She shoves the hat into his chest for him to take back. “I swear to god, you love your facial hair more than you do people.”

“Heh.” Doc doesn’t make an effort to refute the accusation. He pushes his hair back from his face to place the hat back on his head. “See anything out of the ordinary today?”

Nicole sets her mouth in a grim line, looking around the corner again. “No.”

It’s the same outcome as yesterday, and the days before that.

Nicole can’t watch Levi up close much. Considering everything that’s occurred between them, it would be highly suspicious if she started spending more time around him by her own choice.

Instead, Doc tails Levi whenever he can. If Levi mentions going into town, Doc makes up an excuse for needing to go too. Doc offers to partner up with Levi for any ranch work while Fish is out of commission. If Levi is out and about after nightfall, Doc goes for a little mosey himself.

So far they’ve turned up nothing to implicate Levi. Sometimes Nicole wonders if her dislike for him is clouding her judgement. Perhaps she’s making connections that point to Levi because she wants to.

But the thing is, everything in Nicole’s gut is screaming that Levi is the guy. And Nicole has always done well by trusting in her gut. Not to mention, the second she raised the idea to Doc he kicked himself for not seeing the connections sooner.

“Is this some sort of special secret club, or can I join?”

This time it’s Doc who jumps. “How do you like it?” Nicole mutters at him before turning her full attention to Wynonna.

“Nothing special or secret going on here, just discussing work. All work talk here.” Nicole answers, her words coming out faster than normal. She mentally sighs at herself, because way to sound absurdly suspicious.

Wynonna narrows her eyes. “That sounds...awful. Please get more interesting lives so you have other things to talk about.”

“We would be happy to oblige. Got any suggestions?” Doc responds. Nicole doesn’t miss his wink at Wynonna, who rolls her eyes.

“Yeah, I suggest you find more interesting things away from here. I actually need to steal Nicole for a bit.”

Doc rocks back on his heels, nonplussed by Wynonna’s dismissal. Nicole figures he’s well acclimated to the push and pull nature of his relationship with Wynonna by now.

“Very well.” He backs away a few steps, his eyes cutting to Levi still in the pasture. He tosses another wink, this time at Nicole, before he turns on his heel and heads in that direction, whistling as he goes.

Wynonna watches him walk away. Well, watches parts of him, anyway, before she focuses on Nicole. “Got time to take a little ride with me, check out some fences?”

Nicole assumes there’s another reason for the invite, because there isn’t much need to check on the fences. The perimeter has been checked, and old sections replaced, throughout the summer.

“Sure thing. Horses or ATV?” Nicole asks.

Wynonna’s eyes sweep over the land, focusing on the hills in the distance. “Let’s take the horses.”

Wynonna seems almost tense for the first half hour of the ride. They make small talk, and Wynonna never lets up with her casual sarcastic jokes or innuendos, but Nicole can tell there’s something simmering under the surface. Not to mention, they haven’t once looked at the fences.

“What do you think about chickens?”

Nicole’s brow furrows at the question. She ponders it for a moment, wondering if there could possibly be more meaning to it. “Are you asking what I think about their existence in general? What I think of them as a protein source? Or…?” She trails off.

Wynonna sighs beside her. “You’re such an asshole sometimes.”

Nicole shrugs, not taking any offense. “Maybe, but get back to the chickens.”

Wynonna jerks one of her shoulders in what Nicole assumes is a shrug.“Waves and I have been talking about some ideas for the ranch lately, but I don’t know.” She stops there, eyes wandering to the stream they’re riding along.

Nicole pulls her horse to a stop, sensing the conversation is going to take some prodding from her. “Okay, what sort of ideas?”

“I don’t know.” Wynonna repeats, letting out a small sigh before she speaks again. “When we first took over this place Waverly had some ideas to change things. I didn’t really care much because I wasn’t even sure I wanted this podunk place.” Wynonna rolls her eyes and shakes her head. “No, that’s not true. I didn’t want this place.”

Nicole nods, thinking it over. “Understandable. I’m just going on a hunch here, but in high school I doubt you put ranch owner under your future aspirations in the yearbook?”

Wynonna makes a face. “God no. In high school I wanted to get out of this rinky-dink town, go see the world. I was going to go to Greece, sunbathe while some muscular, shirtless local brought me drinks. Then from there, who knows? Maybe just get drunk and point to a place on a map and head there next.”

Nicole smiles, because the plan, or complete lack of it, is just so Wynonna. “Okay, so your top ambition was to be a world traveler. Or world drinker. Maybe both. Anyway, what about now?”

