
Only you: Always and forever ( Remastered version)

"I reject," the shrill scream of Madison echoed from across the hall into the drawing room. Her eyes were wide and watering, and she looked as pale as a sheet when she remembered who she was talking to. A shudder of fear ran down her spine, but she couldn't help it. "Well, I dare say you will!" the loud and imposing voice of the Earl of Clanford echoed across the room. He looked significantly older, as if he had aged over a decade, but that didn't stop him from being as red as fire, consumed by anger that his youngest daughter would dare to talk back to him and defy him. However, Madison was too preoccupied to notice. Her heart pounded, and her palms were sweaty as her father's words kept resounding in her mind until it finally sank in: Robert Williams, the renowned Duke of Frostway, had just asked for her hand in marriage. Madison Salypse commands attention with her mesmerizing beauty and an indomitable spirit that matches her fierce determination. Her presence in Clanford is magnetic, drawing admirers from every corner, yet she knows exactly what she wants from life and possesses an unyielding resolve to attain it. However, Madison's journey takes an unforeseen twist when she encounters the enigmatic Robert Williams, the esteemed Duke of Frostway, and finds herself bound to him in marriage against her heart's true desires, for societal expectations hold little sway over her. Robert, a man of impeccable reputation, is celebrated for his charm and grace, leaving every young lady in London yearning for his affection. Yet Madison, unlike her peers, glimpses beyond the Duke's facade. She discerns a hidden complexity, a man with secrets and layers yearning to be unveiled. As their worlds collide, Madison and Robert become ensnared in a dance of emotions and intrigue. In a society where appearances often obscure reality, their interactions evolve into a delicate balance between their inner conflicts and the roles they are obliged to assume.

jenny ash · História
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs


“We all need our pleasure now don’t we?”

She stared at him disgustingly. “And you claim women are the users” he stepped closer again and she moved back once more.

“We all use each other but at least I am not a hypocrite.”

“Aren’t you?” she felt him cage her with his arms at both side of the wall, she didn’t know when she had reached the wall but what she knew is that was no space to retreat now.

“Certainly not” he stared down at her in her red satin gown flowing in the wind and her hair bristling around her face, she looked alluring to him at that moment.

“I don’t believe you. You may think all women are hypocrite but you are the biggest one because even after claiming to despise them your still in their company, and whatever reason you have is simply an excuse".