
Only if it's him

"Mr.Anan, what if I agree to marry you?", she asked. Anan stood up without saying anything. She gave a confused look. "Let's go and register", said Mr.Anan, leaving her speechless. "Let's keep our marriage a secret", she asked him. He thought for a while. "Until one year.", he said to which she simply nodded. She was a beauty, who had a terrible IQ. But she was a kind-hearted person which made her life miserable. But her life changed after Anan entered her life. Mr.Anan Mishra, one of the top young businessmen and the grandson of the top businessman, Mr Rajesh Mishra, the founder of "MEDIA SCORE". Mr.Anan was a dream boy to every girl. He was the main content for the paparazzi. And numerous rumors were flying about Mr Anan. Every alternative day, we would see his handsome face in some magazine. As Aditi saw one of the articles, she thought, "to a new beginning." but... Did she know a tragedy awaiting her... a known forgotten truth is going to change everything...? P.S : The characters and the description is complete fiction. I hope you guys will enjoy the plot without bringing up the logic and facts :-)

Haruthedreamer · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
141 Chs

Chapter 127: Noel...Noel...

Varma's house.

"Miss Lia this....", Butler stared at Lia who was scrolling her Insta.

"Blurt it out...what are you standing there for?", Lia arrogantly spoke as her face had a disdain for him.

"Miss Mr.Sid was released from the station and the police officer your father bribed was suspended.

Lia frowned as she felt instant irritation.

"Who the hell is tired of Living? You start the car and take me to the DREAM.", Lia spoke as she dialed Roma's number.

"Sister Lia our plan didn't make him stay in the jail for long.", Roma was clearly agitated after baring that she was a victim of sexual assault.

"He might have walked out of the station but not the people's opinion. I will take care of it. You will see how doomed he will be in the next 24 hours.", Lia hung up as she dialed a number.

The call was answered.

"Miss Lia what an honor to get a call from you...Please do tell me if you have any important work.", The guy from the other side spoke as Lia entered her car.

"Sid was released despite he assaulted a woman. He should be in all the top searches. Try buying the top searches and make sure to let the public hate him to the core.", Lia spoke.

"Rest assured Miss, you will see people accusing him in a few minutes.", The other person spoke as Lia hung up the phone.

DREAM entertainment.

After adjusting to the shocking news they just received, they entered the meeting room.

"So is Mr.Anan here for helping his wife?", Vera took the courage to speak as she started at Anvi.

"No Sister Veera, he is just here to see you guys. Noel, did you get what I asked for?", Anvi spoke as she stared at Noel who is now busy admiring his Idol.

"Noel...Noel...", Anvi spoke again as she saw him at Daze.

"Haa...Sister, I've contacted the manager of the DUCE the place where the accident occurred but they claimed that the recording was not recorded and just avoided meeting us.", Noel spoke in a hurry.

"Hmm...get me my laptop.", Anvi spoke as Sandy passed her the Laptop as she connected it wth the projector in the room. Except for Anan and Sandy, Everyone stared at her not knowing what she is doing.

"Find the internal base you may find them in a hidden folder.", Anan speaking made them feel more confused as they simply stared at the large screen in silence.

After a quick nod in one minute, she clicked a row of codes as she pressed enter. The footage of that date appeared one by one from all angles. Sid widened his eyes in shock.

"Didn't they say the recording was not recorded?", Sid's Manager spoke as he stared at Anvi who was now staring at the row of videos.

Anvi clicked the pause button as the video started to play...in that video, Sid was seen helping Roma from gangsters as he was fighting the gangsters, but all of a sudden one of the men pulled out a knife and slitted Sid's arms, and then Roma suddenly started to shout of loud tearing all her clothes.

Sid who just turned back was shocked by her appearance as he turn his back on her, still, the shameless woman didn't stop but shouted for help. Another man hit Sid's head with a rod...soon Sid lost consciousness. She then signaled the 2 men to go as she started to shout for help.

When the attendant came to check...they saw Roma on the floor shivering while she helplessly cried.

Anvi paused the video as she started at the people who were staring at Sid in shock.

"Tsk...Tsk...she is more shameless than we imagined her to be.", Bailey spoke as she sighed.

"Manager...the news of Sid's bail came out...people are cursing him for being a jerk and still escaping his punishment.", Sandy spoke as she pressed enter.

A Series of Articles surfaced on the projector screen.

"The famous idol has got power on his back...Is the victim destined to suffer...?"

"DREAM being biased...is it because he has a strong backing...?", Noel spoke two headlines as he felt irritated.

"What the F*** are these reporters thinking of themselves? Don't they have any responsibility to check the truth first ?", Noel was irritated.

"Bailey stay silent for now. Don't address any reporter or give any explanation ", Anvi spoke as she stared at the news articles that are surfacing in the top places.

Sid frowned as he stared at her in disappointment.

"Ms.Anvi I...", Before Sid's Manager could speak...Sid stopped him and signaled him not to say anything.

The manager felt heartache for Sid. By asking not to do anything Isn't she asking Sid to die?

Anan saw the little exchange as his lips twitched yet he was impressed by Sid's actions.

"Sid, when can I expect your new song?", She spoke as she stared at him as if nothing happened.

Sid's manager and the rest were speechless.

"I...I...I'm done with the recordings and the Editing. They are ready to release.", Sid spoke as he composed himself.

"Good...Noel try to find out who created these articles...and dig out the mastermind. That poor actress is just a bait.", She spoke as Noel nodded her head.

"Bro in law I have to leave now. But I hope to meet you often.", Noel shyly spoke as he left the room.

"Sid to not encounter situations like this...I wish you could be more patient with the trolls and misleading information. Once we find the mastermind...We can make an all kill.", Anvi spoke as Sid's Manager understood her intentions at last.

"You mean...", Before sid could complete.

"She meant to let that idiot play all the tricks she has in her hand...we will wait till it gets bigger and bigger...when the time is right we will show what the truth is. Then wouldn't that humiliation be a slap to her?", Bailey spoke as smiled in excitement.

"Indeed...then not only fans of Sid but the people who don't know him will also support him.", Louis spoke.

"So let them come up with their little tricks...they are trying so hard to make you popular...Sid just sit and enjoy the attention.", Veera spoke as she gave out a vicious smile.

Sid stood from his seat and bowed.

"Thank you Ms.Anvi...If not for you my innocence wouldn't be known.", His emotions were at the edge when he saw the video...never in his dreams, did he imagine the truth would be presented this clearly.

"If you feel thank full, I hope your new album brings me more profits then.", Anvi joked as people started to laugh. Anan saw his little woman and felt proud of how she was able to handle the demons.

He wished he could kiss her but resisted as he knew they were in the public.

"Alright then. I will meet you guys later.", Anvi spoke the meeting adjourned.

Anvi and Anan walked towards the top floor which has a secret bedroom. The moment they entered the room. Anan closed the door and lifted her into his arms as she wrapped her legs around him.

"Ahh...you gave me a scare.", Anvi spoke as she stabled herself.

Without giving any further explanation...Anan landed his lips on hers as she felt his passion and impatience. She didn't avoid his improvements as she returned the same passion to him.

When he left her lips after a while. She tried to control her breath as she stared at him with her dazzling eyes.

"You were sexy and breathless back there.", He spoke as his raspy voice gave her butterflies in her stomach.

"Haha...am I getting praised by my boss? Boss, I hope to receive the bonus then.", She teased him as she wrapped her hands around his neck.

"I will make sure to pay you in interest once we go home.", He spoke they smiled as they stared at each other.