“That’s the weird thing.” Wynonna shakes her head. “Lately, it feels like this stupid place has become more and more a part of me. The land feels like it’s mine for the first time.” Wynonna shoots a glare across the distance to where Nicole knows Revenant’s Ranch sits. “Maybe this stupid situation with Bobo is getting to me, but I’ve never felt more protective of this place.” Wynonna’s eyes flit around the landscape, taking it all in.

“And how do chickens fit into these new found feelings on the ranch?” Nicole asks gently.

Wynonna blinks, working to catch back up the conversation. “Right, the chickens. Waverly says chickens bring about better grass in the pastures, and better grass in the pastures means healthier cows.”

Nicole nods. “That’s something I can definitely get behind. What else? Hit me with the ideas.”

Wynonna talks for a while, and Nicole is honestly a little taken aback. She didn’t know Wynonna had such a vision for this place. She mentally chastises herself for being another person in what she suspects is a pretty long line to have underestimated Wynonna Earp. She won’t make that mistake again.

“So, what do you think?” Wynonna asks.

She wants reassurance, that much Nicole can tell, but she’s determined Wynonna find it in the right place. “I can tell you what I think, that it’s a great plan, but it doesn’t really matter. The most important thing is what you think.” There’s an edge to her voice. It’s a challenge to Wynonna to step up, and she waits, holding her breath for the reaction.

Wynonna’s shoulders set, her chin tipping up a fraction. “What I think is that Waverly and I are the god damn Earp heirs, and it’s time we run this place the way we want. We’ve got work to do.”

She fixes Nicole with a look so full of steely reserve that Nicole would respond with a ‘That’a girl’, if she didn’t already know it would earn her the middle finger. So instead she grins, giving Wynonna a nod in agreement.

“Think you’re up for being a part of that work?” Wynonna looks calm asking the question, but Nicole notices the way she fidgets with the horse reins in her hands while she waits for an answer.

“Damn right I am.” Nicole answers, hoping her voice conveys the amount of conviction she feels. “I love this place, and my bosses are pretty kickass, so I’m here for as long as you’ll have me.”

“Oh my god, stop kissing my ass. Save that shit for Waverly.” Wynonna responds, a reluctant smile pulling at the corner of her mouth. “But that’s good to hear.”

They spur their horses into movement again, heading back towards the ranch.

“Not that it’s any of my business, but what happens if you and Waverly go south?” Wynonna asks.

Nicole’s stomach turns at the words, but it’s a fair question. In reality, it is Wynonna’s business, as her boss and as a sister.

“Look, I can’t predict the future, but I can tell you that I have zero intention of ever walking away from your sister. If things get rough, I’ll just roll up my sleeves and figure out a way to work through it.”

Wynonna nods beside her. “If it helps, she’s partial to ice cream as a peace offering after fights.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Nicole laughs.

“You tell her yet?”

Nicole’s smile fades at the question, a nervous thrumming taking up residence in her chest. “Not yet. Like I said, I don’t want her to feel pressured.”

“Always so chivalrous.” Wynonna sighs. “Waves is really careful with the things that are most important to her. You know that, right?”

Nicole takes her time before answering. “I do.” And she does know. It’s one of the many things Nicole loves about Waverly. She gives Wynonna an appraising look. “Huh, who knew underneath the lairs of sarcasm and drunk rambling you held such insight?” She tosses Wynonna a playful grin when she hears her scoff.

“Don’t be insulting and then flash those things at me, jerk.” Wynonna retorts.

The laugh Nicole lets loose travels across the expanse of pasture. “Fair enough.”

The rest of ride back occurs in amiable silence, and Nicole takes the time to enjoy the slight crispness of the early Fall air.

It’s not until they’re about to part ways that Wynonna shakes her head, seeming to remember something.

“Hey, what are you doing Saturday night? And I swear, if you answer Waverly I will fire you on the spot.”

Nicole crinkles her brow. “Only you would make a joke like that Wynonna.”

Wynonna narrows her eyes. “Good point.”

“I currently do not have any plans Saturday night, with Waverly or otherwise.”

“Well you do now. The stupid annual Cattle Rancher’s Association dinner is this weekend, which is just an excuse for a bunch of assholes to fawn over each other to the point it makes me want to vomit. And if there’s one thing I love, it’s making all my employees suffer along with me.” Wynonna gives Nicole a once over. “Do you own anything that isn’t flannel or jeans or those chaps that give you an oddly attractive swagger?”

Nicole raises an eyebrow at Wynonna, but all she gets in return is a shrug. “If you’re asking if I own dress clothes, then yes. As long as this thing doesn’t require a ball gown, I think I’ll be okay.”

Wynonna snorts. “No ball gowns required.”


Nicole puts the finishing touches on her makeup before sliding simple diamond stud earrings into her earlobes.

She looks herself over, taking a deep, slow breath, not entirely sure why she’s nervous about this.

