
Chapter 54

"Who told you that bro?" Our class was on the bus now.

We were riding to the exam stadium. "It was someone on reddit." said izuku. Apparently, someone on reddit told izuku where he lives at. He was scared for some reason now. Hes acting like he ain't the most broken character in the world. Behind me obviously.

He seemed really worried so I did a quick check. Yep, someone did have it but it's just some 232 pound black kid with glasses and messed up hair. His quirk is literally called lazy. He spends his whole day on the phone, writing novels about being reincarnate with a system that has unlimited points.

What a weirdo. Anyways, I patted izuku soft hair and said "Its fine. He ain't gonna do nothing." I then took my hand off his head. He put his hands on the part where I touched it and rubbed it.

Guess I called out the wrong weirdo here. "We're here class. Be on your best behavior." The bus then stopped and we got off. The sun was blazing on my skin so I glared at him. He got scared and turned the heat down a little. Even with heat resistance, I still kinda fell it on my skin.


Why the hell is he looking at me only? I decided to ignore him and walked passed him with izuku. When the giant bear saw this, he decided to put his hand on my shoulder. "WHERE ARE YOU GOING? YOU HAVE TO INDRODUCE YOURSELF."

I looked at the hand on my shoulder then looked over to izuku. He sighed and just nodded. The next thing you know is that the huge man was sent flying. He landed in some bushes.

As we walked away, I heard someone talking to aizawa. I looked back and saw a beautiful women. Now usually I would make a move but I cant bring myself to do it. I feel like if take her away from sad sensei then he'll be lonely for the rest of life. I couldnt have my favorite pro hero being left alone like that.

I then looked back and we started walking towards the building. Or we tried to atleast. "Heya friend. What's your name." Said a cheaper version of izuku. He was an actual copy and paste of Izuku. "My name is todoroki. It's nice to meet you." I then extended my hand.

In the background, you could see todoroki with a surprised face. "Nice joke. The names shindo." He then took my hand and squeezed it? I did the same and he screamed out in pain.

"Wasnt even using my quirk." I said in a whisper that only he could here. I then walked away to the main place for real this time.


Smells like ass cheeks. I was cramped inside of a huge room full of students. There was a man on stage, telling us about the hero license thing. As I was standing there, I felt someone grab my crotch. I knew this familiar touch and let her continue. It continued for a while but she suddenly stopped when a horn rang and the walls of the building fell.

Everyone then started splitting up and waited for the actual game to begin. They gave us these tags as we entered and told us to put it on a visible and reachable part of your body. I, being cocky, decided to put them all in the same spot on my chest.

"Alright class. Emergency meeting now." Everyone in the class came over. I think I have more control over the class than ida. "If any one of us gets out in this round then I'm going to have to punish you." They all looked at me funny. "What do you mean by that?" said Tokoyami. I looked at him with a bright smile. "Just dont get out. I want us all to pass that's all."

They all looked at each other then smiled. "Alright. Let's go kick those guys asses." I then put my hand out in the middle. Everyone, including bakugo, put their hand in the middle. We them did one of those things that you do in sports but I forgot the name of it.

I quit playing sports to achieve my dream of becoming the worlds best couch potato.


The announcement just went off. I'm not really a team player so I instanly left the group. "Where are you going?!" shouted izuku. "Dont worry. I'm just gonna take care of the good people first." I was waving them off as I ran.

I soon arrived at the only big obstacle in the challenge. "YOU'VE COME TO ME FIRST? PERFECT! NOW WE CAN INTRODUCE OURSELFS ONCE MORE." I'm not good at describing or writing fights so be prepared for one sentences fight.

I picked up 3 balls and looked at aizawa. He caught me looking at him and started watching me. "LOOKING AWAY IN A FIGHT?" I then mumbled something that only aizawa could hear. I threw the balls and they disappeared. Bear man looked confused but then heard a 'Your out' noise.

