
Chapter 92

"Tell us your name and quirk please!" Bell and Mars were on the stage now.

The headmaster passed bell the mic and he barely caught it. "U-Uhm. My name is Recall Jets. My quirk is called recall.."

Laughter broke out. "What kind of name is that!?" There were other comments like this. It seem that having your name and quirk be the same is kind of...Bad?

I dont understand what funny about it to be honest. "H-Here you go." He threw the mic at Mars and he caught it. "Mars newton. Quirk, absolute command."

Oh God. If you can hear this bell, don't look into his eyes. "Give me that back!" He snatched the mic away from him and coughed. "Any questions before you two began?"

They shook their heads no. "If None...Begin!" He floated away.

Absolute command. The geass basically. Mars looks into a person eyes and can give them any command. The down side however is...Nothing. He can literally say, 'Be my slave.' and just like that, they become victims.

He does have a draw back.

Bell stuck his hand out and a sword came into it. He got into position and waited. Mars didnt even flinch at all.

Bell seemed like he had enough waiting and rushed at him. He slashed his sword horizontally and Mars duck. He then curved his sword down and went for his head.

Mars jumped back and kick him in the face while spinning. Bell flew back and hit the ground.

Mars ran up to him and stomped at his face. Bell quickly regained his senses and rolled to the side. He put his hands behind him and launched up.

He called his sword back and caught it again mid air. He landed on the ground and posed. Mars slowly looked over at him. "W-What the hell!?" Bell saw two red eyes starring at him.

"Cut your arm off." No come on...This pisses me off severely but I cant. Not this time...

Bell fliched but soon his sword started moving. He then slashed his arm off without any hesitation. I shot up and was about to walk out the door but decided not too. I realized that protecting them in times like this would...stump then?

"AH!" He kept screaming out. The crowd was dead silent with bell falling to the floor. "Give up. You cant continue." That cold voice. It made bell flinch.

"B-B-Bastard!!" Bell stuck his left arm out but nothing came. "Wha.." I was surprised aswell. Can he not call things while his other arm is...?

Bell eyes widened so I guess he came to the same conclusion as me. Blood was all over himself and the floor around him. "If you wont give up then..." His eyes turned red again. "I'll just make you say it." His voice penetrated his ears.

"I give up." Bell raised his hand up in defeat. He snapped out of it right after and covered his mouth. Blood started coming from his mouth and he slowly fell down.

He hit the ground head first and passed out. His eyes were open and locked onto mines. A tear came down which made me bawl my fist.


My body jolted and I looked left. A black screen with red text appeared infront of my eyes. I stared at it for a while until it went away.

"So your talking again huh? And what do you mean stop?" Nobody responded to me. "Hello?" The screen showed up in my head this time.

[You were going to do something dangerous. Host has been warned for the last time.]

Warned? And I'm doing something dangerous? I'm not even...I checked myself in a hurry. I looked all over myself then realized.

There was a black aura coming out of me. This skill shouldn't be on but it was.

If I didnt noticed then let's just say that this universe would have been erased. I was 8 I think when I made this skill.

It was for fun and I really didnt think about. "You can turn it off cant you? Why did you let It slip out?" The system could turn skills off and on but it never does. Hell, it doesnt do anything for that matter.

There was no response and I sighed. It was kind of my fault. I can't control my emotion when it comes to things like this. I have skills that should let me regain my posture easily but they break when I'm too frustrated.

'I guess I have to create that skill huh..'

"Get a medic!" The headmaster actually seemed worried. A team came onto the stage and started treating him. I saw Henry go down aswell to which I assume that they asked him for help in times like these.

"Okay folks. We'll take a 10 minute break and continue." Everyone in the crowd seemed to have accepted this.

I however got up and leaned on the rail. I just made a skill that would for sure not make me leak these emotions out. The ones were I get easily frustrated when I see my friends get hurt.

It makes me feel human when I get mad over my friend so I held off on making this skill until now but I guess that it has to be done.


