
Only you: Always and forever ( Remastered version)

"I reject," the shrill scream of Madison echoed from across the hall into the drawing room. Her eyes were wide and watering, and she looked as pale as a sheet when she remembered who she was talking to. A shudder of fear ran down her spine, but she couldn't help it. "Well, I dare say you will!" the loud and imposing voice of the Earl of Clanford echoed across the room. He looked significantly older, as if he had aged over a decade, but that didn't stop him from being as red as fire, consumed by anger that his youngest daughter would dare to talk back to him and defy him. However, Madison was too preoccupied to notice. Her heart pounded, and her palms were sweaty as her father's words kept resounding in her mind until it finally sank in: Robert Williams, the renowned Duke of Frostway, had just asked for her hand in marriage. Madison Salypse commands attention with her mesmerizing beauty and an indomitable spirit that matches her fierce determination. Her presence in Clanford is magnetic, drawing admirers from every corner, yet she knows exactly what she wants from life and possesses an unyielding resolve to attain it. However, Madison's journey takes an unforeseen twist when she encounters the enigmatic Robert Williams, the esteemed Duke of Frostway, and finds herself bound to him in marriage against her heart's true desires, for societal expectations hold little sway over her. Robert, a man of impeccable reputation, is celebrated for his charm and grace, leaving every young lady in London yearning for his affection. Yet Madison, unlike her peers, glimpses beyond the Duke's facade. She discerns a hidden complexity, a man with secrets and layers yearning to be unveiled. As their worlds collide, Madison and Robert become ensnared in a dance of emotions and intrigue. In a society where appearances often obscure reality, their interactions evolve into a delicate balance between their inner conflicts and the roles they are obliged to assume.

jenny ash · História
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs


Is that your way of saying you do it because you people cannot afford a common gardener” Rosette looked at her with an innocent expression concealing her negative thinking.

Feeling her anger build up, she tried to calm herself down. She was always quick to get angry and she knew that was her worst attribute.

“I said we do, I just like planting them because they make me happy and they are always gorgeous.” she thought that maybe Rosette wasn't as nice as she guessed.

“Well I think they are ugly.”

Rosette raised her little legs and started stumping the flowers breaking their stems and destroying them.

“No please stop noooo.”

Madison kept trying to beg her but the girl refused to stop, seeing that almost all the plants were destroyed she pushed Rosette from the plant which resulted to her falling on the ground and she in return having a horrified expression on her face.

“I am so sorry.”

She reached out to help her but Rosette only pushed her hands away looking at her with anger while her cheeks had turned a deep red.

“what’s going on here. ” she heard her father's voice as he approached them due to the noise of her cries from earlier while begging Rosette to leave her plants alone.

And suddenly she heard her crying looking down she felt her lips part as Rosette was now holding her hand which was bleeding, she didn’t have any injuries when she fell so when did her palm start bleeding?

But she didn’t have much time to think as her father pulled her by the arm to face him while rosette mother and sister helped her up.

“What happened here Madison, why are you all out here?” she saw her sister and Marcus coming towards them and she shivered due to the intensity her father was looking at her.

“She pushed me” She heard rosette say accusingly,

“No I…

“Liar, I was here when you pushed her” sherry turned over to look at her mother who was tending to Rosette injury.

“I only pushed her because she wouldn’t stop stepping on my plants after I told her to stop”

“That's not true”

Rosette had a pitiful expression on her face “I told her the flowers were pretty and she should teach me how to grow them, but she told me it was not for girls like me and that I won’t be able to do it and when I asked her why she pushed me saying I was a little spoiled girl” she busted into more tears again.

“That’s a lie, ask Eli” seeing the murderous expression on her father face as his grip on her hand tighten she frantically looked for her sister.

“Ellison?” she had her father ask

“Ellison wasn’t here we both went to the other side to see the sunflowers” Marcus said with a little smile she saw dancing on his lips and she suspected she was being trapped.

“Father I did not do…

“Shut up” he jerked her closer as he pointed a finger to her face warningly “just shut up, you have always been a disgrace but this is unacceptable, I want you to apologize right this instance”

“There will be no need, we are leaving”

The duke sent her father a scandalous look before bending down to see his daughter hands. and while following his movement with her eyes Madison sported a stone with blood on its tips next to Rosette, and she was undoubtedly sure that rosette had injured herself intentionally and that was the prove, but she knew no one was going to believe her,

“please wait” she saw her mother step forward towards them ”not until she apologize” upon saying that the whole group looked at her, she was about to ague but upon seeing her sister shake her head sternly, she gave up, casting her head down she spoke.

“I am sorry Rosette”

She raised her head up and seeing her smirk she felt herself boil with fury, she desperately wanted to expose her but she knew there was nothing she could say that will make them believe her.

After the langards left, her father turned to her with his full rage in check.

“What have you done” she took a sharp intake of air as he shook her hard “answer me, why did you do that”

“She is lying father I didn’t…”

“Enough! Enough is a enough I have had enough with your bad character, you miss class, play in the dirt, disobey instructions and now you talk back”

“But father …


Her father had hit her so hard which resulted to her falling down and crying “did you know that the langards where the ladder to my success and you broke it, all because of what? Your sheer stupidity”

“Simon she is just seven” her mother tried to step in.

“And so what”

He turned back to look at her “just seven and creating this much havoc and she a girl to make matters worse , just a useless girl who won’t stay In my house anymore.” he was now yelling as he saw all his hopes crashing in front of his eyes.


Greetings, cherished readers! Your journey through this chapter has surely been a delightful one, and I am thrilled to have you along for the ride. Be prepared to immerse yourself in the enchanting and captivating love story that revolves around our central character Madison. As the pages turn, secrets will be unveiled, emotions will run deep, and love will blossom in the most unexpected and heartwarming ways. Stay with me, for the adventure is just beginning, and it promises to be a tale you won't want to put down.

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