
OP From The Start ( New World )

After saving Earth, Yao Yan goes to the other world through a warm hole because of Earth's security.

DaoistRuan · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 20. Jealous Wuyue

The next day, Yao Yan was preparing to leave when there was a knock on the door of his room.

" Yes, come in." Yao Yan said in a half-asleep

Shortly after the gate opened, he felt that someone's hands were caressing his cheeks.

Yao Yan slowly opens his eyes, "Master, how are you?" He slowly sits down.

"nothing much , just came to see you," her face was blushing while speaking, she spoke again "Remember what you told me, okay?"

"What did I say" , Yao Yan was thinking,

Wuyue glared at him and said, " forgot so soon , you promised to send me a daily letter, and and …" She stopped as she spoke ,her face turned red with blush

" and.., what master"Yao Yan asked wuyue teasingly " say something "

"Nothing, I didn't say anything." Wuyue wanted to change her words, but Yao Yan remained adamant, until Wuyue finally had to speak.

"You promised me that you would send me letters every day, and not interact with any other girl, just saying... was..." Wuyue could only speak until her voice choked with shame.

Yao Yan looked at his master's blushed face and in his heart felt like want to tease his master.

"uff.., Master looks so cute, blushing," Yao Yan involuntarily put his hand on his heart, but the sound came out of his mouth

As soon as Wuyue heard these words from Yao Yan's mouth, her face turned even redder, and she lowered her face, as if she was too shy to make eye contact with Yao Yan.

Immediately there was silence, both started feeling akward, no one was able to speak to each other.

Finally, Yao Yan broke the silence and said, "Master, are you jealous that I will go out and flirt with more girls?" Yao Yan spoke without thinking.

As these words echoed, Wuyue looked at him, and Yao Yan immediately put his hand over his mouth, "What am I talking about, instead of making a point, I have messed up."

"Master, I'm sorry, I was just joking, I know I shouldn't say so much, so I'm sorry, pretty

please" and started making a cute face

Wuyue didn't get angry after listening to him, instead she felt as if someone had found out the truth about her.

She was thinking to herself, "Am I really jealous, I am a powerhouse that no one dares to even look at, today I am jealous, have I gone mad?"

Wuyue went deep into herself, but immediately she came to her senses after hearing Yao Yan's apology, she could not say anything to Yao Yan, and turned away and left immediately,

Yao Yan was horrified to see her go without saying anything, "This time Master seems very angry, didn't even talk to me, maybe I joked too much," he himself started feeling guilty.

On the other hand, as soon as Wuyue left Yao Yan's room, her heart started beating very fast, her face turned red , she put her hand on her heart and started breathing heavily,

" Yan'er looked so cute right now, uff, drove me crazy, would have given me a heart attack , but what if a girl seduce him while him going out ,what if she prapose him to marry her , and what if Yaner marry her , What will happen to me then, But now I have come without speaking to him, because of this he will be angry with me and who knows, he did not even speak to me, he starts hating me, so what will I do? I am going crazy thinking ,

oh my god what is happening to me " Wuyue started to have different kind of thought in her mind.

She could not understand what is happening with her, this feeling was for the first time for her, so she could not understand these feelings, and was getting confused.

"Should I go back to talk to him, if Yaner doesn't talk me now, what will I do if he gets angry with me and started hating me ," Wuyue was pacing around restlessly. many wild thoughts were raging in her mind

But then Deacon Sun called her from behind and bowed down and said, "sect master , It's time for young master Yan to depart, so please send him quickly , people are waiting outside." But as she looked up and looked at Wuyue's face, Her face was frozen, Wuyeu didn't pay attention to her words, she was lost in her own thoughts, not even realizing that Deacon Sun was standing in front of her, talking to her .

"What happened to the sect master today, for the first time in my whole life I have seen the sect master so worried and distressed, what kind of problem came in which made her so worried " Deacon was in awe .

Deacon spoke again loudly to Wuyue "sect master, sect master, it's time for Master Yan to leave, please inform him a word"

This loud voice brought Wuyue to her senses, she looked at Deacon and said "Deacon Sun, I didn't even know when you came."

"Yeah, how would you even know , when you were in deep thought ," Deacon thought in herself.

She repeated again "sect master, send Master Yan over, people are waiting outside, it's time for them to leave"

" umm, hmm , okay , " Wuyue just said , she was even more nervous , that she might not see Yaner for a few days , and now that he was angry with me , maybe he never came back , and marry some girl and stay there, what to do .

Seeing Wuyue's behavior, Deacon clutched her head and muttered to herself, "Sect Master is behaving strangely today, what's wrong with her, I guess I'll have to go and talk to Master Yan." And from there she stood up and entered Yao Yan's room

Yao Yan was also in the same condition in the room, he was also in deep thought, he kept the gate of his room open, forgot to lock the gate, when Deacon came in,

she saw Yao Yan worried like Wuyue, She said to herself with a strange smile, "What's going on today, both master and disciple are acting the same way," but she went to Yao Yan and said, " Master Yan, it's time for you to leave, hurry up"