"Claudia smith. Quirk, Time freeze." Featherine then threw the mic at Clinton. "Clinton grud. Quirk, Channeling." I was in the E.R. holding bells hand. Not In a weird way but in a.. Caring one.

I was watching the fight while henry was healing him. He was regrowing his limbs which was not the best thing to look at. "Take care of him for me henry." He smiled at me and continued treating him.

"Begin!" Clinton soon started yelling. Like he was about to grow yellow hair. He kept yelling while featherine was picking her ear.

"Are you done yet?" She flung some ear wax out of her ear. You know...Seeing 'Rui' like this is kind hard to see but it looks so natural.

He kept channelling until his body grew bigger... Wait you cant be serious. All of that just to become the size of season 3 izuku. Aw hell nah.

"I have no chance of winning." He looked over at the headmaster who quickly turned away and whistled. "But I'll try. And maybe then you can.."

There was a hole in his stomach. He mouth opened a bit and he slowly looked down at it.

He stared at it but didnt react. He touched around it and looked up. He saw her sword which was covered in blood. "What..did..you.. do..?" He stared at her.

I was just surprised that he was able to make words out. "I stabbed you that's all." He then fell to the floor and passed out. Blood spurted out everywhere and some got on featherine.

"The winner is Claudia smith!" He came back down on the stage and held her hand up. Fireworks went off when he did.

'They dont even hide it.' It was quite obvious that this school has favorites. "Medics! Please escort Clinton to the medical ward!" The came out and took him away. Slowly, very slowly.

After some time, claudia walked off the stage while winking at me. I smiled back at her and sighed.

After a while, the headmaster started speaking again. "Kenji Skies and Mary Jane! Come down to the stage!" I got up and started walking away.

I met her at the door handle and she touched my hand. We stared at each other like we were in love. "Good luck!" I extended my hand out. She stared at it then started moving her own.

She hit my hand away from the door and smirked. "Dont need it." She opened the door and walked out. I, however just smiled.

'Your loss. If you shook my hand then you would have gotten luck which made that one fan fic seem ass.' I sighed and walked out the door. She was a bit ahead of me when I walked out.

'She has a nice figure to be honest. A shame that it wont look the same after the fight.'

We both arrived outside. We went to our sides and waited. The headmaster passed mary the microphone and stated her name and quirk. She threw me the microphone and I did the same.

"Do either of you have any questions?" we stared at each other and shook our heads no. "Then....Begin!!" He floated away into the sky.

I started walking towards her and she did the same. It took us a while before we came face to face. "You can take pain right?" She fliched and ducked.

She was somehow able to see my punch huh. Alright then. She tried tripping me with her foot, but it didnt work. Her foot came into mine but I didn't move at all.

She quickly jumped away and got into a fighting position. "Your not normal." She soon stood up straight. I smiled and slowly started running at her. I came at her and kicked at her face.

She dodged it but I didn't stop. I was moving on one foot while kicking with the other. The rush of kicks was too much for her and she got hit.

She fell to the ground hard and stayed. I walked up to her and bent down. I grabbed her shirt and went back up. Her face had blood coming out from her head.

She tried hitting my hand off her but it failed. I held her up to the sky and started punching her in the stomach. She coughed up vomit and soon, blood.

"I-I giv.." I covered her mouth. "We're gonna enjoy this." I winked at her and her eyes widened.

I grabbed her right arm with my left and started bending it. She let out screams which caused the crowd to go silent. I threw her toward the ground and pinned her down .

I took her right arm and bent it backwards. It made a snapping noise and she screamed out some more with tears coming out of her eyes. "Shop it!!..." I ignored her.

I then got up and walked a bit to her legs. She had nice legs so maybe I'll stop here.


I put my foot up and kicked at her knee cap. It was blow out and she started bleeding. I did the same with her other leg so it wouldnt feel left out.

As long as she wont die, I can do what I want. That was what kept me going.