I look back at aizawa and he smirked. he then proceeded to look away. "That was too easy man." I then walked away. The bear man had white eyes and was starring me down. He seemed to be pissed and activated his quirk on me.

Everyone suddenly looked over here now. When they did, they saw me flying high in the sky. I could see some teachers like aizawa panicking a bit. As i was in the air, I decided to straighten myself out. I looked down and saw how everyone was starring at me.

I happened to get more balls from that guy so I decided to put them to use. I saw a group of students looking dumbfounded and decided to go to them. I immediately shot down to those students and landed in between them. A huge cloud of dust then flew up into the air.

It was dead silent. That's when your heard 3 'Your out' sounds. Those 3 students flew out of the dust cloud and passed out around me, forming a circle? A triangle?

I got up from my kneel and dusted my clothes off. That's when everyone in class started running towards me. "That was awesome!" said Kirishima. "Yea that was so cool. I hope they have that on replay." said kaminari. Everyone else said things and it made me blush.

"Okay guys. It's time to focus. Let's get the most as a class." They all cheered and left besides izuku. "Are you that impressed" I said while walking away. He suddenly grabbed me by the wrist. "That was dangerous Kenji. You could have hurted yourself or even the students."

I was about to slap him but the ground started shaking. "Izuku!" He knew what I meant and jumped up. I caugh his leg and we floated in the sky. "So you can fly huh. Intresting." said shindo. "Do you have points to qualify yet?" Izuku nodded seriously. "Let's just wait out here. We are suppose to go back but they didnt say we couldn't stay. We can also help out our classmates."

Izuku nodded at that statement and used black whip to swing around. We arrived at a tall pillar of metal and sat up there. I dangled my feet while izuku just stood up.


"500m north." Izuku then threw 6 balls in that direction. He threw 6 at one person just in case he missed. "My turn now." Izuku nodded his head and started looking around. "Minas in trouble! 100m north-west. I then got 3 balls and threw them. They hit the target right on point.

I could see mina being relieved. "Alright. The announcement should be going off soon." He only nodded. Thanks to izuku, the metal pillar was holding up. He was using black whip to tie it down. "We did good. These next challenges are gonna be a breez." Izuku finally turned off serious mode and smiled.

"Yea. I feel like it might be a civilian rescue training." Izuku then sat down next to me and started dangling his feet. "Kenji. What do you think about heros?" I was surprised by the weird question. "I think that they are cool people. The way they save people and can reassure them is what I find being a hero is truly about."

Izuku laughed a little at my answer. "I think that you should save people with a smile Kenji. That can reassure them. Especially with your face." I also laughed a little bit. "I am beautiful huh. Anyways, always smiling ain't for me. You can do that." I then stretched my fist out a little. He put his out aswell. We then bumped fist.

"Let's become number one kenji." Izuku then got up. "I'll be number one. You can be my sidekick if that's what you mean." Izuku then started laughing alot. "Let's go. Everyone in class is probably waiting on us." I then got up. Izuku then activated float and jumped up in the sky.

I grabbed onto his legs and we started going towards the rest zone. He deactivated black whip, and the metal pillar started falling. It then hit the ground and caused a huge bang. Dust flew everyone but we were so high that it didnt effect us.


"What took you guys so long?" said bakugo. I shrugged my shoulders then sat down next to him. "We were gonna be bored in here so we decided to stay out and help everyone else." He seemed to have accepted this answer.

"Congratulations guys. We all passed the first part." When I said that, they all cheered. It attracted everyones attention but we payed it no mind. "Its time for the second part of the exam. Please listen up." said that old man. He then explained to us that the second part of the exam is a rescue operation.

People seemed relieved for some reason. After a couple of minutes of more explaining, the bell rung again. The walls then fell down again. This time, there were only cities. They were in different spots of the field. "You may now begin." said the old man.