It’s not the first formal function she’s ever attended. Hell, she wore this very dress a couple years ago to a fundraising event Mattie forced her to attend. Nicole smiles when she thinks about the non-stop commentary Mattie made behind her champagne flute about the other attendees.

No, Nicole knows the nerves aren’t from the event, but rather, because Waverly will be there.

It’s not a date, more a required work function. But still, it’s the first time she’ll be dressed up like this in front of Waverly, and she finds herself wondering what the reaction will be.

Nicole reminds herself to get a grip. It’s not like they’re seventeen years old and going to prom together.

She grabs her small black clutch, giving herself one last once over in the mirror before leaving the cabin.

She finds Doc and Dolls waiting on the porch of the main house. Nicole has to admit, they clean up nice. They have two completely different kinds of style, but boy do they manage to pull it off.

Nicole smiles, reaching up to give the black stetson on Doc’s head a small shake. “You even have a dress hat? Impressive.”

Doc grins, his deep dimples making an appearance. “Of course. What kind of cowboy gentleman would I be without one?”

“The kind who lives in the current century.” Dolls deadpans, but there’s a playfulness to his sarcastic smile.

Nicole looks around for the others.

“Levi, Shorty, and Nedley left a little while ago. They were going to stop in and see Fish before meeting us at the hall.” Dolls explains.

Nicole nods, her eyes meeting with Doc’s for a brief moment.

Then the front door opens, and Nicole forgets about everything else in the world but Waverly Earp.

She’s wearing the most beautiful pale pink dress, her hair swept back on one side and cascading down her back in waves, teardrop diamond earrings sparkling in each ear.

Nicole knows she’s staring, but she can’t help it. She shakes her head in awe. “You are a vision.” She says, because it’s true.

Waverly’s face splits into a smile, and she shakes her head while looking Nicole up and down. “Speak for yourself. If I’d known you own a sexy black dress like that I probably would have found an excuse to make you wear it sooner. We should get dressed up way more often.”

Nicole dips her head down, the faint heat of a blush coming to her cheeks. She peeks back up at Waverly. “Does this mean you want me to lose the ranching clothes from now on?”

Waverly shakes her head, reaching out to take hold of one of Nicole’s hands. “Oh no, I’m pretty partial to that look too.”

Nicole pulls her slowly forward. “Good, because I don’t think I’d enjoy working in this outfit much.”

She’s leaning in for a kiss when a throat clears behind Waverly. Nicole quickly diverts her path and places a soft kiss on Waverly’s cheek before stepping back.

Wynonna, looking like a knockout herself in a scarlet red dress, has her arms linked with Doc and Dolls on each side of her. She gives Nicole a once over and lets out a low whistle.

“You clean up nice Haught-stuff.”

“Don’t flirt with my girlfriend, thank you.” Waverly draws out.

Wynonna gives her a wink in response. “We ready to hit this party?”

Dolls adjusts one of his cufflinks. “Yes indeed.”

They take Waverly’s jeep. Dolls drives, and Doc sits up front with him, the three girls taking up the back seat, with Waverly in the middle.

Nicole idly traces her fingers along the top of Waverly’s hand on the ride, sneaking sideways glances. Waverly catches her, a soft smirk forming on her lips. Nicole gives her hand a squeeze, uttering a soft “Hey.”

Wynonna leans forward in her seat. “Hey back. Oh I’m sorry, were you talking to me?”

Waverly rolls her eyes but she’s smiling. She sits back in her seat, taking one of Wynonna’s hands in her free one. “This dress is to die for Wynonna, you’re going steal the show.”

Nicole catches Dolls and Doc in the rearview mirror looking at Wynonna, and it’s clear they agree.

Wynonna shrugs. “Someone’s gotta do it kid, might as well be me.”

Once they get to the banquet hall it’s a bit of a whirlwind for Nicole. She gets introduced to more people than she can remember; shakes more hands than she can count.

She finds Nedley a welcome sight as he strolls up with Chrissy on his arm.

“May I just say, you ladies look absolutely stunning.” He announces. Chrissy presses a kiss to his cheek, and his pride at his daughter is so evident in the way he looks at her that it warms Nicole’s heart.

Chrissy turns to Nicole. “It’s good to see you again.” Her eyes are warm and her smile is wider and more open than it was the first time they met. Nicole suspects it’s due to being privy to the nature of her relationship with Waverly, and she honestly appreciates the support.

Nicole responds likewise when her attention is drawn to Levi making his way across the room to join them.

His eyes sweep across the sea of people swiftly, coming to a stop momentarily when they land on Nicole. He jerks them away again as he slides his hands into his pockets, only to pull them back out a moment later. He stands there fidgeting with the bottom of his suit jacket.