I picked her limp body up. There was blood everywhere. "I-" She couldnt even talk now as I had hit her throat. She mouthed some things slowly but nothing came out.

"This...This is too far." I heard similar things being said in the audience. "Is this our future heros?" Now come on. Someone literally sliced off someones arm earlier but you didnt say anything then.

I grabbed her neck and started squeezing hard. Now maybe I'm taking my anger out on her but nahhh.

You are.

I'm not.

She twitched a few time and quickly put her arm up. She touched my nose and she smiled. "What are you smiling for?" Her eyes widened and she squirmed aggressively. "We still have some time for fun." There was an hour time limit in the arena.

It's only been 10 minutes.

I threw her to the ground and said "The guns only beginning."


"K-Kenji skies is the w-winner!" There was no cheers. Only silence. Right now, you couldn't even tell that this was mary.

Her whole body was red and she had some guts spewing out aswell. She was still alive tho so I shouldn't get into that much trouble.

"M-Monster! He's a monster!" I heard boos and similar things.

This wasnt the first time that I was called a monster. Maybe I should become one.

Nah...If I become one then it would go against my writing. I want to make the world better for eri and the others and so joining them wont really make sense.

There was already a medical team on the stage. It came as soon as I was declared the winner. "Kenji skies! Please leave the stage at once!" I nodded at him.

I left the stage with people throwing food on me. It didnt hit me however. I went back to the student watching section and got stares. They all seemed afraid of me.

I sat down and waited for the next match. "Dont beat yourself up about it. If it was me then this world would have been dust." I looked at her.

"You would have controlled your emotion featherine. As you can see, I cant."


"Jordan fall. Quirk, portal." He threw the mic at Jaylen who then said his name and quirk.

So he has portals. This means that he was the guy with the orange and blue fist back on the yacht. He passed the mic to Jaylen and he stated his name and quirk aswell.

He passed the mic back to the headmaster and the match soon started.

Jordan opened a orange portal and ran threw. It was kinda weird because I could see him running threw space while to others, he just appeared next to Jaylen.

He punched him in the stomach and he flew back. He caught himself in the air and fell to the floor softly. "You caught me off guard." He rubbed his stomach. "Thats my speciality." He smirked and opened another portal.

He has his own dimension when he's in this portal realm of his. He can fly, run faster, get somewhat stronger.

It was honestly amazing. He appeared and disappeared all over the arena. Jaylen looked around and started running.

He moved his hands around at the same time and made a huge cyclone. He spreaded it out all over arena which made jordan, who appeared in a moment fly up into the sky.

He flew into multiple clouds before coming to a stand still. Jaylen then sent arrows out of air to jordan.

Jordan reacted by putting up a huge orange portal infront of him and a blue one just next to him. The arrows flew into the portal and was sent back at Jaylen at quick speeds.

Jaylen eyes widened and he jumped around, dodging the wind arrows. One was too fast for him and he got hit. It made his right arm go limp. "Bastard!"

Jaylen screamed out and flew up towards jordan. Jordan made portal after portal while going towards Jaylen. His speed kept increasing and increasing.

They both came at each other and clashed.

I thought that Jordan would have been out for sure because Jaylen went faster then light which was hard to do in my hero but no.

Jordan made a portal at the last second and came out behind Jaylen. He reached his max speed which was fast than Jaylen and cocked his fist back. He pucnhed into his back which broke almost everyone bone in Jaylens body.

Jordan made another portal which made him teleport to the ground. He made a portal for Jaylen which was nice of him and he was thrown out to the ground.

He had white eyes with foam coming out of them. "The winner is Jordan fall!" Fireworks went off again when the headmaster said that.

The headmaster came down to the ground and held his hand up.

This fight was something to watch. He used his portals perfectly for someone in my hero. I could see why he was a top student in the grade.


(AN: So um..What would you think about a vigilante mc.

You know how class 1-A is trying to get izuku back in the manga?

It'll be like that basically.

I'll do it if you guys want to but it's up to you. I dont want to make him a vigilante without your thoughts.)