When bakugo heard this, he immediately tried to leave. I didnt allow him and I grabbed him by the wrist. "What is it bastard!?" I pulled him closer to my face. "Don't scream at those people. You better have a smile on your face when you save them."

He seemed confused. "You tend to get mad easily. I'm just saying not to show it to the people that you're saving. Your trying to keep them calm while helping them escape. If you seem heated then the people are going to worry." I let go of his wrist and he nodded.

"Alright guys. Let's go save some people." We all then went into groups and went separate ways.


"Lift up this rubble for me." Izuku then used black whip and moved out some of the huge rocks for me. There was a child stuck under here and I told izuku which pieces to move. If you move the wrong ones then someone could get really hurt.

"Take my hand." I then extended my hand towards the child. He took it and I pulled him out safely. "Are you okay?" The child then looked at me and smiled. I looked at izuku and nodded aswell. "Go find more. I'll be back in a second."

Izuku nodded and left. I then picked the child up and told him to hold on. He held on tight and I ran. "We're here." I then sat the child down. "S-So fast." I then called over one of the students who were in charge of helping the injured and told him to check up on him.

I then ran back towards izuku. As I was running, I heard a loud noise. I knew what this meant.


Almost everyone was fighting with gang orca. Well his subordinates. Me and izuku however was fighting the boss himself.

"Let's do this." I extended my fist. Izuku nodded with a smile and did the same. We bumped fist and started.

I ran towards gang orca while izuku just sat back, waiting. I arrived in front of his face and threw a small punch to his stomach. There was so much power in the punch that you could see dust fly up. He barely managed to catch the punch and threw me away towards izuku at fast speeds. I wasnt going directly at izuku body but just above it.

As I was about about to pass over izuku head, I put my hand out. He caught it and flew with me. We both then spun around. I decided that it was time and perfectly aimed izuku towards gang orca. I then released izuku and he came flying at him like a green missile.

Gang orca was shocked by the speed and couldnt react in time. Izuku then kicked gang orca in the face and he flew back. That wasnt the end tho. Izuku immediately grabbed gang orca with black whip and swung him around. He then threw him in my direction. He came at me at high speeds but it was still slow in my eyes.

I extended my hand slowly and punched. Gang orca flew into my punch and immediately stopped moving. He then fell to the ground and passed out.

"Nice izuku." I came up to him and high-fived him. "He has a powerful quirk so we had to end this fast." Izuku nodded in agreement.

"Well now that the main boss is down, let's go save some more people. Im sure that his subordinates are already defeated." We both then walked away. Little did I know was that the whole thing was being shown on the bug screen. I was too busy having fun to notice. It didnt matter tho. Just proves that I'm- No, we are the strongest.


"The exam is over. You can stop now." said the old man. "We will tally all your points then tell you your score. Also, if you received any injuries then go to the medical ward." he then stepped forward a little bit on the stage and a huge screen appeared.

Everyone in class was on the board. Including mine ofcourse. I saw some other people but they didnt matter. "The conductivity of this was completely logical. We based this on how well you reacted to a situation and how well you saved the people in that situation."

The man then pointed at me. "This young man has reached a perfect score of 100. No one has ever done that in history. Not even all might. But that's not all. The young man next to him has also achieved a impressive score that no one has ever gotten before. He obtained one less than first place. 99 points."

All might apparently set the record with 98 points. I turned towards izuku and saw that he a couple of tears in his eye. I thought for a moment and smiled. "Good job izuku. You and I are both one step closer to surpassing him." Izuku whiped his eyes then looked at me.

He smiled deeplyed with his eyes closed. "Thank you Kenji! I dont think I would have gotten this far without you." I smiled and turned away. "Let's give them a round of applause." The man then started clapping. Everyone immediately followed and did the same.