Nicole finds Doc in the group and he gives her a subtle nod. The message is clear. They’ll both be keeping an eye on Levi tonight.

As the night progresses Nicole finds herself actually having a good time. She converses easily with everyone, noticing the whole time the way Waverly seems to gravitate back towards her in regular intervals, eyes soft and full of something Nicole can’t quite name, but that starts a flutter in her stomach.

Chrissy Nedley rejoins their group once she’s done making her way around the room to shake hands and rub elbows as a member of the Sheriff’s department, and Nicole is happy to discover she is excellent company.

Chrissy tells stories about Waverly in her school years. There’s one about the time Waverly took on the classroom bully in grade school; she steamrolls right into another about the first time Waverly smoked an ‘herbal substance’, as Chrissy puts it, and ate everything in sight, cleaning out the kitchen at Chrissy’s mother’s house.

Nicole is captivated by every word, and watching the two of them play off each other, laughing until they’re in tears, makes her heart swell.

“And they’re off.” Wynonna appears at her side, highball glass of whiskey in hand. She eyes the two girls with a faint smile on her face. “There is no stopping them when they get on a roll like this. Believe me; I had to live through the sleep overs.”

Nicole chuckles. “I think it’s kind of endearing.”

“Of course you do.” Wynonna murmurs, but her eyes are soft over the rim of her glass as she takes a sip.

Nicole excuses herself to use the bathroom then. It’s when she exits the restroom that she bumps into Bobo.

She almost let herself forget about him. There’s so many people here she’d managed to miss him hanging on the periphery of the event.

He gives her that razor sharp grin that makes Nicole want to punch him. “Pardon me.”

Nicole doesn’t bother to respond, tilting her head down as she moves around him.

“Hold on a moment.”

Nicole stops, turning her head slowly to look at Bobo’s hand clasped around her arm. She raises her eyebrows at him in question.

Bobo immediately lets go, holding his hands up. “No offense meant. I simply wanted to talk to you.”

Nicole turns towards him, crossing her arms. “About?”

Bobo’s eyes give nothing away as he taps a knuckle against his lips a few times in thought before pointing a finger at her. “Maybe we should talk about your wasted potential.”

Nicole tilts her head to the side. “I’m sorry, my wasted potential?”

“Oh yes.” Bobo draws out. “You see, I think your skills are being squandered at that,” he pauses, rolling his wrist as he tries to find the words he wants, “second rate ranch.”

Nicole stares at him, surprised he would try such a tactic with her. The corners of her lips quirk up in a humorless smile and she lifts her chin a fraction. “That ranch is my home, and I have no interest in working for someone like you.”

Bobo puts a hand to his chest. “Someone like me? I don’t know what kind of lies the Earp girls have filled your pretty little head with, but let me assure you, I’m someone you want to work for. At the very least,” he grins again, and it turns Nicole’s stomach, “your bank account would be happier.”

Nicole’s jaw clenches. “Like I said, I’m not interested.” She forces out through gritted teeth.

Bobo pushes out his lips, tilting his head to the side as if her rebuff doesn’t bother him. “Suit yourself.”

He takes a step to go around Nicole, pausing in her personal space. He reaches up to take a strand of Nicole’s hair between two fingers. “But if you change your mind, you know where to find me.” He chomps his teeth together once before letting go of her hair and walking away.

Nicole takes a deep breath, fighting the urge to shiver in disgust.

Instead, she turns on her heel and cuts through the crowd, trying to push the encounter with Bobo from her mind until she can tell Doc about it later tonight.

If only it were so easy to forget.

Nicole spots Wynonna first, deep in conversation with Shorty. She strides up to her, taking the time to say “Excuse me,” before taking the glass of whiskey from Wynonna’s hand and swallowing the remaining contents.

“Thanks.” She says roughly, the burn of the whiskey still making its way down her throat as she hands the empty glass back.

Wynonna looks down at the glass in her hand before batting sorrowful eyes at Nicole. “We were in a committed relationship, that whiskey and I, and you just took it all away.”

Nicole takes the empty glass back from her with an eye roll. “I’ll get you a refill.”

She makes her way to the bar, ordering another whiskey for Wynonna. At the last second she adds another one to the order for herself. Nicole has no intention of getting drunk tonight, but she could use something to take the edge off after her encounter.

She drums her fingers against the bar top while she waits, eyes sweeping the room for Doc. She doesn’t see him by the time she gets the drinks, so she heads back to where she left Wynonna.

Nicole pauses in her tracks when she sees Levi duck out the back door.

It probably doesn’t mean anything, Nicole tells herself, chewing her bottom lip in contemplation. Maybe he’s just getting some fresh air. Or perhaps it’s the opposite, and he’s smoking a cigarette.

She stands rooted to the spot for another thirty seconds before she makes a decision.

“Here, and I got you a backup to make up for the separation anxiety.” Nicole hands Wynonna both glasses and walks away without another word.

She fights her way through the crowd of people to get to the door. She pauses when she finally reaches it, attempting one last time to locate Doc. When she doesn’t find him she pushes out the door into the back parking lot.

The night air has chilled, and Nicole rubs her hands up and down her arms to ward it off. She turns on the spot, not seeing anyone around, or any telltale clouds of smoke that might indicate where Levi is.

Nicole contemplates going back inside, but something in her gut is tugging at her. She stops moving, going completely still to just listen, and that’s when she hears it.

Muffled voices, coming from around the side of the building.

She slips her heels off, not wanting to make a sound as she inches along the building towards the corner. She stops in the shadows before the edge of the building, her heart pounding in her chest when she hears Bobo Del Rey speak.

“I’m very disappointed in your results.”

“I’m trying everything I can think of, I swear, I just need more time.” Levi’s shaky voice responds.

“Oh no, Levi. No no no.” Bobo tone is low and menacing. “I’ve given you plenty of time. And what do I have to show for it?”

Silence stretches out as Bobo waits for Levi to respond. When he doesn’t, Bobo speaks again.

“Nothing is what I have. I told you to make sure the ranch was mine by Fall, and yet here I stand, no closer to owning it.”

Nicole sucks in a breath through her nose as her pulse pounds in her neck.

“You screwed around, sabotaging tractors and cattle runs. You couldn’t even properly burn a barn down in the middle of the night. Complete bush league.” Bobo spits out.

Nicole can hear shuffling.

“But Fish–” Levi’s voice cracks.

“Fish getting hurt is your fault. If you hadn’t been so inept, it never would have happened.”

More silence reigns before Levi speaks again, voice barely above a whisper.

“I’m sorry.”

“Oh Levi, no, you’re not sorry. Not yet, anyway.” Nicole can hear the menacing grin in Bobo’s voice. “But you will be, if Earp Ranch isn’t mine soon. You get me results, or I’ll be forced to take back the money I paid you, with interest. And believe me, it won’t be pleasant.”

Levi audibly swallows.

“O-Okay. I’ll get it done, I promise.” Levi agrees, voice weak.

“Good boy, that’s what I like to hear.” There’s the sound of skin contacting skin that Nicole assumes is from Bobo smacking Levi’s cheek, followed by footsteps fading away.

Silence falls again, and Nicole stays pressed to the building for minutes, waiting. She hears the flick of a lighter and the sound of a long exhale.

She finally risks a peak around the building and finds Levi alone, his head hanging low as he takes a drag from the cigarette.

Something snaps inside her, and she’s rounding the corner of the building and closing in on Levi before she can even think about it properly.

“You son of a bitch.”

Levi’s head snaps up in surprise as the cigarette falls from his fingers to the ground.

“Nicole.” He squeaks, his hands rising to ward her off. “That wasn’t what it sounded like, I swear.”

Nicole clenches her jaw. “I think it was exactly what it sounded like Levi.” Anger and disbelief course through her. “How could you do this? How could you try to ruin Earp Ranch?”

Levi shifts from one foot to the other, his eyes darting all around before settling back on Nicole. He pushes a hand through his hair as he shakes his head in denial.

Nicole straightens her shoulders. “I can’t wait to turn you in. Let’s go Levi.”

Levi’s eyes snap to hers, and something in his face changes. His body stiffens, but he still doesn’t speak.

She jerks her head towards the building before turning on her heel, but a familiar clicking sound halts her tracks.

“I don’t think so.” Levi’s voice is barely above a whisper. “Turn around.”

Nicole turns slowly, hoping she didn’t hear what she thinks she did. But sure enough, she comes face to face with the barrel of a silver revolver she shot in the pasture not all that long ago. She doesn’t much care for having it turned on her.

“Levi, I don’t know what you’re doing, but stop and think about this.”

“Shut up.” Tiny bits of spit fly from Levi’s mouth as he jabs the gun at Nicole. “Stay right there and don’t move.” He demands. “I need to think.”

Nicole raises her hands slowly, aware for the first time that Levi may be a whole lot more dangerous than she gave him credit for.

He shakes his head, muttering to himself, but Nicole can’t quite make out the words. He wipes at his mouth with his free hand before dropping it back to his side, tapping his fingers against his leg, all the while still not speaking to her.

“Why are you doing this Levi?” Nicole asks. She’s not sure the best way out of this, but talking is at least a start.

“Why am I–?” Levi cuts off, shaking his head again as beads of sweat dot his brow. Nicole flinches when he jerks the gun at her.