I rubbed the back of my head and blushed a little. Izuku was also doing the same. I looked up and saw my favorite erasure hero smiling and clapping aswell. I kept looking around and finally saw her. It was toga who was disguised as another student. She smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Now that that's over. You can all leave." The man then walked away and all of the claps died down. All of our classmates then came up to us and congratulated us. Even bakugo said some words of praise. "Thanks guys. And congratulations aswell. You all passed." I was very happy at the fact that only our class passed with every student in it.

"It was thanks to you I guess." said bakugo. "I was in a bad mood today and I think that you helped calmed me down." I walked over to him amd patted his shoulders. I smiled at him then kept walking away. "Let's go guy." I then walked away and everyone followed.

We then had one of those freeze frames moments where I was in the front while everyone behind me was also frozen. I dont know how to really describe it but oh well.


"Those two actually defeated me. They had such amazing teamwork aswell." said gang orca, while clutching his face and stomach. There was multiple teachers here in this room including my favorite erasure head. "Aizawa. Who are those two?" Aizawa then looked up and said.

"Those two? Well, they are a unique duo. The one with the white hair Is Kenji skies. The winner of the sports festival. He's weird and kinda arrogant at times but he has the fight to back it up. That green haired boy, Izuku midoriya, is the 'shy' type. He only really shows his true self around Kenji. He's also very intellectual and has an amazing fighting power. Honestly, they really are different kinds of people, but somehow work out just fine with each other. Kenji also inspires his classmates to push themselves. I've said it before but they see him as a obstacle for their goals."

All of the teachers had to digest what they just heard. "So basically, one is outgoing and the other isn't but they both get along very well?" said aizawas lover. He only nodded his head.

"That's amazing actually. I've heard that he helped with the capture of that big villian aswell." said a teacher with a no correlation to the story.

"Yes. I quite like the boy. He helped my son grow at an absurd rate over these last couple of months" said endeavor. "They are both amazing kids. I honestly think that they could become a even bigger symbol than I was when they get older" said skinny might.

Everyone nodded. "A new Symbol of Peace and a Symbol of Hope, maybe?" said all might under his breath. Everyone still heard it tho and became shocked at what he was saying.

(AN: I got this from that one my hero fanfic where the mc is that dude from one piece. The one with light powers. I think Its from that fanfic atleast.)

"Are you serious all might?" said midnight. He only nodded. "This generations symbol has 'died.' Bringing back not only one but 2 symbols would surely cause everyone to be more at ease" said Mt. Lady. Everyone seemed to agree.

"Its time for me to leave. All of my students are waiting for me." Aizawa then got up and left. He did push his chair in by the way. "I think that this is the first time that he's been so interested in a class." said the pro hero: Joke.(That's her hero name right?)

"I agree. He's never been so interested an any class before this one" said principal nezu. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. "Well, things are just beginning. Let's see just how far those two will go" said all might.


"Then he just blew me away. If he wasnt yelling then maybe I would have taken him a little more serious." I was talking to the everyone in the class right now outside of the exam arena. They wanted to know why I was sent flying in the air in the first round.

As I was telling them my story, izukus twin came up. "Thanks for saving me. That could have been bad." A little flashback real quick.:

Me and izuku was going around and saving people. We then found shindo, izukus twin, saving a old lady. He seemed fine but we still offered to help. He declined it immediately tho.

We looked at each other then kept walking. That's when a huge piece of rubble fell towards him. He didnt react in time and probably would have suffered some major injuries if me and izuku wasnt here.

He used black whip and caught almost all the rubble that was falling. The rest that got past him was destroyed in a single hit by me. "Th-Thank you." said shindo. I then came over to him and helped him with the old lady.

We decided to head back to the medical ward with him. Izuku saw that we didnt need any more help and left to go save some other people. That's the end of the flashback.

"No problem man. We may have gotten off on the wrong foot but I wouldn't hold that against you." I then extended my hand. "I'm Kenji Skies. Nice to me you."

He then extended his hand and shook them. Izuku also offered his hand and he shook it. He said some final words then left with his classmates.