“Do you have any idea what it’s like to live every day of your life being disrespected?” He presses his lips together, staring Nicole down for an answer.

“You think you’re disrespected Levi?” Nicole asks, keeping her voice as neutral and flat as possible.

Levi scoffs. “I know I am. I’ve worked at that place for years. YEARS. And you know what it’s gotten me?” He doesn’t wait for a response this time. “Nothing. Not a damn thing. I don’t get paid what I deserve, I don’t get the respect I deserve.” He gestures the gun in the general direction of the building. “Instead I get to watch as idiots like Doc and Dolls do whatever the hell they want, and get praised for it. Hell, the boss fucks them for their incompetence.”

Nicole’s nostrils flare at the words, but she holds herself still.

“And then you,” Levi levels the gun at her again, his tone laden with disgust, “you show up and suddenly you're the hero, the greatest thing to exist. Everybody just loves you, and you get in on the boss fucking action too. Only took you a few months though, so apparently little sister gives it up easy.”

Nicole takes a step forward, before she can think, her fingers curling into a fist.

Levi jabs the gun at her. “Hold it right there.”

Nicole stops, forcing air in and out through her nose while she tries to regain control. Her voice is tight when she speaks again. “So, what, you ran to Bobo Del Rey because you felt disrespected?”

Levi lets out a low chuckle, but there’s no humor. “Oh no, Bobo came to me. You see, he recognizes what I can do. What I’m worth. Paid me a whole lotta money to help him take down Earp Ranch.” He grins then, and it turns Nicole’s stomach. “Truth be told, I would have taken less. Nothing will bring me more satisfaction then ruining that place.”

“And what about Fish?” Nicole asks, because she needs to know.

“Don’t say his name!” Levi shouts. “You don’t get to say his name. It’s your fault what happened. Without you meddling around and always riding to the rescue Earp Ranch would have been Bobo’s already, and Fish–” his voice cracks, a slight tremor in his hand shaking the gun, “Fish never would have gotten hurt.”

Nicole seizes on how affected Levi clearly is about Fish. “He wouldn’t want you to do this Levi. Fish, he would tell you to put that gun down.”

Levi shuffles on the spot, a war playing across his face. Nicole has hope for a moment, until Levi’s face hardens and a resolve settles there again.

“I told you not to say his name.” Levi whispers.

Nicole swallows, eyes darting around, desperate to find a way out of this. Levi is clearly unhinged, why did she have to confront him alone, damn it? She considers her limited options, discarding the ideas as quickly as they come to her.


“No.” Levi cuts her off, voice flat. It makes Nicole’s stomach fill with dread. “I’m done talking.” His breathing becomes more rapid as he straightens his arm, pointing the gun at the center of Nicole’s chest. “You forced my hand Nicole, I don’t have a choice.”

Nicole shuts her eyes, waiting.

The cocking of a gun has her opening her eyes in confusion, because she is positive Levi already did that minutes ago.

“Levi, I do like to consider myself a gentleman in such situations, but I swear, if you even think about pulling that trigger, I will shoot you in the back faster than a fly can blink.” Doc’s drawl comes from the darkness behind Levi.

Levi’s neck dips as he swallows, a bead of sweat making its way down his temple. “Doc, you should stay out of this.”

Doc actually snorts. Nicole might find it funny if she wasn’t staring down the barrel of a gun. “That is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard, and I have heard a lot in my life.” The gravel crunches as Doc takes another step forward. “Now drop it.” He growls.

It takes a few more harrowing seconds before Levi finally complies, his shoulders slumping in defeat.

Doc kicks the gun away, walking around to stand at Nicole’s side, keeping his gun trained on Levi the whole time. “You all right there, darling?”

Nicole straightens, sucking in a lungful of the cool night air. “Yeah, I’m all right, although it certainly took you long enough.” She gives Doc a glare. “And if you ever call me darling again I’ll slug you.”

Doc grins at her, dimples flashing. “Fair enough.”

Nicole returns her gaze to Levi.

Speaking of slugging.

Levi crumples to the ground at Nicole’s right hook. She shakes her hand at the sting of pain, but it’s worth it. She’ll take bruised knuckles, hell, she’ll take a broken hand, for the satisfaction of hitting Levi in the face.

Doc and Nicole turn at the sound of approaching footsteps.

Dolls raises an eyebrow at the scene. “What exactly is going on here?” He reaches down to pick up Levi’s gun Doc kicked away.

“Don’t touch that, you fool. It’s evidence.” Doc tells him.

Dolls straightens back up with an eye roll, leaving the gun where it is. “How am I supposed to know that?”

“You use your eyes for seeing what is clearly going on around you.” Doc sneers.

Nicole sighs, interjecting before they can really get on a roll. “Can we save the sniping for later boys? I’d feel a lot better if we could call the police,” she jerks her head at Levi’s barely conscious form on the ground, “and get some cuffs on this jackass.”

“Oh.” Dolls reaches into his suit jacket as if remembering something. When he pulls out a shiny pair of handcuffs all Nicole and Doc can do is raise questioning eyebrows at him. Dolls rolls his eyes again. “You never know when you’re going to need them, okay?” He rolls Levi to the side so he can cuff his hands behind his back.

They hear the back door of the building bang open, and a few moments later Wynonna and Waverly come around the corner, laughing about something.

When Wynonna catches sight of the scene the laughter fades as confusion flits across her face. “What in the hell kind of kinky after party are you guys planning?”

Waverly looks at Levi’s crumpled form first, then the gun, before her eyes bounce between Nicole, Doc, and Dolls. “What happened?”

Doc tips the brim of his hat up with the barrel of his gun. “Well, it seems Levi is our Earp Ranch saboteur, per Bobo’s orders if I had to guess,” he looks to Nicole for confirmation and she nods, “and when Nicole here confronted him about it he decided to go all O.K. Corral and pull a gun on her before I happened to come along and spoil his fun.” He shrugs before tilting his head towards Dolls. “Oh, and for some reason Dolls here carries handcuffs on him.”

“Seriously?” Dolls asks in exasperation.

Waverly looks between her sister and Dolls a few times before her face screws up. “Ew.”

Wynonna snaps her attention to Waverly, pointing a finger in her face. “Oh no, you dated Champ, you don’t get to ‘ew’ me about anything.”

Waverly opens her mouth to rebuke, but then seems to think better of it, shrugging instead.

She turns her attention to Nicole then, and the rest of the group around them seems to fall away as she takes a step forward, not breaking eye contact as she draws closer.

“Are you okay?” She asks quietly, the words meant only for Nicole.

Nicole nods, swallowing thickly at the concern she can see on Waverly’s face. “Yeah.” She doesn’t seem to be able to look away from Waverly. “Are you?” She asks, brain on autopilot.

Waverly gives her own nod. “Yeah.”

They stay locked in the stare for a beat longer before Waverly mutters “Screw it.” and reaches up to draw Nicole into a kiss.

Nicole lives in that kiss, just for a moment, and it’s exactly what she needs to steady the nerves she didn’t realize were still so violently moving through her.

Their eyes stay locked on one another’s even after they pull apart, until Nicole becomes aware of the extra company that’s joined them in the last few moments.

The guests of the dinner are spilling out into the night, and several have noticed their little situation. Chrissy Nedley pushes through the growing crowd, taking in the full sight before her, clearly shifting into police officer mode.

“Want to tell me what’s going on here?” She asks the group.

Nicole is thankful when Doc handles the initial explanation. It gives her a little more time to draw calmness from Waverly at her side before Chrissy approaches her.

“We’re getting the Deputy on duty down here to pick him up.” Chrissy jerks her head to where Levi now sits on the ground, a red welt starting to grow on the side of his face. “Think you’re up to giving us an official statement tonight?”

Waverly gives her hand a reassuring squeeze, and Nicole nods. She’s more than happy to finally get the truth out in the open.


By the time they get back to the ranch it’s almost midnight. Doc parks the Jeep by the front of the house, the silence they’ve been in for awhile now deepening when he switches the engine off.

Nicole climbs out of the car, Waverly keeping ahold of her hand as she follows. She hasn’t let go once since she captured it after Nicole finished giving her statement to Chrissy.

Nicole doesn’t really want her to.

Waverly steps in front of her, catching her eye. There’s something present in her gaze that Nicole can’t quite catch yet, but when Waverly looks over her shoulder to Nicole’s cabin her intent is clear. Nicole nods her assent.

Wynonna clears her throat, startling them from their silent conversation. “Well, that was quite the night.”

Nicole raises her eyebrows at her.

Wynonna sighs. “Yeah, yeah, don’t look at me with that tone.” She looks to Dolls first, and then Doc, standing on either side of her, before sliding an arm around each of their shoulders. “Well boys, I could really go for a drink, so why don’t you both accompany me inside, and these two can go be emo together alone, like they were one second away from doing before I interrupted.”

She shoots a wink at Waverly, and Nicole watches the corner of Waverly’s lips quirk up as she nods in appreciation. “Oh, and everyone take the morning off. I’m pretty sure the cows will survive.” Wynonna adds before corralling Doc and Dolls up the porch steps.

Waverly looks back at Nicole and inclines her head to the side before setting off, Nicole’s hand still firmly in her grasp.

They make their way to the cabin without speaking a word. Their pace is slow, almost leisurely, as if they have all the time in the world.