"Where is he at? He's taking forever." I was talking about sad sensei. As I was saying that, he appeared from no where. Well, to the others atleast. "Finally. Took you long enough." Aizawa then walked up to us. Im just now saying this but I'm a actually little taller than him.

"Kenji. Midoriya. Everyone. I'm proud of you all. You really impressed me." He gave us all a happy smile. He then turned to me. "I also saw that you managed to come up with another special move." I was surprised when he said that. Yea, I did us it but I didn't know that he was watching.

"Show us kenji!" said Kirishima. The whole class then formed a circle around me. I sighed and did as I was told. "Kirishima. Can you help me demonstrate?" He nodded and came out of the circle. "Alright watch closely guys. I call this move: Now you see it, now you dont." Terrible name but still.

I the clasped my hands together then opened them. A bright yellow light soon came out. The whole class was amazed, even aizawa. I then proceeded to punch Kirishima in the stomach. He instantly fell unconscious. "See. This is the perfect move." I then picked Kirishima up and carried him to the bus.

I got on the bus and sat him down in the first seat. He looked like a corpse. Everyone then started getting on the bus. It was around 2:30 now. Everyone at eris school knew me and also knew that I wouldn't be able to come today. They were sad but they knew that I was getting my hero license card. Speaking of my hero card, I got mine. It was like a dark gold with black in it. It had my information and a picture of me on it aswell. Everyone else's card was yellow.

I walked to the last seat in the back and put my earphones in. I wasnt tired but I just knew that I couldnt keep a conversation going on if someone talked to me. I started playing some music and looked out the window. A couple of seconds later, someone sat down next to me.

You know who it is so I dont need to tell you. He didnt day anything because he probably knew that I was tried or something. He then pulled out his phone and went to the camera app. He got closer to me and took a photo with his card in the other hand.

The photo was just me looking out the window with izuku flexing his hero card. "I'm going to send this to all might." When I heard that, I smiled a bit and continued looking out the window.


"So papa!? Did you get one?" said eri. I was home now and as soon as I opened the door she jumped in my arms and asked me this question. I kissed her on the cheek and smiled. I motioned toga over to me and brought her in for a hug aswell.

"I got it. Do you want to see it?" She got very happy and shook her head. I released toga from the hug and sat eri back down. I walked to the couch and told them to follow. We arrived at the couch and I sat down. Eri was on my lap while toga was sitting on my right.

----- Just a visual representation. | hallway |

| to bed- |

(TV) aka living room | rooms. |

[____eri mc toga____] -The couch


hallway from the door


(Kitchen area)

I then pulled out the golden card. "So beautiful. Its matches you papa." said eri. I chuckled a bit and handed it over to her. "Woah. It has all of papa's information on it." said eri. She continued looking at it for a while then gave it to toga.

Toga inspected it and was also happy. 'I wonder if she wants to be a hero?' I couldnt help but think that. "Good job. You deserve this." She then kissed me on the cheek. Eri, who saw this, did the same thing on my other one.

I blushed a bit then got up. I picked eri up and swung her around playfully. Toga only giggled when she saw this. I then put eri back down and proceeded to pick toga up. I also swung her around and she laughed alot aswell.

I put her back down and sat down myself. I then wrapped my arms around the both of them and brought them closer to my chest. "I love you guys." I then kissed toga on the head and did the same thing to eri "We love you too papa."

I was very happy at this moment. I smiled and closed my eyes. Im very thankful for this reincarnation god. Im very glad that I was able to get this chance at a new life. I'll pay you back in due time.

When I opened my eyes, I saw that they were both asleep. I teleported infront if the couch and caught them before they hit each other. I placed eri on my back and picked toga up and carried them to the bedroom. I snapped my fingers and they changed into some nightwear. I placed them in bed then got in myself.

I turned off all the lights in my house and slowly closed my eyes.


I should stretched this chapter out into multiple ones but its fine. I think.

qu3n_creators' thoughts