Nicole thinks maybe they do.

Once they’re inside, Waverly draws Nicole close, finally letting go of her hand in order to cup her face in both hands.

“Hey.” Waverly whispers.

“Hey back.” Nicole responds, her voice not much louder.

The smallest of smiles touches Waverly’s lips before fading away. She shakes her head softly. “I am so happy you’re okay.”

Nicole reaches up to gently squeeze one of Waverly’s wrists. “Me too.”

Waverly’s eyes flit back and forth between her own, and Nicole is finally able to pin down what she can see swimming in their warm depths.

She knows what’s coming before it happens; she can see it so clearly for the first time on Waverly’s face.

It still doesn’t prepare her for hearing the words.

“I’m so in love with you.” Waverly breathes out.

A shaky sigh leaves Nicole’s lips. She ducks her head down to collect herself, swallowing thickly before lifting her eyes to meet Waverly’s again. “Yeah?”

Waverly holds such sincerity in her eyes when she nods, and Nicole just has to kiss her. It feels like the most important thing in the world to do in the moment.

The kiss is firm and far too short for Nicole’s liking, but she needs to collect herself. She presses their foreheads together, feeling every ounce of emotion moving through her, like a wave overtaking everything in its path.

Waverly draws back, worrying her bottom lip with her teeth as her hands drop to Nicole’s shoulders, fingers curling gently into fabric and skin. “Just uh, jump in any time Nicole, because I sort of feel like I’m out here on a limb all by myself.”

Nicole huffs out a laugh, raising a hand to stroke her fingers along Waverly’s jaw.

“Waverly, I’ve been in love with you for so long now. Maybe since my first day here.”

The slight tension in Waverly’s body melts away as she pulls Nicole in for a kiss, only to push her back again a short moment later, squinting in thought. “It was the shotgun, wasn’t it?”

Nicole struggles to fight the grin pulling at her mouth. “It’s entirely possible.” She answers, running her fingers through the hair spilling over Waverly’s shoulder.

They’re both smiling when they draw back together, Waverly breathing the most amazing words Nicole has ever heard against her lips once again, and Nicole whispering them right back.

They make slow progress across the short distance to the bed, Waverly giggling at Nicole’s attempts to kick off her heels in a smooth manner, only to stumble a bit in her concentration to kiss Waverly senseless.

“You think that’s funny, huh?” Nicole husks out, knowing full well the grin on her face ruins the affect.

Waverly shrugs, trying to look apologetic but completely failing.

Nicole trails her fingers down Waverly’s arm, gripping at her fingers and leading her to turn around so Nicole can access the zipper on the back of her dress. The pace she slides it down is excruciatingly slow as she presses light kisses to the back of Waverly’s neck.

She lets the dress drop to the floor with a muffled sound before moving at an equally slow pace to remove Waverly’s strapless bra. Nicole slides her fingers down, tracing over every rib, brushing kisses along Waverly’s shoulder as she hooks her fingers in the waistband of her underwear, easing them down until they fall to the floor.

Nicole doesn’t miss the shiver that runs through Waverly’s body when she ghosts her lips up the side of her neck and tugs gently at her earlobe with her teeth.

“I’m not sure I can stay standing for much longer.” Waverly manages to get out, her voice airy and shaking.

Nicole smirks, giving a gentle nip to Waverly’s pulse point before taking a step back.

Waverly crawls onto the bed and watches with rapt attention as Nicole divests herself of her own dress and the lace underneath. Her heartbeat skyrockets at the flush across Waverly's cheeks and the way her lips part as Nicole joins her on the bed.

She places a hand over Waverly’s heart, the corner of her lips curling up at the hammering beat she feels underneath her palm. Nicole presses forward, gently pushing Waverly onto her back as she moves to straddle her lap.

Nicole can’t help it then, she has to pause. She wants to remember this moment, every single bit of it, for the rest of her life.

Waverly raises her eyebrows in question. “You’re really taking your time up there, huh?”

Nicole breathes out a laugh, shaking her head. “Oh baby, you have no idea.” She rolls her hips down slowly, deliberately, and watches Waverly suck in a sharp breath as her eyes slide shut in response.

She lowers her body, holding herself a few inches shy of full contact, waiting until Waverly opens her eyes again.

“This is going to take all night.”


Nicole’s internal alarm clock has her stirring at first light, despite just drifting off to sleep a short while before.

She smiles at the way Waverly's hair tickles her neck from where she lays sleeping, ear pressed to Nicole’s chest just above her heart.

Nicole shifts the slightest bit, pressing a kiss to the top of Waverly’s head with a whispered “I love you.”

She feels Waverly’s lips curl against her skin. “I love you too.”

The words still hang in the air seconds later as they both drift off to sleep again.